S2, Ep1 - Finale

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👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

You all have gathered the info you collected from your time as employees. Michael decides, from what you report, that waiting any longer could be dangerous for the humans in the area, and he feels something approaching closer and closer. He orders you all to infiltrate the establishment together, and wait for an opportunity to get the whip.  So as it stands, you're all "undercover" either in your roles as employees, interns, or patrons.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty is doing her thing! Waiting tables! Pretending not to know the undercover patrons she's serving food to but giving a wink here and there. Considering the kind of place this is she does that anyway.

Thistle is still in the rafters somehow.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is up on the rafters with his spotlights, trying to not look foreboding watching from above.

Also gave his other rafter mates a wave hi cryptid gang hi thistle hi bones

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is behind stage multitasking working the general lights panel and. Watching hoping spare doesn't fall...

Franks waiting tables and keeps messing with the hair hes currently using to cover his bad eye. Least its not really changed his sight much.

Cami's waiting backstage among the dancers; on guard.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash is humming to themselves backstage as they clean some of the materials up! Just a member of society doing their job! Nothing going on here!

Lethe is doing..... whatever she's supposed to be doing.

Iseul is mixing some drinks, looking forward to not having to do this at the end of the day.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme has... probably been calling out sick ever since the Libby incident, and feels awkward being back in. They're keeping to themselves and sorting costumes repetitively.

Sushi is doing usual bar work, trying not to get too excited for when they get to bust this joint collectively. He wants OUT of this job.

Bones is wild shape'd into a rat and biding it's time.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Romeo sits at the bar, sipping whiskey while observing the crowd.

Natsumi sits with Auran, wearing a hat indoors to conceal their weird hair and not stand out as much as they sip on fizzy orange juice.

Mirror is already chatting up some guys who walked up to her by the doorway.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani is chilling backstage with the dancers as well, wearing some comfortable and easy to change out of clothes like she'd normally do between shows. She's acting normal, doesn't want to drag any attention to herself.

Ivy is doing her best as security

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy and Hugo are backstage, with the former trying his best to untangle himself from some cords, and the latter keeping an eye out for the time being.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera brought her lyre to hopefully convince somebody she should go to the stage with the musicians, but she's not really making headway with that goal. She's just stashed it in a huge backpack in the employee break room and is slacking off there.

Jarno is caring for and moving stage props. He's become a stagehand somehow.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Ducky, Kasper and Arjuna are all in as undercover patrons, though Kasper did need to get into a get up to avoid himself getting recognized considering the last time he was there. The red wig he had was not exactly a look on him though. Each of the three took a corner, wall or barstool to camp at. 

Ducky in particular was at the barstool dressed unfortunately on theme to the place unintentionally considering these are his usual clothes...

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Syd is... half in costume. He is getting ready considerably slower right now because he does not wish to be that level of chest out if things go sour.

Ryder is mopping the floors along the bathroom with depressed stress.

Babs is very happily skipping backstage and sorting through costumes like this job required her to do!

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Athena has returned to the establishment as just another patron, sitting at the bar with Romeo and taking a sip of a cocktail, smiling every now and then at other patrons and performers.

Ysa was there.. this wasn't her usual type of establishment and she was honestly worried that she would stick out like a sore thumb.. she sits in one of the booths and sips on a glass of water

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran sits at a table with Natsumi, looking around the area to see the decor. He's in simpler, more practical clothes today, with his hair tied back. Whoa... place looks cool... where's his BFs? He wants to see them at work... : (

Leslie and Jessica are both sitting with Caitlyn! Leslie is sipping on a drink (no alcohol this time), while Jessica silently curses not being able to eat anything decent once again.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

As you all look around, everything seems average. Patrons are acting normal, none of the actual employees are acting off. Luseria finished her number just a bit ago, and is out amongst the crowd, sexily negotiating tips out of weak men's pockets.  

As the band plays, its announced that Libby's performance will be next. 

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Caitlyn is chatting with Leslie & Jess! She’s sitting between the two, sinking in the booth to not draw attention 

Lana is hanging back by the bar. She’s chatting with some of the waitstaff.

Jack is busy chatting up some patrons

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare gets the lights ready again, nerves are flaring. Here it comes, whatever 'it' is.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex has pretty good view of the stage from the operating panel, and readies himself to keep a good eye on anything strange.

Franks somewhat more focused on not dropping drinks.

Cami's inching as close he can to the curtains of the stage to watch out while also keeping up small talk with Serafina backstage.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Upon hering Libby was next, Mialani decided to go towards the curtains of the stage to watch from the sidelines. She did this normally as a way to 'get tips and tricks on how to improve her performance,' so this isn't anything new! She has here usual smile on, so everythings very casual! Very chill!!

Ivy will just be a security NPC unless I need a reason to RP her

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Syd is peaking through the curtains to catch glimpses of the stage while affectionaly conversing with Viola, who has become his honorary fake work bestie probably.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Romeo looks down at his drink and speaks lowly to his ear piece. "So she's about to go on. We can't get the whip during her performance if she has it. Do we try to intercept before or after?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo tunes his guitar, glancing at the stage every so often after it's announced Libby is next. He takes a deep breath and tries not to think too hard on it.

Andy finally gets loose from the cords and slips a hand to his own ear piece. "Maybe beforehand so her performance won't mess with us?" He whispers.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex whispers back into it "We were warned it'd be bad for patrons at this point, right?.. Im worried about letting her use it-"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul hums and mumbles into his earpiece discretely. "It might be better to attempt to grab it before her performance."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror leans on a wall, waving to some guys as she pockets numbers. "Do we have a visual on her backstage?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty finishes serving the tables and moves over towards the bar, speaking quietly to not draw attention. "Doesn't she normally use a prop whip, though? Anyone backstage, do we know if she actually has it?"

