Latens Paradis [Arc 1]

7 months, 24 days ago
7 months, 18 days ago
7 41350

Chapter 3
Published 7 months, 18 days ago

Explicit Violence

Finally pushed myself to be brave and write the story of my children.

This is a first draft - some things may be written weirdly or change a little. I'm not much of a writer;;;;

Please enjoy ~ ((_ _*

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Respite In The Unknown

       Following the devastating night of the attack in Pernrith, Yun woke up, startled in a complete cold sweat. She found herself in a bedroom unfamiliar to her. "What was that? It felt like I was dreaming..." she whispered to herself, voice wavering. She tried to recall what had happened just before she blacked out but there was nothing. All she remembered was the horrible pain and fear she felt from that night. The night of the attack. It made her feel dizzy, made her body feel cold and tense. She took deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down, forcing her thoughts into the present. Snapping into reality, she took a quick survey of the room she was in. There wasn't much to look at.

       'I don't recognize this place... "Where am I?' Yun thought to herself as she looked around the room. There wasn't much furniture, but the room itself seemed very comfortable. It was fairly dim and the curtains were closed. Yun slowly rose from the bed she laid in. There was a faint sound of the wind coming through a crack in one of the window panes. Light moved through soft linen curtains as it rose and fell in the breeze. The sound was gentle but still there was something calming about it. Yun stretched her arms over her head. Her limbs ached, like she hadn't used them for ages. And a sharp twinge in her ribs caused her to fold over. She noticed then, the bandages around her torso. Along with dressings covering her arms and face. The room seemed empty so she looked around some more, trying to make out her surroundings. As she began to scan the room, a door creaked open on the far wall and a head poked in. 

       Walking into the room with excitement, a small girl with large ears and multiple tails approached the bed, "Excuse the intrusion! I can't believe you're finally... awake." The girl turned her gaze from the empty bed to the corner of the room where Yun was standing, a shocked expression on her face. 

       Yun was huddled in the corner, her knees tucked close to her body and her hands nearly covering her face. The girl quickly shut the door behind her and stepped into the room, closing the space between herself and Yun. She lowered her voice to a soft tone. "I'm not here to hurt you." The girl bent down slightly as she looked up at the young woman before her. "It's okay. I promise you're safe here. My name's Cherish." Yun slowly peaked her eyes through her disheveled bangs.

       The girl was a young fox, she looked to be a child but it was hard to tell. She was smaller than Yun, about the size of an 8 year old. She had messy blonde hair tied up into high braids and tea green eyes. Her nose and mouth were round, soft. Her ears and tails were large. Her arms and legs were that of a humans, tanned with short fur. She wore colorful garments of pinks and greens. An apron tied over her clothes. She was adorable.

       "We've- well... I mostly have been taking care of you while you were sleeping", Cherish proudly boasted with an undertone of annoyance. The fox continued to look up at her, trying to find her eyes through her hands. Cherish could feel how uneasy Yun was, she was very much scared and panicked. "What's your name, dear?" Cherish softly asked, sitting down on her knees to meet at Yun’s level. "... Yun", she whispered with a stutter. Cherish nodded and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Yun!"

       Yun became more relaxed after Cherish talked her through the last several days and gave her a new change of clothes. After being well enough to stand, she took a bath and cleaned herself up. Cherish explained how she was found passed out, in the forest with multiple injuries. They brought her here for help and tended to her injuries as best as they could.

       Once she was in some clean clothes, Yun sat on a sofa in front of the fireplace, taking in the warmth. She held her arms close to herself and closed her eyes as she absorbed the heat from the flames. Cherish made sure to stay by her side over the hours following her waking, carefully making sure she was coming out of the coma okay. Yun's eyes wandered to the room around her, noticing how everything felt warm and welcoming, "You really don't need to watch me so closely... I'm doing better now." 

       Cherish crossed her arms and leaned her weight onto her left side, "Yeah, yeah... you're not the first person to come in looking so bleak. Don't take your condition so lightly". Yun smiled lightly at her words, feeling grateful for a stranger to be so attentive to her well-being. She found herself at ease by how calming her words were, and she felt more comfortable around the small fox. "Can you tell me how you're feeling now, Yun? Do you recall anything?", Cherish questioned her, hoping she may remember what happened.

       Yun shook her head, "No... I'm sorry". Cherish sighed, "Well... there isn't a rush. You've only just woken. Your body has a lot of recovering to do. I'll bring you some more soup. That should help". Cherish walked towards the door, her tails swinging behind her. She turned around before opening it and faced Yun once again, "Please make yourself comfortable and try not to leave this room, for your sake and mine". She nodded and bowed slightly to Cherish. Cherish smiled back and shut the door. Yun turned her attention back to the fireplace and thought back on the previous night, trying to remember something, anything that had happened.

       'The last thing I remember... was... being at Asu Perdia. Then I heard a strange noise...' She shut her eyes tightly, concentrating hard. 'And then... everything was dark and I felt so cold... There was someone there. Like a large, menacing shadow over me... A monster... It hurt so much. It took everything in my body to try and move... My head and ears were ringing and... that's all I can remember. It feels like... a nightmare... Was I attacked?... by something?... by someone?...' She shuddered, feeling the cold sensation run up her spine and down her limbs. Yun buried herself in her arms, reminding herself to stay calm. Stressing herself further would only make things worse for everyone. She needed to take things slowly.

       Unsurprisingly, Yun was quick to adapt to her new surroundings and always volunteered to help with Cherish's never-ending list of personal tasks. Her now temporary home was a semi-retired inn that Cherish had taken over with her brother, Kouji. It was old but clearly well-loved and charming. Cherish and her brother kept things simple and uncomplicated. It wasn't luxurious but it was definitely cozy. Nestled along a river and surrounded by beautiful forests and mountains. There were two floors. A large main meeting room where they usually sat visitors and a small dining area for those that didn't mind the small space. Each bedroom was small and quaint but there were many rooms spread through the long, winding hallways. Two of the main hallways were rather unique, taking space outside, letting in the ambience of the surrounding nature and light. A lot of the time it felt as though you weren't even indoors. It was like a giant outdoor house, covered by the shade of a forest. The woods around them were lovely and lush and were home to a plethora of plant and animal life. A gentle waterfall could be heard if one was quiet enough and the sound of water rushing was like a lullaby to the ears. It was quiet but not empty, not lonely. There were even plenty of flowers. Cherish took advantage of the forest's abundance, harvesting and collecting anything that could be useful for her homestead habits. She always made sure to leave just as much for the animals as well, and that she only picked what was needed for herself and the guests that stayed with her.

       Yun picked up on Cherish's lifestyle, doing what she could to help her out. She kept a little booklet to note everything that happened in the day, almost like a diary. And made sure to keep up with the tasks given to her, often overworking herself and forgetting her own needs. A habit she just couldn't let go of, even in her less-than-ideal condition. Yun was grateful to be cared for by near strangers that treated her with the utmost respect. She felt like she was one of their own and she hoped that she would be able to find some answers as she recovered.

