Latens Paradis [Arc 1]

7 months, 24 days ago
7 months, 18 days ago
7 41350

Chapter 4
Published 7 months, 18 days ago

Explicit Violence

Finally pushed myself to be brave and write the story of my children.

This is a first draft - some things may be written weirdly or change a little. I'm not much of a writer;;;;

Please enjoy ~ ((_ _*

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Altered Destinations

When Yun awoke, she found herself laying against something warm and soft. When she came to completely, she found herself yet in another unfamiliar room. Except this one was much more luxurious and exotic compared to Cherish's inn. Its walls were deep red and lined with wood planking. She could smell the faint scent of incense in the air. She felt so much better than she had in a long time. All her prior pains had completely disappeared. She just hoped she hadn't been asleep for days this time. Getting out of bed, Yun stood up and walked to the door. Slowly opening it to peek out, looking for any recognizable faces. It was late outside so no one was there. Only a dim light in a distant room and the faint noise of conversation. She began quietly walking towards it, ready to ask whoever was there what was going on and where Eden was.

❖       ❖       ❖

In a private room, Eden was speaking with Kioko. She was a master medicinal mage and the owner of a renowned medical bathhouse; which they were currently in. Not only was she highly notable but she was Eden's guardian since he was 10 years old. She sees him as a son and loves when he visits. When he showed up with Yun, she had her assistants help to bring Yun back to full health, using herbal elixirs and healing powers. While Yun recovered in another room, Kioko and Eden talked about how he was doing, his plan to travel to Pulsion with Yun, and how Yun's condition was.

Kioko had a stern yet gentle look to her. Her eyes were like two burning red embers, bright and bold and full of knowledge and wisdom. Her hair was as black as night and pulled up in a neat bun. Kioko looked Eden over.

"So, how did you end up traveling with Yun? Her injuries were quite serious. She had internal hemorrhaging and major head trauma. It was quite fortunate that you were nearby, or else things could have taken a much worse turn."

"She was part of that Pernrith attack." Eden looked up.

"Ah, I see", Kioko hummed. "Her injuries make sense then. I'm really surprised someone as careful and guarded as you would bring her with you. Especially in such harsh winter". Kioko lightly scolded, giving a soft glare at Eden.

"Well, I can't very well leave her now. We have an agreement". Eden's tone was neutral but there was an underlying frustration that Kioko was right. "I was summoned to Acrux to report on the Pernrith attack and they want me back in a few days. Yun’s a witness and my only lead. We were both hoping this journey would awaken her memories”.

Kioko sighed, looking at Eden's serious gaze. "A witness. My, that is serious business then. However, I must be completely honest with you. I don't think it's a good idea to travel to Pulsion with her, regardless of the magnitude of the situation. She needs to return to her home".

Eden knew this conversation was coming, but he had to stand his ground. "She wants to see the investigation through, I can't stop her". Eden had no choice, he was stuck with Yun.

Kioko continued, her eyes sharpening. "Eden, do you not know what she is?".

Eden shook his head, not understanding her question.

"I see. It appears that your time together has been short, then. She's human, Eden".

Eden's eyes went wide with shock. A human. He had only seen a few in all his times of wandering. He was half human himself, so he shouldn't be too surprised that someone like him existed, but it didn't change the fact that humans were extremely rare and normally shunned for their magic-less existence.

"Humans are extremely fragile compared to the rest of Illephians. Although I must say they are quite resilient despite that. However, they do not have magic, making their bodies vulnerable to most wounds. So it's a surprise to me that Yun made it as far as she did without fatal damage. It is very admirable. But I must insist on this. Please listen to my advice, Eden. Take her home for her sake". Kioko spoke firmly.

Eden didn't respond, only nodding to acknowledge Kioko's request. He had no idea how to take in the information. He knew there would be some complications and that traveling to Pulsion would be difficult. But this changed things entirely. If Yun was a human, then this mission just got much harder. And Eden knew Kioko would be right, but he didn't have the heart to go through with it. He knew how badly Yun wanted to reach Pulsion. Especially after she confided in him with her feelings of not belonging, of searching for more. He hated the thought of him going against his word of taking her with him. Not when he knew how she felt. But he was still conflicted nonetheless. He didn't want anymore harm to come to Yun... but he didn't want to end this journey with her yet, either.

