Latens Paradis [Arc 1]

7 months, 24 days ago
7 months, 18 days ago
7 41350

Chapter 5
Published 7 months, 18 days ago

Explicit Violence

Finally pushed myself to be brave and write the story of my children.

This is a first draft - some things may be written weirdly or change a little. I'm not much of a writer;;;;

Please enjoy ~ ((_ _*

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Author's Notes

Disclaimer: Topic of depression

Bound To Home

Eden made his way quickly through thick forests and over steep hills, until he reached a familiar looking brush of vines, oddly flowering in the snow. Now that he was completely alone, he was free to use his ability of quickly running at top speeds without drawing too much attention to himself. What would've taken days at a normal pace, only took an hour to reach his destination. He knelt down beside the flowers and took off his glove. With a wave of his hand, the flowers glowed for a moment. He was here. Carefully brushing the vines aside, an underground fountain appeared below. Its blue waters glowed in the dimness. The vines acted as a lid and helped conceal the entrance from outside the forest. Eden quickly made his way inside, making sure he wasn't seen.

As he climbed down, a cool mist rose from the glowing blue waters, surrounding Eden as he squatted down near its pool. He stared down at it, almost as if he was preparing himself for something. It reflected the same dazzling blue hue as his eyes, and in this darkness it almost looked like a mirror, as if you could see his eyes shining out from below. He walked into its waters, not seeming to care if he got his clothes wet, as if this wasn't the first time he had done so. As the water touched his skin, Eden took one last look at the glowing pool. Then he dove down beneath the water's surface, disappearing into its depths.

Moments passed. Everything was silent except for the sounds of dripping water and the faint hum of energy that resonated within the water's depths. He was surrounded in a deep black void that felt both peaceful and unnerving. It was like being stuck inside your own head, where time was irrelevant, and all that existed was the darkness of your thoughts and imagination. It seemed endless, yet somehow familiar at the same time, like you were standing on the edge of an abyss, not sure which way to turn, afraid of losing yourself.

After a moment, he began swimming back up to the surface, pulling himself from the pool. As he did so, water droplets began to fall from his hair, dripping down his face and shoulders. His face was serious and expressionless. His eyes looked like they could pierce the soul. They were glowing blue, shimmering and shifting in the dimness of the cavern. The water quickly evaporated off his clothes, as if he didn't get them wet at all. There were no signs that he'd been under water, aside from the slight sheen of his wet hair, and a few stray water drops on his skin. Stepping back out from the cavern, the scenery changed drastically. As if he had been transported somewhere entirely different. It was now a small clearing in a thick forest. It was warm here. Warm enough that he felt no need to put on his jacket, and there wasn't a hint of snow or cold anywhere. Instead, flowers, leaves and vines covered every inch of the forest floor and hung from tree branches. The sunlight streamed through the branches and leaves, illuminating everything. Birds and other animals chirped and flew in the air and on the ground around him. The sound of running water could be heard nearby.

As Eden walked out from the forest, meeting a bridge adorned with dragon statues and carvings. Crossing the bridge, Eden came upon an archway carved of stone and wood that had symbols of all kinds engraved into it. This place was different. The energy was much more ancient, as if it had existed since the beginning of time and would exist for an eternity afterwards. He passed through the archway and came out into an enormous city surrounded by towering waterfalls and winding streams that cut right through its center. Buildings towered over him, all carved from white marble that reflected light beautifully in every direction. People milled about in the streets, talking amongst themselves. The city was lively. Laughs could be heard in every corner. People carried on their lives, living their everyday routines. But they were quick to notice his presence. There were looks of worry and disgust. Faint whispers of gossip.

Eden passed them by, never giving anyone a second glance, as if he'd seen all of this before. He seemed to be heading towards somewhere in particular, though his destination wasn't obvious.

It was a place he had always dreaded. He would wonder why he would find himself back here time and time again. Perhaps it was because this place was his only real connection to his past, to where he had come from. Perhaps it was because it held a piece of who he was, even if he hated it. It didn't matter anymore, as he finally approached the looming gate. The gates towered high above him, carved with symbols that looked similar to the ones from the archway. These ones, however, were much larger and more complex in their designs, depicting ancient tales that he was taught and knew very well. The large gates opened on their own, allowing him to pass through into a massive courtyard. Passed that was a citadel that housed the castle of the great kingdom. But Eden's eyes fell upon the towering statues of two figures, both from each other, and yet all connected somehow.

He turned his eyes away, quickly moving onward as if he couldn't bear to look at them. He came upon a building with an open doorway that had the same symbol as the ones engraved in the archway and the statues. Standing among the doorway were two guards. Eden made eye contact with one of the guards as he approached and was stopped in his tracks. "State your purpose here", one of the guards demanded. His tone was commanding and left no room for negotiation. He had an intimidating air about him, standing at least seven feet tall and with a muscular body to match. But it was unmatching to Eden's presence. Eden kept a straight face as he spoke with an even tone, "I am here per the Divine's summoning. I am to discuss an investigation with them." The guard stared back, scrutinizing his expression, and after a brief moment of silence he finally answered, "Very well, I will announce you". He turned and headed inside the building.

Eden entered a large hall with several sets of stairs going upwards towards the center. On one side was an ornate door that led into another hallway. On the other side were more doors leading into rooms that had different purposes. As he walked across the marble floor, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, a sense of dread filling him. He hadn't been in this room in ages. There was so much that could go wrong. It was just a meeting with the Divine. What could go wrong? He could do this. He had to. He knew what the Divine would say and it wouldn't matter if they disagreed with him. Eden just wanted to get this over with. He followed the guard, keeping himself at a good distance.

"The Divine is in the gardens. Please wait here while I announce you are here", the guard stated, before heading through the garden's arched entrance.

Eden stood alone in the hall, thinking about how redundant all these formalities were. He used to live here. He knew every room in the building. But he wasn't going to challenge the guard and cause a scene. So, he stood, waiting for his cue to be allowed in. At least they were to meet in the gardens. Out of all the many places within the citadel, it was always his favorite. When he was little, it was somewhat of an escape from all his troubles.