Thistle watches a little bit closer from the ceiling, void feathers ruffling just a little.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Hearing that Libby's show was next was starting to put Leslie on edge. "... God I hope we can take care of this quickly and swiftly... I do not wish for a round 2" 

Auran listens attentively to the conversation happening on earpieces. Well mostly attentively.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

"Nope I took it." Syd still has the prop whip?? probably. "I flirt through crime, sorry."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme is focusing so hard on fake sorting fabric. They are moving these costumes back and forth like a pro. "It's not the same whip, but I think she can just... summon it...? It might be magically stored."

Sushi shuffles over so it looks like he's talking to the SC members who are at the bar and not just muttering to himself. "Mid performance would be sexy of us. The drama."

Bones is just watching.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera grumbles as she hauls her backpack to the employee entrance to look out of the crack. She doesn't really like the performances here, but she's gotta keep an eye on Libby. No matter how she makes her feel.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy looks around but there's too much going on backstage "I-I don't think I see her, sorry." (6)

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"I'm back here too, let me just double check-" Mialani looked away from the curtain and walked along to grab her water she left on one of the vanities, checking for Libby and her whip... (perception: 25)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Romeo deadpans at Sushi "And also dangerous for all the patrons."

Libby comes out from one of the dressing rooms in costume, adjusting her bustier and combing out her hair a bit. She moves over to her vanity to do a final check on her makeup.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Cat huffs “Yeah the sooner the better— I got a bone to pick with that demon.” 

Lana whispers into her earpiece “can we get the patrons out quickly?”

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi just sticks his tongue out at Romeo. Spoil-sport.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty moves back over to the bar, keeping an eye on the tables she's responsible for on the dining room floor, and gives Romeo and Athena a highly professional smile. "If this turns bad, some of us might need to evacuate people, yeah. We've had jobs like that before, in Hong Kong."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Mirror tilts her head. "Not without injury. There'd be a mass panic if we told all these people a dangerous demon is here to suck their soul out of their bones."

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Jarno Finished with the stage."We could pull the fire alarm."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami huffs "We don't wanna start a mass panic at all."

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Romeo nods. "Libby could disappear into the crowd and escape."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani drinks and walks away slowly while she does, trying to drink as much as she can to justify just throwing out the finished water bottle. "She's just finished getting dressed and she's touching up her makeup by the vanities." she said after she was a good enough distance. "Don't see her whip yet though, not sure if she has it on her."

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"We've also done it before in Paris.. so I think we can figure something out." she offers Wisty a polite smile as she passes by. "thanks for the heads up Mia.. I wonder when we'll actually see it..." 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"There might be a mass panic anyway, depending on how this goes." Wisty tilts her head. "Getting ahold of it all might be tricky either way if Esme's right and she stores it magically somehow..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess snorts. "Yeah yeah both of you are gonna have a different kinda bone to pick if you don't slow down and pay attention."

"You're one to talk, huh." Leslie retorts.

"We might need to discreetly tell people they need to leave one by one, but that feels like a lot--" Auran whispers into his earpiece.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Natsumi pokes their straw around in their drink. "We should keep watch on her."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Alex Sighs "Maybe we do have to wait till after shes done... She wouldn't make it magically vanish while still on stage, right?"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

"We probably just need to let her perform, pull it out, and tackle her mid fight so it doesn't disappear. Just saying." Syd was doing a little dance casually totally chilling.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"It's just a guess, I didn't see where she pulled it from when I saw it... but... it would make sense," Esme mumbles.

Bones is scuttling along to see if it can find a way to see backstage.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami wanders over closer to try and keep tabs on Libby at least till shes on stage. He probably should've mentioned it on coms before he got too close- (Stealth 9)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is wondering if he should try getting down on the ground. "It sounds like catching her off guard and getting it off her before she realizes what we're trying to do is our best bet."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme tries to angle themselves to see if they can watch libby from where they're working, but it's a little too much distance to get a good eye. (13)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Libby stands from her Vanity as Cami approaches, holding a lipstick tube in her hand. She blinks, noting him. "Can I help you??"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"It looks like, um... what's their name. Cami? Is going to intercept her?" Esme whispers into their comm. They can't really tell what's going on over there.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Shit. "Oh, my bad. Didn't mean to itterupt. The announcer said you're about to go on, so thought I'd come see how a performer gets ready right before hitting the stage~" (Deception 10)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Thanks for doing that without saying anything, Cami." Romeo grumbles

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul hears 'Cami' and translates that to 'trouble' in his mind.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby squints, tilting her head. "You wanna see how I put makeup on???"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

"play it off-- say you do drag or something I dunno.."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran is grimacing into the ether.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

"What-" Mialani looks over and immediately sighs. Cami got caught, of course. Maybe she should drag him away-

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Welp. See ya Cami. Ash is just gonna mind their own business-

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

“I’m not rushing into shit don’t worry—“ Cat’s keepin an eye on the stage 

Lana would be face palming. She’s doing it in her mind. Definitely.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"If things go south, someone backstage could call him over for something..." Wisty murmurs.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

Kasper listens to the discussion going on and takes a hard sip of his drink. This is absolutely going well.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Kinda. My makeup skills aren't very good, and of all the dancers looks, I prefer yours. Do you mind it? I can leave if its distracting." (Deception 24)

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Maybe not flood a bunch of info in their ears right now, guys?" Hugo mutters into his mic

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Hmm well I don't really mind. But I already did my eyes and stuff. I was just gonna put my lipstick on." She waves the tube.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Mm, thats fair.. I couldn't get a good look at how much you had done from over there, so.." Hes putting on a very dissapointed tone "Do you need any help getting set up to go out? I'm not busy at the moment. No one's given me a task back here." (Deception 16)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

"Nnnnope! Just gonna put my lipstick on and get into place. You can probs ask Melissa!"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani is just going to casually be on her phone while she waits to see what Cami decides to do. It's obviously an attempt at a convo, so it has to be over soon, right?

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Seeing Cami keeping Libby occupied, in the corner, they whisper, "Hey, Cami's doing an okay job keeping her attention on him. If there was a time to choose what to do, I'd do it now."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Oh, yeah, I was just struggling to find her-... Do you know where she is?" (Investigation 11)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie sips their drink faster.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Last I saw her she was over by the props for Luseria's show." she points and goes back to her mirror, deciding to end the conversation. 