"It's a difficult decision for you to make. But I am only trying to help. She doesn't belong anywhere but where she's from. At least there, she'll be safe to live a quiet life".

Kioko was right. This would be a better outcome for her in the end. Eden knew that, and it was the last thing he wanted for Yun. "You're right", Eden replied solemnly. "We'll leave tomorrow morning."

Eden turned away, "It's not like we knew each other for a long time, so why do I feel like I can't just do this?". He paused to think before speaking. "I don't know... I just thought if she went with me... she'd have a chance to find what she was looking for, that's all". He felt Kioko squeeze his hand.

"There will be many opportunities for her to find her calling, I'm sure of it", Kioko consoled.

Yun's ears picked up from around the corner, catching some of what was being said. It was enough for her to believe she was a burden for Eden. Yun's heart ached hearing what he said. She knew they didn't know each other for a long time, but she felt they were starting to become friends. To learn that she was holding Eden back from doing his job made her feel terrible.

Kioko sensed a presence nearby, her gaze slightly moved in Yun's direction. Eden didn't seem to notice.

"She has no business here, Eden. You should go on alone and bring her back to her home", Kioko sternly ordered. Eden nodded solemnly, accepting his decision. Kioko continued, "Go talk to her, but make sure to bring her to her home soon. There are many things that she can't understand, and it's not wise for you to bring her along with you on your own. You must consider your safety as well”. Kioko gave Eden one more squeeze before standing up. "Now then, I'm sure Yun would like some food and drink before the two of you depart. I'll make sure some things are prepared before morning. I have much to do this evening so I’ll leave you for now". Eden watched Kioko exit the room. His thoughts racing in his head. He really hated being told what to do. He had already made the decision to bring Yun to Pulsion. He already accepted that decision, he was ready to carry it out.

The last thing he wanted now was for this to change. Eden's brows knitted, and he sighed heavily, knowing it was wrong to want things to go differently. It would only end badly, especially with her. He had to trust in Kioko. After all, she had raised him, she would never let anything happen to him or anyone else. But he wasn't ready to go through with it. There was a strong sense of dread inside of him. It was clear this decision wasn't one that would be made easily.

❖       ❖       ❖

After Kioko left the room, Yun returned to the bedroom. Her mind was filled with thoughts, most of them unpleasant ones. Eden was just doing his job, and he had every right to refuse her company. She should've never asked such a thing. She sat on the bed with her head down. A heavy silence surrounded her as she replayed Kioko's words. "She’s human". "She doesn't belong anywhere but where she's from". It was the right thing to do. She was causing Eden trouble and that wouldn't help him with his work. Yun laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She tried to fight the sadness inside her but couldn't help but feel down. Her thoughts began racing with guilt, sadness and worry. Her tears were already starting to pool up in the corners of her eyes.

After a short moment of silence, the door opened and Eden stood at the frame. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes were soft. Eden took in a small breath before speaking, "Hey... how do you feel?". His voice sounded distant. Yun could sense his uncertainty. She turned away, sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn't want Eden to see her face. Yun could hear him approaching. The floor creaked a bit as his steps grew closer and closer, then stopping a few feet from the bed. "If you're not up to it yet, we can wait. But I want to leave early tomorrow, so make sure to be ready before we go". His voice was quiet but stern. Yun remained still. She wanted to talk to Eden after overhearing his conversation; to change his mind. But she didn't have the heart to mention it. "No, we can go. I'll be ready." Her voice wavered as she spoke, barely able to get the words out. "I'm sorry." She couldn't help but apologize. Her hands were shaking. She could feel herself getting hot as she tried to hold back tears. She was so frustrated. Why did she feel so bad? Why did this have to hurt? Why did she feel like she was losing something important to her?

Eden didn't answer right away. He just stared at her for a long while. The tension in the room was thick, and he had a dreadful feeling that he needed to be honest. After a minute or two, he spoke. "I don't know how else to say any of this. I know we agreed to go to Pulsion together and hopefully jog your memory. But Kioko made your condition a vital point. We both agreed that it would be best for you to return home, for your safety. I don't think traveling with me to Pulsion is something you can handle right now". Eden spoke carefully, keeping his emotions in check. His eyes remained on Yun as he waited for an answer. Yun continued staring at the wall, refusing to face Eden.