After several minutes the guard reappeared. "The Divine will see you now", he said, holding his hand up, signaling Eden to go in. Eden gave a short nod as he walked by, following the path towards the garden's entrance. He passed under an arched doorway, leading him outside into a courtyard that had an enclosed garden of the most vibrant colors.

It was the height of spring here, despite winter taking place outside the realm. There was an abundance of plant life in every corner and an array of beautiful flowers everywhere you looked. The sweet scent of flowers filled the air as the gentle breeze rustled through their leaves. His attention was quickly directed to an extremely tall figure. They stood roughly 8-feet high with long, flowing black hair and gray skin. They had rigid black horns and a scaly dragon tail to match. It glistened soft colors of every hue. They wore long, dark robes that flowed with every movement of their body. They seemed to be enthralled by the many flowers as they seemed to not notice Eden's presence.

"Zaeyar" Eden greeted.

Zaeyar turned his head at the familiar name. A wide, toothy grin spread across his face as he turned to Eden. "Ah Eden. My, have you grown", he replied, looking down to Eden with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Zaeyar had a unique look to him. He was tall and thin, yet he had a certain air to him that commanded respect, as well as intimidation. He was very intimidating, but he had an odd aura that drew others to him. Like a moth to a flame. 

"How are things in the outside world? It's been quite some time since we last talked" he asked with a smirk, taking a seat on the bench that overlooked the garden. "It's been quiet up until the attack in Pernrith", Eden responded. "And what of this attack?" he asked, giving Eden an amused smile as he folded his hands together.

Eden didn't look directly at Zaeyar. Instead, he was focused on the plants as he spoke. 

"The city was attacked by three unknown people. They were masked, so no one was able to get a clear view of what they looked like. They appeared to be looking for something but it seems they were unsuccessful. I haven't seen or heard anything of them since the attack." 

Zaeyar was intrigued by this. He hummed softly and turned to Eden, giving him a serious look. "And what is your source of this information?"

"I was there when it happened. It was... catastrophic", Eden stated.

Zaeyar frowned and stared off into the distance. After a brief pause he looked back at Eden. "You were in Pernrith? That doesn't sound like you" he asked with an inquisitive expression.

Zaeyar believed they knew Eden inside and out but they couldn't be farther from the truth. Eden never wanted to admit this fact about himself. But it was undeniable that Eden rather enjoyed his life in Illephia, and there were parts of it that Zaeyar simply couldn't understand.

Eden ignored the comment. Zaeyar continued, "You had a witness, correct? Did that bear any results?" he questioned, shifting his eyes towards Eden. Eden met Zaeyar's gaze and looked back to the flowers, "Her memory of that day has been... lost. The attack seemed to trigger something. I couldn't get much information from her about the attackers" Eden spoke honestly, not seeing the need to hide it.

"Hm, what a pity. But no matter. We shall keep an eye out for them. As long as it doesn’t reach us, that's all that really matters", he replied with confidence in his voice, a dark smile growing across his face.

Eden didn't like that smile. It meant they had no intention of taking action unless it was happening to them directly. They'd let the people suffer the consequences until the threat became something worth dealing with. Zaeyar noticed this and leaned over Eden. "What is it? Do you not believe we'll do anything?" he questioned with a mocking tone in his voice, as he tried to get Eden's attention.

Eden glanced up and met his gaze once again. His expression remained calm and collected as he answered. "I do not doubt you will do anything."

Eden was already starting to lose interest in the conversation and began thinking of how he could end the meeting sooner than later.

Zaeyar turned around with a devious look in his eye. He leaned closer, lowering himself down to Eden's height so they were at eye level.

"Ah. Eden, you never change. You were always like this as a child" Zaeyar smirked, studying his face, looking for some kind of reaction from him.

"What is it?" Zaeyar questioned in a mocking tone. He lifted up Eden's chin, looking deeply into his eyes as if he could peer right into his soul. It made Eden's stomach twist into knots. "Hm, nothing", he muttered. "Really?" Zaeyar tilted his head, not breaking eye contact. His voice was playful yet serious, hinting that he was expecting more of a response from Eden. He waited patiently as if he was enjoying seeing how long he could get Eden to remain silent before he eventually cracked and said something. It was one of Zaeyar's many tactics to get the truth out of him. Zaeyar enjoyed watching Eden squirm under his intense gaze and wouldn't stop until he had Eden on the verge of losing it. But Eden knew what he was doing.

He'd grown up around these types of tactics, and he learned how to handle them. He couldn't allow Zaeyar to see he was getting to him. But he was feeling increasingly uncomfortable and he hated that it was showing in his expression. He quickly composed himself, breaking his gaze and looking back at Zaeyar. Zaeyar continued, "Your visits here are so sporadic. Why not just move back here and live comfortably for once? You don't need to live that... barbaric lifestyle anymore".

"No," Eden immediately responded. The thought of living here again was repulsive to him. He'd always had this uneasy feeling whenever he would step through the gates, like something was holding him back. Like a weight hanging on him. It felt like chains keeping him there and he needed to escape from them.

"Ah... but you miss this place, don't you?" Zaeyar said softly, still watching him. Eden shook his head in response and looked away from him. He knew exactly what was being implied and he didn't want to admit it. Zaeyar frowned at this and sat back upright on the bench. "Why not? There is much to love here. You've had many pleasant memories here, I'm sure" he pressed with an inquisitive expression. Zaeyar wasn't letting it go, but Eden knew that. "This isn't the first time we've had this conversation," Eden said dryly. "Then you know I don't give up that easily," Zaeyar smirked. He waited a moment then continued, "Eden... we were once so close... It was like having a son." His words were soft and sincere. Eden was always fond of his wavering affection. Zaeyar had an odd way of being caring while also being cruel, and that's why Eden had always been conflicted. It was the reason he kept returning to them despite everything he put him through. He missed that part of them, and that's what hurt most. Zaeyar paused, searching Eden's expression as he pondered his next words.

Eden wasn't sure how much of Zaeyar's words he should believe. It could all be part of some elaborate ploy to trick him, to trap him here forever. Zaeyar continued, "What has that world given you that we could not offer?"

