Latens Paradis [Arc 1]

7 months, 24 days ago
7 months, 18 days ago
7 41350

Chapter 7
Published 7 months, 18 days ago

Explicit Violence

Finally pushed myself to be brave and write the story of my children.

This is a first draft - some things may be written weirdly or change a little. I'm not much of a writer;;;;

Please enjoy ~ ((_ _*

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Author's Notes

A little bit of prologue. Second half takes place after chapter 5.

The Daffodils Rise Again

The scent of freshly cut grass mixed with lavender and honey was carried by the spring breeze. The sky above was a light blue with the occasional clouds rolling by. Birds could be heard chirping and flapping their wings nearby as they flew in groups to another location. It was peaceful. Aeris closed her eyes and inhaled the aroma of her flowers. The warm spring air tickled her face as she tended to the garden. Filled with joy, Yun ran amongst the clover, twirling her arms out as if dancing in a waltz. The white skirt of her dress flew up in the air behind her, making a large circle around her as she spun. She giggled gleefully to herself as she danced, completely enraptured in the moment.

She looked back at her mother with bright, innocent eyes as she stopped in place. Aeris opened her eyes, seeing her daughters look. "What are you doing?" Yun asked her curiously.

Aeris chuckled softly to herself and turned towards her daughter. She wiped off the soil that stained her hands onto the apron she wore and smiled warmly at Yun, her bright eyes meeting Yun's gaze, "I'm making sure these flowers grow and stay healthy. When the sun and rain aren't enough to give them life, then I must tend to the soil for them to continue thriving.", she answered patiently and sincerely.

Aeris looked back to the dirt, scooping some in her trowel, and placing it around one of her flowers, a yellow daffodil.

"Do you know the story behind daffodils, Yun?", she asked Yun. Yun shook her head and sat closer.

"Mm, no."

She began explaining to her how daffodils symbolize new beginnings. Yun was entranced with this. The thought of new beginnings made her excited. The world felt like an endless array of new things and she could only imagine the things that were still yet to be discovered.

"If you want something to grow, you must start small. Small steps and time will make all the difference in the world.", Aeris said, her bright green eyes holding a world of wisdom in them. Yun nodded at her words and Aeris smiled softly at her daughter.

She continued on with a new thought, "Why do you think people say daffodils symbolize new beginnings?"

Yun shrugged. Aeris giggled and poked her daughter's forehead playfully. Yun looked up to Aeris with confusion and she spoke again. "One reason is because daffodils symbolize self reflection. We need to take time and reflect on what we're doing and what we want from this life. It's the only way to make change. New beginnings start with us looking back and allowing ourselves to be honest and vulnerable." Aeris sighed, her face turned sad for a moment but quickly lifted her gaze and smiled, "My mother used to tell me this whenever I struggled with my self worth and insecurity. You can never feel complete if you're only looking at what you lack or how you're falling short. You have to see yourself through a different perspective and think about what makes you unique and wonderful. That's when you find what makes you strong. What gives you joy. When we understand and embrace these things, we can begin to live for ourselves and not for what the world wants or expects of us."

Yun tried to understand such complexities, listening carefully to her mothers words, "What about the flower daffodils? What's that got to do with it?" She asked her curiously, trying to figure out how all this made sense. Aeris thought about it and after a few moments spoke again, "Well, it's simple really. Flowers need soil to grow. And if they're in a bad environment with bad soil, then they won't survive. But if they're planted in a rich fertile foundation, they can begin to flourish. Just like us, we need a nurturing environment in which we can blossom and thrive in. When winter comes, things seem to become cold and bleak for some time. But with a little bit of strength and hope, life comes back into the world, ready and strong for the future. And do you know the first flower that comes back after winter?" Aeris looked over to her daughter who was trying to answer. 

Aeris laughed at how intently Yun was trying to solve the puzzle in front of her, "Daffodils!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"That's right!" Aeris exclaimed excitedly with Yun and the two laughed and giggled. The laughter soon faded as Yun's face became serious once again, "What makes me strong?". She pondered and Aeris spoke, "You will figure these things out as you grow. Just like a budding flower! It takes time to learn about ourselves, Yun. We aren't born knowing all our answers. The most important part of your life is learning. About yourself, about the world around you, and how you will grow as an individual. Don't try to rush it. There's no need. It's okay to be unsure, or confused, or to make mistakes. That's all part of living life." She finished with a soft, comforting tone. Yun listened to her mother carefully, absorbing each and every word as if it were the most precious gem she would ever hear.

Yun slowly nodded at her words, "Okay, mother. I will do my best!"

Aeris smiled proudly at her daughter, "You already do, my little daffodil." She wrapped her arms around her daughters shoulders as they embraced.

❖       ❖       ❖

Several days had passed as Yun and Eden hunkered down within the church, spending the last remainder of winter's coldest days in each other's company. Most of those days were quiet but that was okay. It was a comfortable silence. Yun had made sure to bring plenty of firewood from the storage closet down the hallway and the church had an abundance of candles and lanterns to keep the main room and sanctuary lit for as long as needed. They would each read their own books or study different things together. Yun would listen intently as Eden explained things from his travels or from the many books he's read. Eden, on the other hand, was happy to hear Yun talk about anything at all. She always seemed so eager to share the little bits and pieces of her world. Her eyes would light up with each story and he could tell just how passionate she was about learning. He enjoyed being around such positivity, even if he himself wasn't.

The days went on like that, slow but steady, with only each other for company. Yun tried to help Eden in the best way she could and Eden would often find ways to help in return. It felt good.

As the days passed and winter finally let up, Yun decided to continue to travel with Eden. It was hard saying goodbye to her home. After all, this was all she'd ever known. But she knew her mother would agree and that gave her enough courage and determination to continue forward. To face new challenges and adventure. She knew in her heart this was the best path. And even if it were scary, she wouldn't regret this choice.

As Yun and Eden headed off and up the hill, a small glint of yellow grabbed her attention. It was a pair of daffodils poking up through the fresh grass and snow. She looked to them curiously, then up to Eden who was patiently waiting for her. She turned back to the flowers and smiled. Her heart swelled with warmth.

Eden began to wonder where to take Yun next, he asked her about it, "Where shall we head next, then?"

She pondered this for a moment. She could see Eden thinking the same thing as her but didn't say it out loud, "Why don't we just wander until we figure it out? We can enjoy the journey without a plan" she said to him, offering a soft smile. "Sounds like a good idea to me." He replied. 

They continued up the road, fading into the distance as the daffodils waved within warm rays of sun.