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Cat mumbles into her earpiece “sooo, are we going for it or waiting? Sounds like we gotta decide soon-“

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

"Does anyone see the whip???" Romeo turns his drink on the counter.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy is helplessly watching everything from the corner of his eye.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Luseria..." Hes a bit unsure if he should keep her stalled, but with her turning away from him, he's pretty sure keeping her pinned is gonna be harder without seeming weird. "Uhh... Which way was her stuff... This is a way bigger backstage than my home theatre had..." He sounds like a dumbass but he'll live. (Deception 16)

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme picks up an armful of costume and moves a little around the room to try and get a better view of Libby and Cami, whispering into their earpiece "I don't... think so...?" (13)

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

"On the off chance it's not on her... is there anywhere here we haven't checked?

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Libby gives him a look and turns, pointing towards one of the corners. "Over there. She finished her set like 20 minutes ago, paid better attention noob." 

Then she notices the costumes move and squints in that direction, before glaring a bit at Esme. But Esme notes that her lipstick she's holding is a bright bright red, akin to the lips on her whip. And there's a mark on the tube, but its too far away to make out what it is.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani glances up and sees there's now two people at Libby. She sighs. "Cami, mess with your hair or something if you need saving or want me to come get you out of that convo."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami can feel himself start to get a lil heated at being labeled a noob. "Oh right. Sorry, this areas always such a mess it get confusing to navigate." (Deception 21)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Libby rolls her eyes and goes back to her vanity. "Guess you should get better at walking, huh?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme swallows their fears and keeps moving in the same direction, giving Libby a nod of acknoweldgement and. Squinting a little at the lipstick. Hang on a minute (23)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

"You guys gotta be sneakier." Syd noticed Cami struggling as he's chatting between the workers and Viola. "Libby darling, on the topic of sets aren't you missing something?" He waves the prop whip as he approaches.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Cami I understand the frustration but please don't start shit with the demon right now..."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Now he's annoyed. "Alright, princess, calm down."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Jess kinda wants to see what happens if Cami does start shit with the demon.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby looks over, hand holding her lipstick outwards to look at Syd. "I knew you took it, you little weirdo! Give it here!" she giggles 

Esme can see on the tube a demonic rune. From the demonic they studied, they know it reads "Attack". 

Libby then glares at Cami. "Sorry, are you still talking to me? You know where to go."

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

"Ah ah, no please? No thank you? I'm being so gracious by returning this." Syd purrs as he bumps into Cami's side lightly. Very strong  do not piss her off for now look. "Give the star some space will you?"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme speedwalks to the other end of the room and puts their armful of fabric down, whispering into their earpiece in a rush "Guys I think her lipstick is the whip--"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Yeah Ash is just gonna. gently tap on Cami's shoulder. "Cami, it's over here! I know where it is! Follow me!"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Libby grins at Syd. "Please give me back my whip you stole?" then smirks at Cami. "Yeah move along sweetie."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"The. The lipstick??? How the fuck are we gonna get that??" Leslie hisses into the earpiece.

Auran is discreetly burying his face into his hands. This is not going well.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"....I assume she's holding it so it's gonna be hard to just swipe it..."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

"...But we could just swipe it."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo slowly shuts his eyes and sighs, hearing all this through the ear piece. Guys. Come on.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami's still annoyed, and gets honestly more annoyed with Syd bumping into him. "Ey! stay in your lane, man whore." Hes honestly just annoyed at the bump. Ash is also not helping his temper, but follows along leaving Libby behind for the sake of their cover before whisper shouting at Ash "I don't need you fucks trying to butt in. Now its just more odd and harder to get a good look without her getting pissy." and whips himself away from them. "And don't touch me."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is gonna. try and head for the backstage, he doesn't think being on the catwalk is gonna do much at this rate. Gets himself at least on the ground to respond to whatever might happen.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Ah, sorry, sorry-" Ash flinches and gives an apologetic smile to the two, and as they lead Cami away, they give him a wide smile. "You're welcome, Cami. You wouldn't want to get into a fight with the performer right before her performance.""Don't worry. It won't happen again. Just needed to get your attention."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme can still hear Syd talking and forsees this going bad-- hey wait they can literally do that now. They take a deep breath and try to focus real, real hard, (4)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Esme sees Syd yoink the lipstick... and then get one man punched into the backwall, making a hole into the brick.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

He so badly wants to be spicy and shoot back a 'For what?' but drops it. ".... it's fine. We need to focus." Character development?

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Oh no--" Sorry to everyone on comms who has no clue what's about to happen.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash looks noticeably surprised, but their smile goes more genuine and nods firmly before walking away........ And hearing Esme's Oh no and whipping their head to look over their shoulder-

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani glances up as she heard Esme say "oh no" on the comms. "What do you mean 'oh no??'"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Syd blinks at the lipstick?? That's the actual whip?? Before keeping up his ruse. "There we go, wasn't so hard." He sticks his tongue out at Cami. "Proudly."  He slipped the whip that was coiled up around the arm holding her lipstick, on his way back he was able to slip the lipstick away smooth like butter in one fluid movement. (nat FUCKING 20). He did not brag about this one as passionately as the whip but the grin was cocky and flirty. "What do they say, break a leg?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

As Syd turns away from her, he immediately feels a severe pressure in the small of his back, before he goes hurdling towards the back brick wall. He skips on the floor before hitting, skidding on his jawline before hitting the wall with a bent leg that snaps at the knee. Once he hits the ground, a stiletto heel goes into the pit of his inner elbow, digging in to keep him from gripping and Libby reaches down and picks up her lipstick.  In a distorted version of her usual voice, her sclera turned black and eyes glowing a reddish pink as she stares down at him. "Now why did you have to go and do that..." 