Yun was prepared for those words but it still hurt. She didn't want to slow him down anymore than she had already done. "It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself. I can go home". Her answer was short but agreeable. She didn't want to cause anymore stress for anyone. "You've been very kind to me and I'm grateful for everything you've done". Her voice shook slightly.

Eden continued looking at her, unsure how to react. He hated how she was taking this so lightly. She wasn't showing any reaction and he hated how she seemed to be hiding it. He wanted to tell her that he would take her to Pulsion himself but it wasn't possible. At the very least, now she could return home much sooner and reunite with her mother. There was nothing wrong with that.

"Alright...", Eden hesitated slightly. "We'll leave in the morning." He said softly before turning around. "Oh, right.. Where exactly do you live? We never talked about it. I guess it never occurred to me to ask". Eden looked back, waiting for her answer.

Yun took a moment to respond. "Eos Bay." She answered plainly, still not looking up.

"Eos Bay, hm. That's south, by the ocean, right? I think there's actually a train that can take us most of the way there. It'll be easy." Eden didn't want to bring up her condition again and left it at that.

Eden took the liberty to look into train schedules while Yun had some dinner in the main dining room. The area was warmly decorated with dark wood, colorful lanterns, and plants of varying size. It was quiet except for the low hum of conversation. A few workers sat around, enjoying their meals. They all stared as Yun walked in. Kioko looked at Yun as she walked by and waved her over.

"Well hello! Come, have a seat." She motioned to a chair next to her. "It's very good to see you. I hope you're feeling a little better."

"Thank you. I feel much better than before. I hope I'm not disturbing your dinner." Yun spoke softly. Kioko waved her off with a smile, "Nonsense! Please, join me. It'll give me an excuse to keep eating, as well! How is it?" She took a bite. Yun followed, taking a bite herself. It was surprisingly good. There were hints of cinnamon, nutmeg and pepper. It tasted a little sweet with the added apple. It was an odd combination but it worked surprisingly well. She felt the heat in her body and was sure she was blushing a little. She didn't expect a bathhouse to make such a tasty meal. Kioko chuckled. "It's pretty good, right? This place doesn't just look fancy." She took another bite and let out a satisfied sound.

Eden returned after finishing looking over the train schedule, sitting across from Yun. She turned to see his serious face. The only expression that Yun ever saw from Eden was one of focus, there was a certain amount of charm to it. Maybe it was just how much his eyebrows and nose stuck out. Maybe it was just because Yun liked his eyes. Whatever it was, Eden always seemed so... alive when he looked at people, no matter if he was mad or not. Yun didn't even notice her thoughts drifting to this idea. But the truth was Eden did have a unique presence to him, one that Yun was fascinated by. He was very much like a flame. Strong, warm, beautiful... and dangerous. Yun never once forgot about the way Eden had looked when he fought those wolves. He'd transformed into someone Yun hadn't recognized and that made her more curious. Eden seemed to notice the gaze and cleared his throat before looking away. Kioko glanced over and smirked.

"Yun, did Eden ever tell you he lived here when he was younger? He practically grew up here!" She beamed. Yun glanced up and nodded. "He told me you took him in". She smiled politely at Kioko. Kioko chuckled lightly before speaking again. "Well, you're not entirely wrong. He did spend quite a bit of his early years here." Kioko began to recount all the things Eden had done when he was younger and it became very evident that Eden was very different from other people. Kioko spoke so highly of him and seemed to always have such a proud expression. It made Yun feel happy knowing Kioko thought so fondly of Eden. She blushed thinking about him playing in the bath house and wondered what he'd be like now if he grew up somewhere else.

As she continued to listen, Kioko glanced at Eden every now and again. "What was your childhood like, Yun? I don't think Eden's mentioned it before. Was it difficult? Or maybe just boring? Either way, tell us something interesting about your past." 

Eden seemed a little irritated by her brash questioning. "Kioko... really?". He muttered under his breath.