       A few days after she woke, Yun talked with Cherish over prepping and cooking that night's dinner, a creamy vegetable soup. While dicing various veggies, Yun wondered, "So, Cherish, you told me this is an inn, right? How come I haven't really seen anyone else other than you and Kouji? Is it out of season or something?". 

       Stirring the simmering pot in front of her, Cherish remarked, "Well not out of season per se. More like out of lifespan. In its prime, it was quite popular but now we only get a handful of guests stopping by a year. Mostly by those who've stayed before and like the place. There are inns that are a lot easier to find now and this area is considered quite difficult to traverse, so over time most people just stopped coming. I'm still happy with those that visit though, and the amount of work to keep it running is enough to keep me busy so I can't ask for anything better!", Cherish said with a warm smile. "That and Kouji likes the solitude", Cherish chuckled, turning to look at Yun. "He's always been a little more on the recluse side", Cherish grinned.

       Yun hummed a giggle. It was cute to her how much Cherish liked to talk and the fondness that seeped into her words when she did. She noticed Cherish would speak a lot more when she was doing mundane chores or with other things to distract herself, often babbling away as if she was having a conversation with someone else. It was always entertaining and endearing to listen to her and Yun would listen, or ask questions if she had any, not wanting to pass up the chance of learning about something new.

        After finishing their tasks, the two women sat at one of the many tables, talking as the pot simmered on a slow cook. "You seem like you get along well with him. Kouji, I mean", Yun said as she brought her cup of tea up to her lips, sipping lightly on the still hot drink. Cherish laughed and said, "I would say that! We've grown up together. Been around each other all our lives and I guess we've just learned how to tolerate one another well. Not to say that we don't fight and annoy each other every once in a while!" Cherish joked with a slight nudge towards Yun. She laughed, "Yeah, you guys seem like you really care for each other".

       Cherish's smile grew slightly smaller as her face became softer, "I'm not sure what I'd do without Kouji. Our lives weren't always this peaceful, you know. We're quite a bit older than what you probably think. And a lot has changed. For the better I suppose..." Yun had wondered how old they were but was always a bit afraid to ask. She had a guess at what species they were though.

       "You're voline, right? So are you... I guess around... 120?", Yun said cautiously. Cherish burst out laughing and exclaimed, "Hah! You'd be a lot off! Try a couple thousand, kid! We've seen a lot, not that we remember it all".

       Yun's jaw dropped, "You're THAT old?! But you two don't look older than ten!". Cherish giggled and nodded her head in acknowledgment, "It's the curse of voline kind. We never grow old! Well not in looks at least, but mentally we're very aware. Though it's not all good, sometimes it feels like a burden", she admitted with a bittersweet smile. Yun returned with a small smile and placed a gentle hand over hers. She said softly, "Thank you for taking me in, Cherish". The fox blushed, "Don't sweat it! We'd do this for any other that was in need, and don't you ever think we'll drop you in a bind!".

       Walking past the kitchen was Cherish’s older brother, Kouji. It was clear to see they were related. They both had light blonde hair, a warm skin tone, and who could forget those giant ears and tails. Their outfits were both quite lavish and colorful as well. Though Kouji was a few feet taller than Cherish, and his temperament was much, much more relaxed. 

       "Ah, speaking of which… Kouji!” Cherish called her brother over. 

       The voline walked over and leaned against the arch of the doorway, a cup of coffee in hand and a lazy grin plastered over his face, "You rang?". Yun found it hard not to stare. It wasn't just his outfit that was colorful. The way his bright eyes glimmered was just as intense. But even though his appearance was rather eccentric, he somehow seemed like he fit right in, in such a weird way. Although he was usually off doing his own thing, he took notice of how active Yun was, helping around the place. And would always wave or greet her whenever she happened to pass him.

        He moved his gaze to her, "Why look at you~ It’s only been a few days and you’re already so helpful!” Cherish chimed in, "Yeah, if only my more-than-capable and not injured brother had shown up more often, she wouldn’t have felt the need to jump in" Cherish shot at her brother with a bit of a sarcastic bite. Kouji laughed it off and said, "Ah, ‘capable’. You always have such a way with words, Cherish. This is why I love you, sweet sister". Cherish rolled her eyes with a sigh. Yun gave a giggle at the sibling exchange, finding it a nice break in conversation. 

       "Anyways, I wanted to ask if you've seen Eden? He wandered off this morning and I haven't seen him all day. I know he doesn't usually like to chat, but since Yun is awake and well-rested, it would be good for them to finally meet. If she doesn’t mind, of course~", Cherish said, looking at Yun with hopeful eyes. 

       Kouji piped up, "Actually, I did run into him several hours ago. He seemed to be in one of his ‘moods’ and went off to his room. I doubt he's up to talking".

       Cherish groaned and gave Kouji a knowing glare, "What?! Kouji, why didn’t you tell me sooner?! Ugh, now I feel terrible. He probably hasn't eaten all day, knowing him" She placed a hand over her face and sighed heavily. Kouji rubbed his neck, feeling a bit guilty as he saw the disappointment in Cherish's face, "Ahh… I'm sorry, Cher. He seemed like he wanted to be left alone so I did what I do best and left it alone".

       Yun, having been listening intently to the conversation, chimed in, "Um… Cherish, if you'd like I can take him some dinner. I don't mind, really." Cherish raised her head at Yun, her face looking surprised at the kind gesture. Kouji turned to Yun as well, a little intrigued and gave her an amused grin.

       “Ah, wonderful, thank you! Oh! I almost forgot to mention it. He’s the one who found you that one night and brought you here. I would say this would be a good opportunity to meet him but if he’s not in a good mood, best to leave the food by his door. I don’t want to know what he’s like without a good night's sleep...” Cherish said while moving her hand over her face and shivering a bit.

        Yun froze, ‘That one night.. That was him?’ She thought. She could only recall the one to save her being a looming shadow with glowing eyes. 

       Cherish turned her attention back to Kouji and pointed to him, "Kouji. You're helping me with kitchen cleaning while she's out! It's about time you start doing your chores for the month instead of making a girl do your dirty work!"

       "Ouch, I get it already", he sighed as he held up his hands, giving his sister a lazy smirk as he set down his mug and made his way back into the kitchen.

        Cherish gave Yun a warm smile, "His room is on the left, right by the end of the hall on the second floor. There's only two rooms there so you won't miss it" Yun nodded, walking over to the hot stove, picking up a small bowl of vegetable soup and bread. 

       She made her way down the hallway with a wooden tray in hand, balancing it as she opened a heavy wooden door to the outside. The wind was bitter cold, biting at her exposed skin. It was late evening and the moon had already risen high, the night sky being filled with twinkling stars. Her attire was light for such cold weather but the warmth from the tray in her hands gave her some comfort as she walked across the open hallway. It led her to a smaller one and up a small staircase. The breeze was much gentler up there as the trees rustled quietly around her.