Eden wasn't going to answer that question. It wasn't even one he knew how to answer. But whatever it was, he didn't want to share it with Zaeyar. He didn't want them to defile it.

He hated being here. He hated that it brought back all those painful memories he wished he could forget. "Was there anything else you'd like to discuss with me?" Eden asked bluntly, changing the subject. Zaeyar chuckled under his breath at that. "You always were one to be straightforward." His smile widened and his eyes lit up, "No, that would be all. It's so nice seeing you again." Zaeyar stood up and took a step away from him, letting his gaze fall upon him one last time before walking away. "I'll be sure to inform you if there is anything more that you need to know. Now, I'm sure you have other things to take care of" He smiled and walked past Eden without another glance back at him. Eden didn't bother saying anything, not feeling the need to say any parting words to him.

As Zaeyar exited the garden, the guards returned. "This way", the guard ordered, leading him back through the hall. As they walked, Eden tried not to dwell on his conversation with Zaeyar. They knew he wasn't going to take any action unless the threat became something worth their attention, and that frustrated Eden more than it should. They had a way of manipulating things so that no one would bother them, but he had to accept that that's just how it was. He couldn't fight against the system.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Eden and the guard made it back to the main hall. A familiar face revealed themselves at the bottom of the stairs, making Eden pause his footsteps. It was another man; tanned and dressed in dark clothing with green eyes. A single horn stood on his head. The other missing. Lycosi... They met each other's gazes for a moment before Eden looked away, trying to avoid a conversation with him.

"Hey, half-breed! Are you trying to avoid me?" Lycosi spoke calmly as he descended the stairs towards him. Eden rolled his eyes but he remained quiet and still. The guard turned his head around, watching them carefully as he stood between them.

Lycosi smiled. "Still a bit of an introvert, hm? It's been such a long time, why not say hi?" he asked as he stopped in front of them. Eden knew why. It was the same reason they avoided each other before. They didn't see eye to eye and never did, even when they were young. There was always an air of animosity between the two and Eden never bothered trying to change that.

"No thanks", Eden muttered, giving the guard a look to move aside and continue leading him out. "Hey! Why the rush, huh?" Lycosi teased, giving the guard a disapproving look. "I just wanted to chat about that attack. Crazy stuff, right? I heard you were there when it happened", Lycosi continued, getting straight to the point.

"How did you?..." Eden asked.

Lycosi smiled and gestured over to the guard, "Word gets around pretty fast here." He leaned over Eden. "So... you didn't see what they looked like, huh? Well that sucks for us." He had an annoyed tone in his voice, though he still kept his smile. Eden didn't reply. 

"C'mon, give me something", Lycosi begged with a hint of desperation in his tone, his smile dropping for a moment as his expression became more serious. "You're not the only one entrusted with this investigation, Eden. Besides Zaeyar, do you really think you're the only one who knows about the portal? You aren't as special as you think." 

The portal that leads to the outside realm? How could he have known? Eden believed the only other person who knew about it was Zaeyar himself.

Lycosi began speaking again before Eden had a chance to ask. "So how about we team up on this? It'll make things easier on both of us."

"Why? We never have before." Eden questioned. He didn't like the idea of teaming up with Lycosi, especially when he didn't trust him. Lycosi knew about the portal that leads outside this realm? Was that the real reason he wanted to team up with him? He would use him for information if given the chance, Eden was certain of that.

"Ah. Well... I know we haven't exactly seen eye-to-eye on a lot of things in the past, but maybe we can start over? Put our differences aside and all that..." Lycosi smirked as he spoke, trying to convince him. Eden remained silent for a moment, debating his options. If Lycosi really knew about the portal, then that was dangerous knowledge he held.

Another person, this time a woman, approached them. She was a bit older but dressed youthfully, attempting to hide her more "mature" appearance. Her hair was dimmed black and shaped like a jellyfish. A pair of bright pink eyes pierced into Eden's soul as she glanced over to them, her gaze cold and menacing. 

"Oh my god, Eden! What a surprise seeing you here." she spoke.

Eden acknowledged her presence reluctantly, "Fane". He didn't like that he was having to deal with three different people from his past right now. He never had good memories of them, and it seemed they were all eager to make that fact clear to him.

She took a few steps closer to them, stopping beside Lycosi and wrapping her arm around his. "Are you visiting Zaeyar too? Ah, of course you are. You two were always very close", she remarked with a devious look in her eye. She had a sly, almost smug smile.

Lycosi continued, "Fane and I have been helping to keep watch over things here, making sure nothing out of the ordinary is going on". Eden wondered how true that was.

Fane hummed in agreement and grinned, "Ah, and how about you, Eden? I hear such horrible things are going on in the outside realm, it must be harrowing." Her words had a light-hearted tone. She spoke to him as if she were his friend, as if they were talking about the weather. She spoke with confidence. Eden hated that. He hated the way she carried herself. Like a spoiled child, everything was a game to her. A sick, twisted game where she only ever came out on top. But she hid it well behind a wall of innocence. She knew how to put on a sweet and innocent face for anyone she wanted, to manipulate them to believe whatever she told them. He didn't like dealing with her, she was like a venomous snake and he wouldn't dare fall for her tricks.

"Ah, well it doesn't matter. It won't affect us here. It'll die out like all the others, and everything will be fine" Lycosi assured Eden and Fane. "I have a meeting with Zaeyar myself. I can't keep them waiting so I'll be off now." He gave Eden one last smirk then turned away and headed up the stairs to meet with Zaeyar.

Eden took this as his cue to slip away but not without Fane taking notice. She strangely didn't say anything, just watching with a smirk on her face as he walked off. The guard escorted Eden out and towards the main entrance. "Wait", the guard said, stopping in front of him. He eyed him over, as if inspecting him. Eden waited for a moment for the guard to dismiss him  so he could leave. It didn't seem to happen. The guard simply stood there, his gaze unwavering as he continued staring down at Eden.

"What?" Eden finally asked after a moment.

"Nothing. Just inspecting before escorting you back through the gates, sir" the guard spoke.

