Lore and Info Fabula

6 months, 28 days ago

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Quests and such:

Quests inbetween

Updated Info (All in 1)

1) The Gods, Godlings and Species they created
2) History and current state of Fabula
3) Lands and Rulers
4) The Big Wall and it´s places
5) Old World (Malbastin)
6) New World (Nelbastin)
7) Rest to know of Fabula

1) The Background
Gods, Godlings and the whole Bunch

As things go, Some "mighty gods" have come by, befriended and decided to work on something together, creating something amazing.
Having a whole universe can be a fun project and passion, but also a lot of trouble. As Things go, Offspring occur. Now these Offsprings, known as "Godlings' ' , decided to make their own planet.

That named of Fabula.

"Hierachie" on creations and co The Creator "Ori" (A shapeshifting creature) and his friends that have come by, made the combination of
 "the Ancient ones" or also known as "Gods" to the mortals

A shape shifting being as old as one knows and the first of his kind. Noone knows how the original form is as Ori enjoys changing it´s appearance.
His first "creation" was Gero and Nimo (representing the dark and light)
Pashu (Nimo)- Death and Darkness
Nishishu (Gero)-Life and Light

Magical being combined who had the first planets created. Very artsy.
He asked a Reaper of our dimension if he would be interested in taking part in their "project" and of course being bored and already many over came along.
Nafarius is all around the undead, dead and spirits alike.
His Offspring is Artalameus who runs the "Otherworld" in this dimension (He and Reapes https://toyhou.se/18036941.rodger-g-reapes run it together)


This Unimare travels through worlds, discovers and learns.  With alot of magic within him, he never seemed to find what he was looking for.



This spaceborg was the first one to even find Ori wandering around the galaxy. And stumble into the universe of them. Letting the gates open up to more beings and thus inviting the others, forming the first ancient ones.  Watches over like a floating orb.
While itself advances, enjoys seeing species evolve and create.


 For now "Bader" was a batdevil ruler of the underworld and otherworlds where he saw the portal open and connecting his realm to the others. Falling in love with Spario in the process.
He may be a "bat devil" but he has the aspects of Love and companionship, loyal to those around him and also very free spirited and heated.


-Maureen Flask-
 Mother of all witches one can say as she was the very first born and emerged from the volcano of life and the "big boom" so to say. She and Ori  have a child together called "Ben" Wiccur https://toyhou.se/11812993.benjamin-barnaby-wiccur
Known as "mother to many" she takes care and makes sure all are well.
She was the one who created the first "12 witches" of the galaxy they are in. Who still live to this day


The 12 "children/Offspring of the "Mighty Ancient ones"

As gods and such can "mess" around or have feelings, these kids are the ones from this connection.
While Ori is the Parent of all these below, there are some seperate from the Ancient ones as well. (listed below)
Basically "All of Ori´s Kids" run the planet they later created together along a few moons and smaller planets

(1) Ora-
(2) Cheops-
(3) MAF(Marifa)- https://toyhou.se/4670494.maf 
(4) Gabri- https://toyhou.se/4670515.gabri 
(5) Parint-https://toyhou.se/11979047.parint 
(6) Winta-
(7) Numihaku- https://toyhou.se/4670491.numihaku 
(8) FuFan Nashuri- https://toyhou.se/6040595.nashuri 
(9) Khulivar-https://toyhou.se/6270056.khulivar 
(10) Noglar Anuba-https://toyhou.se/7427773.noglar-anuba 
(11) Dorian Dragusa-
(12) Na-Gaia -


1. Ora

Offspring of Ori and Batdevil
"Change and Love"

 The oldest of the Siblings and more the "spirits" type. (good, bad, neutral)


-Bookkeepers (3 are known)+12 that later came.

Bookkeepers are THE Best in keeping track of history and what was and is happening. Their minds are a wonder of creation as they can recall and project any moment they have witnessed.  From history, Lore or a Moment in time. Not only do these beings live long (as in hella long) but also contain a certain power given to them by the Oldest Sibling of the worlds. What they learn, they learn forever (may it be anything from silly information to widelong history) they read and recall pretty fast (some tend to enjoy the "slow" pace of reading like some do) Known are the 3 main Bookkeepers that have been created. (they have a golden neck tattoo while the rest is in dark purple to dark green) Along (!) the success of the Bookkeeper- Species, 12 more have been created.

Different variations but all having a mark and tattoos on their body. The Tattoos are not only a sign but can be used to summon things, use magic on or opening portals as these Bookkeepers travel worlds as well. They usually travel around, decide to stick to something or someone and note or document down. That can be simple things or.. in their case.  Everything!!

Some possess the ability to shrink (easier to transport or stay hidden)
Some Bookkeepers are open who they are as they confront and talk to the one they find interesting or are curious of.
Others prefer to be hidden and document in secret as to "get the original reaction" and "true facts"
There are even 2 Bookkeepers known to be in a Family Generation for years. Example how the first 15 looked like to come.
-Abilities from Changing appearance (transformation) to shrinking and using magic
-They follow certain laws and only with your signature in their book will it be done (obtained)


-Spirits (good, bad and Neutral)-All Siblings 

-Sub Species Angel Warriors- part of Air Elemental beings (Warriors chosen to watch over their specific Clan/Family/Tribe)
(Avarian warriors) -Guardians of the clouded worlds

Are more “humanoid” looking with wings and specific clothings. Can make themselves invisible in front of others (there are special glasses to see them) and are noble fighters. Protect and shield. One of the strongest healing magic and protection forces there are.


At start 5 (representing the Directions they watch over the planet Fabula at start. North, East, South, West and middle. One of them (that later went rogue and evil https://toyhou.se/4693883.guardian-a -known as one of the main villains alongside the brother)
Appearance and powers:


2. Cheops 

Ori and Simon
"Change and passion"

Cheops is known to be very curious and adventurous. Always trying out new things, never giving up and wanting the best for everyone. The supportive kind who wants to make things better.
Will stand for what he believes in and protect what he loves.
Open for many

-.-.-.-.-.-....Created; -.-.-.-.-.-....

1)Earth Ferwin (one of his first creations and very proud of)
The Earth Ferwin is androgyny and has a soft spoken voice. Assists and supports in every way and helps nature grow.

To Ferwin
While having an androgyn form, being sweet and usually a bit shy around the others.
Watching over the Ruins and especially the remains of Cheops. Able to place the pieces together and support it.

2)-Elementar (and Elementarix)

While Cheops had the idea for it, seeing as they exist in other worlds as well, he formed these together from his own powers he had (Alongside the help of the old dragons). Making them basically "their own"
It is said that having a bit of power from each, placing and merging together, one would be "as strong" as Cheops. Making one to a demi-god

The first Elemental ones to appear in the world who later lived on their own "big Island" and gave the powers on to generations, teaching or through birth.
Their places were first around the world of Fabula (represented by a Pillar (at start two, after the war and chaos, having only one of the remain)
Later Gero and Nimo (after the missing kings) had to take over the "Job "
Pashu (Nimo)- Death and Darkness
Nishishu (Gero)-Life and Light

01) Sala (Fire)
02) Vnd (Water)
03) Gno (Earth)
04) Sylp (Air) and Skel (Wind)
05) Nov (Steel/metall)
06) Pashu (Skelett-Death/Darkness) and Nishishu (Life/Light)-
07) Arkus (Ice)
08) Lightning (Ni)
09) Soul and Spirit
10) Time and Space
11) Tech (digital machine science)
12) Magic
13) Love (Aru)
14) surprise (ah!)

3)Moloki (the first 7)

The "pure" (first) Moloki were "police like" to balance the worlds and Dimensions of power. Also known as "Daru Hunters" who work together with the "Guardians" and "Elite Hunters" (Sretrich) Could be any species, gender or appearance as either born or "chosen" via mark and ritual" to become one. (The Awakening)
The first looked like elves with long tails. Later this changed with generations and Origin Flow.
Depending if good or bad to use the powers for their own or to bring their creator  back.
Moloki s were the first “police” type watchers and perfect hunters.
They are one of the strongest of species (next to Souldevils, gods and demigods) They can trace magic, powers or scent from anyone once taken in. When magic is used, they feel it and sense where to go. Or can pinpoint where someone is.
Each Moloki has an M with an W within tattooed on the back of their neck (appears when the age is met and the powers unlocked in a way)
The original 7 are more likely a mix of elvish types with long tails and slim bodies. The Offspring and follow chosen ones can be any type of species since it goes more in a “magical”  way depending on who gets chosen. While they are perfect hunters and seekers, physically not strong or avoid fights. They use their wits, magic and mind to capture the ones they seek. (The old generation tend to keep those at bay that are stronger than them due to the balance of the world) They also make sure that everyone stays in their dimension  (Work close with the dimensional Border)

All however have the same in common:
-symbol on the neck with a small curvy "M"
-strong senses
-fast speed/agility
-Strong shields of capturing
-can´t fight as physically not strong (Changes in generation)

Beeing a Moloki has a high rank.
While the below were the first. Some went rogue, wanting to be the only ones powerful and in charge
Iakolom (first of the Moloki)
Shaun AltaranTorak (Vladimir Lukamk)
Tyron Shragan (Shou) as a Beast Demon mix
Sotaru Rayham (blood Magic)
Zackury: https://toyhou.se/4700294.zackury-s-altaran

Brimlore Nightingale -(A Wishmaster-hybrid cross of a Jin-Created by Numihaku and the Moloki)
Used to be a "Jin" but got merged as a hybrid later on. And the first one who crossed with a Moloki


4) -Wolvrin, Nekorok and the hybrid Nekolf

Cheops created these two species after seeing the natural wolves and felines the humans had shown him. Wanting to make his own kind.
Thus, Wolvrin and Nekorok were created.
Both Wolvrin and Nekorok have fur! (Full fur and no skin)

These Wolfkind have long tails, come in natural ways and walk upright. Often mistaken as Werewolves. They reach easily around over the height of "humans" have no technology and live in a close family way. Protective of their kind and excellent in Seeking.
Bound with nature, no magic.

Across the land of the Wolvrin, live the Nekorok
These are, like the wolves, a feline based Species and very social. Care for young and excellent in Hunting
They are strong bound in magic and use it to their advantage.
Making them with the "legendary Feline Life"

These two tribes were friendly at start but after the Shattering began to reign in "war" against each other (the "typical" cat vs dog" in a way) Which later changes a bit.

The Nekolfs:
These are Offspring made from the two Tribes (Wolvrin and Nekorok)
While not very common, and who knew that these two could even  make it possible but it had happened

Example https://toyhou.se/4716580.michiru 


While the two tribes of the Wolvrin (Wolf) and Nekorok (feline) are peaceful and have natural powers and traditions, the Nekolf offspring of them) has a combined power within.

While they can fight, unlike their parents, they have skin and fur.
The marks forming on their body is from everytime they "die" (take 7 minutes to recover and get up)- imagine like a cat and having the 9 lives in story, these Nekolfs reborn and have a mark on their body in black (like a tattoo swirl or pattern)

The "Nekolf pure" (are the ones when a pure color of both tribes get an offspring, that child is usually cursed)
Example: Wolf white and Neko white or Brown etc
The main ones that have occured (since it was a special Year, the tribes celebrated and many things had happened. Resulting in later Offspring:
The ones found with "pure" colors were later known as "cursed" while the normal Offspring had no problems at all.
The children of these were (seeing the possible colors of fur)

White - (Ivory)
Black- Ebony (Dawn)
Grey- Dusky (Silver)
Brown- Tawny (copper)
Red- Firesome

Known as the "Cursed"
The hair would usually be different from the parents, but fur would be the same. Eyes would have a deep purple (with each) and all had black scalera instead of the lovely colorful ones known to felines. It has strong emotional connections with forms (from transformation to cat, wolf or huge feral version that is uncontrollable but extremely strong. Demi god level of strong)

Nekolfs who come from the "normal" side have the stronger form later on. Connection with both magic and nature and almost "druid" like. Their appearance would be more from the parent with the stronger genes (wolf or feline), having hair color from either and having a lovely glow. Their fur would be in a "astonishing" way.
They two would have the ability to form into their huge feral side with control, strong healing powers and could use it well. Seen as the "Good Nekolfs"

The known ones before the Shattering
-2 of the "good Nekolfs"
-5 of the "Cursed" Nekolfs

(and yup, meaning 7 couples had an experimental night that time)

They usually avoid crossing clans and Species as this usually brings bad luck to their home.
It  is not really controllable. While their powers are extremely strong. (Almost godlike) And have to eat a lot to remain in control.
They can't always control themselves. When stressed or weak have the feline kitty form. If emotional, another way a wolf forms.
When in control (eaten a lot of food) their energy lets them control what they wanna be

If the beast within is enraged, they transform into this huge feral form (mix of the wolf and feline) and have extremely strong power. Beware of this form!
The markings on their bodies resemble their connection with the powers. The marks glow up near Cheops (or a part of him)

Usually energetic and extremely strong, these ones usually seek fights to quiet the itch to destroy. (due to the overwhelming power that constantly flows through their body) almost like an overcharged cable or never ending power supply. Even if hungry, their state is in battle mode (and can lead to the “cursed Beast” form)

5) Pangea Humans/Martian Humans

He was the first who was interested in the species visiting the planet they had help create. Getting inspired and alongside his siblings (not all) made their own humankind known as "Pangea humans"
Looking like our humanself from earth, there were small differences.
More robust in taking hits, strong and more immune to illnesses. Giving them the age range of up to 200 years old. After that he would make it possible for them to be reborn and keep the memories and experiences of the past to live on.
This changed later after the "Shattering"

Alongside are also the "Martian Humans"

 Lil info for "Mars' ' (in my story version) since the modernized living from Pangean Humans and other species the  "Alexandria’s genesis"  genetic mutation turns some people into “perfect” human beings. (while in reality it's a myth, I am using this for story purposes)
And they are rare (!!) As Pangean Humans live double as long as Earth humans  (live up to 200, the bloodline of the ones who caused cheops "death" are cursed and die sooner ish), the state with mars letting them live 150 years longer (so 350 years) with the Genesis. The myth has been traced back to 2005, though it may have been spread earlier. People with the "fake" condition have:

 ● purple eyes (with the color present from birth or developing shortly after)
 ● pale skin
● perfectly proportioned bodies
● an absence of body hair (below neck)
● high levels fertility, but without menstruation in women
● excellent immune systems
● very little bodily waste
● blood can be used to cure illness or sickness

Since they are rare in the story and only on mars (being protected) due to some hunters and others wanting to experiment and more on them.  Also their blood and self are seen as a very valuable source. The Alien Margus has claimed them as royals as they are seen as rare beings and valuable as they have usefulness.

Some of them hide who they are (changing appearance with help in order to "live"


3. Maf-Marifa 

Being a big sister, having a calmer and working appearance than her older siblings, she has her own ways and will do without letting others know.
Marifa is later on Fabula and some call her "Demi Witch" as an undercover way. She enjoys the way some learn and evolve. Like a teacher getting info over.
She also was one of the few who wanted the humans and Pangea Humans in safety, helping along to protect. She still shields Pangea from afar to let it not get discovered by her sibling who wants them all dead.
In combo with Cheops and Gabri, the three can be chaos kids of fun.


-Fabula (parts of it)
-Some Planets 

-Karbunks Family/Bookkeepers

With Allowance of her sibling, giving this family a Bookkeeper status.
(Owen s family later on) Maf gave a specific family of Humans (those who she found special) she chose powers. So next to being "Bookkeepers" of the Ancient Times, they live long, don´t age and only die when killed by Marifa herself. If they wish to do something else, having to talk to Marifa and find someone to take their place. They were chosen to also keep the real history and tales of Fabula. Hiding in Pangea. They own a huge Library there. If a Karbunks wishes to live a normal life, Marifa will give the chosen one of their choosing (with consent) the task of making the Karbunk mortal and wiping the memory of the past in order to secure their safety.

-TheRoyals/Crescent Moon Family 

Next to another Bloodline, creating and choosing 7 (different species) Giving them a symbol and a certain power. Either born, passed on or given power to become CrescentMoon Royals.
These were the ones in charge of Fabula. Everyone had their place and would meet up now and then to talk on future plans. One could say they were the ruling ones (under the Godlings of course)
This later changed up a bit as the war had broken out, Shattering of Cheops of course, and a split kingdom.
They chose two main Families to run it. (Due to old and new traditions)
under the two main ruling ones alongside them, Fabula had a flow.

Have a symbol on their body and belong to the rare kind (meaning they have a word in the world)

These are beings older than one thinks. As they have been as long as the world  of the mighty. Have seen what has been done.
Created by Maf-Marifa and were placed after the kingdoms began to fall apart after the two main kings went “missing”
These royals have a say in world order and are very peaceful and true by heart. 