       She walked across the second floor's porch and down another long hallway until she finally spotted his door. The closer she got to it, the more the feeling of nerves bubbled up inside of her. Yun swallowed thickly and tried her best to ignore her thoughts. She had to at least say a word of gratitude to this man who saved her. And hopefully she wasn't too late to give him some food to eat. She stood in front of his door now. It wasn't unlike most of the other doors within the inn. It was a sliding door built of wood framing and sheets of thin, delicate paper. A small lamp burned quietly above his door. She could see shadows move under the door from within his room.

       'Okay. This is fine. Just give him his food, thank him and leave', she thought. 'Why am I so nervous? He saved me after all. If he was going to do anything to me, I would've been dead a long time ago.' Despite common sense, she couldn't shake the image of a giant figure with ice-cold eyes out of her head. But it was now or never.

       Before she knew it, she was kneeling down beside the food and staring at his door. The thought of leaving without saying anything, too cowardly, weighed on her. She sighed. In a shaky but determined tone, Yun closed her eyes tightly and let out her words of thanks to the mysterious person on the other side of the sliding door. "Um... I'm really sorry for disturbing you but I brought you dinner... Cherish wanted to make sure you had something to eat, I mean...", Glancing down at the steaming soup, she continued, "...and I also wanted to say thank you for saving me. It was you, wasn't it?". She felt herself sweating despite the cold, " um.. Thank you and.. so sorry for disturbing you!" Bowing her head quickly, eyes facing the wood flooring.

       As she began rising up, she heard the click of a light within the room and froze. She looked up and saw the same giant figure from that trauma-filled night, muttering low groans as it rose from the floor. The light casting its shadow onto the paper door. Yun didn't know what to do besides apologize again and ran as fast as she could down the long hall. 

       On the other side of the door was a disorientated man buried under a mound of blankets. He caught the smell of something savory, slowly opening the door, groggy-eyed and half asleep. He found the source of the noise: a bowl of warm soup, fresh bread and a little cup of herbal tea. It smelled delicious, a warm aroma that made his mouth water. He kneeled down, reaching a large hand to pick up the bowl and a slice of bread. His eyes trailed down the hallway in confusion before he decided to return back into the comfort of his room, door sliding closed.

❖       ❖       ❖

       The evening ended and Yun returned to her room, rather exhausted despite only being awake for the first time in several days. She must’ve been more injured than she felt. “How annoying”, she muttered to herself, slightly irritated at the thought of having to lay around and rest all day. She knew that’s probably what Cherish would want for her. It’s not that Yun minded having lazy days but given her new circumstances; being in a new place and surrounded by new faces, she couldn’t help but want to explore every nook and cranny. Alas, her body didn’t care for her wants and only weighed her down further until her head finally hit her pillow. 

       She gave in almost completely to herself and laid there, staring at the ceiling in complete silence. Thinking of even moving a finger felt like a burden, like it would take the might of a giant god to lift it. Despite this, she couldn’t seem to close her eyes. Perhaps it was the unfamiliar bedding or the missing decor of her own room. It was all too off-putting. 'No… there’s something else', she thought hard to herself now that she had time to focus on her own thoughts. At that moment, it was like a paused clock started ticking again. Like time began to thaw after being frozen for countless days. Her mind was foggy, disorganized, but the more she stared, the more clarity came to her. '...Oh my god... Mom...!'

       A tidal wave of thoughts hit her like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves of distress across her whole body. She sat up as quickly as she could, now trying to fight the heaviness that plagued her limbs. 'How could I have forgotten her!? All this time...?' A familiar, icy pain grew from the middle of her chest. Her eyes welling with tears that threatened to spill out onto her flushed cheeks.

       'What happened to her?! Where is she?', she couldn't keep her eyes still. She leapt out of bed, as the shock energized her once limp body. Her hand raced to open the door but just as she began to turn the knob, it was already pulled away from her. Someone must’ve been on the other side.

       “Yun? Is that you?”, a soft and gentle voice called out through the small crack of light.

       With eyes wide, Yun froze. 


❖       ❖       ❖

       Eden sat at a low table on the floor and took a sip of the tea, finding the temperature just right to warm his cold body. He ate his food in peace and contemplation; a well appreciated feeling after an exhausting day. Finishing the last of his meal, Eden readjusted himself back into his bed, trying to fall back asleep. Just as he was about to doze off, a soft and ghostly hologram appeared near his bedside. Narrowing his eyes and slowly rolling over to face the uninvited apparition, Eden sat back up and brushed his finger across it. The light grew bigger and brighter, taking shape into what looked to be a close-up image of a man. 

      “Eden,” the man greeted in acknowledgement.

       Eden responded, albeit unenthusiastically, “Advisor”.

       The silence lasted only a few seconds but the man could feel every ounce of Eden’s displeasure through the call. Breaking the silence, the man spoke, “I have a message for you from the council”. 

       The council. What meaningless words. All they had ever done was serve them. What a bunch of brown-nosed fools. “Do you realize how late it is? I’m sure whatever it is can wait until morning”, Eden groaned lowly.

       “My apologies, but this matter is important. I was given orders to speak with you promptly.”

       “Of course it’s ‘important’. When is it not if it’s coming from the lips of the Divine?”, Eden said with faint disdain, his sarcastic tone undetected. “Please, just get on with it”.

       Slightly uncomfortable, the man cleared his throat. “Ahem.. We have been informed of the attack in Pernrith. What an.. unfortunate situation. We have also received word that you may have a witness with you, is that correct?”

       Eden’s eyes grow sharp, “... A witness? Where did you get that information?”.

       “I am not able to give that information to you. But I trust that it’s correct, no? As an order, you are to investigate this incident with the witness and report your findings to us as soon as possible. Your company is also ordered at the citadel to personally report to the Divine.”

       “And if I don’t?”.

       The man paused. This question wasn't surprising in the least bit, as Eden wasn't one to take orders easily. But still, his conviction made the advisor nervous.

       Taking in a small breath, the man spoke slowly and with purpose, "Eden, you know what will happen. We give you all the freedom you need. It can be taken away if necessary."

       "All the freedom I need", he repeated in his mind. This was hardly the case but Eden knew this wasn't a fight he wanted to start, "... I'll do as you ask".

       Satisfied, the man spoke again, "You will be expected within one week's time. Good luck". The man ended the hologram. The bright light faded away, leaving only the shadows and darkness to envelope the room once more. Eden let out a tired groan.

       He turned away and stared out into the darkness. The thought of having to return home so soon weighed heavily on him. His face was twisted with frustration as he clenched his fists into tight balls, fighting away the anger that festered in the pits of his stomach. The silence that filled the room only made the tension between his shoulders grow stronger. He knew they were serious but their threats of punishment never went beyond empty promises. That, he knew for a fact. Still, they were very manipulative with the truth and it made him sick. They only used him when it benefited them. He was their eyes and ears to the outside world. A convenient and naive tool that they could wield when needed. They didn't care about him and he hated that fact the most. But in turn, he used this against them. He wasn't going to follow their commands as an obedient servant. They all locked themselves within Acrux; they needed him. How else would they stay informed without their little "eyes and ears'', Eden thought. He would not be a prisoner, like they were.