Eden tried to suppress his irritation, knowing he should just play along and make things easier on himself. "Right." He let the guard lead on, keeping his gaze ahead. They walked side by side, Eden watching as the sun was beginning to set on the horizon. The sky was a soft blue and a few stars began to show through the clouds. The city looked beautiful from this angle. Everything about the city was picturesque; the perfect representation of the utopia it was meant to be. But Eden knew that wasn't true.

It wasn't long until they were approaching the gates of the citadel. "You may exit now", the guard spoke, saluting Eden before turning around to make his way back to his post. Eden gave a silent nod in response and continued through the gate. He was more than ready to leave this place behind and head back home.

It would be a while before he would have to return to Acrux again. Hopefully that wouldn't happen for some time, though he knew better than that. He always ended up back here no matter how hard he tried to avoid it. Walking back through the streets, he was met with more judging eyes and disapproving glances as he passed. Eden kept his expression blank. He had become so used to this kind of treatment that it hardly bothered him anymore. But it didn't change the fact that it annoyed him. The only place he didn't feel judged or shunned was in Illephia, with no one to bother him. 

He walked over the bridge and through the forested outskirts of the city. Walking down a rough path of trees, the only sounds were those of crickets and owls. A gentle wind blew against the leaves and he felt himself calm down as he enjoyed the solitude. This was exactly what he wanted, the peaceful silence that he knew and loved. But that was cut short by the appearance of Fane. She walked right in front of him, looking to catch him off guard. Eden seemed to have already expected her though. 

"You can't avoid me, Eden." Fane said in a soft tone.

"I wasn't really trying to. I figured you were following me" Eden said flatly, stopping to watch her. Fane smiled in a sly way and shook her head.

"You've grown to know me too well then, Eden." Her words were light but there was a serious undertone.

Eden sighed, "You were there that night, weren't you? The night of the Pernrith attack..." He narrowed his eyes on her as he asked the question.

Fane smirked in amusement. "Ah, it's not easy getting things past you. Always so observant, huh, Eden? Well yes. I was there, just having some fun." Fane replied, crossing her arms over her chest and giving a look of faux disappointment.

Eden shook his head, “ ’Fun’.. What an interesting way of putting it. I know you were involved. You've always had a fascination with death and destruction" He spoke coldly, staring her down as he waited for a reply. Fane's smirk faded slightly but she was quick to recover it.

"Hmm... Well, I can't deny that... If you hadn't spoiled the moment, I would've had much more fun with that girl. Eden... always around to spoil things..." She paused, looking deep in thought for a moment, then continued, "...but at least I got to enjoy the others. There was one that was particularly feisty. You probably saw her at some point, she was rather pretty for a human.." Fane smirked to herself.

"A woman; older looking, with fiery red hair and bright green eyes. She fought me until the very end, I loved it!" she added, watching Eden for a reaction. She seemed satisfied when his eyes widened.

He tried his best to hide his terror at her words. The way she spoke of the woman with such amusement. Like she had just described an enjoyable hobby. It made his stomach drop. He seemed to have known this woman. He remembered seeing her as he walked through the festival. There was a painting at her booth that caught his eye instantly; one of a full moon and what looked to be fireflies dancing over a ring of water. A scene he felt an uncanny familiarity with. The women noticed him looking at it and greeted him warmly. He wasn't usually one for talking with strangers, but she gave off a calming vibe. 

❖       ❖       ❖

"Hi there! Welcome! It's quite a lovely painting, isn’t it? My daughter made it, she has a knack for that kind of stuff", she said as she held out the painting for him to get a better look. "She's out getting some things but she should be back soon."

Eden stared down at the painting in silence for a few seconds. Then spoke up, "It's nice". He tried his best to not sound too awkward, not that it really worked. He wasn't one for small talk or friendly greetings. He tried not to talk to anyone too much if he could help it, unless it was necessary. The woman smiled at him though and replied, "Ah, I'll tell her you said so!"

She held out a hand to him, "My name's Aeris. And what's your name?" she asked with a kind smile.

"Eden" he responded, hesitantly accepting her hand and shaking it briefly before quickly withdrawing his.

"'Eden'. What a lovely name" Aeris remarked with a soft chuckle. "It's nice to meet you, Eden. Perhaps she would be willing to part with it if you really want it!" Aeris added.

Eden shook his head quickly. "No... that's fine. Thank you", he said quickly, taking a step back. Aeris looked a bit confused but seemed to understand his shyness. "Ah... alright then. I'm sure my daughter would appreciate you liking it." Aeris chuckled once more. Eden was silent for a few seconds.

Aeris looked over him again. He was a young man, with a mess of hair that covered his face. Hidden under the hood of his coat, he had bright blue eyes and pale skin that almost seemed to glow under the falling sun. She noticed a chime earring that dangled from his left earlobe, something she had never seen before. "That's a beautiful earring you have there", she pointed out to him. "A family heirloom?" she asked curiously.

"Something like that," Eden said awkwardly. He looked like he wasn't sure what else to say to her, like he wasn't comfortable talking about it. He wasn't comfortable talking at all, but this seemed like an even bigger touchy subject.

Eden quickly changed the subject. "You don't... live in town, do you?" he asked her curiously. Aeris chuckled and shook her head, "No. We’re just visiting for the festival. How are you enjoying it so far? Having any fun?" Aeris asked him with a kind smile. He wasn't used to seeing people smiling so freely at him like that, but it wasn't a bad feeling. He looked down, thinking for a second.

"I... I think I am. I like this festival" he said softly, his expression changing slightly into something of a smile. He tried to hide it though.

Aeris gave a little laugh and nodded. "Glad to hear! This festival is my daughter's favorite time of year, and I get to enjoy it with her. She-", she was interrupted by a sudden explosion, followed by terrified screams. Eden quickly looked over to see flames engulfing several nearby stalls, burning them to ash within moments. He froze. He didn't know what to do. His eyes scanned frantically around as people rushed past him. He looked over at Aeris who was just as shocked and frightened. Cupping her hands over her mouth, she let out a terrified gasp, "Oh my god... what’s going on!?". She frantically looked around the burning area, desperately trying to spot any familiar faces among the crowd. "Yun... I need to find her."