"What? I'm interested! Please, tell me about your life. I've always been curious what a human child does all day! Tell me all about it". 

Yun took another sip before speaking up. "Well... I live in Eos Bay. I was raised in a church, after I was found on the shore. I don't remember much from before. I was told that I was brought in when I was two or three. My earliest memories were of Aeris. She raised me as her daughter." Yun paused, looking at Eden for a moment before looking back at Kioko. "I guess I don't have the most exciting childhood. But I did have fun learning new things about the world." She smiled slightly as Kioko nodded eagerly. She then began to talk about how her mother had taught her how to read, and write. How she enjoyed drawing as well and would always take her outside to explore nature. Kioko seemed fascinated, though she occasionally looked over at Eden, who was watching intently, seemingly deep in thought. He never interrupted her story, simply listening silently, watching as she spoke. It made her a little nervous having them listen. She always felt self-conscious speaking of herself and her life. 

After a while, Kioko began to speak more about Eden's childhood. "My first encounter with Eden was quite out of the blue. My daughter, Morika, was playing outside when she noticed a boy in the distance about her age. Whenever she would bring me outside to see, he was gone. But she would tell me about how he would show up randomly and just stand there, or look around at rocks or trees or bugs. He rather creeped her out. But I think he just didn't know what to do with himself, poor boy. Eventually I spotted him myself and I had to stop him before he ran off again. I thought he might have been homeless. And he looked pretty malnourished so I invited him back to the home to give him a hot meal and a bath."

Yun couldn't help but feel sorry for the little Eden. But she couldn't help but giggle a bit as well. "Aww...that sounds cute, and also very strange. What did you think of him, Kioko?" Kioko laughed, smiling softly. "He seemed lonely, so I decided to ask if he'd like to come back and live here with us. He didn't speak much so it was difficult to get a word in, but eventually he accepted and we were happy to have him!"

Yun smiled warmly, enjoying Kioko's story. She couldn't help but imagine little Eden as a curious little child, running around. "So what kind of things did Eden do when he lived here? I'd like to know more about him." Yun leaned closer, interested in learning more. Kioko giggled, putting her finger on her chin in thought. "Well, let me see if I can remember some of the more interesting moments... When he first arrived here, I would give him books and toys. But I could tell that wasn't really what he wanted. I decided to have him learn from me and other staff members. We taught him about cooking, cleaning, and how to act around customers. He would follow everyone around, asking them to teach him different things. It was honestly cute to see him get excited." She chuckled.

Yun pictured a child Eden in her head, trying to imagine the scenarios. He didn't strike her as the most excitable kid. She couldn't help but giggle. Eden let out a sigh. "It's embarrassing to listen to these stories". Kioko chuckled softly. "Oh? Why's that?" Eden scratched his head and looked away, avoiding eye contact. Kioko glanced back at Yun and smiled mischievously. Yun tilted her head at the look and blushed slightly, getting a bad feeling from her stare.

Yun couldn't help but glance over at Eden. "W-why is it embarrassing?" She stammered, nervously playing with her hands. She wondered how much of those stories Kioko knew, and how much she could guess. "He's always been like this, you know. So curious about everything." Kioko hummed happily to herself. Eden stared at Kioko and groaned. Yun stared between the two of them, unsure if she was going to like where this conversation was headed. Eden kept quiet and looked down at his plate. Kioko giggled. "I've been so curious about what Eden's been doing these past few years. I know he's traveled quite a bit but he never stays in one place. And it's rare he ever tells me where he's going or what he's doing. It's always, 'I'm busy. I have work.' and other vague excuses like that." Kioko shrugged, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "You would think that after so many years he'd trust me enough to tell me, but alas, that hasn't changed either. And you'd think he'd stop being so shy by now...but that hasn't changed, either." She giggled again, smiling widely as she watched Eden's reaction. Yun couldn't help but chuckle a bit too.

After more banter, Kioko noticed how late it was getting and stood up from the table. "It was a pleasure speaking with you both. Please take your time in your rooms. There are no customers coming for the night, so enjoy the privacy! And please, help yourself to whatever you like! If you need anything, feel free to ask." She smiled cheerfully as she spoke and turned around.