       After several moments of calming down, Eden's thoughts then moved on to his 'witness': Yun. How had the council known about her? Was there a mole in Pernrith? It wasn't a possibility he had considered as the Divine strongly opposed their kind from attempting to leave their realm. Even more concerning, would she be even willing to share any information? He wasn't the most friendly or charming individual. If anything, his past experiences had told him just how intimidating he was to others.

       A light knock came from the door, breaking his train of thought. 

       "Hey Eden? I wanted to check up on you, are you doing okay?", Cherish asked through the other side. She was very sweet and concerned, knowing Eden was in no mood to see anyone. But her kindness could never be turned away by him.

       "Oh. Yeah... I'm fine. Come in", he spoke as he pulled the door open. Cherish slowly came inside.

       "Was dinner okay? Yun was kind enough to bring it up for you", Cherish said softly, closing the door behind her. 

       "Yeah, I really needed it. Thank you for the meal. Speaking of Yun... I need you to do something for me. I'm not able to really say why but I need to speak with her as soon as possible about Pernrith. I know it's late but would you please ask her to come tonight? It's extremely important and time sensitive", Eden spoke calmly, with purpose.

       "Well of course. She'll probably be more than willing to come speak with you, if it means helping the people of Pernrith in any way. She's a very caring person. If she's okay with it, I'll bring her to meet you in the main meeting room shortly", Cherish smiled.

        Eden was grateful to her for always understanding and accommodating when he was in these situations, "I really appreciate you, Cherish. I'll wait for you there, then."

       With that, Cherish left and Eden was alone again. He moved back over to the large table and sat down, sighing out of stress. It had been so long since he had to sit down with another person about something so seriously, and with someone he hadn't met yet. He couldn't help but worry he was asking her for too much too soon. That he would cause her more unneeded stress. His demeanor was already intimidating enough... and now they were in such a pretentious and selfish way? How was this supposed to help ease Yun's anxieties? But what other options did he have? There wasn't much time...

❖       ❖       ❖

       Hesitant to interrupt Yun’s much-needed rest, Cherish reached for her door. She suddenly hears footsteps quickly approaching, “Yun? Is that you?”, Cherish softly whispered.

       The door creaks open, revealing a wide-eyed and disheveled Yun. She was a bit shocked and surprised to see Yun out of bed, and so panicked too. “You’re out of bed.. Is everything okay?”, Cherish asked, with concern rapidly growing.

       Yun shook her head, but quickly realized it may have looked as though something bad happened. She cleared her throat, trying to compose herself, "uhh, yes... everything's fine! I-I just had some trouble sleeping", she smiled with a shrug.

       "Oh, that's okay", Cherish nodded in understanding. "I came to see if you were still awake. Eden wanted to speak with you about what happened in Pernrith. He said it was really important... Do you feel comfortable talking to him right now? I understand if you need to wait until the morning, he was concerned about putting you out".

       "Of course, I'll come", she nodded in return, trying to ignore her jittery nerves. "It's important. I can do it!" She gave Cherish a bright, convincing smile.

       "If you're sure", Cherish sighed in relief, smiling back, "Thank you! It'll be in the main meeting room so you'll have privacy. He should already be there waiting".

       Cherish walked alongside Yun to the main room on the bottom floor. Yun was silent the entire walk, thinking about what this man might ask of her and what he could know. 'If he saved me, he had to have been there. Maybe he knows where my mom went...' The thought of Aeris filled Yun's mind.

       "Here we are!", Cherish stopped walking as they arrived in front of a dark wooden door, the golden door knob shining brightly from the oil lights nearby. Cherish reached over and gave the knob a couple turns, letting the door creak open slowly. The room was illuminated by soft moonlight as it shone through the large, wide window panes. It was dark and dim, yet there was enough light to make out the contents. A large wooden table, several bookshelves filled with old books and binders, and some scattered chairs were placed around. The air felt still and cool. There was also a gentle smell of aged books and sandalwood.

       The man turned to look at them from the other end of the table, his shadow cast over his features. Cherish introduced the two to each other, "Eden, this is Yun. She said she's okay enough to speak with you".

       Yun sat down across the table and drew her eyes up to the tall, somewhat slender man. He was hidden under the shadows but it was easy to make out his deeply blue eyes. They were just as piercing as she remembered but now that she had a better look, they were shaded with a soft pink. They may have been intense but it reminded her of a soft sunrise. She couldn't help but feel more at ease by the image in her mind.

       Eden nodded and replied, "Hello... Thank you for agreeing to speak with me tonight... I understand this must be very hard for you." He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, looking down at his hands that he folded together on the table. "I will get straight to the point: I want to know how much you know of what happened. What can you tell me about it?... Please. Tell me everything you can remember. We may learn something."

       Yun nodded and let out a slow sigh, gathering her thoughts and trying to remember everything, "It... It was all fine until I heard a loud explosion and screaming. I was at a bakery, getting some things for my mom when I heard it. After that...", she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration. "Nothing... I can't see anything until I'm in a forest. It's dark and cold and I can barely see in front of me", her voice shook, trying to remain strong, but it cracked at the end.

       "It's okay. Take your time. What's the next thing you remember? Did you see the person who attacked Pernrith?"

       Yun shook her head, "No... No. The last thing I saw was... a flash of light and someone or something huge and dark, grabbing onto me. They had glowing blue eyes and horns... I... I can't remember anything else...", she trailed off in thought, her voice shaky. She tried to think, to see, anything… Yun felt tears well up but refused to let herself break down, especially not in front of this man who she barely knew. "I'm so sorry", Yun bowed her head and hid her eyes, wiping at them before tears could fall.

       "No, please, I should be sorry. I asked so much of you tonight. I apologize..."

       A short silence lingered.

       "There's actually something else.. something I'd really like to know. Do you know what happened to my mom?"

       Eden was stunned. "Your... mom?", his brows furrowed with concern and confusion.


       Eden took a moment to process. Then shook his head and replied, "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about what happened to your mom." He paused. "I'm very sorry", his tone sounded somber. He wasn't sure how else he could help the situation, so he sat there in silence, eyes lowered. After a minute passed, Eden lifted his head and looked at Yun. "If I hear of anything or learn any information, I will come to you at once".

       Yun's face saddened at Eden's response. She hadn't expected a miracle answer to pop up out of the blue, but it had still hurt hearing the truth. "It's okay... I knew you couldn't answer my questions... I just..." she took a deep breath and wiped at her eyes again, trying to remain calm, "I just needed to ask... thank you, though." She offered him a gentle smile.

       "I hate to keep bothering you but if you end up remembering more about this, please let me know." Eden said, keeping his eyes fixed on Yun.

       Yun nodded, "of course."

       "..Can I ask you something else?", Yun inquired, breaking the silence.

       Eden was caught slightly off guard but answered, "Go ahead."

       "You were there, weren't you? In Pernrith, I mean. You were the one who saved me from that other person. Why were you there? And why did you save me?".