The original born follow their bloodline while some can “be born into” when the sense, urge and will to protect the land and  people are within. (meaning rightful rulers by heart)
Get a crescent moon with a red and teal/mint sway around it.

There is one in every kingdom and all gather together once a year for  talk and planning with Marifa. This is to form the closeness of the  lands and keep peace. Which of lately has been hard (for the storyline)
As some have been reported missing or killed themselves. While strong and powerful are  not immortal (only main 3 are)
the dark, light and hidden side of Fabula´s moon in a way representing. 

Dark Crescent moon is of the old Kingdom
Light Crescent moon of the new Kingdom
The hidden one is in Pangea (sunburst city)

Main 3 are the creation of Marifa. One has their symbol slightly different. When pieced together form a lovely crescent moon icon.
Their children and born into ones all form the crescent moon royals. 

Higher ranked than any king.
Their marks can´t be erased or  traced over and remain as part of them. Powers form with the will over time and what they intend to do. Taking care of kingdom and seeing to be a good ruler and making sure all are safe


4. Gabri 

A very energetic, emotional, Arty and creative one of the Siblings. Showing a lot of Passion in creation and coming up with new ideas every time. His siblings (usually Marifa) holding him back before he creates way too many (Fabula wasn't as big as he had hoped) So later creating his own planet placing his creations (and creatures) along it.
Calling his planet "Tenap"- It´s around 1 week of travel apart from Fabula.

Created: (On Planet Fabula)

1) Parynx

They were inspired by his siblings who had Guardians, Molokai and all, so making a project with Unimare Simon (god) and Spario (god) and created the Pharynx. In a way a companion for travels.
One was gifted to Cheops, another for himself and the other 5 he decided to spread. (he made 7 in total)
1 in Pangea later on, 1 to travel and 3 in Fabula

Where they are now:
-1 in Rokka (protecting the place) Heart of Rokka
-1 around the old world
-1 in the new World
-1 with Fawn (Cheops grave at the old Temple)
-1 in the Elemental Realm with Kyle and Raha
-1 with Gabri
-1 traveling around the galaxy

These beings are tall and fox like with a lil mystic behind. A more stunning view when one would see.
They have 5 tails at start (Often mistaken for Kitsune)

1) Main Tail Purple glow at end-Open and close portals, sense and sniff them
2) Blue Glow- Protect, a shielding tail as it can form a barrier around an area and hide what is in within (Shielding) as well as hiding
3) yellow glow- languages as being around it can let any book or one understand the other no matter the language. The books taken outside the area of the Pharynx will be in origin form
4) red glow- Magic, protection of magic (not usable around the Pharynx only when it allows) and stops chaos from happening.
5) green glow- Time con- A very powerful tail as this stops the time around it's area. One doesn´t age or weaken around it. "only the ones near it and area"

They can later take on a humanoid or other appearance as they get curious about others and like to learn.


small creatures (Around 40 cm to knee high) mistaken for coyotes or cats at times, that can become big. Make for excellent riding companions and food seekers as they can sniff out anything one needs.
Appearance is dirty by day, gorgeous by night. 

As Day time is, the sun reflects their fur and can make it stiff and scruffy (almost like a spiked fluff porcupine) . Petting is not advised as their fur can stick to any surface and can cause pain.
Their fur is ruffled and can have many colors mixed in. Eyes are silver and dull, but they can see. Usually sleep in the daytime and get grumpy having to be in the sun.

Night time is their "time to shine" as they have a gorgeous flow in their fur, soft and very silky like. Making them swift on their feet with pierce glowing eyes that can see in any darkness. Excellent in hunting and seeking increased in the night.


These hybrids are more tall and scattering.
Out of Reptile, Feline and Monster, Gabri got inspired by tales of Humans who said of the beasts and stories, making his own lil creation.
First 3 created resemble the "natural part". And each are in different areas (Old Fabula, Rokka and New fabula)
Their Offspring are pretty strong fighters and inclined with nature.
Gabri created 12 more as he wanted Zodiac types. Of course existing with reptilian and feline mix.


5. Parint 


Being part of a big family, this Godling is more of a purple appearance. Long fluffy ears up, covering body with fabrics, quills and material of likings, the long, part spiked tail even has decorative ornaments, decorations and almost seadragon like. With the love of flowers (cherry blossoms are able to be seen upon the shoulders) Hiding the gender as well, Parint is more of an observing one. Loving the idea of the Crescent Moon species Marifa had created, joining in along and carrying the Moonlike symbol on the belt. Being part in charge of them. Loving the night sky, stars and universe, enjoying tales and stories of those told.



Ever wondered why some stars rush by? While humans depict as a "falling and dying star" these are partly wanderers. Observant, supportive and make maps and locations with wandering eyes. At times they listen in and "make a wish upon a star" they may grant it. Depending how they see it and how big the wish is. Usually a blue/black or sparkling appearance the Offspring later are, the first is the "Starfox" who grew up with the Moontiger and Moonbunny-. Strong healer and shielding in danger. The Sun is on the opposite and has a part later. Parint is more on the Moonside.


These beings are creatures that usually are seen at night but wander through the day as well. They are very loyal to those they have a connection with. Fast and strong Animals (one can use them for taking along on journey) and can keep fluids within for many days (like camels they can store it) Resilient and graceful creatures and leave the herd / Family when time is right, traveling around and love seeing new things. Some are rented even in specific areas and are also purchasable but only with those that have a good bond with. They will go through a lot to protect the ones they like.
Appearance wise they have slight fur covering the body, temperature regulating for extreme hot and cold weather, are taller than horses, almost reptile-like, very agile and can climb walls and mountains.

-Wandering Wiffs

He didn't have a better name but these are species that wander around planets, worlds and such, stay at a location and document. From learning about species, plants and more, it is basically a record of all creations he collects through these "Wiffs" (He will think of a better name)

The first 7 were sent differently. On Pangea, Fabula, Gamalank and such to travel and document. These beings can take on any form (fitting for environment) while some stay hidden and just observe and document, two of the "Wiffs" began to speak to various ones and ask about the species, life and all. Curious and very learning much as possible.


Created his own Kitsune type

Are a small group of (you guessed it) Kitsune that work alongside the deities and crescent moon royals at times.
Have been there since the start and know the truth.
Usually they refer and hold back from interfering while others stay true to their cheeky nature and trick wanderers or see what they can do for fun  (hate being bored and tend to cause chaos)
The Kitsunes (only Fabula born) all have a mark on their body in the shape of a half rigged fluffy moon. 

Some are dangerous and want to earn their tails while  others use the travelers. Some follow along out of curiosity and rare  ones even help to be part of a story or even to show that there are more  than normal Kitsune. 

“Normal” Kitsunes (not born in Fabula with mark) can do what they want.


6. Winta

He is the type of Godling you should never trust.
With his really big wings and tail, the horns and beak, one would assume he could be a demon. Long flowy hair and a very specific way he talks can make one listen.
Is more of a “business”  and very “Sinful”  sibling to the others. Some call Winta a “Devilish  one” (the 7 deadly sins in one) as Winta doesn't care as one thinks.
Has a really bad sibling bond with Cheops and hates what his brother does.
In History, he was the one who riled up some of the humans and creations to take  care of Cheops. Of course no one knows this officially and none in Fabula do. But the Gods later find out.

-the bad island Saruu and Sarvin

Sarvin island

The secret place that not many know of (but enough to be there) for access. Black Market island  where you can get and sell anything!!

Saruu (city) on the Island Sarvin- Is a  “hidden” and 18+ place where illegal things are done. From items, deeds, mercenaries, headhunters and slaves all can be brought, purchased, traded, hired etc. Winta is there known as "Nakiri" in Fabula to those he "handles"

This place is not known by many and only rare ones  enter and know the  way. It's protected by one of the gods (who has his own ways and won't allow anyone to stop his “lil kingdom”). It's A  pretty big deal as the gods are still ongoing on this topic on rights and such (and ever since main one cheops is not here, things can´t be concluded) meaning this island is still a big issue for many and for  others, “just business”


lil demonic beings that he created to make others life misery (He enjoys watching others suffer and will always state "They deserve it")


7. Numihaki 

Appearance wise almost a skull white head, no hair, glasses covering the eyes as he is very firm and well dressed. The tail he has is actually from his lil pet that hides behind him.
Works with Poramaunt from the Under Realms/Otherworlds alongside and his Guardians,  Artalameus (son of Nafarius) who runs the "Otherworld" in this dimension (He and Reapes https://toyhou.se/18036941.rodger-g-reapes run it together)


-Shadlings /Schattenvolk

Night-Creatures that live strong when the night comes or the sun is set a specific way. UnderSpecies "Darkon" (merge with other Species. 2 Sub Categories having a "yin/Yang" form depending if day or night or if good or bad)

Example: https://toyhou.se/5667068.raymond

Schatten Volk are a species of "dark" creatures. Literally. Mixed shadows and have the height of kids. They are kneeling (height) around  compared to humans, look like skeletons teinted in ink and black and gray with part bones and furlike dust. They move easily around, can warp from spot to spot and have black sclera and glowing eyes. One can compare these to nightmare creatures. They live in the jungles deep in Fabula where there is everlasting darkness with part light only very  roughly through where they live in peace. Their powers are heckn strong  in the darkness as well as part light (flashlight side, nightlight or humans or animal shadows. They can hide and use their power. The less darkness or shadows they have, the weaker they get. Too long in pure sunlight and they dissolve fully. Which makes them weak against. 

A reason they hide in the shadows of others throughout the day if not in their village. They dwell and live in Darkonian Woods in Fabula (!) Some do live underground and want nothing to do with the  above.

Agile, fast and curious they are and adjust fast to what they have learned. 

Origin Schattenvolk are ones that do not bind with others or share a form. They can take on the appearance of the ones they have once hidden with or bound. (As well as with former loved ones)

Bound means they merge with the body and hide within (kind of like an armor for them) too long and they might kill the host by merging with their soul or shoving it out of the body, making it theirs. Letting the hostbody become part  and thus theirs to use and form. Many dislike this as they treasure nature and life.  So only in rare cases do they stay in someone's body (animal, human, alien etc) and will do fast to get out. 

Also possible to merge with recent dead bodies. They can take over and give it a new meaning of life. (Protective) 

They can also merge with items such as swords, jewelry or clothings as long as the combination is multilayered (so not just plain)

The ancient ones don't have a form and remain themselves. The younger  generation have a second appearance they can use to distract or Illusion (a type of copycat of the form they were in) a reason many say they saw ghosts of loved ones in the forest or near them. 


they are only able to get offspring on full moon , Blue or blood moons.  Every other day/night not able. Meaning you can mess around and not get pregnant (if non Schattenvolk)
Females are highly treasured and rare. Making them royalty and treated highly.
While the same type can mess around, it is more likely to be praised if there is a couple. Since males can't mate. One can alter their gender but it is not reversible.
The later generation do even merge with others in order to get offspring of most new hybridism but those aren't nice to be seen in the village and an outcast move.
Many seek to get on the blood moon as this is a special event and making them born under one makes them special.
The species is a peaceful kind that has immense powers, keeps nature and peace between the animals and the forest.
They do have a powerful bone structure when taking their physical form. Their bones can heal any sickness, their skills on plants creating the Lumi Nightshade that can do wonders..making them a hunted species way later on. 

The mating process is harmless and non explicit as one might think. When the time comes, the Schattenvolk merge from their form to a more "fluffy ruff" form (almost like lil werewolves) and have a very smooth silklike fur covered. The couple come together, sniff at each other and hug (wiggle against the other) imagine an intense cuddling but with lill giggles and huffs. 2 minutes later they make a big fur ball pile. And while they glow up, a bit of them gets bound with the other  (part bone and fur from each containing memories, experiences and all) the small fur ball "flops' ' out between the two and for a moment it's like a softball. A short nudge of the parents and a "kiss on the head" from both as they name "it" letting the lil wereform in a way open its eyes.  Very adorable with small teeth, this few moments old "baby" already has the knowledge it needs. A moment to get up and walk around (independently) while the parents mate with others if let, the offspring all gather in their "nursery" hut to sleep. Meaning to process all knowledge gifted by their parents.

One can mate with many as the offspring are rare. Since females are too (usually get snatched or eaten due to their valuable meat they have when in their moonform)

Mating for Schattenvolk means of carrying and taking along bloodlines. Each generation passes all info deep within. Making the newest gen the  "better" version of their parents. They can tell family, parents and such by scent (so they don't crossbreed or stumble upon a family member) 

On special occasions (1x every 20 years) there are grey Schattenvolk born from the sacred night tree (making more of them so to say since dying species need a new bloodline too) their fur/type varies every 20 years. 

They don't have the "funside" of mating like others do. For them its a means to survive and to let knowledge pass on to offspring. The more "modern"  and hybrid ones do however. 

 Females dont have bloodcycles/periods. They only get hella furious once a month for 24hrs and are calmer afterwards. (Males tend to hide in this time or some devoted stay to try and soothe them)

Their blood is blue with a slight bit of black (like a penink or such)

Different types of Schattenvolk:

Origin Schatten: born under the old moon (normal full moon) and does not have a bound form. 

Darklings: born under blood moon and able to get their own evolved form (leading to the winged beasts combo)

A Shadling being the bound form (permanent) means it can remain in the chosen form it merged with as well as revert to small form. The bonding must be done freely

Known Shadlings:

-Fendros https://toyhou.se/4693932.fendros
-Dorian: https://toyhou.se/12308457.dorian


Mostly found deep down (like one known in Tuffnuk in Frisbourne -
Are creatures that dwell in caves. They are double the size of Elephants  (side length) and appear like big lizard/snake like creatures (with a  bit of spider/Scorpion) with ragged spikes from their body and glow of  red and gold in between the plates of their body. Smooth like skin that  can be hardened if needed, survive in lava(magma), have amazing night  vision and can hold their breath for 3 hours. They can breathe under  water and lava.
Strong in attacks and defense.
Communicate with sounds and clicks and whistling.
Their  sidearms have “wing-like/webbed skin that can be used to shield or  transport (great for shielding or transport on eggs) or to simply for  gliding on ledge to ledge.
Their snouts can sniff out scents (easily  blood) and will find their way out of the cave to their nest out of  anyplace. Location like a bat under any cave surface (so wherever they  get lost below, always find their way home)

Can be a riding companion if done right.
very loyal when they find a bond (companion)

Eat anything that comes before them.
Eyes  are more nocturnal and dislike when sunlight gets on them. They have  the urge to sleep (this is not like lava/Magma as it is not the same  lightside)
Can spit acid they produce from their belly (have 3  stomachs) and can make weblike traps or things from their body. (they  enjoy being creative and get upset if you disturb r break their nest  (they tend to sleep in it like a hangmat)


8. FuFan Nashuri (the good “twin”)

Nashuri is a very elegant and lovely woman who has alot of Grace and power to her name. While she adores the species her sibling has done, getting the permission to make her own as well, similar.
She has created things on her own and enjoys the sunbathing moments. Usually wears little to no clothings at the start but begins to like the fashion style most species have. She welcomes many with open arms and is kind in one. The big protective sister or your best friend. Nashuri does not judge quickly.



These feline-like ones have 3 forms. From humanoid looking to Shifting and small form.
They are part of the "legendary Feline Life" that Nashuri had created. Giving them 9 lives. With each one they lose, they have a tattoo pattern on their body.
Later Wolf like ones have the same gift as well, the form of shifting and small wolf form.


Inspired by her Brother Cheops Feline creations.

-Arithra -(Human/Furry)
meaning humanoid more with parts of body with fur (They almost look like Nekolfs but have no markings or purple eyes)

-FurFur (full)-
Humanoid appearance but  fur covers all of the body.
(werewolves for example or anything that walks on two legs)
Also called the “were-Form

-FaFurfin (Full Fur)
Not on two legs but walk on four but can speak and live like any day “modern”  or civilized beeing. 

Veltal (Survival Species)

Species wanting to survive, strong and adaptable and hard to kill. Only appear to mate (and chosen mate must "agree" to it.
Species are only 7 known (offspring are allowed)
The Veltals are a rare species created by Cheops and only want to survive.
They almost appear like cosmic Bunny/Fox/Wolves with a misty smoke when traveling and can take on a “humanoid” form if needed (mostly to hide)
The original 7 have that “feral/Animalistic” glow to them and markings on their body. The Offspring only have a symbol on the back of their neck. (And are, as all, very alluring)

Their aura is very alluring and one is instantly attracted to them after the age of 18.