Eden was left awkwardly sitting there for a moment, glancing at Yun, before standing up as well and motioning for Yun to follow. Eden made a point to take Yun to her room.

Yun felt bad about making Eden embarrassed in front of his foster mother but couldn't help but find it rather cute. Kioko seemed to have known Eden very well, so Yun thought it might have been nice to ask her about him. She didn't ask anything too personal but did get to learn about the past Eden she hadn't met. When Eden began to stand, Yun followed, and together they headed upstairs. Yun kept her distance from Eden but still followed behind. Once at her door, she stopped, looking at him. He nodded to her room.

"This will be your room for the rest of the night. The previous room is only for recoveries." Eden explained to her, "This one is smaller but should have everything you need. There's a bathroom inside and some towels as well." His voice was quiet, still slightly embarrassed. He turned to leave. "I'll be down the hall." He didn't turn back to look at her again. She nodded but he didn't see her. He continued to walk away from her. He walked until he found his old room, and with a flick of his wrist, a key appeared and he unlocked the door.

She was grateful that Eden was being so kind. The room was indeed very small. The bed was cramped but the decor was warm and homely, she was surprised by the soft bed and the plush pillow, she sunk into the soft cushion and sighed softly, looking out the window to see the lights of the town below, and the moon above, a pale crescent in the dark blue night. She was filled with warmth from her dinner and felt comforted by the smell of the inn around her. The sound of the wind and snow against the windows made her sleepy. She drifted off into a deep sleep.

❖       ❖       ❖

The next morning came too fast. Yun woke up to the sun shining through her window and the smell of freshly made food. She quickly changed into her regular outfit, which was surprisingly clean, and walked down the hall to Eden's door, knocking softly. It opened on the third knock. Eden stepped out.

Eden was wearing a casual shirt and pants. He had his long coat in hand and carried a small pack as well.

"Good morning," he greeted. "Ready?" He looked tired and there were dark circles under his eyes. She smiled weakly. "Morning," she replied quietly, yawning. She'd woken up much too fast for her liking and it showed on her face. Eden's expression softened at her sleepy demeanor. Yun continued. "I think I'm ready. Did you sleep well? It looked like you had trouble getting out of bed, too." Eden shook his head, giving a wry smile. "Not particularly," he replied. He began to walk down the hall, glancing behind him at her, expecting her to follow.

They met with Kioko in the kitchen who gave them a breakfast to go before waving them goodbye. Eden led the way. As they left the town behind, Yun took one last glance behind her before following. As the two began walking, Eden seemed to notice the town quickly leaving their sights and slowed his pace a little. He spoke quietly. "... I didn't sleep very much, honestly," he admitted quietly, turning to look at Yun, who had caught up to him, "but it wasn't because of the inn. It's just that...well, I was thinking." Eden didn't look back at the town, keeping his gaze straight ahead. He kept his eyes forward as he walked and spoke.

The day was a little overcast. A gentle wind blew through the air, causing some snow to fall and swirl about. There weren't any clouds above them. Instead, a clear sky of pale blue greeted them.

Yun's expression turned to concern "Did you want to talk about it? If so, I'm willing to listen." she smiled weakly as she spoke. Eden hesitated. His face scrunched up into a grimace, but he quickly forced his expression to relax, and sighed. "I've... been thinking about Pernrith, actually. The whole thing, really..." His voice trailed off.

"It was a bad situation." Eden's face was troubled. He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath before opening them again and continuing. "I wasn't sure what to make of it." Eden frowned as he thought over the incident. His expression hardened slightly as his eyes narrowed.

"The idea of that many people dying so quickly...and the fact that so many of those people were innocent. It makes me sick." His fists tightened unconsciously.

"...I don't think I can get used to this kind of thing, not yet. I dealt with a lot of violence, but that doesn't make this any less painful," he continued, his tone softening a little.