Aeris turned to him with panic written all over her face. "W-We have to find her! Please! Help me find my daughter! She went to the bakery, just down that street! She might still be there." She pointed down a road engulfed in flames and rubble. The street had become a dangerous minefield for anyone trying to run away. She reached out to Eden, her eyes pleading, "Please! She's wearing a blue dress and she has long, green hair!" she cried, gripping onto his arm. "She's all I have, please help!" She sobbed, her grip tightening around his arm, squeezing it until it hurt. Her desperation and terror was evident. "Please... please!"

Eden took in her desperate plea. His eyes scanned the area frantically. His mind was racing at the situation unfolding. The panic of the crowd, the burning stalls and buildings around him, the heat of the flames on his face. "I'll look for her. Get somewhere safe! Go!" He spoke firmly as he pulled himself from Aeris grip, giving her one final nod before rushing into the flames. His feet pounding against the ground, he pushed through the sea of terrified people as they screamed and ran for cover. He knew it would be near impossible to find her in such low visibility. He leaped onto the rooftops and started searching through the crowd for any sign of her, but his attention was quickly grabbed by something else.

Eden looked around and noticed a couple masked figures running wild among the rooftops. They seemed to be causing havoc and chaos wherever they went, unleashing beasts and using magic to do most of the work. The air filled with smoke from fires and destruction, as the figures stood in the center of it. Eden's eyes followed their every movement. Their appearance was odd to him. Something seemed off.

One of the figures stood particularly still, as if they were doing nothing. But then they lifted a hand over the buildings and crowds below. Nothing appeared to happen. But then Eden noticed many of the once frantic people had silenced and slowed their pace, almost as if they were in a vegetative state. It seemed as if this masked person had a hypnotic ability of some kind. Eden knew that the figure's abilities were powerful, even if he couldn't tell what exactly was happening.

Before he had any more time to think, a beast lunged at him from behind. He jumped away quickly, narrowly avoiding the claws of the large beast. The beast growled and hissed at him as it lunged forward once more, trying to claw at him. Eden kicked at it hard, sending it flying into a nearby building. The beast hit hard but immediately recovered and ran at him again. Eden knew that the beast was tough and fast. He couldn't let his guard down, no matter how simple he thought the task to be.

Suddenly, there was another explosion right beside him. He managed to avoid getting hit this time, but the shock of the blast left him disoriented. There was just too much going on. It all overwhelmed his senses. It was as if he was being attacked by everything around him, in a way.

He wanted to help the people trapped here, but looking around he could barely see anything through the thick clouds of smoke. Everything seemed to be collapsing. The ground was cracking apart beneath him, buildings were crumbling and fires were roaring around them. This place was going to be destroyed, if it hadn't already. And he needed to get out. But he didn't want to leave everyone else. There was still people who were trapped and dying. How could he leave them behind? He was just going to let them burn and suffocate in this hellfire? How could he live with himself, if he did nothing?

Making the decision for him, more beasts appeared, chasing after him. Eden knew he couldn't keep this up much longer. His head spun from the constant explosions, smoke inhalation, and fatigue. They pushed him into the mountains, never slowing down. Now that he was away from the thick smoke and debris, his vision and breathing had cleared. He took in some deep breaths and stopped to turn and face the beasts.

One of the beasts was right behind him. He ran at it with speed that it didn't expect. Eden grabbed one of its horns, lifting its head up before slamming it into the ground. Then, he threw it into another one, knocking the creature away. Another lunged at him. He turned and met it halfway. Grabbing it by the head, he quickly threw it over his shoulder. The creature went crashing to the ground with a loud thud, its skull cracking open upon impact. It didn't get up again.

With only three left, they rushed at him as one. He ducked as one came from above him. Jumping out of its way, his hands lit up with dark matter . The beast roared, turning to charge at him. He waited until it was close enough. Then, with a swipe of his hand, the beast flew backwards and slammed into the rock wall with force. Eden's hand was glowing with the dark energy he had summoned, pulsing through him as if it was a second heartbeat. The remaining two creatures growled at him as they circled around him.

He wasn't sure why these creatures were so insistent on killing him. Was it just because he had interfered? But why would that matter to them? There were hundreds of people trapped there, and yet they seemed to focus solely on him. He tried not to dwell on the thought too long, and instead focused on fighting back.

One of the beasts ran straight at him. Eden moved aside, letting the creature run past him. As he dodged the beast, his fist collided with it. A flash of energy went off as he punched it. The force of the hit threw the beast off its feet and sent it flying several yards away. The second beast turned and leaped at him, jaws snapping open as it lunged forward. He reacted immediately and blocked it, stopping its jaws inches away from his throat. But this beast was stronger than the others he had faced before. It didn't seem to care how hard he pushed against it, the only thing stopping its jaws from crushing him being his own strength. Eden gritted his teeth as he struggled to keep the beast at bay. But he couldn't hold on forever.

He pushed back harder, forcing the beast to move away. Once it had, he stepped back and released his hold on the creature, allowing it to crash down onto the ground. Eden immediately leaped away and took advantage of the distance. His hands glowed brightly with magic and he released a blast of magic towards the beast, striking it directly. The impact knocked it away, causing the last of the creatures to fall back onto the ground, where it remained motionless.

He waited until all of them were dead and turned away, not looking at them. Instead he focused his eyes on the distance ahead, the sky growing dimmer by the minute as the sun slowly set behind the mountains. His thoughts drifted back to the attack and he felt guilt swell within him again. He felt like he could've done more to stop it from happening, but there wasn't anything he could do about it now. He just hoped as many people as possible made it out safely, including Aeris and her daughter.

He started his journey towards the most current place he called home, Cherish's inn, to the West. As he walked away, he couldn't get the image of the attack out of his head, the burning buildings, the smoke, the people dying around him, and the beasts. It plagued his mind, causing him to shake in rage at his helplessness. His running thoughts seem to make time go by much quicker. It was already deep into the night, the cold air somehow even more freezing than it already was. Eden could hear the sound of crushing snow and sticks snapping from a short distance away. His thoughts immediately went back into a battle mode as his ears picked up on the noise, listening carefully for the next move.