Due to Veltin Blood and Genetics, who are on survival and mating in general to secure their species, it falls in an automatic "trance" like state when it comes to the naughty.
(if someone wishes a kiss, he will kiss them if they want to) As they follow their instinct. Some want to deny their fate, but fall in this category while others embrace it and enjoy the “sexuality” of it all.
Veltals Mate with anyone who allows it (Always with consent) and make sure their partners are well pleased and happy.

Instinctiv wise flirt and are very romantic in their ways. Enchanting and courting many (no matter the gender)

Veltal s can't help it though. It's A curse and a blessing at the same time. Hard to find love as this bloodline seek's to mate and hard to control, shares love equally around. The effect works  for those at matingage (18 and above) so all below are "immune" to this bloodline. If someone knows them before that, it still gets highly affected as they too fall for them. Depending on species. A given nickname  "Charming" as indeed…can be addictive. Having the instinct to secure species and give this genetics onward. Since part of Veltal.

There are three types of appearance (pheromone, inner power and attraction) that one doesn't have a chance against. Leaving those seeing Veltal as "normal" and not falling into the alluring one.

The female Offspring have the ability to “store” genetic information (when mating, keeping it magically in and only get pregnant when they want to with the chosen “sperm” in a way. Perfect for keeping species. They can choose this by their mind, patting their belly and muttering the charmwords (instinctively in their mind) The moment the chant/ ritual is done, the time takes around 3 months for them to birth the  chosen species. So in a way “their body, their choice” it also helps to prevent if any other species should “force” their way.
Some female  Veltals (and Offspring of them) being females, making them archivists of Genetics in the best way possible. Some pay alot to get offspring by them. Since females are rare. Males are “more common”

The Males will always (!) produce 1 offspring (never more as the genetic powers is too strong to be carried on more and the energy needed to birth them) Birth takes place 3 months later. Males can also smell when other females are in heat or can adjust and support (they are very family oriented  creatures and will stay as long as needed)
Some rare cases (one specific Veltal guy tends to be a naughty guy and wants to make more of the species instead of taking it easy)

With the rare case of “Veltal  x Veltal” making a pure offspring is once a year possible. (since the original 7 are different type and not siblings). Nashuri and Cheops had created them differently which also shows in the way the “species” look and are each added a special trait.

-While the original 7 do have  their standard appearance (middle long ears, very cute or sexy, sweet  and charming) having long elegant tails, soft fur and beautiful colors  (complimenting them)
The Offspring have most features combined with the species the Veltal parent has mated with.

-Veltals are a survival  species, so they are really hard to kill and are adaptable to surroundings. Get  reborn if killed and come back after 7 hours in a fur ball cocoon  (adapted to the thing that killed them)
-They avoid fighting but are great to defend

example of them:
(see other doc file for links and co)


9. Khulivar (the “Bad” twin)

Sibling of Nashuri

He Took what his sister had created and taking one of them, transforming and changing to the first Souldevil Created;


(split) by her brother-https://toyhou.se/4716487.the-first-souldevil 

The original story of the Soul Devils:
Usually  a Furfin  (a fluffy knee high creature) was seen to have had an  encounter with one  of the Demi witches. Seeing as he was strong and  capable but also  demanding one to be treated with respect by the other  demigods and gods  of the world, being a super strong guy

As things got heated and some of the demigods felt  “insulted” by this lil one and seeing as he was indeed strong, making a huge mistake and merging him with something “dangerous” as one would say. An element that they usually used to silence or weaken creatures that harm the world. It turned on the opposite and instead made this Lil  critter one of the strongest and godlike. Realizing their mistake, capturing him in the form and sealing him to the ancient stairs below the mortal realm. Being trapped and still in progress of being in transformation, not knowing what was going on.
The first one of his kind in a way, slowly realizing what his powers were doing. He chanted for a passerby to free him as he knew the “gods” were sleeping and not  looking. Getting free and able to fully transform into the first known Souldevil. While his powers were still growing, hiding with the one who freed him. What most don't know.. he wasn't the first evil souldevil. In fact it was him more figuring out what he now was and what powers he had.
It was later that his first Offspring was one of the most dangerous one.

Making the legends on the way.

Soul Devils are known for being the most strongest and evil creatures in the world.
From their powers to empathic treatment. 

Imagining them move like this: Sindbad -When Eris is on screen - YouTube

-Have a more “misty fluid” form when traveling and can manifest in the form they are.
-Don´t have “a core soul” that can be corrupted or harmed as this was merged with their powers, making them unkillable.
-Can   consume a soul and keep within them (to use as they please) the soul   within is captured and silenced. Should something be strong enough to “destroy” them, they take a soul they harvested and place as a shield   (instead of them, the soul gets destroyed)
-With each soul they take   within, they get stronger (depending on the body, powers and such) As they can be beasts and devour the body later on or use as a puppet to   hide and use in. Usually causing chaos with it as they do
-Manipulate the body of someone (using their soul and moving and doing as they please) some find this hilarious “lil puppet”
-See the real form of someone (Thanks to their eyes)
-Are attracted to strong souls as they themself would be more powerful.

If one manages to outwit a souldevil or dare even merge (for instance with doc Lobotny: https://toyhou.se/4669784.dr-traford-lobotny

Then one can expect to have a company worth not sleeping.

Soul  Devils don't know the concept of most things as they tend to wander the area (planet for planet to see what they can gain) they have fun destroying things and seeing reactions.
(don't show them youtube or they get ideas)
Pretty  manipulative in their way if they notice their opponent is strong in any way. They tend to play along (lil diva´s and actors if wanted)
They  occasionally settle down and take over a land with their form or body inhabiting and keeping things for themselves until bored or not wanting  anymore.
Fighting is a strong point as their powers are mental and  physical (switching from their misty form to standard form) it is hard  to stop. They are not affected by magic (themselves being godlike its  hard to stop)

There are 3 things however that will “stop” and “control”  a soul devil in its place.
1) Banshu chain (forged  by a Master Smith and enchanted by a powerful Guardian) if you manage to place on body (neck, arm etc) they are forced to remain in their  “standard” form and can't use powers as they like. Making them like a pet. You will definitely feel their rage and if given an order by the one who placed the chain upon them, are linked “not visible) with magic and having to do as they say.
Only the master Blacksmith who made the item can break it and set the one free. (some are killed after this to  prevent the souldevil from coming free) as the bond they have there  grants a long life for the one who placed it upon the Soul Devil. Only they can also remove the chain and replace as they want.

2) Sirens Ocars Max song
Find a good siren who sings well and get them to enchant the soul devil (as these love songs and singing and dancing) it gets the soul devil 

3) Merging:
-It won't kill it but it will make sure it won't do anything of control
most known is Doc Lobotny as he had merged (Souldevil merged with him in order not to submerge)

Only Cheops and Numihaku can kill a soul devil as it is his final creation !! Even if someone might claim to their own.

-Stonedevils (like him https://toyhou.se/4716729.josh-mc-gorden) -

These are beings that once were (like the soul devil) a Furfin type. The gargoyle king had gifted one of them with their powers after being saved  by them. Letting the bloodline of Stone Devils be created)
Winged ones with a soft fur body that can be hardened at will with a long tail that is strong.
Having the powers to turn anything they touch by will to stone of their type (hard element) and are the only ones who can undo it.

The old ones used to turn those to stone they find beautiful, placing them in their home.
Having strong physical strength and strong wings.
Patterns/markings on their full body. Glow in the dark or when using their powers.

Can´t swim (a reason they stay away from water as they can't really swim and never learned it)
They also eat vegetables and meat (stones partly when nothing else is there to eat)

One of them has a Cheops stone to change his appearance. 

Have nightsight and can locate themselves in caves (using their powers to follow the stone pattern) Can use echolocation to navigate in areas that they are not used to.
Strong beings and can stand almost anything. 

Their tail is very strong, and can be used to turn things to stone as well. Attack and also to carry things.

Stone Devil's LOVE specific fruits. (Even if they look like meateaters, they prefer fruits over anything)

In rare moments they can have a glow to their eyes and cause freezing stances with their gaze.

Elementar Devils

Like the Stonedevil and Soul Devil, he has taken the liking of Cheops Elementar one and formed his own Elemental Devils. These are with his brother Winta, a powerful combination!
So you have one mighty beast like Stone and Soul Devil below. Each with their own Powerful state.
These may be "weaker" but can be a menace. Especially when devouring the elemental orbs of powers. They are still not strong enough to defeat the Original Soul devil however.

01) Sala (Fire)- making the Fire Devil (Phenix like that get´s reborn with his own ash)
02) Vnd (Water)- Water Devil (his underwater creature)
03) Gno (Earth)- Earth devil (out of dirt and nature)
04) Sylp (Air) and Skel (Wind)_ Airi Devil
05) Nov (Steel/metall)- Metal Devil
06) Pashu (Skelett-Death/Darkness) and Nishishu (Life/Light)-Undead Devil
07) Arkus (Ice)- Icedevil
08) Lightning (Ni)-Lightning Devil
09) Soul and Spirit-Okra Devil
10) Time and Space-TiSa Devil
11) Tech (digital machine science)-Techdevil
12) Magic- magicDevil
13) Love (Art)-Lovedevil
14) surprise (ah!) Surprise Devil

All these "lil Devil´s" have been created and immediately found out by Cheops and Maf. Telling the Gods and of course pinpointing that they could ruin Fabula.
So in order to make them "less dangerous" have been transformed into small variations of their smaller self, locked away for now to be thought of what to do
A reason Winta and Khulivar later go against Maf, Gabri and especially Cheops. They wanted their creations to be spread and later, as war broke out, released them into the world of Fabula. Each roaming in the old locations where the Elementar ones had been before going to their own lil dimensions. It is said if they are defeated or locked away or other, that the elemental place will return.

As well as took the Elementars and made one of each "devlish" version (stonedevil, waterdevil etc)


(opposite of Veltal as they steal/copy the genetics and then kill)

These creatures are almost “insect” fluffy like. They seem cute at first but can be hella creepy when they lock sight with something they haven't seen or interacted before (or have gathered the genetical code yet) They usually tend to observe a lot, taking on more of an “elegant” pose as they walk (being part insectoid) as they can change their looks to what they need in order to get close). one will always (!) notice a dark faint glow in their black sclera and purple eyes. If glowing up in green, it means they like you. Liking you and saying “interesting” is a huge red flag you should avoid. Meaning they wish to “consume” your genetics and you in the process.
These ones are like collectors and doctors. They will take their time in observing you, seeing how you are before making the next step. (They hate to be disturbed when sampling their information and can attack viciously, will avoid harming you in the process of fighting others, just to take you apart afterwards
There are a few known to travel alongside groups in order to see who is worthy. Going as long as they need until either one has fallen (as they will take what they need in the end anyway) or until they decide now is the right time to do so.

Nevotis are evil ones (for them it is not evil but to preserve and conserve the beings they harvest). Later ones capture the body with the whole in a container they created.  (having them “Alive” in a conserving state so they don´t die and observe them while having a copy of their genetics. (Like pets) they do that with those they find most interesting, others they just conserve the body, devour or just collect genetics. 

They learn more about other species and find the idea of combination fascinating. While wanting “pure” species, the newer generation of Nevotis are pretty open to seeing combined species and  tend to collect these as well. 

Charming creepy in a way and have a “flute swing” in their tone (one is mesmerized when listening to them after a while) A Piper effect

These are more "Insect/bug" in comparison to the fluffy/sweet like Veltal Species. They usually have scales, wings, bugs or creature-like features. Mimicry is part of their type and can be a threat to others.
If they find something interesting, like a species they haven't met before, they will sample the genetical within and then destroy it.
The past and original Species of the Nevotis have done this. But the now "modern" generation keeps the genetic sample and keeps the body of the species they find interesting and keeps them. One of them is known as "Collectri" . A name to give you an idea of what this one does.
Collen as a name, he is very highly intelligent since absorbing the genetics gives not only the wisdom and memory of each one but also their powers. Making him a very dangerous enemy if on the wrong side. He sees it as "his  job from the Gods" to collect all species back. One of each as he would say but finding the possibility of crossbreeding ... fascinating. Like a scientist he later has his own dimensional world, a "lab" where he and a fellow captive one, work on possibilities.
Collen will travel at times to collect and only destroy those he see´s "not worthy of the life and waste of body" (using the body in his experiments later on)
A dangerous enemy to be dealt with.


10. Noglar 

Offspring of Unimare Simon and Spocra

Anuba Nebula Dragon, an interstellar cloud dragon "God" who creates planets and his own Dimension. While traveling the black deepness, coming across an area where there is no life. He makes it his for now and starts to make his own lil world. As Noglar was the curious one, gotten permission to make his own lil place. Ever since Noglar traveled and found a fitting place. Beginning to create own lil milky way, planets and slow species (with help of Gabri and Maf ) as well as his siblings. He started the "D.O:P (Dimensions Order Police) after his brother had made a "fail" with the Moloki species, showing how it is done. 



-Dimensional worlds 

(thanks to him there are Dimensional "pocket" Worlds -D.O.P who regulate and watch out that those in their worlds, stay there:
Of course not an easy task and he is sure to welcome newcomers to support.


11. Dorian Dragusa

The part of "Death" and his descendant https://toyhou.se/6289253.bryan-dimma 



Z is





Pira are a small volk that can only reach hip high compared to humans. They have a childlike spirit and are very adventurous and helpful.
Their body is covered in slight fur, have big eyes and are excellent hunters. Trails of animals and good Animal handling. They are very natural creatures who have acquired many ways of speaking and love to learn. A very peaceful species.



-The Donavan Vampire Bloodline

 started with Dorian as he got inspired by humans and created his own vampire type.
Have the pure red (to pink “exception”) hair in the family.

The "counterpart"/Rivals of the Donavan are the origin vampires of "our Earth". Named "Navadeen" Fadoria- Bloodline
who are equally dangerous. (usually have white/silver hair)


Saltorias- Bloodline are one of the oldest of Pangea (Parallel Earth) a combined species mix one would say. Blonde hair is striking in the family.


12. Na-Gaia 

Loving green and life Child: https://toyhou.se/6289246.charles-strelitz created 

-Nature Plants (along with Noglar)

-Plantcreatures, swamp and Forests 

(like her https://toyhou.se/6101167.dahlia


Species part of the World who joined the Planet and are part of

The traveling merchant
A rare one who players can encounter with a lil luck (daily check to roll to see if he pops by with his magical cart)
He offers rare items, useful tips and maps to locations and wisdom where no one would think of.
Meeting him, one can either enchant, talk or simply try to trade for his goods.  His unsold goods are there for a while and one can also hold them. (he  would teleport to the player)

Carries also some story items one can get (like the cursed violin, enchanted bow etc)

Yeti Volk
Through time, some Yeti´s remain feral and wild while there are occasional ones that are friendly and have adapted to the modern life. One of the known Yeti make a later appearance

Also among the Species and Races
to be included ^^


Now you know who is who and what they created, let´s get to the story of why Fabula is now in it´s current state

2. History/The truth

So some Gods came together in the universe and made a few things. Their Offsprings, known as “Godlings” helped create the Planet Fabula.
So far we know. Life was peaceful and many races, species and even some from outside came to live on this lovely planet in harmony. Good huh?
Sure  some conflicts arose but were easily settled.

Earth Humans, who traveled, found the planet as well and thus History began.
It was actually a lil challenge for them to see who would first find a new home as most stayed on earth and the rest split in 2 Spaceships.
One named Adam and one named Eve.

One of the Godlings (Cheops) found the humans who visited them (via Spaceship) fascinating and alongside the other Godlings, created more species inspired by them. Even their own version  of Humans (Called Pangea Humans- who live 100 years longer)
Learning many things, the planet became a mix of old and modern. Which took a while for it to blossom.

One day, it was a festival day celebrating the one year where humans had landed and made their home with the species.
Some of the humans and a godling wanted Cheops gone (We know it is Winta and Khulivar who riled the few species up and together and are trying to get him gone. After Cheops had been "betrayed" and shattered, his soul pieces and powers got shattered in little pieces and spread all over. This is known as "The Shattering" as he was alone and couldn't fight against the siblings and those who attacked him.
In his "dying" moment, he spoke out a curse.

Cheops Self

After being "Shattered" barely his body remained and close friend and trusty Fairy and Fawn helped to spread the gems and soul pieces so the siblings and others could not get and hid Cheops body.

Those who obtain a Power Crystal (part of his powers) or SoulGem (part of Cheops Soul) have it big!!
Those with Soul Gem usually merge with it, and the offspring born from it is  part of Cheops soul. Have powers from birth and a specific mark on their  body. (the powers move on to next and "travels"
Those with Power Crystal (Or CHeops-Crystal) can use the power piece that the  crystal has (see it like a superpower item. usually the size of a watch or  fits nicely in hand. Some are already formed nicely and can be used as gems or diadems. They make the user powerful. Since Cheops was/is a  god, meaning strong powers and alot of it!