The other employees and performers backstage either stare in shock or horror or quickly begin getting away.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme is running over as fast as they can--

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash sloooowly leans into their earpiece. ".... Yeah so Libby just went at Syd."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Guys, it's time- backstage backstage!!" Mia announces in the comms.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

“Esme what’s going on??” Cat panic whispering into comms

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Romeo's head turns when he hears it, as many others mumble in confusion. He gets up, abandoning his whiskey and runs for the stage.

Natsumi also hops up and runs for the stage.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is so glad he's already gone down catwalk access. Here goes nothing.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Lethe and Iseul are staying behind on this one. Iseul doesn't wanna touch that and Lethe probably needs to help people get out.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami looks over with an "Oh shit-" and figures maybe they owe Ash more of a thanks later-

Alex leaves the operation panel and books it back stage at the sound while everyones clearing out

Franks. Not going. He'll help make sure everyone gets out

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

"She just put him through the WALL-- oh I could've stopped this, I'm a fool--" Esme is still rushing over, preparing to hit Syd with a heal if they can even reach him-

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

Ducky's stool was thankfully close enough to the stage, and at the signal he practically bolts at the scene.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Athena cusses softly under her breath and abandons her drink as well, heading towards backstage. 

Ysa, meanwhile, begins assisting in a possible evacuation... 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie freezes in place, eyes wide, slowly turning towards the sound.

"Shit--" Auran dashes in after Natsumi, holding his breath. 

Jess blinks and turns. "Damn."

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Hugo jumps, head snapping towards the sound. He abandons the band to help escort the slowly panicking crowd out of the building.

Andy watches Syd become one with the wall, and now he's really scared. He rushes to find his backpack that's carrying his weapon and darts back to the fight. He's scared out of his wits.

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Alright fuck it Caitlyn’s running for her weapons backstage. Time to fight I guess!

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

As Ivy hears everything on the comms, she decides it's best to help all the patrons get out of the building seeing as a panic has begun."Let's stay calm everyone and exit this way." she says loudly to the crowd and those who aren't gonna be sticking around for the fight.

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼

Nera whips out her lyre and runs. At least they don't have to go through watching another one of her performances.

Jarno takes this as a cue to get the patrons out. He steps on the stage and talks to the crowd."There's been an accident backstage, the show is over for today. I'm gonna need you all to leave in an orderly fashion."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty glances over and glances back before heading for the stage as well. Welp!!

Thistle blinks and the noise and just goes through the wall to the backstage to see whats going on.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi full body hops over the bar and rushes backstage too! 

Bones hops down from the rafters and shifts back into their normal form, trying to gesture the (presumably panicked) civilians towards the exit. "Show is over, sorry."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie's running in for their weapon after Caitlyn too. Fuck.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Syd made a roblox oof as the earpiece he was wearing fell and probably broke. He wouldnt have minded the toss but the mix of his leg crunching and losing all air in his lungs on impact made him think Libby was more hallucination than demon. His leg was in a disgusting direction it should not be, probably.

Ryder had been inching around but was now back stage to see ! How she could help because the rp gods made me change the character going into initiative.

Babs heard the slam and is casually running out of the club. Nope!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

As everyone rushes back, Libby stands there, watching as all these people approach. She chuckles, her skin splotchily changing over to pink, horns growing out of her head and a tail appearing from behind her. "I thought something was up..." She grins, holding up her lipstick. "This what you're after? Well tooooo bad!!" and she puts the lipstick on, tossing the tube aside. 

She makes the motion of an air-kiss, and as she does, a red heart forms between her fingers and her lips, changes form into a stick that she grabs and whips to her side as the whip forms mid motion.  

Roll initiative.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Romeo sees everyone beginning to panic and decides he needs to get these people out of here. He stops on the stage and motions, while shouting. "EVERYONE. PLEASE QUICKLY BUT CALMLY MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE EXITS. WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY. WE ARE SPECTRECORPS OPERATIVES." And people of course, head for the exits in a less-than-calm manner.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank gets run over.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty also makes an about-face to help with the evacuation.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Ivy will go recover the flattened fish... get him out of here.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Auran's trying so hard to get out of the way and help with the evacuation.

Jess goes to sit at the bar. Can she get a piña colada?

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

thanks Ivy. Love you Ivy.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Bones would pull a face at Romeo if it could. Sir it was already trying to do that. 

Sushi runs into the backstage, takes one look at Libby and decides this... isn't worth it actually. He's gonna ''help'' the evacuation effort.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi stays midgroup and chooses to watch Libby's moves.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran shouts at Natsumi from the evacuating crowd. "IF YOU DIE I'LL HAUNT YOU" Wrong way around, Auran. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks and sighs. Now is not the time. 

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Not wanting to risk the other folks getting hit by her charms, Ducky quickly went into a frenzied rage as fur sprouted from his skin and his ears and tail revealed themselves. He rushed in with his morning star and swung it hard at Libby's direction. (STR x 3: 21, 19, 18 | DMG: 12 + 7 + 11 = 30)

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash sighs and focuses, sending a Shockwave at Libby. Do they even take the recoil damage? Who knows!!![Shockwave Lvl 2: -10 Mana][10 Damage on Libby][1 Damage for Ash]

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Caitlyn rushes backstage, grabbing her rifle and wasting no time to firing multiple shots at Libby’s stomach. Fuck off demon lady (attack 25; 8 dmg) 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby takes the attacks and glares, Ducky directly infront of her becoming the direction of her rage. She twirls her whip and hits him, slashing into his arm several times with the ribboning of the whip, as she bounces back to make distance. (DMG: 13) 

She then looks at the group, seeing Esme and glares. She holds up her hand, an energy heart forming in her hand that she throws down at Esme, Mia, and Andy. It goes off like a bomb and hits them. (Andy dmg: 12, Esme & Mia dmg: 27) 

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme is far too slow to get out of the way of the bomb and takes the full brunt, yelping out in pain. Well. That's definitely stopped them running towards fixing up Syd at least,