He could hear huffed pants and grunting, as if someone was struggling to walk through the snow and the harsh, cold air. It didn't take him long to realize someone was definitely injured nearby. His instincts took over, rushing forward without much thought. His heart skipped a beat at what he saw in front of him, laying there lifelessly on the snow-covered ground. The body of a woman with long, green hair. Her eyes wavering as blood dripped down her forehead. He barely had time to process anything as another person immersed from the shadow of nearby trees. It was a masked woman dressed in blue garments and an elegant fur coat. Eden could tell right away by their attire and how they presented themselves who they were. "You shouldn't be here..." The woman warned in a quiet, yet commanding tone. Eden clenched his fist at her words and looked down to the girl laying on the ground. The girl coughed, her chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern. "Neither should you..." Eden retorted sharply, glaring up at the masked woman with fury burning inside of his eyes. The masked woman seemed unaffected by this though and continued on, "Oh, please. Like you can tell me what to do."

He stood still and kept his glare, watching her with intense caution. He wanted to ask her what she was doing there and why. But there wasn't much time for him to ponder it for long. Growing quickly agitated, the masked women lunged at Eden, "Get out of my way!".

The woman attacked him, forcing him to quickly react and defend himself. Her attack was relentless. The masked woman seemed determined to make sure that Eden wouldn't stop her from accomplishing whatever task she set out for herself. But he felt he had to protect this girl. Knowing who this mysterious woman was, he knew no ordinary punch or kick was going to stop her. His horns and tail revealed themselves, along with a bright, pulsing purple aura. His power level was beyond that of a normal human's and his demonic features showed themselves as the power began to course through his body. The woman paused in surprise before continuing to attack him with the same ferocity and strength. With the girl still below him, he knew he couldn't take long to help her. So he needed to take care of this masked woman quickly and get the girl to safety. 

The girl on the ground seemed to be barely conscious enough to notice what was going on around her. He shot off one giant blow to the masked woman as she attempted to make another move. The attack caused her to be blown back against a tree with a loud crashing noise, leaving her unconscious. Eden turned to the girl and  began to lift her off of the ground, carefully picking her up in his arms. The girl was light and felt fragile, her head resting on Eden's chest, blood trickling from the wound on her head. He continued on his journey towards the inn, holding the girl close to him and keeping an eye on her.

"Don't worry... I'll get you somewhere safe." He told her quietly, not sure if she was able to hear him or not. She seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness, her body completely limp and her breathing shallow and uneven. Eden was determined to keep her safe. If he could save just one person, maybe he'd feel a sense of redemption.

❖       ❖       ❖

Recalling the memory, Eden's attention was brought back to reality by Fane's dissonant voice. "And, she kept calling out a girl's name, I'm assuming her daughter by her tone of voice. What was it..? It was an odd name that started with a "Y"..."

"Yun" Eden suddenly interjected, interrupting her thought. He hadn't realized it slipped under his breath but Fane immediately caught the name. She grinned wide, knowing that he had just slipped up.

"Ah! That's right! "Yun". She was going on and on about her, it was kind of getting annoying so I shut her up quickly." She remarked. "She said that she loved her... and she wouldn't forgive me. Something like that...Heh. That bitch.."

Eden's voice was stuck in his throat. He was in utter shock at Fane's complete coldness, yet she had such a menacing smile. How she spoke about her with no care. As if the love the woman spoke of didn't mean a thing. He wanted to speak. He wanted to yell at her, to hurt her. He could feel the energy surging through his hands at the mere thought of it. But another remark from Fane stopped him.

"Hey, wasn't that witness of yours named "Yun"? That was her, wasn't it? That one you so rudely interrupted me from having fun with..!" Fane asked with a laugh, "Yeah. I can tell by your face it's a "yes". I wonder where she is right now?" She placed a finger over her lips in contemplation. "Clearly not with you." she smirked.

The thoughts of Fane laying a finger on Yun enraged him, he wanted to protect Yun at any cost. Fane knew exactly what she was doing though, she wanted to get a rise out of him and Eden was falling right into her trap. She noticed how his eyes suddenly burned with a fiery, vengeful hatred, how his body seemed to stiffen and grow tenser by the second. 

"You know, I really like to finish what I start, so I looked into her a little more. I couldn't find much but it was easy to find where she's from. You might want to be careful with who you piss off, Eden. It might just come back to bite you..." She grinned maliciously, walking past Eden and leaving towards the city. 

Eden wanted to ignore her taunting but he was already so shaken that it made his stomach sink. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest as he made a break for the portal and towards Eos Bay. The image of Fane holding Yun was already seared in his mind, it was an image that was burned so deeply he wouldn't be able to shake it off. He didn't understand why but the thought of her being hurt made him want to scream out in anger. She didn't deserve to be hurt and she was already injured because of Fane once before. She could be in serious danger right now. He had to get back to her as soon as possible, he didn't care if it made him seem desperate to get back to her, but he just had to get to her as fast as his feet would allow him. 

He rushed as fast as he could, shifting through tree limbs and tall foliage. His lungs were burning with every step but he forced his body to keep pushing on. He had to find her before something worse happened to her. His mind was racing with the thoughts of Yun, her voice echoing in his mind, the last time he saw her before he left her. How she smiled, giving him a parting gift, how she said her goodbyes, how she wanted to stay with him... He didn't understand what he was feeling but all he could focus on was making sure that Yun was safe. The sun had fallen behind the mountains in the distance, causing the world around him to dim and become quiet. The snow around him crunched under his boots. He couldn't let her be harmed anymore, not again. He needed to protect her. His thoughts raced faster and faster until he saw the lights of the bay in the distance.

Finally. He was so close. Running across the desolate backroads, he came upon the small road leading down the hill to the church. He ran up to the large, wooden door and knocked loudly. "Yun?! Yun are you in there?" he yelled, "Yun!!"