       Eden thought for a moment. "...I was there for the same reasons you were. To enjoy the festival. It's one of the most popular ones here. As for why I saved you, well, I guess that's because it's what anyone would have done".

       Yun smiled softly, "I see.."

       Eden stood up and looked towards the window. "Well, if there's nothing else you can remember, you should go. You need your rest. We can talk again later."

       Yun stood up and bowed. "Thank you. Have a good night." She left the room and returned to her own, but Eden stayed behind for a bit.

       With Yun's departure, Cherish re-entered the room. "I overheard some of your conversation. I think I know how you can find more information on the attack. Pulsion, the heart and main capital of Illephia. Word travels there fast, and since attacks like this don’t ever happen, there’s bound to be people that know about it there. It's worth a shot, at least."

       Eden was caught off guard by her sudden appearance but not surprised, knowing how the innkeeper seemed to have eyes everywhere. He raised his brow, "Pulsion, huh? I was planning on going there anyway."

       Cherish smiled, "Perfect. Now, is there anything else I can do for you? If not, I'm going to get some sleep. I've had a long day".

       Eden shook his head, "Thanks but I think I’m fine. Have a good night, Cherish. Thank you for your help tonight." He said as he walked away from the table.

       Once back in his quarters, Eden plopped down onto his bed, letting out an audible sigh. His mind began to race with all of the information that was revealed. He ran his hand through his dark hair and groaned with frustration. Eden was growing agitated with all of these uncertainties and the thought of having to return home just several days away. One was for certain however. It would be a rough night's sleep.

❖       ❖       ❖

       The next morning, Eden awoke to a knock at his door. He was a light sleeper and was already awake but the knock startled him nonetheless. He looked over and noticed the sun was just beginning to rise. Who could possibly be here this early? He walked over and opened the door. Standing before him was Yun, smiling as always.

       "Yun? What are you doing here? Don't you know it's early? Come back later", Eden said groggily.

       Yun was unfazed by Eden's tone. "Good morning, Eden! I know it's early but I wanted to come see you. Is it a bad time?".

       Eden rolled his eyes. "Yes, it is. Come back later." Clearly, the night was not kind to him, and he was not ready for any kind of conversation. He shut the door in her face.

       Yun stood there for a moment, not expecting such a brash response from the normally polite young man. But if this was as important as he said it was, she was determined to speak to him again, even if he did slam the door in her face. She knocked again and waited. She heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door. She could sense that he was annoyed and she braced herself for his next words.

       "Eden, I just want to talk. It's about last night. Please? "

       Eden opened the door again, clearly annoyed. "What?", he grumbled, glaring softly with tired eyes

       Yun was determined. "I'm really sorry to bother you but I wanted to talk to you. I thought maybe we could travel together to Pulsion. You're headed there, right?".

        Eden's gaze softened a little. "I was, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.. How did you know?". 

       "Cherish told me about the city and how you were thinking about going. It sounds like such an amazing place, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And why not?", she asked.

       "Because it's not safe. Your condition isn't good enough to travel and you could get hurt. You've lost your memories. You can barely fight. It would be like taking a baby into a warzone", Eden explained.

       "That's why I need to go. If I could change my scenery, maybe it'll jog my memory. If the attacks have become more frequent, I want to do what I can to help! And I'm not as helpless as I look." she replied. Yun's voice had a sense of confidence and certainty, even if she couldn't quite find the words. She looked him in the eyes, unwavering. 

       She seemed like such a passive, delicate person but now her determination was coming out and it caught him by surprise. Eden could see the sparkle in her eyes and the slight smirk in her smile. Yun had an aura of innocence and softness to her, but beneath all that she could be a fiery ball of passion and bravery.

       He wasn't convinced, but he couldn't deny that Yun had a point. If she was able to survive this far, she might be okay. And possibly being able to regain her memory would be good for them both. He sighed.

       "Okay...but on one condition." Eden said.

       Yun looked at him. "What's that?".

       "You need to do whatever I say and when I say it. I'll help you regain your memory, but not at the risk of getting you killed. And you'll listen to me if I tell you to stay put.". He looked down at her with an intense gaze.

       "Understood! Thank you!". She beamed, taking his words very seriously. "I will do whatever I can to make this trip easy for us. And I promise I won't be a burden to you!".

       He stared at her. His eyes looked over her as he assessed her, but her bright, hopeful expression remained the same. She looked at him with determination in her eyes, ready to follow through. "Alright. We'll leave in the afternoon", Eden said.

       Yun smiled as he left and returned to her room. It was very exciting and she had a feeling this would be the first adventure of her life. She could hardly wait for the day to go by. She passed the time by tending to the chores she was asked to do and kept her bag packed, ready for when she and Eden were to meet.

       Soon enough, it was afternoon and Yun hurried back to meet him outside. He was already waiting for her and began walking when he saw her approach. She was quiet, still not sure of how to interact with Eden and wanting to avoid annoying him. 

       "Hey! Wait a second, you two!" They were stopped by Cherish, who was running to catch up with them. Yun turned to look at her, smiling and curious to know what she needed. Eden gave a half turn of his head but stayed in his spot, waiting to hear what she had to say.

       Cherish came to a halt when she reached them. Her hands were on her hips and she was breathing hard from running. "What's wrong?", Eden asked, staring her down. "Are you 100% sure about this? Taking Yun, I mean? I know we all talked about it earlier but I'm still unsure..." she looked over to Yun, giving a small smile before continuing, "I just want to make sure you both understand what you're getting into".

       "Yeah, I'm sure", Eden answered without a hint of hesitation. Cherish frowned and sighed. She looked to Yun next.

       "It's not that I don't believe in you. But I'm worried. What if you're attacked or kidnapped or anything else bad happens? It's too dangerous". Yun shook her head. "I'll be fine. And I trust Eden. I feel like it will be okay.", Yun reassured her with a warm smile.

       Eden was caught off by her words. She trusted him? She hardly knew anything about him but she was still going to stick her neck out to be with him and rely on his care and protection. He couldn't help but blush slightly to himself, not that anyone would have noticed.

       "Cherish...I appreciate your concerns. And I know this isn't a safe decision, but it's a risk we're going to have to take", Yun spoke confidently and with certainty. 

       "And I'll keep her safe", Eden added in, his eyes narrowed and focused as he gave a brief nod in Cherish's direction. She smiled slightly and nodded her head. She had faith that they would be safe and took a step back. "Just take care, both of you. We'll miss you!", She called to them as they started walking again.

       "We'll miss you too!", Yun waved goodbye before she followed behind Eden.

       She caught up to his side as they walked out the front gate of the inn. He glanced at her quickly but then averted his gaze again. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, but his eyes were wide and alert.

       "Eden, do you like books?". She asked after a moment.

       "What?", he stopped and turned to her, furrowing his brows. He hadn't been expecting the question, and her soft, pleasant smile made him feel on guard. He hated not knowing what to expect. It left him too open. "Why would you want to know something like that?".