War broke out as a fight on lands and kingdoms had occurred with some humans leading  and wanting it. A huge chaos as the gods stepped in, had enough and  split. (The war took 2 years as all wanted the lands and powers)

After the shattering, those who have done it got cursed, following in generations and the humans living on Fabula were broken away. The curse would go on the ones who attacked and harmed him (!) Even Generation wise. Would live up to 100 only, have suffering and pain and marks growing on their body and reaching 100, whole body would be covered in these marks and killing from within (devouring the flesh and such, basically uncompromising)

The gods were enraged by this, war broke out which took 2 years and was still in chaos and a huge chunk of where the humans were, got literally  "ripped out" making a big hole.
Floating in the land around, a big Alien found them and watched over them while some Godlings had decided to save them. Making their big planet, formed around and while the humans tried their best, it was thanks to Marifa and Gabri who helped create the planet around alongside the huge Alien.
Naming it Pangea.

Where the ripped hole was (in Fabula) was rebuilt after the war and named Rokka. The Fawn, who hid Cheops body in Akta (main capital at the heart of Fabula ruins) remained silent and hid from the ones after the war and rarely showed out. Has a close bond with the fairy.
The former homes of the elementals were corrupted (thanks to the freeing of the Devils from Winta and Khulivar) and brought into another realm)

Elementals To save their kin, Raha and Kyle would watch over the hidden realm with their world, letting only “worthy” ones in and out.

Pangea_ The chunk of land where the humans had lived, was into the universe.  Some Godlings formed a planet out of it, known as Pangea of today.  Having some of the Species hidden there (only humans and later Aliens live there)

The broken lands were separated in Fabula, as some species enjoyed the modern ways of the humans that had shown them while others wanted the old world. Thus the world was split. Old and New Kingdom of Fabula.
The two main kings who ruled over there, were chosen by the Crescent Moon Royals. Each having their own kingdom and a trusty one by their side: later were said to be vanished (A godling didn't want them to rule and made sure of it)- They are alive and some are seeking them to bring back some peace.

New World Nelbastin King-Donavan (ruling alongside Nimo)  in Nelbastin (the “New World”)
His main assistant- https://toyhou.se/12313285.nixon

Old World Malbastin King- Wiccur (ruling alongside Gero) in Marbastin (The “Old World”) a.k.a Dean https://toyhou.se/4650336.duraine-dean

After 2000 years, some still seek the Cheops pieces in order to bring him back and restore Fabula as well as find the lost Kings and even the Elemental Realms to peace.

The ones today know that Cheops got shattered, but not the real reason. It is said humans were the cause and a reason they got banned (!) A reason why humans are seen later as myth as it is said they were all killed. 

This is where the story and Legends starts.


Fabula is a huge world where anything can happen! Set an alternative World from our Planet´s System, this place is where one would "Seek Fantasy creatures and adventure" From Old to modern Sections, Fabula is a Planet of many possibilities, where Humans are the  "fantasy" (rare to non exist) and where you can casually walk by without being mocked for being another thing or person. 

In "Fabula Realms" all these below belong to it (Meaning where one can live or others live )


 Lil info for "Mars'' Along my worlds:  https://toyhou.se/7089065.fabula-world It has (in my story version)  since the modernized living from Pangean Humans and other species the "Alexandria’s genesis" genetic mutation turns some people into “perfect” human beings. (while in reality it's a myth, I am using this for story purposes) And they are rare (!!) As Pangean Humans live double as long as Earth humans (live up to 200, the bloodline of the ones who caused cheops "death" are cursed and die sooner ish), the state with mars letting them live 150 years longer (so 350 years) with the Genesis. The myth has been traced back to 2005, though it may have been spread earlier. People with the "fake"  condition  have:

 ● purple eyes (with the color present from birth or developing shortly after)
 ● pale skin
● perfectly proportioned bodies
● an absence of body hair (below neck)
● high levels fertility, but without menstruation in women
● excellent immune systems
● very little bodily waste
● blood can be used to cure illness or sickness

Since they are rare in the story and only on mars (being protected)  due to  some hunters and others wanting to experiment and more on them. Also their blood and self are seen as a very valuable source. The Alien Margus https://toyhou.se/5912857.margus has claimed them as royals as they are seen as rare beings and valuable as they have usefulness.

Some of them hide who they are (changing appearance with help in order to "live")

Moon (as we know other Planets) -

Pangea (Part of old Fabula) -

Earth -("our" normal earth)

Planet Gamalank (created as a "planet like" structure, meeting point of many)


Main Fabula is ruled by the “Gods”and “Godlings” alongside the Crescent moon Royals and Kings and Queens that have taken over parts of the lands time by time (Alot can happen in 2000 years)

As known, Fabula has NO “real” humans the only thing “similar” to them are the cloned/created version of the  gods way back before the war imitating them called “FaruHums”  (Fabula  Humans) who have specific marks on their body.
(One can be a human of course, it's just a lil more challenging/ experience)

Real Humans (Pangea or Earth Humans) are seen as a “myth” and are extremely rare (from the point of “worship” (some want blessing and have good luck), others want to learn more n study while others capture and sell to the highest bidder. No matter what, it's “dangerous” being a human in Fabula. 


Currency wise varies where one is as well as the worth of trade. Got no coins? no problem. Deeds, trades and  arranging will always be a way to make both sides happy. 


Time Zones! (time varies depending where one is (after the war, magnetic fields and time flows a lot differently in Fabula. Example 1 hour on human earth can be a day in one place and a week in another.

Time works differently in each section!! East side of Fabula has around 3 days earth to 3 years on Fabula.



Are well known and some are placed within villages or cities. And “controlled” who leaves where. Others are hidden and unknown  (can occur will curly as well)

While the West has PORTALS They exist in every world, realm or area. There are the PortalPatrol and the D.O:P (Dimensions Order Police) who keep in line as good as possible (relatively new so things are still working out and figuring out laws and such Portal Types can vary in appearance and color.

Blue- Teleportation in the world you are (getting from Point A to B)
Green: Inter- Dimensions Portal to other Realms and worlds
Silver- Time Portal (flux in the time)
Purple- Dimensions (A.U variable)  
Brown/gray/silver- Spirit/Soul Portal (mostly to underworlds or Para Realms)


The current state

While Peace is still a part at most places, there are areas to avoid as some still have anger issues and are at war with each other, while others just want to live their lives.
Some strange things have been going on lately and many occurrences and groups are gathering

It is the day of the Festival celebrating 2000 years of Fabula.
Of course NOTHING has been said of the past and many hide the truth. Even the situation revolves around Cheops, humans and the Gods and Godlings because beware the real truth getting out. War might go over all again. They do celebrate Cheops due to him being the one of bringing Peace across species and one of the best and sweetest godlings out there.

At the Festival, you might spot one or other trying to gather information, try to find things and a known group is out to gather the pieces of Cheops.
Fate lies in those that wander. From every small lil incident, mystery and NPc to the biggest changes that can happen.


3)  Lands and Rulers

With the war over, there was still a main conflict on who is now in charge. The Crescent Moon Royals have been taken to safety and will return once things get calmer (That is after 2000 years at the Festival) and until then, many have claimed the lands. Some  through violence, others through willpower and again others through diplomatie. However the situation, the current state now is as follows:

Elimi: Queen Rabu (with Raha and Kyle)
Elemental Realm

The Big Wall:
-belongs to "all"

-Dragongod Aru

F Trio

Zlemi: Rox Layne the 7th
Aquint- King Gordon
Naosin: "Pince" Larafin (elf) and King and Queen Eibmoz

Old Malbastin:

Rokka/Marla and Barnabrooks
Frisbourne::"King" Bromrir

Malbastia (Above) - pribce Briarius (Markun)

Queen Alexandria (Malbastia)
Desert Bohan

Gahul (top):- Asahel Boralis (desert and volcanic)
Land Rarooka
Rarooka- Argorntin. 

-Upper Gahul:
King and Queen Tintark



-Lower Gahul
King Ruba
-Village of Avarik/-Nightly Dip-/-Sephtis-Run by Apollo (Tiefling Home)-lead by King Ruba
Village Arkins (near Sephtis)/-Nevermore Valley-"Mayor" Nobori(still King Ruba)
and Doloris Cavern

Dookfell Mountains- Lord Dookfell (mighty beast)

Darkonian (woods)-Akutigawa

Island: Nuada-King Nuada

Island: Gustavia-King Arguul

Island: Surfena-Prince Ortus and King Rumerus

Island: Pirati-Muvar

Island: Oldrin-King Oldrin (Beastking)

Island: Mycant Snth-Kensingtar

July s Island- July herself

Salvin-King "Nakiri" (Winta- Godling)

Tinnas-spirit God Sana

Glorious Island- Godlings

New Nelbastin

Nospoltin/Wallin and Bursanph were once called Verivania (as King Raymond ruled)
Wallin- Steampunk Saravi
Bursanph-King Cornac Modera
Nospoltin- Cyberpunk Cyri

Okteval- Orcin Valen
Surbglenz- Mc Garren
Klarglanf- Augustus and Donavan Vamp
Tinnbruck- Dwarf Bardulin/King Baldric

Ostern- Nobu the Nagaprince
Sektenz-Spirani and Tukanr

Island Varik/Ikta-Perry ConSu



Vorbenz- King Fallon/ King Edgar Purin

3 Smaller islands-
Ikta-Prince Daniel

Tora-King Baldric



4) The Big Wall and it´s places

Let's talk about the locations shall we??

Beginning with the obvious huge wall separating the Kingdoms, going around the Planet.
It is huge.. as in high and robust. Protected with magic and guards who patrol on their times, it is meant to keep safety and a constant reminder of the two worlds.
There are some holes in and areas can be manageable to get in (but even inside the wall it is like a labyrinth at times and some areas have ones living in them) the other side out  will take a while to get through:
Underneath, if you thought of trying below, has the same height as above. Magic prevents it from going through or barging through. The only official way through is through the "Border" of Akta.

There is one "lil" Godling who watches over the wall. Making sure no big danger comes. The guards listen to him and he makes sure of things.

The three smaller chunks known to be ruled by the Triplets Felras, Fenris and Forriat
They are the Offspring of Parint (who is a lil dragonish himself)



Unfolding the map in a way would show at the top and main big mountain is known as the "DragonKingdom"
Dragon Valley

This big chunk of Land is roamed by the old and Ancient dragons.
From any type one could imagine. They have their lil lands fitting on their elemental part and origin.
Of course only dragon and dragon likes are there as they hold a very strict rule and law (they held off as the war had started and are ever since then only for their own kin)
Thus when entering you would need a very well known good reason or know someone who is a dragon.

Dragonkeepers (those who take care of the dragon babies and the eggs, helping with nisting and more)
They are at times either non dragons and work for them or have taken trials to work this job. As not many can do this.

As this is a place of the core memory of the doll (A.k.a  Thaddeus)
With their chosen Dragon Warrior with them, going through the main Gates and into the Dragon Valley (a section more “open”  to those allowed in as there is a closed off section only for dragons)

The Memory core is an orb in a colorful motion (almost a will or wisp in teal/mint color) and hand size) carried around the neck by an elder Dragonwarrior who is in the place. It is said that bargaining is hard and he is hard to convince. A battle must be taken. One with the dragon warrior and players and one with a chosen player who wishes to be at the side of the doll. If losing against him, the loser s soul will be placed in the next item in return as “memories are important”
Next to the Dragon Warrior is a soul devil Hybrid at his side who notices the players (he had been observant) and will later be practical to have to restore the souls to their bodies. But he wants to see if players really mean what they say or just want to restore to gain power.
However players decide to handle this (works without fighting as well)
The memory is given back and the Hybrid will offer to help if they see the players want to help. 

Not many but few are the Dragonhybrids. Known as "Dragonwarriors"


In Felras

While Felras is the place of the Dragonwarriors (near Rokka and near the Dragon Valley) is a lovely natural and beautiful lil town. There live the dragon warriors (ones who are Offspring of dragons and others)
Felras, the oldest Sibling and significant on the blue hair and fur with a tuft of gold, this Dragonling appears young but has reached his 100 years by now. (Old enough to rule own land)
Felras is very determined to make sure that the lands are in peace and near the Dragon Kingdom, making the area more accessible to Fabula around.
Of course wary, this preteen looking one can pack a punch and is quite strong in dragon magic.

Place of the Dragon Warriors (near Rokka and near the Dragon Valley) is a lovely natural and beautiful lil town. There live the dragon warriors (ones who are Offspring of dragons and others) Able to get one of the best Fruits (Nuyam) alongside as well. The housings range from flat to treehouse like. As many trees can be seen. With unique pink and reddish colors on the petals and soft greens. A reason many who live there wear the colors of green, reds and cream colors. Felras is known for Dragon Warriors, fruit and the possibility of obtaining a Dragonfriend (Companion here)

Here the players will hear that a dragon warrior had the task of creating a doll just like the npc alongside and will recall the face (it was the one fault for getting all siblings in their forms) as well as mention that he was in the dragon valley for a specific item before leaving without it as picking up the finished doll.
Players can help the doll learn the powers it has within a dragon warrior. As well as needing one to get to Dragon Valley where there is a core memory located.

Quests here in order for the chosen dragon warrior players choose to join them:
(Only 4 will agree to join and train if they do something in return)
Players can also learn powers from the dragon warrior themselves and even offer a bond if close enough befriended.
Path to dragon valley is not easy and the struggle can be big

Enjoying the humanoidish form, the long horns can be pierceful
Wearing lovely robes and the only one with gold colors in them and no reds, he has his lil "castle" upon the mountain and (easy access behind to the Dragon Kingdom)
Keeping it very formal, not letting anyone in the castle that Felras doesn't know personally.

Upon entering the big tall gates, open to any visitor, old ruins, pillars and natural flora has the place. It almost seems like a lost city. But the inhabitants live here alongside nature.
Able to get one of the best Fruits (Nuyam) alongside as well. The housings range from flat to treehouse like. As many trees can be seen. With unique pink and reddish colors on the petals and soft greens. A reason many who live there wear the colors of green, reds and cream colors.
Felras is known for Dragon Warriors, fruit and the possibility of obtaining a Dragonfriend (Companion here)

One Might be lucky to find a dragon in humanoids from roaming around to visit or get a lot of info.
(Even the possibility of a "dragonbond>" as some love to travel and form friendships

There is a huge old library that has an elder Fragonoid like figure called "Marimus' ' who holds the secrets of the past as well as providing info on how to "tame/Take care' ' of your dragonfriend and many more. He even writes his own lil stories, which he only shows to those he likes.

Upon very good food, one might get the possibility of tradings (they do treasure gold and jewelry so careful upon entering)

In this place you might be lucky to visit the dragon riding grounds or nesting area near the Valley with allowance. Most bonds are made here.
The place is usually known for the best guards and warriors. You can ask one to join for the journey (gold and other valuables as payment, since part dragon cares for loot) and some have big honor when joining the right group and cause. 

Here is also a place where you can get from the dragon merchant “Alkarin”
Described as a very cheerful one with long horns, humanoid body and a lovely tail and ears. Letting others be part of this vast world and provide support.

-Scaled armor and advantages
-potions and firebreath and resistant
-quests and tales and books

The dragon valley has had their shares of strangers who aren't so nice..
They are also seeking for their loss as at the time eggs have been stolen before the big war and will be rewarded when bringing back their offspring.

-Egg Saga https://toyhou.se/~literature/159157.egg-saga

Dragon Warriors: 

Dragon Warriors, who used to be seen as a curse and a disgrace until one of them decided to prove their worth and make the best of it. Making them the best guards and warriors there are. Having the Ability to remain in their hybrid form or their dragon form.
Some have an average height from 1m90 to 2m10 (small ones are rare and usually seen as a runt, but reality have a ton of power within.
There are a vast “humanoid” ones who have (almost) a humanlike face, while others have a more defined scaly face and standing on two legs
All have a tail and a mark behind their neck and arm (upper arm left or right) showing the family type (elemental clan or from where they offspring from)
some hide these still out of shame while others show with pride.
Can be easily agitated, some are high nosed and proud (very proud) creatures. 

- resistant against fire
-can contain against lava
-Depending on species adjust to it (can´t be harmed by own element and type)
-Speaking in dragon and any learned language
-Can bond with another (must be a lot of trust and friendship for this)
-extremely strong and no problem of smashing rock or stone
-claws hella sharp and cut steel and iron
-Love music and can be charmed by it (sing along as well)
-Withstanding strong winds (have strong wings)




Fenris is a well known main City and home to many travelers. There is the airship, wallpits and various informants one can find. Letting know of a specific weaver of information lies here as well.
The reptilian spider-like creature has a knack for jokes and tales and will trade information for a good joke and a tale.
Upon doing so, they will mention they saw someone holding a doll like the npc with the group n Felras as dragon fur material was used (making the doll with dragon fur power) how to unlock it will be revealed in Felras.