He looked around, not seeing any movement or light inside. No one was answering. Eden could feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest, pounding so loud it almost deafened all sound. He would've knocked and waited again but he knew something was wrong. There was no time. He pushed through the door, the wood splintered as he threw his weight against it, snapping the wooden latch in half and nearly ripping it off the hinges. "Yun!!" He called, running down the aisles between pews, hoping to see the slightest hint of movement. He couldn't find anything in the church. He rushed down to the front of the room and another building sectioned off by a corridor. This building looked more like a large home than a church. He began opening and slamming every door that would open, hoping that at any minute he would see the light of life. But still, there was nothing. He was running out of places to search and he had searched everywhere in the church already. Then, his eyes landed on the last remaining door. He raced towards it.

The last door led to a bedroom with a vaulted ceiling and a large stained glass window. He entered, not seeing anything at first but then noticed the outline of a person on the window's nook, lying motionless. His blood froze when he realized it was Yun. Eden's voice cracked in his throat. "Yun!!"

Yun wasn't moving and when Eden got close enough, he could see she looked incredibly pale and weak. "Yun!!" he exclaimed, pulling her close to him. His hands shook, hovering over her as if to say what to do now. His brain felt like it was shutting down. "Please... wake up. Please!" his voice broke.

Slowly regaining her senses, Yun opened her eyes and felt herself being pulled up to Eden's chest, held in a warm embrace. It was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. She was shocked. She wasn't expecting to hear a voice so familiar, a voice she thought she would never hear again. She sat up slowly and turned her head to the source of the sound, she felt like she was dreaming, almost. Yun looked up and saw him, her heart was pounding, she thought she was hallucinating for a second. It took her a minute to register what was happening. "Eden..." She murmured quietly. "What are you..." She couldn't finish her sentence before Eden spoke again. "Are you okay? Has anyone hurt you?" 

She didn't answer him, just stared back at him, too surprised to even move. Eden noticed that her face looked blank, her eyes empty and lifeless. She took a shaky breath. "I'm fine... It's just..", Yun looked down, not having the courage to tell him. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to come back." he said simply, his tone more serious than before, "I thought something had happened to you..".

"Nothing's happened... I've just..." She tried again to say it but she fell silent again.

Eden took a step back and looked her over, still worried and anxious, he took note of the dark circles under her eyes. How frail and gaunt she looked. She seemed so different. Like he was looking at a ghost. Eden's face hardened into a serious expression, "Yun, tell me what's wrong..". He spoke in a stern, almost authoritarian, tone. Yun lowered her head in defeat and started crying again.

Yun took a deep breath as the tears started flowing freely, her shoulders shaking from sobbing, she covered her face with her hands, "...I remember!" Yun cried out, her voice breaking, "She's gone!! I don't...I don't know what to do..." Her words were jumbled together and broken, almost incomprehensible through the sobs, as she sobbed harder into her hands. She took a shaky breath before she could say anything more.

Eden knew exactly what she meant. His face softened and his expression turned sorrowful, looking down at the floor as he thought to himself. Part of him hoped she wouldn't remember such a gruesome event. It would be too much for her to bear. The pain and loss of such a precious life would have broken someone so soft. It already had. He looked back up to her, "I know.."

"What?.. " Yun paused for a moment. "You knew about this?! But, you... why did you tell me?" she said, her voice becoming quieter.  Yun's tears fell faster now, her eyes were bloodshot.

"I didn't know until a few hours ago. Someone... involved told me." Eden's voice became softer as he spoke, trying his best to not look at Yun, afraid she would cry even more if he did. He then turned his gaze away from the girl, feeling guilty for not being able to protect her in this crucial moment. "I really hoped she had made it out," he spoke. His words sounded genuine enough for Yun. She took in his words, feeling more heartbroken than she already felt. She fell silent and started thinking of how much he had to know if he said he knew about this, too.

He must've known what she was thinking, as he was already answering her question before she asked, "That night, I came across one of your paintings. You weren't there but... Aeris took notice and we talked, only briefly. But it was long enough to see how kind of a person she was." He said with a smile, looking down at Yun once again, "She mostly spoke about you." he continued, "It's... no wonder you are how you are now, with how much she cared for you. Even though I only knew her for a few minutes, I can see her in you." His voice lowered as he finished, looking back at her with a weak smile.

Yun didn't respond at first. She just stared at him for a moment. She thought about how kind and loving her mom always was to everyone, especially to her. She looked down into her lap, tears staining her nightgown as they dropped. She felt like hearing Eden's words should've been comforting. But it only made the pain bigger, more real. She felt her mind slipping away once again. She was numb and expressionless. Eden stood there, watching the young girl fall deeper into her depression. She looked out the window, her eyes glazed over in a thousand yard stare. Almost like Yun was somewhere else entirely and the person sitting before him was just a shell. This was a side of Yun that Eden never thought he'd see.

"How do you keep living when the only hope you have is gone? When the only reason you wanted to stay is gone. I feel lost, so far away. Like... like I'm not even here. Like nothing even matters anymore..." She trailed off and stared at her reflection in the window. Her voice was cold and distant. Eden felt a shiver run up his spine when she spoke. It was like he was seeing himself as a little boy, sitting there, a lifetime ago. He was too young to understand, too weak to change his situation, too empty to find hope. The helplessness as the world put all its weight on his shoulders and dragged him down. Eden sighed deeply and closed his eyes, a frown forming on his face.

He knew how that felt. Eden hated to see her going through the same pain; so broken, so lifeless. It hurt him even more knowing how similar they were. He couldn't change the past, he couldn't stop her suffering, but he didn't want her to become like him. If it meant having to open himself up, to put his guard down, and give her the one thing he never had. Maybe that would save her.

He opened his eyes slowly, "Yun. Look at me."