"But if there's a chance to stop it, I'm willing to do whatever it takes." Eden said with confidence. His eyes held a strong resolve. Yun stared back, feeling her heart thump at the sight. It was very admirable how he spoke, even though she had never experienced this level of violence herself, it was something she felt she could support Eden on. Even if she couldn't be there with him, helping him every step of the way. But a small piece of her was also ready to return home and finally see her mother. "That's very admirable, Eden," she said softly. Eden smiled weakly. He reached over and put a hand on top of Yun's head and patted it gently. It felt reassuring to be given comfort like this. But the sudden physical contact from someone she had known so briefly made her tense up a little and especially from someone who was known for disliking physical touch affection. He turned away, but Yun noticed that the corners of his lips had twitched up into the beginnings of a smile before disappearing. Eden didn't look at her when he spoke next, keeping his gaze on the snow-covered road in front of him. He pulled his hand back, but the warmth of his palm lingered on Yun's head.

"... Thank you," he said. Eden didn't say much, but that was okay. "The train station is only about 30 minutes away. Let's keep going." Yun nodded in agreement, falling into step alongside Eden, feeling comforted by the knowledge that she wouldn't be alone on her journey home.The snowy path seemed much less daunting with Eden at her side, even though he had just said something so difficult. And for now, there were no monsters attacking them. She couldn't help but wonder if she was imagining it, or if this place really felt a bit safer with Eden by her side. She hoped he didn't mind the extra company, as she walked closer to him than before. Eden walked in silence. She could feel him glancing at her out of the corner of her eye.

The station wasn't difficult to reach. It was located in the outskirts of the small town, surrounded by snow and trees, a large train sat beside the track with a few people walking in and out. There were no tracks for it to follow but that was normal. Most modes of transportation didn't need roads or tracks. They followed a set path designated completely by enchantments. It was a marvelous feat of magic. She stared in wonder at the large vehicle and looked to Eden. "Where do we need to go?" she asked. Eden stopped at the base of the steps that led into the train. Yun followed him up until they entered through the front of the train. Eden guided them past a few rows of seats. There weren't many other people around them, but the seats they passed were occupied by individuals and small groups who all paid no attention to Yun and Eden. Eden found a window seat for them both, which Yun was grateful for. Eden sat next to her and turned his head away, looking outside as they took off. He seemed lost in his thoughts again, staring out of the window into the snowy forest. His eyes looked faraway as he rested his chin on one of his hands. He didn't react to her staring at him. Yun couldn't help but think about what lay ahead. The train picked up speed and the world outside became a blur of snow-covered trees and gray clouds. As they gained speed, Eden seemed to relax, his body sinking further into his seat as his eyelids began to droop. He eventually drifted off. He didn't seem to have any problems sleeping on a moving train.

Yun was so caught up watching the world go by, seeing parts of the world she'd never seen before. Sure, it was all covered in a blanket of white, but it was still all so different from her home. She would watch the hills and valleys swoop up and down and the trees whip past in blurs of dark green. The snow glimmered in the sunlight and the clouds shifted and billowed as they blew by. She felt her own eyes growing heavy, and she rested her head on the cool window, feeling the chill of the glass on her skin, lulling her into sleep.

The ride to Eos Bay was a few hours but it felt like minutes to the pair as they rested their eyes. When the train came to a stop, it woke them both from their light sleep, making them groan in disappointment as they exited the train, only to be greeted by a gust of chilly sea air. They headed into the main area of town where there were more people and buildings, most of which were shops and services. The city was alive with noise. It felt like nothing had changed to Yun. Her hometown just as alive as she left it. People hurried about, chattering amongst themselves. Yun breathed deeply. The air smelled salty, the wind blowing against her hair and face, stinging her nose a little. She couldn't help but smile. The ocean looked beautiful too. Its dark waters shimmered with light as it hit the surface. Yun found herself staring out at it as the train began to move again, taking on more passengers and setting off to its next destination. 

"It's nice to be back home again," she murmured to herself. Eden didn't say anything, but she noticed his mouth twitch into the faintest hint of a smile, which disappeared just as quickly. The city was just as Yun remembered it. There was the main square where there were various stalls and vendors. A fountain stood in the middle of the square, its base covered in a thin layer of frost, but otherwise still bubbling happily. Even if she was disappointed about Pulsion and not being able to explore, she was excited to be back. There was no denying that she had missed Eos Bay. And to see it with Eden...

Maybe she could show him around all her favorite spots and show him her home. A rush of excitement came over her at the idea. "Hey, now that we're here, I can show you around! Let me introduce you to some of my favorite spots, if you'd like, I mean." Yun sounded very excited as she turned to face Eden, a big grin plastered on her face.