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy wasn't expecting a bomb to come flying their way, and loses his footing, screaming on the way down. The world is spinning and his ears are ringing.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani was watching as the others started attacked Libby full force, and originally felt good about this since this method had worked before for them... until she saw the heart shaped bomb coming their way. She was cornered, and took a full force of the blast yelling in pain as it happened. She's not looking too good, kneeling from the pain.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"Son of a--" Syd was on the floor, the demon was right there, and Leslie may just be seeing a little red. They aim the crossbow and takes two shots at Libby. (8, 18, Extra Attack used, 10 DMG to Libby)

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Ducky took the incoming hits, using his arms to cover his face in order to protect himself, but he definitely could feel the whip slice through the fabric of his sleeves before striking through skin, forcing him to let out a deep wild growl.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Watching things go down, Athena hisses through gritted teeth. Rushing to grab her bow and arrow which was thankfully hidden beforehand, she nocks an arrow, pointing it at Libby before releasing (TO HIT: 27 || DMG: 4))

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle takes in the situation and considers (snake time? no, too many people around and indoors), before shifting into the shape of a large void tiger and pounces at Libby, going to knock her down and going for a slash and a bite. Sorry to,, anyone who did not know she could do that! (Attack Roll 18, claw for 11 damage, bite for 11 damage (22 damage total) and Libby is now prone) (-1 Wild Shape use)

Ash | David 🌻 

David, who had definitely not gotten caught up talking with someone outside gets his attention quickly grabbed by Syd getting thrown through a wall.  He stares awkwardly at the fight for a moment, looking between Syd and the comotion inside before stepping around Syd with an "ahhh scuuuuse me, sorry, ahhh~" and stumbling inside. He flicks his hand out and the familiar flaming sword appears, and he takes a swing at Libby while she's down.  (Attack Roll 18, 18 fire dmg

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby screeches from the attacks and pushes at the Tiger. "GET OFF"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Thistle just puts a paw over Libby's face.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 


✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle is mildly satisfied.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex quickly pulls out his his gadgets. Using his [Holographic Dupe] he makes a dupe of Esme, since they seem to be a target and hes worried- After that, he throws out a [Modified Visage Net] creating a projected electrified cage to keep her in her place (Libby makes a STR check every turn to break out, otherwise 1d4 electric dmg on fails and moves). And then... tries for the cheap shot but missed, afraid of hurting anyone nearby. (Dex 12)

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Ryder was panicked as people launched themselves at Libby. With a small clap of his hands electricity manifested between the two points of his palms. "Dear heimdall please hit-" The intention was a chromatic orb of electricty but instead he was teleported to ... the other side of Libby closer to syd now, and the crack of thunder was so loud it could be heard down the block. The floor crunched up where Ryder had stood, and she was currently sprawled on her ass trying to figure out what happened. (beat 15, 15 damage to those who failed, 8 to those who passed.)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran yelped at the thunder from the evacuating crowd and covered his ears.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle shakes her head to clear the sudden ringing in her ears. Ow. (con saving throw 14, -15 HP).

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

While the battle rages on, Nera starts plucking the strings on her lyra to a peaceful melody. Then, she starts to sing.

Rocks and storms I'll fear no more, 

When on that eternal shore;

Drop the anchor! Furl the sail! 

I am safe within the vail!

[Command: Drop, 12 to beat]

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Caitlyn jumped at the thunder. Damn spellcasters are cool!

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme was almost back up on their feet when the thunder made them fall back over again. Thanks Ryder.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

The ringing in Andy's ears are getting louder

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Though he wasn't hit as hard, the lightning did hurt Ducky a bit, so for a moment he leered and growled at Ryder's direction being in a rage before turning back to what hurt him more.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

ryder feels like crying

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is... digging through his pack for something that works in all this. Way too many folk to try the revolver again... fuck it we're armoring up Mia and Andy. Mia gets a lightweight gel layer to the torso (immune to slashing damage for 5 turns) and Andy gets a blast of the new and improved Gel Armor Launcher M2 (G.A.L.) from range! (+5 ac until spare's next turn!)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby turns her head and sees David. She moves her arm, and blows a kiss at David. A small heart flitters out and hits his cheek, making a mark... and he is suddenly filled with infatuation and love for her, willing to do Anything for her. 

She then orders him "You! Get this cage and tiger off me!"

Ash | David 🌻 

David's gaze locks onto Libby, and his eyes go wide for a moment.  The chaos of the battle falls away as he becomes fixated with the single minded goal of following that order from her, and in one move he slams the sword into the cage with one swing, and in the next cuts into the tiger on top of Libby. (20 dmg to Thistle)

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash winces. ohhhhh that's not good.....

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme sees Mialani in poor shape and shuffles over, putting a hand on her arm and hitting her with as much heal as they can (+13 HP to Mialani, -10 Mana) . They also feel their own wounds recover a little, breathing out in relief (+8 regen) 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex jumps watching David just walk into the electricity and break the gadget. "DAVID IM SO SORRY!!" 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Thistle makes a sort of tiger-ish yelp of pain and is knocked off of Libby, staggering a bit to the side (-20 HP). Wow she hates being physical.

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mialani was steadying her breath and watching as others continued to fight. The pain she was feeling was making it hard to think of what to do. As it seemed they were out of options, she felt a staticy/numbing feeling that quickly made her feel better. She looked to Esme and smiled."Thank you-" she stood back up and saw Spare come by with a gel? Whatever it was, it made her feel a little more invinsible to whatever that whip of Libby's could do. A weird confidence boost!! "And thank you!" Mialani stepped up quickly and saw that Libby had created a way to escape."Getting a little hot there huh? Maybe you should chill out" the room felt cold, like a chill goinng down your spine as she casted Imprison LVL 1 to make Libby freeze for one turn!

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy's eyes widen as he watches as Libby becomes still and unable to move. His eyes dart from her to the weapon and, emboldened by the extra bit of armor, he takes the risk and bolts for the whip!! (DEX 14)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Auran comes back to meet up with Natsumi and looks around to try to see what's happening... And his eyes fall on David. Oh n o.  "What the fuck is happening--?" He can also see multiple people have been hit and they're definitely trying to kill the demon. Guys come on do we have to kill everything we see like savages?

