Debates & Discussion Between Merida Kax & Ezri Dax

5 years, 3 months ago
5 years, 3 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 3 months ago

The Debates Between Merida Kax and Ezri Dax on Tumblr RP.

The Ezri Dax account has unfortuantly been taken down and I have lost acess to the Merida Kax Tumblr account. Though most of the conversations are either still readable from that blog or from the word documents that I was using to edit my responses.

Unfortuntly their end of two discussions (the one regarding Robo Server Alex and Doom Wads in the Holodeck) along with the mention of Merida regarding Gagh are lost.

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Reassociation and Other Matters


Only you!

Can Stop reassociation!

Ezri Dax

oh yeah….


<3 FREE LOVE! <3


Merida Kax


Hopefully you didn’t take it further than that did you?

Ezri Dax

I did have a one night stand with another. But hey… it was a tense time… being chased by the Dominion and him being an insufferable ass to me. But we worked it out and decided we didn’t want it. All on our own free will, I might add, regardless of the law. We realised that we loved each other but what was past was past. With Lenara, on the other hand… if she walked into my life again… I’m not sure what I’d do. But see? Not every past association has the potential to re-blossom. I mean, a Trill could go lifetimes without seeing a former spouse and then figure maybe they have another shot. But they’ve still managed to have plenty of experiences between then and now and can have a whole new life together. A new start for both. And then maybe in the next life, they may not.

Merida Kax

Two reassociations by the great static! Do have problems with moving on? Though it was a good job it was only a one night stand and you didn’t try to re-pursue that relationship. A one stand and a kiss aren’t serious reassociation offences if they don’t lead any further.

I know that not all past associations will rekindle but the risk is still to great. It doesn’t matter how long the time period is between the original relationship and the reassociation once the reassociation happens the two involved could be become stuck in the past.

It’s not a ‘whole new life’ it’s a old life resurrected and they might not move on in their next life and the one after that and so on. It’s best to constantly seek out new relationships and lovers, leaving the relationships from past hosts behind.

Ezri Dax

How perfectly charming! I am loving these new nicknames I’ve been accumulating. Old man, little one, two-legged, Spotty, now ‘the great static’. I feel so loved <3. Yeah, it’s fair to say I’ve had my fair share of issues letting go of the past.

Okay, you’re right it’s not a whole new life, per se. It is an old life resurrected. But the only two people who can determine the margin between the two are the two in love with one another. That is what I meant - this margin of existence. What is it and how can we really judge it if we’re not privy to each others’ minds? That’s why I think it’s a poor rule and we should just see what happens. Social experiments need to happen if society is going to continue to hold together. Otherwise, without an outlet or forum for persistent questions, society can also disintegrate that way. The only way to prevent that is to keep allowing for open questioning in academic and political debate.

Well on the bright side, I’ve not yet run off with a past paramour. ;) And actually, perhaps if Lenara did suddenly magically appear and ask me to run away with her… I would not be so quick to jump at the chance this time. I never meant that I didn’t want a new life for myself. I do think it is a good thing, a blessing, to be able to unshackle oneself from the past. I just don’t think I like a rule trying to tell me how to do it. Dax never liked something telling it how to think or judge. It’s a free spirit and thinks that everyone should be capable of making a choice - right or wrong and taking responsibility for whatever comes. I think that by allowing that responsibility and freedom into our lives, it keeps our minds free to be open to the larger picture. And with that, I think there would naturally be more consideration for the impact that reassociation could have on the Trill species. But there just hasn’t been enough information about that to say. Only a theory. A sound one, but still, just a theory and theories can change over long periods of time as a society develops.

Merida Kax

The great static wasn’t referring to you. It’s figure of speech I picked up from some insane scientists who captured me in the wasteland.

((But that’s really going into a whole other story, Old World Blues))

Kax is also a free spirit like that but at the same time practical. Not every joined Trill is a free spirit and most would possibly trap themselves in their past lives when they are tempted with reassociating with a past lover.

There was a time when the law on reassociation was revolutionary and while it may be slightly too harsh, it’s the best we have. Also how is someone free when they refuse to let go of past relationships? Doesn’t the law bring control in order to give oneself a greater freedom? Even if it is forced.

Ezri Dax

Ah, I thought you were referring affectionately to my ‘stagnant’ ideas, from our earlier debate. Did that happen recently? How long have you been in the wasteland now?