       "Just wondering! I never see you around much so I figured you're always working...or reading!". She grinned and his lips quirked slightly, just barely. "I enjoy books." He began, his pace slow as they started walking again. She walked closer, smiling brightly at him. She had the urge to walk ahead of him so that she could be face to face with him as they conversed. "I mostly read to improve my skill. Or if I'm bored. Which is most of the time."

       "So what kind of books do you like?".

       He let out a breath through his nose, not used to so many questions. It was annoying but he felt it'd be too rude to say anything. He also felt slightly flustered being put on the spot like this, his face felt hot but he couldn't quite explain why. His lips drew a thin line and he turned away slightly. "Anything really."

       She was curious as to why he kept avoiding looking her in the face. But he had an answer, though a vague one, and she wanted to learn more about him. But she didn't want to press him too much, it could make him shut down more than he already seemed to be.

       "Well...that's cool. I like reading too. I've always loved it but it's been so hard lately to focus on much of anything", she spoke, looking down to the ground. It was so beautiful, the sun's rays bouncing off the snowy path that stretched out before them. It made her think about all the stories she's read in the past and she wanted to share them with him, hoping he'd get just as excited. But he was still avoiding eye contact.

       After several hours of walking through silence, Yun spoke up again, "Hey, Eden?". 

       "Yes?", he replied quickly.

       "Do you mind if we take a break? I'm starting to get tired..", She admitted, stopping in her tracks to let him know she was serious.

        His eyes widened, breaking out of his thoughts. He had been walking rather quickly, and with his longer legs, he ended up going a little faster. He paused his stride and looked at her from over his shoulder. She was panting softly and looked completely worn out. It made him feel guilty and a little ashamed for not thinking about how this might be affecting her. "What? Do you not feel well?". He turned towards her and closed the space between them in a few wide strides. "We can take a rest for a moment". He wasn't going to keep walking and end up leaving her behind.

       She shook her head, "No, it's not that. I just... I need a little time to rest and drink some water." Her feet ached from being so cramped and walking in such a frigid temperature. She'd been trying her best not to complain and slow down the progress of the mission. They sat down on a fallen log, Yun pulling out a canteen from her bag.

       "Hey, can I ask you a question?", she asked.

       "Sure.", He replied, not meeting her eyes. His body was facing her slightly, and his legs were spread in front of him as he leaned back, resting on his arms. He had his hood pulled low over his head. She wondered why he had to be so guarded all the time, and it was starting to become a little frustrating. But she still tried not to let her annoyance show.

       "Why do you live alone, Eden? I would think you'd want some company."

       He shrugged. "I don't like being around people."  Eden has always been a recluse, preferring his own company over anyone else's. He didn't feel the need to go out and meet new people and make friends. He wasn't a social person by any means. He liked to be alone. It was easier that way.

       Yun shook her head at his response. "I know, but sometimes it can be a nice change. Having people around you. What about your family?"

       Eden's eyes went wide, "Why would you want to know?" His brows furrowed. His jaw tightened. Yun's question was hitting a nerve, he was growing more upset as the conversation went on.

       "Well, Cherish talked a bit about you. How you'll show up at the inn at random times and help them with whatever they need. Especially if something goes wrong. But you live somewhere completely different, and you don't like to stay in one place. And you're pretty mysterious about your past.  Since we'll be traveling together for a little bit, I just want to know more about you." Yun shrugged, keeping a polite smile on her face. 

       Eden closed his eyes and took a deep breath, unsure of what to say. He took another breath. "My family is... complicated. I'd rather not talk about it."

       "I'm sorry, Eden. I didn't mean to pry. It's just... you're a lot less scary than I expected. I was a little nervous when I first saw you, honestly." She said with an apologetic tone.

       Eden paused for a moment. "I'm not sure how I should react to that..".

       "Huh? What do you mean?", she asked.

       "Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?". He cocked his head to the side.

       Yun's cheeks burned bright red. "What?! N-no, it wasn't an insult! I-I was just surprised. That's all." She fiddled with her thumbs and kept her eyes averted.

       "Oh... I see." He let out a quiet chuckle, amused by her flustered state. He tried to hide his smirk and let her regain her composure. Yun quickly stood up, "Gah, this is too awkward.. Umm, let's just drop the subject! Eden, tell me about where we're going. How far is it?".

       "Oh, right. Well, Pulsion is still a few days away. We're on the right path but there won't be any shelter for another day. We should settle in for the night somewhere soon", Eden replied.

       They walked for a few more hours, stopping only once more to rest. It was already well into the night. Yun yawned and stretched. They found a spot next to the path. A grassy area surrounded by trees. There was a large boulder jutting up from the ground and the side of it faced the road, so they were protected from being seen from it. It was perfect.

       Yun set down her pack and dug through it for the food they'd bought. "We should probably eat something. We've been walking a lot.".

       "Yes, I suppose", Eden sighed, looking around for a good spot to lay his stuff down.  Yun laid out their sleeping bags while Eden grabbed a couple of sticks and pulled his dagger from its sheath. He quickly made a fire and they began to eat in silence. Eden turned to see Yun staring at him. She looked away with a blush on her cheeks. He wondered what that was about.

       "Uhh... are you okay?", he asked.

       "Oh, sorry. I'm just kind of impressed. I mean, you didn't even use magic, yet you still made a fire. How'd you do that?"

       Eden shrugged. "It's not hard. I'm used to it, I do everything for myself.".

       She laughed and nodded. "That explains it, I guess. Still though, you're pretty resourceful, you know? Most people don't know how to start a fire without using magic or some other type of tool. They can't survive out here like you do.".

       He couldn't help but blush at that remark. "It was nothing.".

       They finished up eating their dinner and headed to bed. It was pretty quiet out in the woods, and the sounds of owls hooting and crickets chirping filled the night air. The two of them sat around the fire as they sat their empty dishes beside them.

        "The moon's really beautiful tonight..", Yun spoke up.

"Yeah... it is." Eden smiled softly as he gazed up at it. He remembered nights where he would spend time outside on the balcony. Looking out to the full moon.

       It reminded Yun of all the nights she'd stare it at from her bedroom window. Wanting for something more. She couldn't explain why, but she felt connected to it in some way. It felt comforting somehow. She turned to see Eden staring up at it too. His gaze was fixed on the night sky above, a soft glow coming from the moon reflecting in his eyes. He was almost completely motionless, his chest barely rising with each breath. She found it kind of strange, how focused he seemed to be on the sky. She wondered if he was lost in his own thoughts, or simply entranced by the night sky above. Either way, she couldn't help but watch him intently. There was a softness in him that she hadn't seen before. At that moment, she felt comfortable enough to try having a conversation with him again.

       "Hey Eden? I hope it's okay to talk about it but well... It's about what you said earlier. Your family being... 'complicated'. I could say the same about my family too. I never knew my parents, or if... I had any at all. Aeris raised me like I was her daughter, and I'll always be grateful to her for that, but she's not actually my mother. I have no memory of my life before her. And she could never give me answers to the questions that have been plaguing me since childhood..".