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi blinks at Auran then looks over. "I think David is in love with Libby now"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠


"That's okay, we're open minded here"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Forcibly!" Ash adds! "Hopefully not permanent- oh-"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Abruptly, a blast of energy punches down through the ceiling, generating a burst of dust and smoke. A moment later, a figure appears from the cloud... The shape of a tall man with ink-black hair emerges, straightening the cuffs on his perfectly tailored suit. Oddly colored eyes sweep over the scene, and the man practically purrs "Well, well. This is quite a welcoming party, isn't it?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash blinks and looks at the newcomer. "Uhhhh Hi! Can we help you? We're a liiiittle busy here-"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi glares and looks over at Andy

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is waving his hands and just looking up, trying to clear the dust and stuff from the roof breaking without it getting in his eyes.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

He got it!! Andy got the whip-! The ceiling practically blows up and, panicked, Andy shoves the whip in his shirt so it remains out of sight.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme gets back to their feet and watches the newcomer with apprehension.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

(Ysa can sense that their partner is talking with the actual prince of hell and is worried ™️ )

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

The man claps his hands, beaming. "Why, yes! As a matter of fact, I believe you have something of mine." He moves over to Libby, kneeling down and brushing her hair out of her face. "Oh, poor Libidine. What have they done to you?" He looks over to Andy and holds a hand out with a charming smile. "Be a good child and hand it over, won't you?"

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mialani covers when a blast is heard before looking up at the figure that appeared. She's a little frozen and takes a step back. Don't mind her lightly clutching the rosary that's under her shirt/around her neck. They were so close...

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"... Oh! It's you!! Mister Beelzebub!" They give a sparkly smile. "Sorry!! I'm not sure we can do that!! No hard feelings, just business! You'd understand, wouldn't you?"

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹 

Cat’s keeping eyes on the newcomer but scooting over to Syd. Getting lil pap paps to make sure he isn’t dead “babe- babe cmon, wake up—“ 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

There is a wheezed gasp coming from Leslie as they change aim to point the crossbow at the newcomer instead. Goddammit all of you weirdos gO AWAY, SHOO. They slowly inch towards Syd after Caitlyn, never taking their eyes and aim off of the Big Bad Guy.

Auran's eyes are so wide. He's holding his breath, both hands covering his mouth, completely frozen into place. Fuck fuck fuck fuck he needs to do something--

Jess is drinking a Piña Colada at the bar.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby finally gains the ability to move and her eyes are sparlkling. "MY KING!! I'm sorry I lost it!! I got so many souls for you!" she is. baby voice rn 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex is reading the situation, and since he really... can't help  Andy here, he decides to try and get Syd out of here as fast as he can so hes not left behind. Booking it to Syd hes trying to figure out the least damaging way to move him and help Caitlyn. "This is gonna suck Im so sorry..."

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

Syd was half conciousand just groaning a little in response to being moved.

Ryder was hyperventilating just a bit. Between feeling like their literal core was buzzing from that spell and seeing a demon lord this is roufg.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy tenses up, crossing his arms over the obvious lump in his shirt as his eyes dart from the group, the man, and the room for a potential exit. .... A sharp turn on his heel and he's making a break for the exit.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme takes another deep breath and closes their eyes, trying to predict this guy's next move. Nothing that isn't immediately obvious comes of it, unfortunately. (4)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"Oh, you've heard of me! How sweet. But I'm afraid you don't have a choice." Beelzebub flashes Ash a smile and stands, helping Libby up and brushing her hair down. "It's alright, sweetheart, you've done so well. You can rest, I'm here now."  Aaand there goes the whip. "Aww, you think you can outrun me? So cute." He seems warmly amused and starts after him, seeming to set a leisurely pace at first...

Goose | Cat📚 Lana🌻✨ Jack🛹

Caitlyn nods to Alex “I don’t think he can move..” she looks down at the leg and winces “just lemme know where I can help”

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Alex also looking at the leg... "Uhm... We need to- like-..." He looks around for anything stiff but flat and grabs a scarf or cloth. "We need to just make sure it- holds like this and doesnt get worse till it can be set-..." and tries his best to just splint it so they can move him. Def hurts sorry Syd. 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Oh no, that hellspawn. Nera plucks up a different song and sings, looking intently at Beelzebub.

"You laid the earth’s foundation; its lines to You are known. 

You know what holds its footings; You laid its cornerstone. 

You gave the sea its boundaries 

And said, You proud waves, halt!

How many are Your works, Lord! 

In wisdom You made all."

[Command: Halt, DC 12]

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

They laugh into their hand, not seeming intimidated in the least. "Ah ah, that's too early to say for certain." And they're gonna start running after Andy to be there for support-

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Beelzebub stops in place for a moment. "...Hmmm?"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby glares at Nera, and looks to David. "Stop the kid with the whip!"

Ash | David 🌻 

David's gaze immediately switches to Andy, and he takes off in a sprint after him brandishing the flaming sword

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy screams

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami quickly points his wand in the direction David's heading and casts Mold Earth to ruin the path so he can't catch up.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Esme notices Alex and Cat moving Syd and runs over "Ah, hang on-- I can help with that" And they gently crouch to set their hands on his injured leg, setting it back into place. It feels a little like pins and needles. Sorry Syd. (6, -15 mana)

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby hisses then turns to Andy and blows a kiss. She hits Andy and runs towards him. He is now infatuated with her. "Give me my whip!" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash, seeing Libby use Infatuation, quickly uses Apportation (Lvl 2) (-15 mana) to get the whip and books it to the door!  (Dex: 18)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Leslie growls at the mess going on, putting the crossbow away. "Dammit--" They run over to the little group with Syd, still looking over their shoulder for any incoming danger. "Is he awake--??" 

Auran is now running after David to try to stop him. Help. Mind controlled boyfriend on the loose. "David-- David-- c'mon babe stop-- DavID--"

Jess has finished her drink. Damn.