It may free your mind from having to make a serious decision that may or may not have negative effects, but it doesn’t grant you the freedom of choice and to live with the responsibility. I mean, why just not have laws regulating everything we do in life? Every risky decision? State decides how you live - done, you never have to worry about failing ever again? No, that’s a Borg life and a Borg life isn’t for me.

Merida Kax

It happened a few months ago, in my third week here. I make it about three months and twenty four days since my shuttle craft crashed.

I don’t agree with the sate deciding everything only some things you have to septate the rule of law and anarchy. Comparing a strict rule no matter how bad to the borg is a cheap argument. The Borg are absolute depletion of all culture, thought and will.

By you logic Kahless, Qin Shi Huang, Reclaw, Napoleon Bonaparte, Augustus and Sompek were all comparable to the Borg. It’s about the right balance between law and anarchy.

Ezri Dax

It isn’t the law I’m comparing, but the train of thought leading from needing laws to regulate deeply personal decisions like reassociation. You’re right, it wasn’t an accurate comparison, but I was doing that for dramatic emphasis. Plus, it’s not entirely innacurate - totalitarian and militaristic regimes may unify a land, but they do stifle culture. Not to Borg levels, but still, a lot. Look at Cardassia right now. It’s been under military rule for decades. Their culture has suffered so much to the point where they’ve self-destruct. People like Damar and Gul Dukat now realise they need to have a freer society if they are to survive as a people and a culture.

It’s a law that tells us who we can and cannot love. I’m not arguing for anarchy, either. I’m not calling for a repeal of every law that is put in place to protect us from ourselves, from government, and from fellow citizens.

Merida Kax

I suppose the Romulan and Klingon empires have ‘stifled’ cultures then, if that is the case you should start giving away all your Klingon opera holotapes after all why support a 'stifling military culture’ as you would call it. I know you wouldn’t because the Klingon and Romulans have produced great works of art and music despite their 'stifled cultures’.

Also isn’t the federation in many ways a military dictatorship, remember I’m from a mirror universe and in my universe Trill is an independent planet with it’s own military and decisions in foreign relations. In your universe you seem to be occupied by starfleet. If the federation goes to war, do you go to war with them as well? Are we really an independent planet in your universe or a federation colony?

Ezri Dax

I’m not going to give away my holorecordings. I enjoy Klingon Opera. Maybe not as much as Jadzia or Curzon, but I do.

Yes.  Stifled. And I’ll tell you why. What is stifled is freedom of  expression. I’m not saying that I don’t admire their cultures. I’m not  saying that neither of those cultures has richness or depth to them that  produced great works of art, either,but both empires are dying and I  think they deserve to die. Why? Any enriched culture thrives on freedom  of expression and, with it, the acceptance that culture is in a constant  state of flux. Any civilisation that denies this essence begins to  slowly decay. Like with the Cardassians. Oh yes, great works can still  be produced and certainly appreciated, but I can count on one hand the  number of celebrated writers on Cardassia in the past half-century.

In  my universe I tend to look at the Klingon empire with a little more  skepticism than Curzon or Jadzia did. I see a society that is in deep  denial about itself. We’re talking about a warrior culture that prides  itself on maintaining centuries old traditions of honour and integrity,  but in reality it’s willing to accept corruption at the highest levels.  (( here, using an actual quote from DS9 episode “Tacking Into the Wind”  ))

My point is, it’s not that I don’t  appreciate the peoples of these worlds or what they’ve contributed to  knowledge, literature, and the arts already, and it’s not that I think  my culture is superior, it’s just that I don’t think the system of  governance works to support the culture. That’s why there’s been a lot  of dissent on Romulus, the Klingon Empire, and the Cardassian Union over  the past decade.

Trill is a Federation member state. So,  yes, it’s part of Starfleet and goes to war with Starfleet, but we  still retain our own culture. All member states have. We’ve just bonded  over mutual goals for peace and prosperity through diplomacy first and  weapons second. It’s been highly successful and has made everyone  stronger through sharing technology and, of course, having a large  fleet. The largest in the Alpha Quadrant. Working side-by-side for many  years with different cultures has given us a greater appreciation for  them and for learning about even non-Federation cultures. Perhaps you  will get a chance to see for yourself what it’s like.