Rules by middle kid Fenris, having his
The place below Felras, in the more middle part of the Trio chunk of land between Dragonland and Rokka, is Fenris.Fenrir is a well known main City and home to many travelers. There is the airship, wallpits and various informants one can find. Letting know of a specific weaver of information lies here as well.
The reptilian spider-like creature has a knack for jokes and tales and will trade information for a good joke and a tale.
Upon doing so, they will mention they saw someone holding a doll like the npc with the group n Felras as dragon fur material was used (making the doll with dragon fur power) how to unlock will reveal in Feiras.W.i.p



Known as the "reptilian" City. Scalies, dragon-like and Snakes roam here. Nagas are welcome while mostly reptilian reside and are very friendly towards others.
One can also get here amazing armor (done by a reptilian Smithing one who takes his own scales and makes them to armor for others)

-Scale of a time
-One Fang of a scale
-The Sheddining




for npcs there:


is a nice lil place with a mountain, ocean and a calm and soothing area. A place where some say fighting is a no go. It doesn't have much to offer at first. A pier for some boats, the ocean access, a very cozy and lovely Onsen/Spa and wellness area on the mountain along hiking trails, wildlife and nature around. Said to lift one's spirits and to relax after battles or for the sake of mind.

imagine a combination of Venice/Italy, Hallstadt-Austria and Spa locations fuzed.

Small stores offer small healing potions, items and specialized backpacks, tools and even equipment. This place is said for the relaxing part. Wellness and calmness. A big reason fighting here is a full no go and you will be thrown out if you dare start a fight or take part in it.

Run by Zena https://toyhou.se/15101134.zena a Kitsune Gal with strong magic, who empowers the "no fight" policy as she wants peace around as well. 

She will usually love to welcome newcomers, show them around and offer a place to stay as well (one can even buy an own lil place to live in)
She will also help assist with any learnings of inner healings as the town is also known for teaching this technique to others. It's A way of channeling your inner energy to repair yourself. Self healing when needed.
She might also notice the doll and mention how it reminded her of a specific guy who made it not so long ago.

Small stores and relaxing
A few stores are here of course as this is a place where some travel by boat/ship or other ways.
The docks/Pier offer good fish too. A Tabaxi with ruffled short fur named Morris and a "Catfish" folk named "Laikos" (has a magic water bubble around him) run the best Fishshop there is (the two are best friends since childhood)

A Hadozee (monkeylike) guy named "Orvolus" is a master craftsman and can make various items or repairs (lives at the lighthouse of the Pier) An elder looking guy but uses his lil glasses to focus closer.

A Plasmoid by the name of "Nubari" wanders throughout as living in the library of the towngives it sanctuary. Communicates by mind. The Library is set lower on the mountain in the Town.
Alongside runs an Owlin named "Gwenevier" who is very fond of shiny things. She is a skilled hunter and has a vast knowledge.

The Onsen/Spa and Herbshop

"Soothening Winds"

Run by Gregory https://toyhou.se/19381119.gregory and Chiron https://toyhou.se/19381145.chiron

These two have found a moment and made it matter with alot of goodness. On the mountain of Taeb is the Onsen/Spa and Wellness area with it´s own lil shop. (it is connected with the Tavern as they work together)

You can not only get a good price on practical and relaxing things, but also for mind and soul (both take care that body, mind and soul are at ease)

Making this place a lovely and inspiring area. Many artists come here to relax, get inspired or to see the wonderfulness of it all (or to buy things)

The Onsen is pretty big. Seperated in the bathing areas, wellness center and in the middle a glasshouse type of thing where nature can grow. A great place to sit and relax and even if it is snowing, see the beauty from both sides. The garden areas are attended by Chiron himself as he takes great care and pride in all he grows. Flowers, plants, fruits and vegetables are present here and nicely organized. He has his small section of Bee´s and makes the own honey improved with support (like for healing, against cold, etc)


Here is also where you can find "The Sleepless Beast" (Tavern/Inn) and it´s mysteries.

Run by Firbolg Noya and his friend "Z"



Upon reaching the place, a lil by foot since it is in the middle of the mountain area, gives a stunning view to the ocean and mountains as well as wall and other side of the world. The air is fresh and let´s one breathe in.

Lovely crafted wooden gates let one enter the Tavern outside area, sitting places and large benches aside the broken old wall. One big tree with fruits grows here and one can freely take the berries (sweet in taste, blueberry and strawberry combined)

Inside the Tavern has a big spectrum of places to sit and relax. Kitchen is across when entering to order a meal and the one at the counter is usually a cheerful guy who loves hearing of new visitors.

Above leading stairs on both sides to rooms in 2 different floors (varies from size and price) as well as a hallway leading to the mountain and to the hot springs to soak and get a wellness pack or more done for the aching bones too.

Here all are accepted. No matter species, kind or alliance as long as no one fights.

-Sign of the Tavern above is big that when the wind blows, it taps to a rhythm that some call "the rhythm of the beast". A bard called Nikari tends to show up and play and sing to the tapping.

-The groundwalls and building is partly made from cedar, giving the place a strong anti-magic quality. Also letting curses, spells and such non-working (meaning if you are cursed, this place can maintain the uncursed you for as long as you are there but won´t break it)

-Hot Spring and Onsen are directly combined with the "Sleepless Beast" as it also runs 24/7

-There is a living sentient Skeleton that "awakens" at dusk time (when dark) and works all night through. His skeleton "sleeps" in a nicely arranged broom closet he chose himself. It´s his room so to say. Coming out of there when duty calls, bringing guests midnight snacks, towels or helps in various ways one needs

-A pet friendly place as well as some have patreon s along or even their companions. Horses or other riding companions are taken care of in the stall to the right of the Tavern/Inn and has a lovely Elfgal named "Marry" who watches over. A harengon gal named Susan supports alongside.

-The Bartender called Claudius Farringale Taang a more modern "Yuan -Ti" (Snakepeople) is a skilled guy and entertains. Juggling drinks and making them excellent in the process. Always has an ear open or two and gives good advice. He has a secret, though known by the bar owner Noya himself.

-The doors of the Tavern go shut if someone leaves without paying.

-There are certain standards and regulars at the place one can talk to and encounter.

-there is a lil fire spirit who lives in the old oven and keeps the place nice and warm as well as helps make the food.

Regulars/NPC in Taeb

-Mango https://toyhou.se/18210426.mango



-a mystery package arrives at the bartenders, who places it secretly behind the counter as no one seems to be looking (was a gift for the girl)
-The lights suddenly go out and someone goes missing (He fell through a hole of the place and landed in the basement)
-A lady dwarf sits alone at the table and seems to be waiting on her date, who doesn't show up. A petal lost.
-Tavern shakes and rumbles, passes by however and all act casual as it often happens. The bartender comments how it got more since last  week (investigate- Tunnelworm)
-A man stumbles in, seeming bloody and dripping to get a drink. Bartender gives him one, he drinks and relaxes on the table. (regular one who goes to the fishing grounds to get the Waterbeast)
-Another man rushes suddenly in, the Bartender hides him under the counter and continues to work. Moments later guards from the city appear to seek for him
-A well dressed one enters the tavern, asks for a drink and offers a lot of money. Bartender refuses. Seems like both know each other (past love)
-As Ale runs out, the Bartender asks the group  if they can pick up his order at the Pier before the locals know.
-A known brewer visits and demands the recipe of the Housedrink, (called "Glorgnik") which noone hands him. (a very well drink that can linder pain and heal wounds while tasting delicious)
-Signs of "ghosts" at night as one of the guests recalls seeing a "Ghost Girl" (it´s the girl who is with her father and hidden family in the basement, vampires)-

However the group deal with things, this place is peaceful and despite the “creepy” factor, it was always a lovely lil place

!!!!!!!!      The group seek    !!!!!!!!!

A Hadozee (monkeylike) guy named "Orvolus" is a master craftsman and can make various items or repairs (lives at the lighthouse of the Pier) An elder looking guy but uses his lil glasses to focus closer. Is said to have made the wooden doll. This is where players need to go to find out information. He will give information in exchange for some food (can be purchased in the Tavern) Upon he will tell the group that he had made the doll as a custom design for someone named “TikTok” (A Kanku and right hand of the leader of the Crimson Red)
Part of the Crimson Red Company https://toyhou.se/21852284.crimson-company

And he explains that the Kenku mentioned the “soul orb” was on an island.. Mainly Gustavia.. close by (which would contain the memories of the Sibling in his dollform)
He had last seen the Kanku not too long and it was said he needed to visit someone on Island Nuada. To “relax and take care of business”
The group would have a lead. 


The Heart of Fabula with it´s main city Akta
"Ruled" by Marla and Barnabrooks

The place is in the middle of the two lands (old and new) of Malbastin (old World) and Nelbastin (new World)
The saying has Barnabrooks who even owns his own Tavern(part Inn): He came here after the war to make a new home and try to bridge the place between old and new.
The big hole in the wall was the last attack from the war and was never repaired. Making it very practical for Barnabrooks to make a new home.
He has the saying alongside the "assistant" he has with him. Kite is the Parynx of the city and has his own mortality form.
The elderly half elf/half Faun Bartender, who helps Barnabrooks, named Doras.
Who will help with information

There is also Marla https://toyhou.se/5300318.marla who, at first not noticeable, seems like any other Lady. She has her home in the wall section and is in charge of Portals and teleportation (this helps if one wants to use the portals or get a device to teleport) She is the one in charge of who gets what.
She and Barnabrooks have founded Aka after the war and have made it to the place it is now.

The Heart of Fabula, Land Rokka, City Atka with its many possibilities.
In the middle of the broken wall lies a city made by both sides for peace and opportunity on new
The big Cherry Tree that magically spreads its branches upholds a billboard with quests.
One can enter in various ways. From the old or new kingdom or through a magical Portal which is within the big Cherry Blossom tree
The city has a very charming atmosphere. Lively and sweet.
Protected by one of the Parynx creature within the tree leaves, the area is paved with bricks and soft marmor (imagine it like greece a bit mixed with the fantasy vibe)

When coming through the Portal, one is greeted by it´s guardian, a softly spoken Firbolg who welcomes visitors and aids them to first head to the building in the middle (across the portal tree) or to take a rest  (those who travel with portals /teleport from other locations) need them registered for example

On the one side is a huge Library (some areas can be passed as it´s keeper watches very carefully) but gives good info.
Nobu the red one is in Kyles realm, Harasu the blue one is in the library near from the Tavern
Main 4 books are most common and known by readers
History of Fabula (the one they wrote down and not the truth) called "The past of Fabula"
Races of Fabula (Also known as What to see in this glorious world)- "Encyclopedia of Us" Title of the book for the species
Land of Fabula (what land, with what rules and what to expect) Where is where
Kings and Lords of Fabula or also called "the mighty Rulers"

The Smithy had a talented Smithing guy as well as the knowledge on hidden weapons (leading the https://toyhou.se/~literature/159135.the-nogadi quest if one wants)
The one Blacksmith who is there most of the time is Dori Boneblade (Dori´s ironworks) with best friend and Smith who occasionally visits is Tatsuya https://toyhou.se/18887649.tatsuya-ormr-cadmus. Alongside Dori and Tatsuya, is their assistant Tori https://toyhou.se/18887553.tori who helps out as a guard for the place as well as learning. She knows Dori by now and his way with customers.
Dori is a respected Blacksmith of Rokka and stout and sharp tongued dwarf, coming off as rude sometimes. Wary of customers he hasn't seen before.
He has a rivalry going on with Bromrir https://toyhou.se/11061834.bromrir in Frisbourne.
He is interested in the "Nogadi" Weapons and will mention this as he wants them.
Part of a quests that can be done: https://toyhou.se/~literature/159135.the-nogadi

Aside that there is a doctor for any species or types (With him can also come the quest of https://toyhou.se/~literature/159155.the-healing-mystery 

as well as the small little school where one meets a scientist mentioning his "crazy" fellow (who leads)
The school is across from the homes in the mountain area near homes.

There is a tattoo artist on the side of the homes and stands/Shop area where one can get a info point as well leading to
The Tiefling named Nayola is a very passionate inker and artist, covered in tattoos on her body. Usually seen in the gardenarea when not in my own shop.
She loves to make special tattoos if one wants. (magical and special)

Her father:

Elora´s Apothecary

Elora Pharedusts is a well respected Doctor here in Akta. And in all of Rokka too.
A very tall elf lady with round spectacles.
Healer and doctor who runs the shop alone (Father died)
She can tell also of some strange disappearances of magic ones later on
(With her can also come the quest of https://toyhou.se/~literature/159155.the-healing-mystery)

Emporium Lane

Are the shops that are found on the side near the Tavern and doc and are owned by some very sweet and kind sellers.
Some shops can have thread, wool or a place where to acquire good wood
can lead to this quest

The older Firbolg with his cart is named Perkas who is a spice merchant and has his lil store here called "Sweet n Spicy"
(Broken cart-quest)

Tatra Ilones a female gnome tailor who has her shop next to his.
Quest: Lil Devils)

Pulpigaar (a Harengon) who has an excellent sense of smell, the scent Parlor is his place.

Basically any quest can be within the missions and storyline depending what ocs enter and info is given

The Hearts Square 

is in the middle of the city and mosts things happen here
Including the big cherry tree (having a portal) as well as it´s Billboard and Questboard run by Raston Briksbane.
A very talkative Halfling who will gladly help. Small but knows alot.

The Hearts Park

Across of the Tavern is a lovely park (separating the busy merchant and working area from the homes and cozy place)
It has its own lil fountain and trees, making this very relaxing and gives others a break or two.
Elf Lumenor has his place here and plays the flute, lover of riddles

One can obtain a home here as well! (They are situated in the wall of the old bridge and have a very sweet and warm atmosphere, making it perfect for those alone.

Akta Technological School (A.T.S)

Right behind Hearts Park is the big school
Study of old and new World can be found here.
A giant Bugbear named "Eggy" stands as a Gatekeeper here.
Headmaster Myrrneva Goldplume

One of the teachers there who also does experients
Anthony Briggs https://toyhou.se/10773436.anthony-briggs
He has his own (horror) Sidequest.

Those who live there also help run the games at the Festival
Edgar Briggs (a "Beastman"-Animal guy-who runs the Greased Pig catching as well as has his own lil farm nearby)
Thondrak (a Half Tiefling/Half Elf) Arm Wrestling tent
Fifin (a Goblingal) Archery (Who has a small shop next to Perkas on the other side)- also has a quest
Srafin (A bartender alongside Barnabrooks tavern and buddy of Doras- A very charming and motivational Leonin) Ball under the cups
Pulpigaar (a Harengon who has an excellent sense of smell, runs a small shop as well, owning the scent Parlor and game What's that smell

These "Npcs" live in Akta as well as love to compete (Especially in Arm Wrestling)
Halhad (Elf)
Duvur (Dwarf)
Butik (bugbear and younger brother of Eggy)
Petro (Firbolg) son of Perkas (The Spice merchant)
Maya (a Halforc fighter) who travels through

Alot can happen in Akta and can be seen.
Let us see what is there as well

Festivals held:
-Main festivals to honor Cheops is 1x a year
-Food Fight (as in best cook wins from both sides of Fabula)
-Bard off (music challenge)
-Seasonal Celebrations
-New Years

The Siblings of Fabula
One Thing to know about Akta, the Godlings, who placed a "gift" as Fabula was created, had placed an egg in the middle of the city. Saying it will hatch when the world Forms (that is usually after 20 years) So. As the world of Fabula was growing, the humans coming, more things created, the Egg was rattling. Barnabrooks and Marla who had the area,
The Festival was coming and Cheops who wanted to place something as a gift, got shattered by a few.
The Egg, rattling on.
War broke out, things got chaotic and soon enough after the split, land leaving Akta, let the Egg form bigger. And as new boundaries were set with the Kings (left and right) the Festival then, hatched fitting on the Festival of worlds (Celebrating peace with the two kingdoms and the new Heart of Fabula)
The Egg, instead of being 1, became 3 !
Each born one symbolizing a part of Fabula.

1. Thaddeus- Variation with different wings that light up with the blue, has Heterochromie (eyes)- Resembles Heart of Fabula (Rokka)-
2. Theo (Theodore) Light skin (white eyes)- Resembling Old World Fabula
3. Thatcher -dark skin (white eyes)- resembling New Fabula
4. Thorwig (half/half)

These Siblings live usually in Fabula s Heart. They do wander around in the worlds they represent and meet at times at the center to get updates, news, chat.. How siblings can be. These are very strong Beings! They don't fight and don't want to harm but will defend if needed.
Tend to gather and meet at festivals and see the world nowadays.