She didn't respond or even glance his way. "Please, look at me." He tried again, louder. His tone was serious. This time Yun looked at him, tears rolling down her face. Eden was suddenly right in front of her and she could see him clearer, a different light shining from him than she'd seen before. She was about to look away when Eden's hands rested on her cheeks, wiping the tears from her eyes, "I can't change anything about that night." His eyes were soft and gentle, looking down at her. His touch was soft. His skin felt like fire against hers. She held her breath for a moment before continuing, "I can't take that pain from you. I can't give you back what you lost." Yun's tears kept flowing but her breathing calmed down. Eden's thumbs gently wiped away at her tears, his touch warm and comforting. He moved in closer, "But what I can do is remind you why you're still here and what you have now. Why you should keep going and make every day a new reason to keep fighting." Eden was very close now. He stared deeply into Yun's eyes. They were dark, beautiful. She looked so vulnerable, so weak. He spoke, "I know it's hard but you can't let the darkness take over." His voice was soft, almost like he was talking to a child, but firm at the same time. Her breath hitched in her chest. She blinked, her tears rolling down Eden's fingers as his hands remained on her face.

He continued, "You're alive because you're strong enough to continue on. Even after you've been through so much. You're stronger than anyone could know and I want to know your strength, I want to see it. I want to see more of what makes you so special, Yun." She looked up into his eyes. He looked back into her, searching for a spark in the dark brown pools of hers. His words had brought back her tears once again and they flowed down her face and onto Eden's fingertips. The way he looked at her. The way he said her name.

Her lips trembled but she tried to steady her breathing, "Eden... I'm not special. I have no powers, I can't fight. I can't even keep a hold of my emotions. I'm so weak. I'm just... a human." Her voice cracked in between sentences. Her eyes never left his. His hand gently wiped the last tear that fell. Yun looked down to her hands, still shaking in her lap, "I just wish... I could do something useful for once. That I wasn't such a burden to others..." Her voice trailed off and Eden pinged at hearing her words. She must've overheard Kioko's conversation with him, which made him frown slightly. 

Eden had seen glimpses of Yun's inner strength over the time they had met. It wasn't even about being powerless or a burden anymore. She had such an indescribable will, it was inspiring to watch. Yun had her self-doubts. But she also had this burning light, an incredible source of resilience. A drive to push through anything.

Eden shook his head. She was wrong, so wrong. She didn't see herself clearly. How she lit up every room she entered. How she helped others without asking for a thing in return. She was selfless. Kind.

He brought his other hand up to cup Yun's cheek, turning her face to him again, "You are not weak, Yun. You're brave, kind, caring, and compassionate. I've met so few people in my life that had any of these qualities." He leaned in close. So close she could feel his breath against her face as he spoke, "You're strong in ways you don't even know."

His gaze was gentle, filled with warmth. He had never spoken like that before and the sound of his voice made her stomach fill with butterflies. She felt like she was melting in his hands. It made her feel safe. She blushed, staring deep into Eden's blue eyes. Yun's hands found the bottom of her dress and she gripped it tightly, trying to stop them from shaking. "Y-you think that's true?" she stammered out, barely audible.


Eden didn't hesitate and didn't need to think twice. Yun had become so much more than a friend and a teammate, but what exactly she was to him, he was unsure. He never felt a connection like this to anyone before. There was this ache deep in his chest that made him want to stay near her as often as possible. His desire to protect her, comfort her. To always make her feel safe. In ways that he never was. The idea of her staying here, alone, without him, made his throat tighten up and his stomach turn. He couldn't even begin to understand these emotions but all he knew is he didn't want to abandon her.

"Why don't you stay with me?"

He realized now he might have overdone it. He was getting too emotional, he thought to himself. He may be showing and feeling things he didn't want to feel, things he hadn't felt in a very long time. And he didn't want her to misinterpret the situation or what he was trying to say. So he looked away for a second. Trying to think of how to correct his actions. He wasn't good with emotions or with explaining them.

Yun spoke again, her voice breaking him out of his thoughts. She seemed a little unsure but her words held hope, "Do you really mean that? Wouldn't it get too crowded for you?"

Eden quickly turned back to face her and smiled, "Yes I do. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it." His words held no doubt, no hesitation. It was clear to Yun how certain Eden was in his answer and it made her heart race. Her hands gripped at her skirt again and she felt the butterflies return to her stomach. Her lips curled up into a bright smile and Eden's face warmed. Yun nodded in reply, "I... would love to stay with you... Eden." She was hesitant with her answer but it was her truth. Yun didn't have the words to express it yet but Eden had made her feel like she was a whole new person, that she could be better and stronger than she had ever thought. Eden didn't view her as weak. And that in itself made her feel powerful.

"For now, we can stay here for as long as you need while you heal. I'll watch over you. You don't need to worry about anything else. Just focus on getting better. You need to rest."

She felt so warm inside. Like all the numbness melted away and she could finally breathe again. The pressure she had felt in her chest for weeks finally lifted and she was able to let go of some of the fear that had built up inside her. It wasn't all gone but it felt more manageable now. It was nice, having someone there who made her feel like she could finally move forward, that things could get better.

She smiled up at him and nodded again, "Thank you, Eden."

The moment the words left her lips, she closed her eyes in relief, sighing a deep breath she didn't know she was holding in. Her heart and mind felt weightless but her body suddenly felt so heavy, as if begging her for sleep.

She couldn't resist.

Her body sank against the bed, the soft blankets beneath her. Yun had never felt so at peace, so calm before. She knew she would be safe now, with Eden.

Yun's breathing became heavier as she sank into slumber.

She smiled, the cool light of the moon illuminating her delicate, round face and shimmering seafoam hair. Her lips curled up, her mouth opening slightly to breathe in and out. Her cheeks tinted pink. Eden noticed her lashes and how they delicately fluttered. And he realized how soft she looked. Everything about her, soft. Like a rose petal. He smiled warmly back at her, unable to pull his eyes away. She looked like a little flower that needed protection and care. Something so soft and delicate, he was afraid to touch her, afraid she may crumble in his hands. But he did know that she was strong and not fragile. He knew that if anyone was capable of fighting, it was Yun.

Eden stood up quietly, carefully, making sure not to wake her. He sat down on the window nook, leaning himself up against the glass. He didn't want to fall asleep but such peace and quiet within the room was tempting him. His head lulled forward and he nodded off, drifting off into sleep.