"I wish I could but" he stopped mid sentence to look up, seeing the sun at its peak "I got another call from home. They want me to return sooner than I was hoping. I'll have to leave after returning you home".

Yun's grin faltered a little as she looked at Eden. "Oh..." she trailed off. She wondered just where his home was... what it was like... who was waiting for him there. Yun wondered about a lot of things regarding Eden. "Maybe they wouldn't mind if you took an extra hour? I mean, I can't just not thank you for helping me home". Yun didn't like the thought of him having to leave so soon after dropping her off at home. It felt...wrong somehow, not seeing him off. He'd taken the time to bring her this far, after all. 

"It doesn't work like that unfortunately." Eden let out a soft chuckle, his blue eyes fixed on her.

"My home isn't that close by, I need to go the long way around". Yun looked at him curiously "the long way? Where's that? Where do you come from anyway? How far is it? How will you get home if you're on your own?"

Eden laughed softly as he listened to her. To her surprise, he actually answered some of her questions, though not in detail. He answered simply and quietly, saying that it was far away, somewhere no one could get to, and that he had his own way of traveling long distances. 

The view of the town got smaller and smaller as they walked through the outskirts. Her home, a charming church by an ocean cliff drew closer. She stared up at it. It didn't look like it had changed a bit since she'd left it. It had the same white paint on its walls. The same arched windows that she loved.

As they approached the road that led down a hill, Yun stopped. "Well... this is me" She pointed out, feeling a sense of relief. After a long journey, she could finally relax. Eden smiled and nodded. Looking up to meet his gaze, Yun smiled back, "Thank you for everything, Eden. You've done more for me than most anyone I've known.. I wish I could do something in return for you. But... I have this." Yun looked thoughtfully for a moment as she rummaged around in her bag. "You'll need something for the road. Just a small gift."

Eden smiled slightly and held up a hand as if to stop her.

"Please, there's no need," he replied, but she had already pulled something out and pressed it into his hands. She closed his hands over the object with both of hers before pulling away quickly. "I bought it at the festival" Yun smiled softly and watched Eden open his hands, revealing a small silver bunny charm. It glinted brightly in the sunlight, making her blink slightly as she watched the light bounce off the silver surface. It looked so delicate, so fragile in his palm. Eden held it in one hand and raised his gaze to look at her once more. Their eyes met and a smile grew across Yun's face. 

"I saw it and... couldn't help but get it. Bunnies are my favorite. It's not anything special but now you can have it to remember me by! It's kinda dumb isn't it... But, thank you, for everything. Really," she finished, looking up to see his reaction. Eden looked thoughtful, staring intently at the charm. Yun's heart rate picked up a little at the sight, her palms sweating slightly as her nerves returned in full force. What if he thought it was silly? What if he thought she was stupid? What if...

Eden nodded slowly before placing it carefully into the pocket of his jacket, looking at her once again. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle, almost glowing, in the sunlight. "No, it's not silly at all. Thank you." His voice was soft as he spoke, his face lighting up. Yun felt happy he was willing to accept it, she was just so grateful to have met him. To have been shown so much kindness.

Yun didn't want this moment to end, but knew that it had to. Eden needed to leave and Yun needed to go home. It was a bittersweet feeling as they stared at each other for another moment, then looked away, towards their destinations.

Eden walked toward the forest that was behind Yun's home and Yun walked down the hill toward her home, not turning around once. When she finally reached the door, she let out a small sigh of relief and knocked. She waited a few moments and was meant with no answer. She knocked again. "Mom? It's Yun!" She called out. But again, no one answered. Yun knocked once more before she reached for the doorknob, expecting it to be locked. To her surprise, the knob twisted in her hand, the door opening slowly. "Mom?" She called out. "Mom?" She called out again when there was still no answer. There was still no sign of anyone in the house as she entered. Everything looked just the way it did before she left for the festival. No dishes were stacked in the sink, and everything was put away. "Maybe she's sleeping..." Yun muttered to herself. "Or shopping...".