Near Akta (to the old World Marbastin on the left)

We have 20 minutes from there to see the old temple up (these are the old foundations and remains of the world before the "Shattering", nothing "big"  to see other than ruins, an old temple that has been covered by huge rocks and a small shrine dedicated to Cheops himself. Nature surrounds this place around the old ruins and vines. But there lies a secret to this.

The Ruins

When coming out from Akta, one would see a smaller path that leads to old stairs and the ruins. As well as the Old Tem
Entering this place following old steps up to the side, it gives a lovely view and is half the height of the wall (you still wouldn't be able to climb, jump or fly over this huge wall, as above guards are patrolling and it is very tricky)
But the ruins give a lovely atmosphere, one feels "at ease" and if luck, can spot the Earth Fawn that watches over this place
Upon approaching, one may be able to talk to. And find out more
The Bolder blocking the old temple entrance can be destroyed and made space. Entering would showcase the favorite spot of Cheops as there would be paintings he had drawn, a "lounging"

Left and right side of Akta are taken clear of Marla and Barnabrooks as they "rule" the place and see that both sides are in harmony.


Leaving Akta, about 10 minutes by foot, one would come close to the small city Peltak.

One of the smaller places in Fabula, Peltak is the best place for families and those who want to settle down. With beautiful suburbs, lovely sweet shops, a thriving market place, and a genetic and Research center (GRC) close by for work, Peltak offers everything a growing family might want or need. Register as a resident at the court or visit to have a case taken care of. Wander the streets with a free map or experience one of the magical festivals. Peltak truly has it all!

 Since it is close to Akta, the Fantasy styled area is still on the calmer side than outside of Akta. 


Across of Peltak is Pinoli (about 15 minutes by foot)
As this is close to the many ways one can go, this is the place where Adventurers get the "good ol" Equipment for traveling, merchants who will buy your things, trade or sell.
It's A very busy lil city and more robust and lots of things to see than a calmer place like Peltak.
Usually a big Tavern can be found here across the Guildhall.
One can join groups, guilds and such. Seek for jobs and a quick cash or two. Things like hunting slime monsters for their gooey substance to be traded or a tusk or two to be earned.
Near Pinoli is the Training ground as well as the main Infocenter.
One can train, use magic or weapons, fight against others to see if the newest weapon or armor works, have a try in techniques or see if one can find a fitting group to travel with.
The Infocenter gives the first and last tipps before heading into the vast world of Old Fabula.
Nearby are animals as well as transportation to amounts of handling or trade as well as sell.
2 Bridges lead to different areas through the mountains South of Pinoli as well as directly through the wall border of Rokka.
The Bridges lead to the Land of Gahul. One brings one up North, to the City of Herath as the other brings to South where the village Septhis lies. .
One can always try to climb the mountain. As it´is the 2nd highest of the world (almost as high as the wall) From which one has an excellent view over the lands. Do be wary as it is quite dangerous.
There are border guards at the bridges and exit and will ask your destination.

Leaving the area, means you are now in the "wild" world.

Veltin and Rokka´s Pier

Way near the ocean, 20 minutes from Peltak, is Veltin.
This is a sight to behold.
Not  only is this a busy area as there is an "Airport" Meaning airships,  carriers and special flights can be taken, bought with enough money and  skill and having the busy handling area of Rokka. Sales come and go.  What you see now, and want, make sure to get because buyers are hella  fast when it comes to deliveries. Tuesdays for Air Deliveries and  Thursdays for ship deliveries are various deliveries throughout the  land. One can acquire rare or very good weaponry, armor, herbs, foods, spices and more. Even books and creative tools to get.
From Airship, a school for Aircraft (you can take a trial and learn how to make your  own ship if lucky) Takes a month as there is one of the skilled ones to  be at.
The opposite is the Piersection. Ships, docks and learning to make your own boat if lucky.
The two places have a small rivalry at times (Air-Ship vs Water-Ship in a way)
20 minutes apart.
 Veltin is specifically known for its Aircraft Ship mastery while Rokka ́s Pier has the best sailors.
Both sides only have officially registered ones and won't allow any pirate or thieves to deliver. (They have a bad reputation)
In Between the two Places is enough space for building, crafting and learning as they share the place and have the skills there.

Rokka North mountain Left

Between Veltin and the trail up North is the left Mountain. It is in Veltin. The mountains are referred to as "lungs of the West"

There is a small path one can follow, leading to the Mountaincave entrance. A Goblin and a Dwarf stand guard here as this is "Their" mountain and won´t let anyone in. They have claimed this place long after the war and  ever since they only let specific ones through. Noone knows what is to  find in there but do make sure not to get on their bad side. As they don´t like curious ones


-The deep Howl

-Treasures or Devastation

-Burrow Beyond

Rokka North mountain Right

Veltin right side. While the left mountain is "not accessible for some '' the right has a lovely Observatorium, where two run the area. Stargazers and Nightwatchers.
The duo are nicknamed like that as they almost never leave their place.
They live in the Observatorium where there is a big library combined. Letting them both enjoy themselves.
On Top of the mountain, called Moon Mountain, there is a lovely area for visitors to sit and gaze outside. 

-Jack´s Stand-very small stand of hot and cold drinks, small foods and potions

"Nightwatcher" (Perriwinkle Fazzlepop) is a very older owl folk male who enjoys the stars, night sky and a good cup of brewed coffee. He can tell you the history of this place if you get him on your good side. Not very used to company and tends to want peace when gazing with the periscope. Accurate and very perfectionist when it comes to facts. His talons are sharp as hell so be wary.
He actually enjoys playing the piano which is on the lower part of the Rooms, seperate to read in peace.
Never call his full name (he hates it)

"Stargazer "(Aurora Borikarta) is a sweet and quirky Halfelf/Gnome lady that is up day and night. While she enjoys making sky maps and documenting everything, it seems like she hasn't really slept in ages. (Elf Blood and all) She is 1m50 tall, has long hair braided to the bottom and small specs on her cute nose. While her skin is a light greenish, she always jokes about being an Alien like the humans who once were here, told about. She loves to talk and babble. Has a photographic memory and can recite anything she ever read, heard or seen.
While wishing to wander the world and see the things around, she is more stuck on the mountain as she has a fear of big crowds. A few are ok, but with too many she get´s anxious, talks faster and scatters around. She loves to teach though and will take her time to answer everyone's questions.
Stargazer LOVES Tea. Any brew you can give her, let her have, she will be thankful and will trade for information or support. Secretly loves reading Love Novels and will hide in her upper Nook of the Observatorium where she reads.
Also enjoy playing the violin. Sometimes the two make a duet when the mood is right.

Both have been friends for very long and trust each other blindly

The Library itself is run by Dezma. The Library is connected with the Observatorium. Dezma holds a secret and has his own history with things: He knows exactly where which book is. Will give tipps on books or see what you would want.
Being a lil eccentric, he does have a sweet core.

"Mooner Lookout"

A small lil "camping" area, a few feet away from the Library and Observatorium, is the lookout point and seatings with umbrellas called  "Mooner Lookout" which gives visitors a nice and cozy atmosphere, small telescopes you can look through at night, small area with tents you can camp if wanted and small food stand (don´t forget the toilet areas and practical hidden showers for those who need)

Jacks Stand

Inbetween the Mooner Lookout and Observatorium/Library is Jacks stand. Serving homemade food /Snacks and drinks as this guy knows how to serve with a smile and support. 

-The fallen Sky (Starfox)
-When you wish upon a star (Starlets seeking)
-From once we came
-A day of experience (Aurora´s story)
-Though shall not name (Perriwinkle s story)
- (https://toyhou.se/15206628.albin-nickodramus-alonzo) -Findings of mighty Nickodramus Alonzo”-https://toyhou.se/~literature/159165.bookfindings
-Back to the waters (Dezma story)

Rokka´s Orphanage

With good stuff usually comes sad stuff. Just outside of Akta, to the  left, is a big Building. A lovely old Mansion-like building which is actually pretty nice. It is updated to the best standards and has all one could need.

It is an orphanage and children big and small can be  found here. There is a small group of Helpers who bring the lost kids  here, those abandoned, found in destroyed places or have been brought  here themselves.

Which is sad in general but do not worry. The ones here take amazing care and let the children have all the things they  need. Food, clothings, toys and even a supporting education as they get  taught and later sent to school even. One can adopt and even help out  the orphanage. They have a huge garden to play and practice near the wall and are secured.

Burnt Villages

There are two in Rokka.

The smaller one is near the old temple and has some lost parts left.
Here one of the entrances can be found to an underground dungeon.
This is where Horatio https://toyhou.se/4167863.horatio "guards' ' the place. He sits there on the broken Pillar of the small village and at first one would not see this lil village when walking by. Hidden by lovely leaves, bushes and greenery. Hidden so to say on the way up to the temple.
But this small lil village, now with only 7 old houses ``standing" there are deep black burnt wood pieces, the ground has dried up sticky blood around.
There can be a few books still intact when seeking. Of course be wary of Horatio as he will distract you in any way. Saying there is nothing there and he lives here now.
He is in fact protecting this place, knowing of it´s secret.
Upon entering the small old ruined area, a lot of vines, greenery and flowers grow over the older buildings. 3 are still intact even if burnt and dirty. They still hold a good chunk of stormy and cold weather. The other 4 are completely burnt down to the ruins. One could see how the layout was, broken furniture and even daily objects

The good houses that are still usable, are inhabitant in a way. The one on the far end belongs to Horatio (which is across the old small library that is burnt down and holds the secret entrance), the other is filled with animals that use it as a shelter. And the third as an enemy that has claimed it as his. A skeleton covered in some slime (not acid) here is loot to get. Good weapons for level starters, robes and some good clothings. He can be defeated with ice or cold.
Getting the loot from him after he is defeated, he will grumble, set himself back together and enter Horatio´s home.
Horatio himself will not help anyone. He just wants all out and not going to the trapdoor. Leading to the dungeon (and circling to the other side. As in the middle is a big treasure under the wall.

The second burnt village can be found outside the wall of Rokka at the near end. An old Brick wall partly obscures it and one wouldn't see at first either. This is part of the burnt village from above and leads to the conclusion that there used to be an older city below after Rokka was rebuilt (It is in fact the old human home before the Shattering) Players can find hints in old books, diaries and more when wandering around.
These two watch over the burnt village

of course different clothings, but can be annoying too if they want. Nua watches more above as Tora watches below.
One would see some burnt houses here and a 2 story house in the middle with a fountain. The fountain is dried up but one can activate the switch and water would flow through (it would spit out a "time capsule" hidden from a former resident containing the story they know before things went down)
There are some human skeletons hidden below the basement of the old lil meeting hall. Normal "non human" skeletons would be scattered around.
There is a huge chest to see under some broken pillars and wood piles when searching. Of course the duo would distract the players from seeking in the first place.

The old burnt village also has a small passageway on the side, leading to the garden of the Orphanage (one of the orphans crawls here now and then and cal tell the players for example, leading them to it)
There are three main big ways below one can go. One leads to the dungeon (where the one orb of cheops is, the item box as well as some loot and enemies), another to the Orphanage and back and one leads directly under the wall and one would come out on the other side of the new World in the sewer system at the park.

Answer to the dungeon below, hidden in the big torn wallpaper above the oven (fireplace) like a cheat code of "up, up, down etc" carved into the hidden part
Telling them the way to the orb piece of Cheops. (hidden at the end in a box with loot items. Once taken out of the bag of holding, players then would find it "eering" and whoever holds it can  use elemental powers. (can combine on weapons too) but upon using this,  the Hunter/s and Seekers get notice of (they seek the pieces to get Cheops themselves)

In the dungeon below, next to the hard part of a creature that only fights if you come near it or the mystery (quest) it guards (can be fought when layers are a higher level) one can easily gain some loot here. Upon following the way (and a first boss battle so to say) one can defeat it and find the chest of loot. One can also be dark and dangerous, run in, past the creature and go directly for the box hidden behind a painting safe. Releasing Mystery to defeat the Beast. (if one knows the secret of course)

among the items:
-a weapon of the Nogadi https://toyhou.se/~literature/159135.the-nogadi
-bag of Holding (players can of course keep) and contains not only the cheops part but also
-2000 gold,
-one violett amber,
-a series (first of many) book,
-a cloak of flying,
-armor pieces
-book of spells
-a small box with pastries which are still in good condition (meaning this box can hold food and it never get´ spoiled) alongside a flask of everlast (whatever fluid is in it, can be endless)
Water is inside
While these are powerful items, they are a good start to the world

In the dungeon on the other side of where mystery is and the strong box contained with the beast, is a doll to be found when opening an old wooden door (one can lift it up and trigger the sidequest if wanted. https://toyhou.se/~literature/159141.a-thread-wool-metal-and-wood
The door will contain "a start of threads" if one wants to do this of course.
Below are a lot of Dust Bunnies (annoying enemies that are .. out of Dust and some of coal and make things and items dirtier and slowly decay)- Armor and co beware, giving a time limit when encountering them. 

Players can spot one of the npcs holding back on information and might hand the other piece of the map (for the new location to go to) they can of course provide info, but tend not to (otherwise using spells or such)

The hidden trapdoor to the basement "dungeon" is a former burnt building that used to be a library. Only some books partly remained (one box can be found with good secured books that are still functional) something from a sidequest for example, spellbook, cookbook, a story of romance and one that holds "cheops diary" of someone who was writing about him (blood is on the corner) can be tracked down to an npc in Barnabrooks tavern who later wandered to a strange inn and vanished (leading to a  sidestory/Quest of the mystery tavern-https://toyhou.se/~literature/158310.the-nightly-dip
Players CAN find the mystery girl in the hidden area guarded heavily by a creature.

The basement below the hidden trapdoor (the old oven has a secret lever) leading one down to a lil "labyrinth" not too complicated though.

-Looter or be looted
-An old memory to retrieve (item of a villager is inside one of the burnt places and player retrieves an old music box with a photo inside)
-come back home old man (the skeletons past)
-Water of the past (Fountain)

That would be Rokka

There is a hidden area of Elimi (the Elemental Realm/Kingdom) which can be found and discovered.
There is also an Elemental Quest one can do.




Rabu (Demi Witch)-Elemental Place

Ruled by Rabu, the "Demi Witch" who helped the Godlings, has Raha and Kyle by her side.
The area of many clans, tribes and villagers. All that live there were born with their powers- Or have been accepted within the place.
Guarded by 2 main ones, (Demi God Kyle and Demi god  Felicity Raha) who make sure if those who enter are worthy or get the ability for this.
One must understand the situation. (!)
Before the war, the elemental Tribes had their homeplaces in Fabula (indicated by the big and tall "elemental" Pillars as entrance to their place. Around Fabula. Combining it all and thanks to Cheops having a harmonious way. The middle part (known as the Ruins, originally along where Raha guards)
But as the war broke out, the Elemental Tribes were in danger as some Moloki´s were after them to take their power away. And Heating the tribes up against each other for dominance. Where there was peace now was battling and danger.
Rabu decided it was enough, with the help of Nobu, making a dimensional realm and "transferring" the lands with the Elemental Tribes within. Each in their own safe space. Letting the border/Barrier be guarded by Raha (in Rokka outside, inside the wall near Ruins) and Kyle (inside the realm) along with the Parynx from Gabri to protect.
Of course they can enter and go as they please but it is still a very slippery subject as the tribes still have the feeling of having to be the best in order to protect their worlds.
Some want to take back the land and let their kingdom flourish like before.
A reason Fabula´s seasons, weather and territories are all spread and chaotic.

There is still a Pillar remaining in the former lands of the Elemental tribes!! It indicates where their old home was. These Pillars can´t be broken and are a connection to the World of Fabula.
One Pillar in Fabula and one in the Realm of the Elimi´s.
Trying to reconnect the land back so things can return to normal is a main goal of those who know the secret.



Rox Layne the 7th rules this place
Between the old walls of Rokka, further away is a Land in the middle again named Zlemi.

Welcome to the Fantasy version of the world you know. Here, everything is amazing to look at from the citizens to combined tech. Our world basically but no humans. It resembles a mix of all our  cultures in one. Making this land an adventure to explore. Modern and fantastic to spot what old and new have combined. A full on big City with it´s secrets and adventures.