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

With his rage wearing off, Ducky slowly intook the nature of the situation before realizing the whip had been taken and has to be kept away from the demons. Seeing where it was now, Ducky placed himself in between the demons and Ash in order to get in the way of this... confusing persuit.

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟

Leslie's question was answered by syd's "holy shIT" and a some other opinions in spanish when Esme's reset his leg. He then seemed ... to have a moment of clarity. "Oh damn thanks." Looks down still in a state of odd groggy from the earlier yeet. "Talented hands dude."

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is keeping to the sides and away from the action and trying to figure out. what the hell is going on and where he should be putting himself

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

With a whole demon and a flaming sword wielding David on his heels, Andy didn't notice Libby and skids to a halt, everything else is fog compared to the lovely woman speaking to him. He reaches into his jacket to get the whip but- It's gone.  He stares at Libby uselessly. 

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie blinks at the leg. "Damn. You healers sure are something."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Beelzebub shakes off the brief influence of Nera's spell and laughs lightly, picking Ducky up by the throat and throwing him out of the way before continuing along after Ash. 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby hisses out a "FUCK" and turns towards Ash. She attempts to kiss at Ash, but Ducky is in the way and gay. "UGH MOVE YOU LOSER"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Cami glares at Libby, and figures taking out the source thats making the teams into zombies would at least help. Also a bit of pay back for earlier. He points at her and casts Lightning Bolt. (Libby dex save) 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby pauses and blushes, her tail curling. "Ahhh~ that was amazing, My King!!!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash turns while running to give a little ";p" with a salute and is just gonna KEEP ON RUNNING BYE BITCH (Wisdom save: 16+2 = 18) (Dex: 19) 


Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera at first is so proud of herself the word of her Lord was able to stop the demon on his tracks, but he shakes it of far too fast for her taste."You're supposed to STOP you FIEND!!" 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Michael steps through the door with a sigh. "What-" then his eyes widen and immediately goes into a glare.

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Esme shrinks into themselves a little "Aha.. uh. I suppose so-- anyways, things to do-" And they rush back off to follow the action, good luck with your idiot ya'll. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Beelzebub is picking up the pace now, following after Ash with a sharp grin. (17 dex). 

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

Ducky gets a kiss... and is just confused?? "Uh... YeehawCHKLKCCH--" And in that moment he's picked up, choked and yeeted.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami might've lit the stage on fire cause someone didn't realize lighting also ignites anything flammable (it was me.) Welp at least the building evacuated a minute ago. Cami gonna dip, ya'll should too 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Michael steps infront of Ash and his wings expand, him picking a feather from them and sliding his fingers across it. As he does, the feather turns into an intricate sword that shines brightly. He wields it with two hands, and readies a stance. 


Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

Sushi peeks his head around the door to watch the action.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Beelzebub's grin widens and he continues moving forward, hand starting to form into a claw. "Michael! Oh, it's been SO long. You've recovered nicely from your wounds, I see?"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Since Leslie and Caitlyn got Syd, Alex is gonna go check on Ducky post yeet- 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash turns from behind Michael and gives a grin over his shoulder. Take that! They've got an angel!!!

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Michael glares, readying his sword but not advancing. "I suggest you be smart about this, Fallen Prince. I know you're weak now."

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia flicks her wrist and makes a sss sound at the situation happening. The chisme is buildiiing...

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy is staring at Libby happily " :> "

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Ysa's eyes widen, hearing Ash shout for Michael, but thankfully he was quick to step in between. Adrenaline rushing through her she runs to Ash and scoops them up and away from.. what would seem like impending chaos. "shit shit shit shit"

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

syd is chilling, just cat grin looking at Leslie while making a 'kinky' joke response to something

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby is watching and shouting "FUCK HIM UP, MASTER!!"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare is watching this all go down wondering what in gods name a mortal soul could possibly help here, and kinda just. stares startled at libby. oh right she's still here

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Oh she is such a simp..." Mia laughs quietly to herself at Libby

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami just gonna flip her off as he leaves

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby bites his finger

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

Cami slaps her 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Libby slaps back

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶

Mia pulls out her phone and starts recording... 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami pulls her hair 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby kicks his shin

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

Athena stares at the cat fight and also brings her phone out to start recording beside Mia

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

Spare wonders if he should use the music box on this. catfight here. He wonders who he's supposed to target.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami kicks her stomach

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"World Starrrr~!" Mia is laughing so much

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy cheers Libby on. You can do this!!

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"Hmmm..." Beelzebub taps on his chin thoughtfully, slowing to a stop. "I suppose I am at a disadvantage against you, aren't I? But you know I've never been one to back down from a challenge, either..." and he launches himself at Michael. Better get out of here before you get caught in the brawl!

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Ysa lets GO go GO GO-"

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"didn't know we got to watch Drag race live..."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"... What. What??" They are confused. And also trying to pick up Syd and sling his arm over their shoulder to drag him outside.

Auran has definitely fallen face-first into the floor after the mold earth, but got himself up and is now bapping David's face repeatedly. "David? David? Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe wake up. Babe--" And then he has to very quickly step back to narrowly avoid getting hit by a flaming sword. Ooookay, nice.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 


Ash | David 🌻 

David is cheering Libby on using the flame sword like a baton in the background

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Natsumi sweats and grabs Auran's arm "We gotta go! Grab David, we gotta go!" 

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Ysa yelps and books it the moment both Ash and Michael said so 

Athena, meanwhile, takes this as a sign to get out and stops recording. She runs and takes Mia with her, looking for Kasper before leaving.

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑 

op time to go he's grabbing cami/libby/whoever he's not checking and scrambling 

Ash | David 🌻 

David runs past everyone to try and scoop Libby up and run out of the building with her 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Libby blinks and screes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Ash | David 🌻 

He runnin

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

"Oh all the cats are fighting- oh shit" Mia is laughing but realizes they should definitely leave. "Grab the lust zombies and let's all GTFO..!" she yells and yeets away with Athena and Kasper!