She looked around a bit more. Her mom always left a note when she went out, but this time there was none. No sign that anyone had even been in the house at all. "Mom?" Yun tried one last time. The silence that followed her call sent a chill up her spine. Where was her mother? Where could she have gone? Yun suddenly felt very alone and helpless. Not only was it dim and empty inside the once warm, inviting home but a piercing breeze blew through the open door, sending shivers down her spine. The mix of all these feelings and sensations must have triggered something. Yun suddenly froze, her wide eyes staring into space as all the memories of the attack in Pernrith came flooding back. All the images of her mother being ripped apart in front of her filled her head and she felt the blood drain from her face. Yun fell to her knees and covered her face, trembling uncontrollably as tears started to pour from her eyes. ", no, no!" She whimpered, trying to force the memories back. "Stop..." Yun cried, clutching her head. "Please..." But they wouldn't stop coming. It felt as though she was being forced to live it all over again. The Pernrith attack and all the pain it had caused her was all being forced to the surface, and she could do nothing but sob in agony.

The sobbing got louder and louder as Yun felt all of her emotions, all of her pain and fear came flooding out in an uncontrollable torrent. It felt like something within her was finally breaking. Something deep and important was cracking under the strain, and she had no way of stopping it. Yun sobbed and cried until she had no energy left to do anything but sob silently to herself as her tears streamed down her cheeks. The only person she had ever depended on, the only person who loved her so unconditionally, was gone. She was completely and utterly alone, with no one to comfort her or tell her that everything would be alright. "Please...I'm sorry. I'm sorry, mom."

Yun cried and cried, but soon her tears began to run dry and the sobbing slowly stopped. Yun sat quietly, her body completely numb as she stared blankly ahead. After a few minutes, she stood up, and shuffled her feet as she moved around the house. Yun couldn't seem to stay focused for more than a second on anything, her mind constantly shifting to the memories of her mother and Pernrith. It wasn't long until the pain became unbearable once again and the tears came back. This time, Yun did not even try to stop them from flowing, or to keep them in check. She didn't have the energy anymore. The sobbing resumed once more as Yun began to feel an emptiness in the pit of her stomach. Yun continued to cry as she slumped over and collapsed into a pile of crumpled clothes that lay next to her. She closed her eyes and curled up in a ball on top of her mother's bed, hoping to fall into an exhausted slumber, if only for a few hours. She wished with all her might for sleep to take her, to spare her the agony of remembering, of seeing her mother die and remembering it again. But sleep never came to Yun. Her eyes were swollen, her body drained. But she couldn't find the will to close her eyes and let herself drift off. Instead, Yun simply stared ahead, into nothingness. She felt utterly hopeless, broken beyond repair. She would never forget those terrible memories. The attack, the carnage. 

She wandered aimlessly around the home, unsure what to do with herself. How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Time didn't seem to have any meaning anymore. There was just emptiness and a constant aching feeling of loneliness and despair. Nothing felt real anymore. Not even herself. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten anything, or if she'd even drank anything. All she remembered was the pain. It was so deep and all-consuming that it made her physically sick. She would spend hours, or maybe days, curled up on the floor, trying not to cry or throw up. She didn't have any strength to get up. It was as though all her energy had been drained from her body. What was the point of anything anymore? Who would be wanting her? Why bother trying to survive? Everything felt pointless. If there was a purpose in her life, it certainly didn't feel like it now. She felt nothing but hopelessness and emptiness. The pain, the fear, the grief, it was too much. The only thing she felt peace with was to let herself wither away. If she were to die here, on this bed, she would finally be at peace. Nothing would hurt anymore. Everything would be over. That would be so much easier than trying to keep going on and fighting through the pain and grief and trying to pretend like it didn't exist. If she just closed her eyes and stopped thinking and feeling, if she stopped struggling and fighting and trying to be strong, she could just... stop. That thought sent a shudder of relief through Yun's body. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. She couldn't fight this anymore, she couldn't hold on to anything. It was just too hard, it hurt too much. Her eyelids fluttered, then slowly drifted closed, shutting out the dim, dusty room. Her body went limp, her breathing slowing to almost a crawl as the life began to ebb from her body. She had stopped fighting. She had given in. It was over. It would be easier this way.