Debates & Discussion Between Merida Kax & Ezri Dax

5 years, 3 months ago
5 years, 3 months ago
5 20854 1

Chapter 5
Published 5 years, 3 months ago

The Debates Between Merida Kax and Ezri Dax on Tumblr RP.

The Ezri Dax account has unfortuantly been taken down and I have lost acess to the Merida Kax Tumblr account. Though most of the conversations are either still readable from that blog or from the word documents that I was using to edit my responses.

Unfortuntly their end of two discussions (the one regarding Robo Server Alex and Doom Wads in the Holodeck) along with the mention of Merida regarding Gagh are lost.

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Fried Gagh

Merida Kax

And what’s wrong with fried gagh?

Ezri Dax

Not much. I just can’t stand it, personally.

Merida Kax

I superpose you prefer it live and I agree Gagh does taste better live but it still tastes good fried as well. I suppose you were always quite picky about how you had it.

Ezri Dax

Oh yes… I just love how it wiggles down my esophagus…

Merida Kax

Well that’s one of the best parts about live Gagh isn’t it?

Ezri Dax

*green in the face* Yep.


(( hehe love this gif! ))

Merida Kax

And to think there are 51 different varieties of gagh, I’m almost spoilt for choice.

Ezri Dax

… okay now you’re just trolling me! *Pouts*

Merida Kax

You know seeing as you’ve had Curzon and Jadzia as former hosts I thought you would appreciate Klingon food.

Ezri Dax

I’d blame Tobin, but it’s not entirely, or even mostly, him. He was the vegetarian and squeamish. I think this is actually mostly me. Finally, something I can truly recognise as my own taste :)

Merida Kax

Well I’m glad I’ve never had any hosts like Tobin and I hope none of my future host are as squeamish as you, no offence. But there must be some Klingon food you like right?