AR9 | Syd 🔥 Ryder 🐁 Babs 🌟 

"They just wanna fuck bro" to the tune of 'wicked witch of the east' as he leans most of his body on Leslie. 

Tiu | Jarno🌲Nera👼 

Nera books it out of the building and takes flight with her lyre. Bye. It's in God's hands now.

Jarno is outta there this fight is a bit above even his level.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Romeo scoops up Wisty and runs

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Iseul and Lethe have been out for a while but now they are booking it completely-

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕

Ducky is sprawled among some tables and chairs but is okay for the most part. "Auugghh... Now when people said we were gonna be fallin' fer demons, that was not what I was expectin'.... oh. Howdy, Alex."

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵

Sushi doesn't need telling twice, he's out. 

Esme takes a little longer, debating whether they can offer any help here, but they're already kinda low on mana and tired. Time to bail!

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Beelzebub gives a laugh that somehow echoes in multiple voices. "You can struggle and scramble, little insects, but the Lord of Flies will have his rightful place!"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Cami blinks. Then looks at Spare and rips his hand away. "Don't fucking touch me?" and summons his broom so he can leave.

Alex is panicking a lil "Uh! Hi! Are you okay?? Can you move-? We gotta leave- Let me help!"

Rob | Esme 🍄 Sushi 🖕 Bones 🌵 

"Rightful place six feet under..." Esme mutters as they leave.

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Michael swings his sword "SHUT UP YOU DRAMATIC BRAT" and a bright blast of white light shoots out from the sword, cutting the building in half from that point.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy is chasing after Libby and David! Must protecc!!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Aw fuck-- Auran's being grabbed by Natsumi to leave, so he goes to grab David's arm and-- "NO! NO PUT HER DOWN, LEAVE HER THERE! NO TAKING THE DEMON!" Welp as long as David actually gets out. Good enough. He's leaving with Natsumi.

"...... Dude, did you hit your head? C'mon, they can fuck all they want away from me but we gotta get outta here fast" And Syd is getting dragged with the force of a +6 STR.

Jess calmly walks outside. Damn. Dramatic.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty is being carried away from the cosmic good and evil battle! Bye!

Thistle turns back to her regular shape and follows the others as they run away, considering putting out the fire but deciding theres no real point in trying to do less property damage.

Ash | David 🌻 

David is running out of the building and away from the destruction with Libby scooped up and Andy in tow.  To safety! 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Okay thank you sorry for YellIIIING-" Ash clings tightly while also kind of looking over the whip they got- 

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋

Libby wiggles and glares, snapping her fingers, releasing Andy and David from her control. She then kicks David in the head and jumps off him, landing on a roof and running away. 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Beelzebub is now locked in battle with Michael, be ready for a lot more property damage.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy stops running and blinks, confused. "Huh-?"

Ash | David 🌻

David trips and stumbles to a stop.  Then stumbles back and falls, grabbing his head.  "OW?!"

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

"Yea- I think so?" He struggled a moment before getting to his feet and using Alex as support, but he's also mindful not to put all his weight unto him, coughing in between while rubbing his throat. "Hhh... Thanks, Alex. Yea, sounds like a ruckus outside we don't wanna be part of. Let's git it--"

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

As you all run from the scene, Carlos and Haskell are running towards. Carlos passes the lot of you, shouting at Haskell to get you out of there and to safety and he runs into the building.  

He holds up a Bible and Crucifix "BEELZEBUB BEGONE OR BE BOUND!"

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

Spare is. stunned for a second watching Cami fly off before the holy clash of good and evil wakes him up. Okay! Fuck! Whatever, running time! At least Libby's out of the picture with whatever that just was! he runnin over to andy and david "Hi! No time, please run very fast in this direction!" points. opposite of fight

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Ducky bringing the country outta Alex. "Alright, grab on ta my shoulders-..."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash gives a friendly wave to Carlos and Haskell as they pass each other! : D

🤺 sirNix | Kas 🦄 Duc 🦆 Arj ☕ 

"Ahhhn. You got it, pardner." And now they're off! 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy sees David on the ground, hurt, and quickly tries to pick him up. "Ohgosh are you okay?!" He looks at Spare "What-" Crap!! The whip!! Where's the whip-!?

Hugo has long since started booking it.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Beelzebub snarls and vanishes into thin air.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪 

"Are you okay?! That was Beelzebub wasn't it? o-oh god" Ysa kind of digs her heel to a screech before looking back at the passing Carlos and Haskell "wait di-didn't they need the whip? or should we still keep running?" 

🤖 iron | Spare 🔑

spare is grabbin' ya'll tf up and by the lapel and movin' ya'll

Ash | David 🌻 

David stumbles and leans into Andy, still grabbing the side of his head.  "Fuckin- fuck- FUCK okay?? Okay! Okay we're running then!" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"YUUUP! Prince of Hell, in the flesh!!! We had a nice conversation actually, minus the chasing! And they can get the whip back in safety!!" 

🖤 naomy | mialani🦋ivy🪶 

Mia watches as Carlos casually starts an exorcism on the run. "Now that's something I wanna learn." she comments and continues to escape w/ Athena and Kasper.

Ivy has long since left when Frank got ran over, needed to get the fish to be untrampled.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank is intimidated by Ivy, but promises to make it up to her for saving him.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy keeps David upright and runs with him and Spare. Getting the heck out of there, whip or not!!

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 Ysa 🧪

Athena lets out a soft whistle the admiration she already had for Carlos increasing slightly "yeah, no shit.. that's actually really cool.. anyway.. out of here!" yeah they runnin 

"O-okay!" holding on to Ash slightly tighter, keeping them close to her she keeps running and towards to safety arrivederci y'all

👻 Bec | R 🥀N👁M🦋 

Carlos sighs heavily, holding his head. He turns to Michael and huffs "Can we AVOID decimating parts of the countries we're in?!" 

Michael returns his sword and glances away. "I will handle my duties as I see fit..." but he does put the fire out and miracle the building back to normal.  

With that, you all return to the hotel and rest. 

Whip has been retrieved.