Merida Kax

You  say that Trill society is under the threat of collapse and that both  Kilngon and Romulan Empires are 'dying' yet you still claim to have  positive outlook. I personally don't see any of this happening but then  again I don't fully know the political situation in your universe. Maybe  in your universe there is more political chaos but the societies you  claim to be dying have endured for hundreds of years and survived worse.  If both empires were to die it would not be a good thing it would a  travesty.

Well I don't see that when I look at the  Klingon empire sure they  maybe not be quite as honourable   as they  make themselves out to be but  corrupt no! Where is the high level  corruption you speak of?  I'm not  say no corruption exists but I never  saw the Klingons as being that  corrupt. The Klingon empire has existed  on principles of honour for  centuries I doubt that would have changed  in such a short time  especially to a degree that it's killing the  empire.

Also doesn’t  every empire have some form of corruption?  Are you saying that the  federation has no  corruption because that is  impossible.

While in your universe we still have our own culture  it sounds like we have no independence. You have a foreign policy  dictated by starfleet and no methods of self defence of your own. That  sounds a lot like a colony or an occupation to me. No matter how noble  the federation tries to make it's goals sound, it sounds like an empire  just like any other.

It's becoming clear to me now you want the  Klingon Empire and Romulan Empire to collapse so the Federation can come  in and fill in the void. You want the Federation to be the dominate  power in galaxy and all other powers to fall.

If there is uprising  on Trill it should be from both Joined and Unjoined Trill alike against  the Federation occupation. I wonder if the Federation is creating the  divisions between the Joined and Unjoined to stop them questioning the  Federation rule. After all isn't divide and conquer a tactic used by all  empires why should the Federation be any different? Except I don't  think the Klingon empire ever has, they are more honourable in that  regard than the corrupt Federation.

Ezri Dax

Again, I kindly remind you that I’m describing the events in my universe. Yours would probably be drastically different.

No…  that’s not what I’m saying. I don’t want the Klingons and the Romulans  to die out so the Federation can move in and claim their territory. And I  don’t mean to say that they deserve to die as in become a cultureless  void - no, that is a travesty, as you said, but it’s not what I meant.  Death can create a change. As I said before, culture is in a state of  flux. A healthy culture, at least. Part of it is dying to be renewed. If  a society tries to deny it, its culture will begin to decay. Maybe in  forty years, maybe in four centuries, but it will sicken and decay.

I  do not blindly adore the Federation. I was going to get to the  Federation, but I felt my letter was already quite long as it stood at  the time. Of course, corruption is everywhere. The Federation’s Section  31 has done something vile - it produced a virus that they hoped would  kill all of Odo’s people, the Founders. Yes, it would win the war  against the Dominion, but it would be committing genocide. I hold  Section 31 in contempt for what they’ve done. And that is just one  example. And I do understand that while the governing body of the  Federation says the same, in reality, they just point a finger but look  the other way when they need Section 31 to do their dirty work done. I  know, I’ve seen what they are capable of doing not just to Odo and the  Founders but to someone I hold dear. So yes. I know.

But the  majority of Federation citizens sincerely do wish for peaceful  coexistence with other cultures. Many of my superiors in Starfleet, like  Captains Janeway, Sisko, and Picard, all feel the same way. I trust  those people and I wish to serve to uphold the qualities of Starfleet  that I believe in. It would not be in the Federation’s best interest to  expand too much, at any rate. It would become unstable.

You may not like what Trill has become, but please try to keep an open mind when you visit this universe some day.

Merida Kax

Yes  in my universe there isn’t even a federation and when I first made  contact with you I was shocked to find that Trill was being occupied by a  foreign power.

In what way is the Klingon Empire corrupt in your  universe? And what level of what kind of corruption are they willing to  except? It still seems to be strange to me the idea of Klingons being  corrupt on that scale.

So if Trill wanted to leave the Federation  and become an independent planet we would be allowed to? Something tells  me the Federation wouldn’t allow that or would try to scare the  population into remaining in the Federation.

Would it then be  possible that this Federation secret police section 31 is widening  divisions between Joined and Unjoined Trill in order to keep Trill as a  member state or to stop them from questioning Federation rule?

Never the less I will have to see your Trill for myself to really get a true sense of it.

Out  of interest I might like to meet my counterpart in your universe, to  see what they think of the federation and the political events. Though I  most likely won’t get a chance to meet myself in your universe, the  chance to meet my double would be intriguing, assuming I haven’t died or  anything in your universe.