       "What? Sorry I'm rambling. I'm sorry, you must think I'm so strange.. I should be happy. I've lived a comfortable life and had someone to care for me, but... it never felt like it was enough. Like, there was always something missing. I've always felt like if I could see more and learn more that I would eventually find my answers." Yun spoke gently, her eyes soft and glistening. "It might be selfish to say this but maybe... everything that's happened was for a reason. Maybe now, I can finally have answers to who I really am, or at least find some kind of purpose. Something more than being a nobody..".

       Hearing this, it was like Eden was hearing his own deeply rooted thoughts out loud. Yun had always felt so similar to himself. It wasn't until now, hearing her speak out these feelings, did it ever cross his mind how much he also yearned to have a sense of self or purpose. But he was afraid to acknowledge this truth. It was the main reason why he left his home, in hope that one day he would find that something more. But it didn't seem like it ever was coming, no matter where he traveled. He would always end up back at square one, without any new revelations about who he was, or the purpose for him being created.

       He never realized it before but as he thought back on his own memories of loneliness and feeling as if he were nothing more than a waste of space, he felt his heart clench in pain. It wasn't until this very moment that he realized how similar he was to this strange and peculiar girl. He didn't like this feeling, the feeling of vulnerability, but at the same time he found it somewhat comforting. It felt as though someone understood what it felt like to feel worthless, but somehow, still finding a way to keep moving forward. He couldn't say he hated the idea, in fact it was the opposite, he enjoyed this feeling, even if it meant putting his own feelings on display for someone he hardly knew.

       He was shaken from his thoughts by Yun speaking to him once more, "I hope that makes sense, it was kind of embarrassing to say that outloud.. You must think I'm crazy, but that's why I want to help people. I know how awful it can feel to have no answers about who you really are. So maybe it's better for me to try to focus on helping others."

       "No, Yun, I think it's the opposite", Eden replied softly.

       "Really? I always felt so out of place. Like I didn't belong. Everyone else seemed to have their lives together, their families, their memories, their magic. I'm the only one who never felt like that."

       "You know, I've always felt the same way. I thought it was only me who felt so different."

        Yun was silent. She never considered the idea that Eden might feel that way. But she supposed it made sense, considering the things he said and the way he acted. She always saw him as confident and mysterious. He never let anyone get too close. But now, she began to understand. He wasn't being secretive or cold, he was simply trying to hide his pain. She wanted to tell him that he didn't need to be alone, that she understood his pain and that he had nothing to be ashamed of, but she was too nervous to say it. He was still so intimidating, after all. He seemed like an impenetrable wall, unwavering and unmoving. But even so, she still wanted to know him.

       Eden looked down. "Sorry if this sounds weird, but it's kind of nice talking to someone about this."

       Yun smiled warmly at him. "You don't have to apologize. I'm really glad you wanted to be honest with me."

       Eden felt a warm feeling spread through him. It felt nice. Like a weight had been lifted. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time. And even more strange, it was a happiness he shared with another person. One who didn't think of him as a freak or a monster. And somehow, he felt even more happy, knowing that Yun felt the same way as him.

       "Yun?" he called softly, his voice low.

       Yun glanced at him curiously, "Hm?".

       "I'm sorry I acted coldly towards you before," he began, a pained expression crossing his handsome features as he lowered his head in shame.

       "Eden, I already told you, it's okay. It's not like we know each other all that well." She smiled slightly and tilted her head to the side.

       Eden raised his head and smiled slightly, "I know. But I wanted you to know I appreciate how much you're trying to understand me."

       Yun looked at him in confusion, "Well of course! You're my friend! And you've helped me. So, of course I'm going to try my hardest to help you too." She laughed awkwardly as she rubbed her head, "It's not like you're trying to be difficult or anything."

       Eden smirked slightly before speaking again, "Thanks for putting up with me."

       Yun felt herself relax. It seemed that the two of them had a better understanding of each other. They would still need to talk about a lot of things, but for now, she felt like maybe she was beginning to understand what it was like to have a true friend. And she felt happy for the first time in a while. She couldn't explain why, but being close with another person made her feel less lonely.

       "Ditto!," Yun smiled up at him happily. "Well, it's getting late...".

       Eden agreed, looking up at the dark night sky above them. "We should get some sleep."

       The two of them nestled within their sleeping bags, staring up at the stars above them. Yun laid back and rested her head against the ground. "Goodnight, Eden." 

       "Good night" he murmured quietly back. Eden remained sitting. He looked over to Yun and watched her drift off to sleep. His gaze remained fixed on her peaceful face. Her soft features illuminated by the orange fire. The heat reflected on her cheeks and eyelids, which gently closed. Eden stared a few moments more and shook his head, realizing he had been staring too long. He had been caught up in his own thoughts. He continued to stare at the fire for a bit longer as it crackled and popped. The flames were dancing along, but the air was still. Eden sighed and finally laid down. He shut his eyes, trying to ignore his lingering thoughts. After some time, he began drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

❖       ❖       ❖

       Eden dreamt about his past. Endless days of wandering, traveling by himself when he was a child. The harsh feeling of winter was what he always hated. Always so cold, so bitter. So devoid of color and life. This dream felt too real. Like he had been transported back to the past and forgot completely about the present reality. His mind flashed between visions of snow covered hills, dark nights, and days that passed with a slow and agonizing pace. Eden was in an empty world. There was no light, no color, no warmth, nothing but endless cold.

       His body shivered, his breath clouded up in front of him as he exhaled, he wrapped his arms around himself in a desperate attempt to keep warm. There was nothing he could do. Nothing except keep moving, keep pushing forward, hoping to find some sign of life. But each step felt like a mile, each step felt like a year, and his body grew weaker. He could hardly even see, and his eyes started to blur. The snowstorm that had been raging was only getting worse. He couldn't even see an inch in front of him, everything was white and the cold stung his skin.

       And then Eden's heart sank as he remembered where he was. The snow, the ice, and the wind that had been tearing at his face. He had been trapped in a blizzard before. He was still only a child. Just a young boy who was trying to survive and find shelter, but the weather had taken hold of him. He fell down into the snow, leaning up against one of the many many trees, looking for any kind of shelter. He relaxed his head against the rigid bark and looked up, closing his eyes. Suddenly a warmth fell over his face and the icy air faded away. A soft glow of light enveloped him, and a calmness filled him.

       He could hear water rushing calmly and birds chirping. Long vines of willow leaves brushed past his cheek in a warm breeze. It was as if the seasons changed rapidly within seconds. When Eden opened his eyes, he saw a clear blue sky and warm welcoming sun. The willow leaves that once touched his face changed to long, soft seafoam green hair. Once his vision came to completely, he saw Yun's face towering above him, shielding him from the bright sun above. Yun gave a smile as she looked at the boy's wide eyes, filled with surprise, confusion, and awe. 

       "Oh, you're awake!" Yun cheered.

       "Yun... Where are we?", Eden asked. 

       Yun stood up straight. "We're still at our campsite."

       "What do you mean? What about the snowstorm?", he questioned.

       Yun shook her head. "Snowstorm? You must've been dreaming." 