This Land is said to be the home of The wall. More precise. Home of "Stone" workers who build and make houses and more. One can work for them or hire to get a house built.
The one in charge makes a check to see if the Land you want is free or if access is given.
They have trouble with a certain King in their Land but follow as he says as they do get a lot of money and good access to what they need. They just are wary as sometimes some go "missing"
King Gordon

He is a stone devil!

Captive Art-https://toyhou.se/~literature/159151.captive-art
In this Quest, players can find out about missing people over time and how things have gotten harder. A scenery where at night stonelike gargoyles wander through the city and we hear a scream. Then Silence as the gargoyles (small creature versions) are snatching away someone.

Gargoyles (the tall kind) Live in the mountain/Wall part and roam here. Hindering the workers from repairing the wall.



Naosin is that huge chunk at the bottom of the Map of Fabula.
It is mainly ruled by Elf Prince Larafin Naosin

The land is at constant rivaling over the Kingdom of Naosin.

But also King and Queen Eibmoz who want to take over. Prince Larafin is ruling Naosin but is looking for his parents who vanished. Appearing to be the King and Queen Eibmoz who have taken over the lower part, mountain area and the huge Labyrinth.
It is said that there is a mystery revolving around it as well as the "Kingdom"
As the two royals are constantly rivaling over the Land.
It originally belonged to King Naosin but he disappeared. The son is taking control to protect the land as these two had entered-

The Labyrinth has 2 names.
On the Left  it´s "The Labyrinth of Dor" and on the right  it´s "The Labyrinth of Wah"
Named after the two Minotaur brothers that have been "locked" inside.
Said to be very dangerous.


The Middle Part of Fabula is done
Now, we will focus here on the left side first (Old World.-  Marbastin) and move on.


OLd World- Malbastin

History of Malbastin/Marbastin

Knowing the history of Fabula, Old Malbastin is the original place and still has the old grounds.
They keep the history of the world in its walls.
Saying "Mal instead of Marbastin means one knows of the old world. A reason why many speak it out differently. But here to clarify

Marbastin- old world before war
Malbastin-old world after war.

The History of the Royal Family

Family Wiccur (ruling alongside Gero) in Marbastin (The “Old World”)
After the war, the Crescent Moon Royals choose their King to rule alongside the old World. It was not a competition but to see who would rule good.
They chose (alongside Gero) a young man named Forthin. A black Wolf of the Wolvrin Tribe.
Gero, (the twin and demi God, also known as Nishishu later on, the "Elemental Godling" of Life and Light,) was said to watch over and protect the Wiccur family. And be at their side.
After the war, the King's family was chosen, ruling over it for a long time and doing a pretty good job in it as well.

Forthin married his mate and ruled aside her.
Getting a proud young son named Deken

Up to a point where the loyal friend and right hand of the King, a Boar named Phillis, plotted against the king and his family and had planned to murder them using some rebellious Moloki to get the job done. Alone that the King was together with a "witch" who could change her form was seen as bad Omen. The Kingdom was uncertain but remained true to their king as he was doing as well as his father.
The woman he married and loves was the daughter of Marifa (one of the Godlings !) He knew and didn't mind. As he loved her no matter what.
The Offspring of these two were named. Edmund Duraine Fynn Wocurar. Son of Deken

Deken s best friend (A Bearguy) protected the kid as he got wind of the planned attack. Bringing the kid to a safe place in Fabula via Portal and keeping him there as the parents planned to follow.

City Herath at the time in the middle of Gahul was the location of the castle and of Dean´s home.
Orina Guards where THE best Guards one could find. And as things got wary, the traitor had started to riot, betray and a fire broke out. The parents thought they had lost their child as the Boar stated he had been found and killed (which is not true, it was someone else) and seeing devastated parents, a fight broke out. Daughter of Marifa used her powers and got the King out before it could collapse.
While Dean only heard part of this through a Guardian and the Bearfriend had protected him.
The Bearfriend later met the king, trying to regain control but the kingdom had burnt down. Separated as a godling had messed the portal up, now lost in dimensions. Soon to be reunited with their sons.
Saying this as they later have another boy named Horatio Farwald Wocurar

Duraine/Dean himself has gone through alot and wants to reunite with his parents and see if he can reunite the kingdoms as well. None the less he is still a "King'' once he reclaims the throne
For Now, Gahul is lead by A big Boar named Ruba (Son of the traitor Boar)

Old World Malbastin King- Dean https://toyhou.se/4650336.duraine-dean
Thad-https://toyhou.se/12793435.thaddius (his loyal right hand and friend)
Nick-https://toyhou.se/5973295.nick-torbin( his trusty friend and Bodyguard)

To this day, there is no indication where the royal family is or even the protectors (we know as both  "hide" in the elemental Realm)


Is run by 3 "kings and Queens" who still partly fight for all of Gahul.
So making a deal.
Malbastia (Above) - Queen Alexandria
Top Gahul- Asahel Boralis
Upper Gahul-King and Queen Tintark
Middle Gahul-King Ruba
Alongside the places of
Village of Avarik/-Nightly Dip-/-Sephtis-Run by Apollo (Tiefling Home) but lead by King Ruba
Village Arkins (near Sephtis)/-Nevermore Valley-"Mayor" Nobori( under King Ruba)
and Doloris Cavern
Lower Gahul-Dookfell mountains and Darkonian Akutigawa 

As mentioned above, Gahul is the main location of the mighty Kingdom that once ruled this place.
To it´s Land, it is split between the Kings and Queens as they haven't gotten an "agreement" they are in a secret battle of taking over the other kingdoms.

City Herath, between Brimwall and Frisbourne, is the main Castle and City of the old Kingdom.

Gahul is a really huge land that has all the needs one wants. Fields of grass, woods, nature galore. Hidden ways of Beasts, creatures and Tales many adventurers go.
The city of many adventurers, decisions and home of the "first beastmen" to make this place theirs. Thanks to the former King who made this place possible.



Prince Xeno


Do you love summer, beach vibes and waves? Then get to Florens Bay, located on Nuada Island. Explore the best cocktail bars, tropical trees, and a dense jungle. The island is technically a volcano, though it hasn’t been active in centuries, and there are plenty of caves and underwater places to explore.
Nuada Island (island next to Fenris -wall)

The Jungle has many secrets and dangers as well. 

And there is a hidden path that can lead to the dragon valley

There is a swimming market (kind of the ones you would find in Cambodia or Bangkok. Where lil swimming stands on wooden planks on the water, offer food to items. 

The Island is a very calm and peaceful area with a hidden pathway to the volcano (the area around and jungle are closed off as said there is something within that must not come out. And to protect the others.

Within the Jungle is “Junglebeast”

The island is technically a volcano, though it hasn’t been active in centuries, and there are plenty of caves and underwater places to explore.

Nuada Island (island next to Fenris -wall)

It is said in the old Jungle Temple of Island Nuada is a place where the triplet had his own lil home. Passing by a Naga who watches over it, one can try to talk and say to inspect. The temple he is guarding is the favorite place of the triplet. Upon befriending or making calm, one can enter. It is also where the doll regains some of the lil spark of memory. Upon reading a journal that was left open in his old room. 

The wooden doll will state a “familiar feeling” while being here, navigating without a problem. A hidden bookcase leads to an underground tunnel and where some loot is for players. Upon notes and info, in the diary there is, stated on npcs the Triplet knows of (players can ask and seek) as well as a power crystal of Cheops is there.
The Power Crystal is part of Cheops magic. Attaching or placing it near someone or holding can increase the magic or item the player is using (for example a sword attached with it, will make it magical. Or grant it an elemental boost. 

With them now having the Journal and info on all, their next goal is Island Gustavia to retrieve the memory orb for the sibling.
As they leave the jungle and encounter their Red Crimson moment.
(battle?) for the journal. TikTok (the Kenku) makes his appearance.
When he is k.o one can ask him out. If he manages to escape, he will head back to HQ and report on the cause (giving a disadvantage) however group handles, there is still the question, how to get to Island Gustavia

Haruma here https://toyhou.se/20508526.haruma will give a good tip on what sailors to ask and what best to do to enter the place.
Or one can ask Irvin who lives on the side of Island Gustavia and occasionally comes to Nuada for things. This mermaid can help enorm!


Top Gahul-(desert and hot)

Malbastia (Above) - Queen Alexandria



Moonlight Island
Players, when traveling when it's dark, might come across the “midnight island” With a lovely moon shining, it will highlight the ocean and players can pause on this place. It's A very simple and small island, but in the middle with a huge variety of every tree Fabula has to offer. Along with fresh water from the waterfall that seems magical. Players can collect these foods (Fruits of various types) along with berries, melons and more. But.. beware.. once the moonshining is not seen.. the island will flicker.. giving players a warning. And 20 minutes left to get off the island. Because.. if they don´t.. they are stuck for the next moonshining (full moon, so once a month around)
Players would meet the island dweller “Monty” who was stuck here for ages. (25 years to be exact) and a resident of Markun who has/had a store with his daughter Marylyn (who if players first land in Markun and see, will hear her talk about how he vanished) 

He usually wanted to get the best goods and return to sell but got lost on sea and on this island. The island has another feature… once doesn't age here… and.. can´t die.
Since he never had the chance of leaving the island. Monty is a Harengon sailor who got crazy of loneliness but never hungered for food and water. And couldn't die..
Players will have to leave before getting stuck on the island. Because if they don´t leave before the moonlight shines, the area will go dark. All around. Just dark and no sun, but a lovely night sky and a faint glow. As well as their ship being formed to a “dead” type of ship. (Imagine it turning with light skeleton vibes)

Now.. if players manage to get off, they can bring Monty and all the fruits along with them while sailing on. Monty will be forever thankful and grant them a huge discount everytime they buy anything in his store (giving items almost for free away) he will be partly crazy talking to himself (hearing voices) and will take a sunbath and be forever thankful for the warmth on his lil furry body. 

If players DON'T make it in time.. they are stuck for a month on the island. They can take as much food and water along and get on the ship and try to sail.. They will encounter a lot of creatures and dangers here. As they are officially in the “Underdark ocean” (technically they can swim/sail to the underground islands and meet the elemental realms there as well or even meet the entrance to the Planets core if they are lucky or wary)
Monty will school them in the island's routines as sometimes ghosts will encounter or other.
Here a lot of beasts, creatures, ghostly lanterns and more await (also lots of good loot, new npc allies and enemies)
Depending if players wish to take this route.
They would stumble upon the 4th sibling here as a hand puppet if wanted (or can encounter way later on land by another NPc helping him) However the players want.
Sail or not sail is the question. 

1 Stay and encounter some npcs, manage a month and simply sail then back
2. Fight the creatures there, gain info and items
3. sail and discover the various islands and secrets
4.- They sail or land on the lil planty island where they get launched up. 

-Ghostgirl Waraji
-undead Offspring “Whipwalker” (dammit Kevin)
-Ghostly sailor “VinniVidi Karuna” (with his own lil ship)

If staying on the Moonlight Island
The Harengon Monty will advise the players to be ready for a month of prep. As at certain times specific ghosts, creatures and events will happen. 

One of the npcs will be a ghostgirl called “Waraji” who died at sea near the moonlight Island. She is a lil over the top and has a lot of energy. Usually seen trying to talk to the Harengon monty but mostly gave up as he chased her away. Finding out she just wanted company as much as he did. Waraji will guide the players over the sea as well as she, by now, has traveled only to a certain point and knows the areas where the creatures dwells. 

Another npc is the “Whipwalker”
Sound of whips cracking upon the ocean that is coming closer alarms the players and get´s Monty into hiding stance. Shattering the silence of the humming ocean. A masked figure that seems like death itself hovers over the ocean and attacks anything that moves and… has a heartbeat. It has a joy of ripping beings from their mortal form only to let them retrieve it back. (its like a bad version of death teasing the ones but never really taking them away)
it is capable of speaking and has a sizzling crackling voice. The whips are devices it uses to split the soul and body of one. And capable of bringing it back in. He can't do much with the souls otherwise and is said to be an Offspring of death that is more like the unwanted bad child. it always appears in the night (a good indicator of when nighttime is for the players since around the island and ocean, all is dark hue) Making this able for players to tell when it´s day or nighttime.
Players find out he enjoys teasing Monty and has a sadistic side to him.
Players can try to fight him (ghostgirl can help) and pull off the mask to reveal an undead teenlike guy beneath and take his whips as punishment. or..if one of the players has “Undead calling” can summon one of death's minions and tattletail on where the shadowform of death will appear and take the boy “home”, letting the items he had to the players as punishment.
“Floating cape of dread” (a black slick cape that can work in blending into shadows, let´s the wearer float or hover over ledges, areas and ocean. Speed up or slow down.
“Soulreapers whips” that when handled correctly, will separate soul and body (the left will take, the other, when slashing, will give it back)
“Container of death” it is basically a vile, lovely decorated like a round lil bulb and able to contain a soul within. Only if the soul is close. 

After that, players can either try and get out with death´s help in trade for one player or a soul (as exchange) of course no one would and he would give a hint to.. “be patient” or if they really need to go, follow the mellow glow to the path of openness. 

Players can also find this path without fighting anyone of course. 

basically follow the purple glowing jellyfish road once on the ocean and will lead them to a single island point where they can talk to a darkleaf creature (his name is Mummari and he looks like a dried up plant with black and withered leaves who is playing a broken lute and singing like an old man
who will launch them up a huge pad in exchange for something. (He fancies food, so a good dish, music and a story he will let one up). The whole ship with them will be launched up through a waterwhirl way up and on sea again. They would land a lil off of  Markun.. or rather.. in the desert of Markun! right in the middle!
here there will find a few broken ships, part of them salvaged or spread around (this is the territory of the huge Sandshark)’

if sailing from Moonlight Island below
They can follow the leads of ghostgirl or the purple glowing jellyfish and as above, try to get launched up.
They do encounter various beings. From the singing Mersiren to Glow Fish and huge ones.

Ghostly sailor “VinniVidi Karuna” (with his own lil ship)
If players encounter him, he usually comes once a month to get the fruits, water and goodies before sailing on. He is an Aarakockra and has seen better days. But he adjusted to this underworld pretty well. While his wings were badly injured from one of the many creatures here (if looking closely, you can see bones and withered wings), he had built his ship bit by bit and traveled. knows the sea´s better than anyone else. Players can board his ship if they wish or follow with their own. (Do be wary if going on his ship as his is a lil cursed and will steal skin slowly, leaving only skeleton behind while still alive, players might feel “stingy pain now and then on areas under the clothes) he is not wary of the course as he is long undead, but does not know.
Following him on own ship, he will talk.. all the time! Like he will not shut up even if there are beasts around. While great in knowing where to go, he will attract all sorts of creatures and beings. He can lead the players to the underground waterfall that.. flows up. This brings players back on the ocean. Where depends on time of day. Since this is a traveling island waterfall. 

“Meridafara” the MermaidSiren who swims around, seeking love while the inner instincts will drag the sung to chosen one down to the ocean where she will devour them, crying over the loss of instincts and love.
If irvin is part of the group, he will give a warning not to trust her. 

Glowfish Tolouse
While he dwells in dark areas, he knows ways up. 


Markun (right side top)

It has close bonds between the ocean to the land of the Dragons, to where Queen Alexandria has peace with.
A more green and luxurious natural place with nature around and a place of old Nagas and Serpents with a dessert mix.
A lil bit of Jungle is here.

Desert Bohan (top)

The desert is dangerous, hot at day and cold at night with many hidden treasures and bodies. It has a hidden underground city known as "Molber" as  well as special Palm Trees that grow around it (they are connected. Finding  them will lead one out of the desert to the top of the Land of Gahul
A Giant sand beast, sandsharks and a creature dwells here. As well as rare things to find.

Underground City Molber

With the past occurances, Alexandria made sure to bring those in safety and make the underground city. These all know the real truth of the past as well as want the old Kings to return so the lands have peace again. 


Top Gahul- Asahel Boralis 

The top of the Map has been named Marbastia as King Asahel wanted his own kingdom as well as Queen Alexandria (Who is deeply close with Duraine, the original King)
Asahel Being a strong fighter himself, making the top part Gahul where he rules over.
Split in


Land Rarooka  (top middle)

On the border of Marbastin, this tavern belongs to the small village of Argorntin. The lil Place is called Rarooka. A wilder part of the place of Gahul.
Rarooka is the birthground of Asahel and making it his kingdom and placing the border for now. It's A lovely Oasis and a great place for the crossing between desert and greenland.
The last stop before the open desert, adventurers are advised to stop here for good drinks, valuable items, and a place to rest before you begin your travels. Located at the pier, the tavern looks exactly as you’d imagine, with a small wooden hut attached where he sells items. 

NPC:  Randy P. Krooks. Once a mighty traveler himself, Randy will have everything you could possibly need for your journey. He loves a tale or two, and might even give you free drinks for your stories of adventure.
This Gator knows the king and the problem the land has.