       Eden blinked, his mind clearing. "I... see. It felt too real."

       "You were sleeping for a while, so I decided to find something for us to eat before we head out!”

       Eden looked over to his right. He saw two small plates, each holding a muffin and sliced apples. "How did you do that?"

       "I have my ways!" she said playfully, giggling a bit. Eden stared at her in disbelief. Yun raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. "Oh come on, I'm kidding! Cherish gave me a few extra treats before we left. I thought you might be hungry, and I know you didn't eat anything yesterday, so..." Yun's words trailed off into silence as she glanced over to Eden.

       Eden blinked a few times and shook his head. "Um, thanks." He picked up his muffin and took a bite, looking away from Yun and down at his feet. Yun picked up her muffin as well. "Mmh, yummy! I'm starving! So... are you ready to get moving? You seemed really out of it."

       "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine", Eden muttered. 

       Yun nodded. "Good", she said and took another bite of her muffin, before speaking again, "I was wondering... What do you think about staying in Pulsion?"

       Eden glanced at Yun. "Pulsion?" he repeated, taking another bite of his muffin, "Well... It's the best option for us to investigate this... I've only visited a few times. Since it's the capital, it's overwhelmingly huge. There's lots to do there and a lot of people."

       Yun grinned, "Well, maybe you could show me around! I've always wanted to see the city. I bet it's amazing! With tons of cool stuff to do!" Eden shrugged and replied, "Sure." Yun's eyes sparkled in delight. She really is such a cheerful person, he thought.

       The two of them continued their journey through the snow as Eden glanced over to Yun every so often, seeing how her eyes gleamed with happiness and wonder. He couldn't help but smile a little bit.

       "You seem very excited about going to the city", Eden pointed out.

       Yun turned to look at him and beamed brightly, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" She smiled brightly. "I've never been to Pulsion, so I can't wait!" Eden nodded slightly as she spoke. "Yeah, well... I hope it's not as cold there." Eden paused and then added, "But yeah, it'll be good. To be honest, I personally don't like going there. Too many people." Eden chuckled softly as Yun gave a small nod of her head. 

       "Yeah, I can understand that. I've only ever been in my small, little town so compared to you, I can't imagine how crazy it'll feel for me to walk through the city!" Yun smiled, "You'll have fun, trust me." Eden shrugged and shook his head slightly. "Well, I'll do my best." Yun laughed lightly and looked away.

       The trees grew denser and the light of the sun barely reached the ground. As they walked, Yun thought about this morning, when Eden was still sleeping. The way he had looked so scared, and how his expression had changed as she approached. The way he'd stared into her eyes. She wondered what kind of dream could make him so seemingly upset. Well, it was just a dream. It wasn’t something she should dwell on.

       She pushed the thoughts from her head and continued walking. She had to focus on getting to Pulsion, finding more about the attack, and getting back to her mother. But she couldn't deny that she was happy to spend some time with her new friend. Even though they'd only known each other a couple weeks.

       Eden remained quiet for most of their trek. Only one more day until they reached the capitol. A day closer to returning Yun home and returning back to his life. Alone, like always. It had been nice spending some time with someone, but it wouldn't last long. Yun had to go back, and he would stay by himself. But even after this short amount of time, it felt strange thinking about being alone again.

       As they walked, Eden suddenly stopped. Yun noticed he was looking in the distance. She looked the same way, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

       "Is everything okay?", Yun asked.

       Eden quickly pushed Yun back several feet. She fell down into the snow in the process. Out of nowhere, a pack of wolf beasts jumped out from the brushes. Eden held up a small dagger from his hip, holding his other arm back behind his back to protect Yun.

       One wolf lunged out for Eden, he grabbed hold of the beast and plunged his blade into its neck. Another quickly took its place, latching onto Eden's arm and crushing its teeth into his skin. Eden shouted in pain, ripping the wolf off him with his other hand. His blood seeped into the white snow, staining it red.

      "Eden!". Yun shouted in alarm, still recovering from falling into the snow. His blood stopped bleeding and his wounds healed instantly.

       The beast lunged again, Eden pushed back as far as he could before letting the beast tackle him down. The wolf growled viciously at him. Growing irritated and not wanting any harm to come to Yun, Eden realized he had no other choice but to use his powers and reveal his demonic form. He extended his claws, pushing the wolf beast to the side. Sharp, black horns appeared from his ashy blue hair and a skeleton-like tail drew out from his back.

       Yun was taken back in shock. "W-what? How? Are you..?".

       Eden quickly stood up and took a fighting stance. "Just stay behind me!".

      The wolves stood still for a moment, a growl grew from one's throat. Then they all charged towards Eden at once. One of the wolves pounced up towards him, and Eden reached his arm out towards the beast and caught its neck with his hands. Swirling flames of dark purple and blue flared from Eden's hand. His hand ignited, engulfing the wolf beast in flames and causing it to whimper in pain. Eden squeezed tighter as the beast continued to whimper. Then in one final squeeze, the fire engulfed its body and burned it to ash.

       Eden pulled back his hand, and the flames around his body dissipated, but not before his horns, tail and claws receded as well. He didn't want to give Yun a worse impression. The other wolf beasts suddenly scattered away, as if in fear of Eden, running deeper into the forest. Yun sat there stunned and Eden sighed in relief. Eden quickly went over to Yun's side to help her up.

       "Are you hurt? Did anything get you?"

       Yun was still stunned, unable to form a sentence. Her eyes darted between the bloody snow, Eden's worried face and his hand that extended out to help her up. "What was that?".

       "Yun, it's not important. Are you okay?" Eden repeated.

       She couldn't speak, only a simple nod of her head in response.

       "We need to go now, we shouldn't stay here any longer".

       Yun grabbed onto Eden's arm to support her and the two ran deeper into the woods. The remaining beast's eyes glowered at them from behind the darkness of the forest.

       Yun and Eden were soon deep within the trees. They walked slowly now, trying not to draw any attention to themselves. There was no telling where the beasts were, and it would be foolish to underestimate them. The last thing they needed right now was another surprise attack. Yun kept thinking about what she saw. She knew a lot about different kinds of beings but she couldn't put her finger on what Eden could be. It bothered her. It also bothered her that Eden refused to talk about it.

       Eden looked over at Yun and could tell something was wrong. She was unusually quiet and unusually flush. "Are you sure you're okay, Yun? I didn't hurt you did I?". Yun was surprised by the sudden concern, it made her heart jump a bit. She had so many questions. So many things have happened over the weeks and there were so many answered questions... It was overwhelming. She felt so warm and so cold at the same time. So suddenly exhausted. She leaned herself against one of the trees and her vision blurred.

       Yun's eyes closed, and her body slowly slumped against the tree trunk, sliding down against its side until she sat on the snow-covered ground. Eden quickly came over to her and held her in his arms. Yun's breathing was shallow, and she seemed to have fainted. He lightly tapped her cheek, calling her name and trying to wake her, but nothing was working. She was growing ill and needed medical attention immediately. Eden knew only one place that could help her. And thankfully it wasn't far away.