In Between of Brimwall and the Land Rarooka is a mountain that is said to hold good things. It is near the ocean and near Purrtin as this Pier Place has it´s lil sayings.



The small place you might miss is called "Taeb '' and it is set next to Purrtin at the ocean near Brimwall in the Land of Rarooka. (It is across from Island Nuada)

Taeb is a nice little place with a mountain, ocean and a calm and soothing area. A place where some say fighting is a no go. It doesn't have much to offer at first. A pier for some boats, the ocean access, a very cozy and lovely Onsen/Spa and wellness area on the  mountain along hiking trails, wildlife and nature around. Said to lift one's spirits and to relax after battles or for the sake of mind.
imagine a combination of Venice/Italy, Hallstatt-Austria and Spa locations fuzed.
Small stores offer small healing potions, items and specialized backpacks, tools and even equipment. This place is said for the relaxing part. Wellness and calmness. A big reason fighting here is a full no go and you will be thrown out if you dare start a fight or take part in it.

Run by Zena https://toyhou.se/15101134.zena a Kitsune Gal with strong magic, who empowers the "no fight" policy as she wants peace around as well. She will usually love to welcome newcomers, show them around and offer a place to stay as well (one can even buy an own lil place to live in)
She will also help assist with any learnings of inner healings as the town is also known of teaching this technique to others. It's A way of channeling your inner energy to repair yourself. A self healing when needed.

Small stores and relaxing
A few stores are here of course as this is a place where some travel by boat/ship or other ways.
The docks/Pier offer good fish too. A Tabaxi with ruffled short fur named Morris and a "Catfish" folk named "Laikos" (has a magic water bubble around him) run the best Fishshop there is (the two are best friends since childhood)

A Hadozee (monkeylike) guy named "Orvolus" is a master craftsman and can make various items or repairs (lives at the lighthouse of the Pier) An elder looking guy but uses his lil glasses to focus closer.

A Plasmoid by the name of "Nubari '' wanders throughout as living in the library of the town gives it sanctuary. Communicate by mind. The Library is set lower on the mountain in the Town.
Alongside runs an Owlin named "Gwenevier" who is very fond of shiny things. She is a skilled hunter and has vast knowledge.

The Onsen/Spa and Herbshop
"Soothening Winds"
Run by Gregory https://toyhou.se/19381119.gregory and Chiron https://toyhou.se/19381145.chiron

These two have found a moment and made it matter with alot of goodness. On the mountain of Taeb is the Onsen/Spa and Wellness area with its own lil shop. (it is connected with the Tavern as they work together)
You can not only get a good price on practical and relaxing things, but also for mind and soul (both take care that body, mind and soul are at ease)
Making this place a lovely and inspiring area. Many artists come here to relax, get inspired or to see the wonderfulness of it all (or to buy things)
The Onsen is pretty big. Seperated in the bathing areas, wellness center and in the middle a glasshouse type of thing where nature can grow. A great place to sit and relax and even if it is snowing, see the beauty from both sides. The garden areas are attended by Chiron himself as he takes great care and pride in all he grows. Flowers, plants, fruits and vegetables are present here and nicely organized. He has his small section of Bee´s and makes the own honey improved with support (like for healing, against cold, etc)


Here is also where you can find "The Sleepless Beast" (Tavern/Inn) and it's mysteries.
Run by Firbolg Noya and his friend "Z"

Upon reaching the place, a lil by foot since it is in the middle of the mountain area, gives a stunning view to the ocean and mountains as well as the wall and other side of the world. The air is fresh and lets one breathe in.
Lovely crafted wooden gates let one enter the Tavern outside area, sitting places and large benches aside the broken old wall. One big tree with fruits grows here and one can freely take the berries (sweet in taste, blueberry and strawberry combined)
Inside the Tavern has a big spectrum of places to sit and relax. Kitchen is across when entering to order a meal and the one at the counter is usually a cheerful guy who loves hearing from new visitors.
Above leading stairs on both sides to rooms in 2 different floors (varies from size and price) as well as a hallway leading to the mountain and to the hot springs to soak and get a wellness pack or more done for the aching bones too.
Here all are accepted. No matter species, kind or alliance as long as no one fights.

-Sign of the Tavern above is big that when the wind blows, it taps to a rhythm that some call "the rhythm of the beast". A bard called Nikari tends to show up and play and sing to the tapping.
-The groundwalls and building is partly made from cedar, giving the place a strong anti-magic quality. Also letting curses, spells and such non-working (meaning if you are cursed, this place can maintain the uncursed you for as long as you are there but won't break it)
-Hot Spring and Onsen are directly combined with the "Sleepless Beast" as it also runs 24/7
-There is a living sentient Skeleton that "awakens" at dusk time (when dark) and works all night through. His skeleton "sleeps" in a nicely arranged broom closet he chose himself. It´s his room so to say. Coming out of there when duty calls, bringing guests midnight snacks, towels or helps in various ways one needs
-A pet friendly place as well as some have patreon s along or even their companions. Horses or other riding companions are taken care of in the stall to the right of the Tavern/Inn and has a lovely Elfgal named "Marry" who watches over. A harengon gal named Susan supports alongside.
-The Bartender called Claudius Farringale Taang a more modern "Yuan -Ti" (Snakepeople) is a skilled guy and entertains. Juggling drinks and making them excellent in the process. Always has an ear open or two and gives good advice. He has a secret, though known by the bar owner Noya himself.
-The doors of the Tavern go shut if someone leaves without paying.
-There are certain standards and regulars at the place one can talk to and encounter.
-there is a lil fire spirit who lives in the old oven and keeps the place nice and warm as well as helps make the food.

Regulars/NPC in Taeb
-Mango https://toyhou.se/18210426.mango

-a mystery package arrives at the bartenders, who places it secretly behind the counter as no one seems to be looking (was a gift for the girl)
-The lights suddenly go out and someone goes missing (He fell through a hole of the place and landed in the basement)
-A lady dwarf sits alone at the table and seems to be waiting for her date, who doesn't show up. A petal lost.
-Tavern shakes and rumbles, passes by however and all act casual as it often happens. The bartender comments how it got more since last  week (investigate- Tunnelworm)
-A man stumbles in, seeming bloody and dripping to get a drink. Bartender gives him one, he drinks and relaxes on the table. (regular one who goes to the fishing grounds to get the Waterbeast)
-Another man rushes suddenly in, the Bartender hides him under the counter and continues to work. Moments later guards from the city appear to seek for him
-A well dressed one enters the tavern, asks for a drink and offers a lot of money. Bartender refuses. Seems like both know each other (past love)
-As Ale runs out, the Bartender asks the group  if they can pick up his order at the Pier before the locals know.
-A known brewer visits and demands the recipe of the Housedrink, (called "Glorgnik") which no one hands him. (a very well drink that can linder pain and heal wounds while tasting delicious)
-Signs of "ghosts" at night as one of the guests recalls seeing a "Ghost Girl" (it´s the girl who is with her father and hidden family in the basement, vampires)


Upper Gahul-King and Queen Tintark

King and Queen Tartis both rule the two places. The Queen in Brimwoll and the King in Tintark.

Upper Gahul- Lies Brimwall

King and Queen Tartis both rule the two places. The Queen in Brimwoll and the King in Tintark.



North of Gahul (Above Frisborne) lies Brimwoll. - About 2 weeks travel (the same as for Frisbourne to City Herath)

Run by Eris(A red Tiefling for passion of cooking)
And Brim- the founder of the place. 

Known “NPcs” (so far sorted)

This rather cozy lil place is all in one. Perfect for travelers that need a rest, upgrade their weapons, get potions and more.
Brimwall is known for its amazing food!
Brimwoll has amazing homes above the rocky area above, a lovely view on the lands as well as nature around.
There is a cooking school near the area above. Alongside competitions (on who can cook better, cook challenges on specific ingredients as well as culinary classical)

Quill´s Nook

Tea, coffee, Bakery and Books (and More)
Known as Quill Grey Booker
Owns this lovely lil Tea, coffee and reading corner. One says he secretly does potions and specializes in a magic or two. Known to have a secret and those who know him personally, will have a strong ally.
Otherwise newcomers are welcome. Good books to read, able to purchase, relax, drink tea or coffee and have a chat or two.

Finns Bar

Finn is a rather happy guy who enjoys a tale or two.
It is small and cozy and gives time for some to relax, drink and let the night pass by. It is just a good place to hang out and Finn enjoys serving drinks there. He runs it with a Kobold Named Borris and a Kenku named Jarik.
his usual customer is Guard Gallahan https://toyhou.se/3479530.gallahan
(the two have a good friendship)
The bar however, sadly later gets destroyed (way later after Players have met him) after an attack of a (?) where Finn has to decide what to do with his life (until the sword thing) and he goes on adventure.
One can find a cozy spot as the drinks here are delicious and come in variations from cocktail to beer and more.
Finn knows his skills and the appearance of him varies (one does not know at first that he is a changeling)
Finn, Borris and Jarik have a secret each and each a small Quest one can do. If one wants
-A Feathery Tail/Tale (Jarik´s Quest)
-Small Secrets go big (Birris Quest)
-A shape to form (Finn Quest)

Guards here have not that much to do luckily as these Guards have the duty to protect the "Royal bakery"
Guard Gallahan https://toyhou.se/3479530.gallahan can tell a tale or two as he knows Brimwoll like no other. (From the lil cozy corner to chill to the lil nook n Book for recipes and more)

Next to the center (Info, for home or jobs to apply or Quests) and library (where recipes and history can be found) above is the main big Kitchen and Restaurant.
Called "Brim´s FoodPalace" THE best one can find as the best cooks get the best experience here. From all around Fabula they come here to learn.

The Market place below offers fresh deliveries, fruit, veggies and Meat.
They have one of the first and best picks when it comes to it and many, who live outside of Brimwall, often bring their own dishes, creations or stock from their farms (as many farms are near Brimwall) to offer and sell.

The smaller buildings in the back near the river sell anything one could ever need for cooking.
From Kitchen household (a little modern like we do) to big ol cooking pots, cans and more.
There are magical assistanz for kitchen and cooking as well.
Some are said to be partly made and delivered to Brimwall from Smithys in Frisbourne even. So good to excellent quality is the key here.

Here is the Origin of Magical Potions as well!
From Healing potions, buff, strength, invisible and more.

"Kendra´s Brewery"

has the potion section of the small City. Her shop is "officially" a Potion and place to get (she does know of her "rival" Quill but will ignore as she knows she is doing good (has a crush on him)
Here you can find any type of Potion. She will even mix you a potion of your needs (will cost more or she can trade for something she wants, or gives a quest for ingredients)
-A worthy delivery (various ingredient hunts)

Clothings can be bought here as well!

Elvira ´s Fashion

The small shop across the market place is your “go to” for old and lovely designs. Most sold are kitchen clothings. From aprons, gloves and cooking clothings. Elvira has a pride in her unique designs and a big history.
Fashion and function, looking good as good as the food that is cooked. Also fireproof :3

-A family Thread-Quest
Sisterly Bond
Quest- Elvira- one sister lives in old Fabula (in Brimwall) as the other (Alvira)  lives in Sektenz (Ostern) here. They had a huge fight about what fashion style they wanted for the opening of their shop. It never got done, so they split to open their own shop. One can find out and maybe resolve the fight so the sisters can get back together in their dream (The end goal is them having their own Store in Akta- Rokka and the players get a strong discount on any clothings permanently) Her small store is at the marketplace with her own small stall. Selling one of the best old fashion designs. 


Brimwall has it´s underground Brewery as well (most keep secret of how the best drinks are made) alongside a secret passageway only known to the inhabitants.

While Brimwall is not as big as one thinks, it has it´s lil areas of culinary inspiration.
Don't miss out on TacoTuesday, challenges on food battles every Friday and cooking school for the newest techniques. One can even sell the food receipt if you have and let your creations get known.
Every month, for 2 days (usually on a weekend), is “Culinary clash” Meaning from each kingdom, village or place one can come and showcase the favorite food they cook, dishes that are known for being amazing and delicious.

Next to cooking is,of course Service and design on table and top.
With Teachings of best Service and along the school of Butlering, one can always hire or try to learn techniques for a small to big fee.
You are guaranteed to get a butler who fits you perfectly for the time being. LOng time commitment can be handled as well.  

There is a dark secret however. As there are 2 main big ones that don't mean well. 

  1. the meaty culinary (A very sadistic eater who will take anyone he fancies delicious. also known as -The Beast Cook- (he is a human who found his way here and can't return home. A Cheops stone that  makes him live longer and uses his own way to hunt, kill and cook alongside. He devours his chosen “Prey” no matter what. It is, of course, not known to others who he really is. Insider rumors mention him whenever a specific species, person or such is missing. He usually leaves a card (very bloody humor) with the name of the person he had devoured, in what way and a “Thanks for the Meal”§  signature below “The Beast Cook”
  2. The second threat and “monster” here, https://toyhou.se/~literature/159155.the-healing-mystery (a quest aside)
    Hisari Sangeeta/Dr. Tomoya https://toyhou.se/19413629.hisari-sangeetadr-tomoya who lives here in brimwall, secretly has an underground lab. (next to another one 2 weeks from here) He does also have an apartment in Akta (where the school is and has his studies) but Brimwall is his hometown. He is a half gnome/half humanoid guy (some speculate he is just a small human but are uncertain)
    While players can bump into him as he buys potions now and then or seeks specific recipes in books at the library, the guy will be very wary and curious on those who can use magic. Asking all kinds of questions and excited to get to know them. As he studies magic himself, but born without due to a “defect” he had since childhood. Even a curse some say. 



This small lil place is near Brimwoll and belongs to the Area of Tintark.
Watched over by Balthazar (A Dark Elf/Tiefling Mix)
The Land has the edge of the map with the more "Hooked" form near Randy and near Land Rarooka and it's village
Brimwoll and Tintark are two Mountainareas in one, like sibling places.  Brimwoll on the right and Tintark on the left as the middle has the main road to travel too.
Tintark is part of Land Gahul and has a big history.

Aside is the old village of "Gor" (former run by "Mayor" Farkins) And the "New" Village of "Mar"
Belonging in Land of Tintark


Village Gor (South)

used to be run by a Tiefling named Marun Farkins, Brother of Anges https://toyhou.se/19161142.anges
Alot had happened and the big mansion on the mountain area has fallen and been "cursed" as the brother had "disappeared"
(He left his brother with the "Cursed" village)
Anges now runs the village and is trying his best to stop the "cursing"
Along the Mansion seems to be haunted, the village has a creature that runs through and attacks around (it is hostile as it lost it´s home)

Village Mar (north)

Now run by Marun Farkins who made this new land his own little paradise. He forced some creatures to move out. One of them being the one who is now at Village Gor and is making life there impossible.

Players can find out about this place and try to help
The "Haunted" Mansion as well as the village that keeps getting run over, destroyed and some dragged away.

-Two Brothers, Two  villages and one big CHaos



Run by Lady Pan

Located on the far side of Frisbourne, Mantfor is the home to many friendly taurs/Fauns and Cent ́s. If you’re looking for an adventuring companion, look no further. Taurus are hardy, practical and strong, with vast   knowledge of the local landscape. They have their small Tribe on the way left of Gahul. Near Brimwall. <

Heinrich: https://toyhou.se/5010403.heinrich


Middle Gahul-King Ruba 

Village of Avarik/-Nightly Dip-/-Sephtis-Run by Apollo (Tiefling Home) but lead by King Ruba
Village Arkins (near Sephtis)/-Nevermore Valley-"Mayor" Nobori( under King Ruba)
and Doloris Cavern

Ruba, the King now, son of Phillis (the Traitor) is a more greedy and slothy king who allows fights to happen. He is very power hungry and loves to prove he is the strongest (So far he is) Making the former Ring of the center to a fighting arena. Here most fights are held. A high challenge and loot can be obtained. Usually against any rules when not official. Ruba loves to bet and make wins.
A very sore loser who will cheat if he sees he will lose.
He even once "ended" a guy's life behind stage after a bet he had misplaced (the fighter was meant to lose). He will have his ways secretive and some suspect him of running an underground thing. I am not sure what.




is a strong place and quick ways of making cash if you are strong enough and not bet against the King.
Those who challenge him have never been heard of after as he does have ways of destroying your life or ruining your name. Of course nothing official as he knows what his father has done.
He has a trusty loyal Moloki beside him and won't hesitate to use that.

It's also a place of amazing power potions of strength, Armor for great defense and for attack.
basically a Fighters paradise or hell.

It's not bad even if one works smaller jobs.
Some Headhunters dwell here as well.

When official Tournaments are held. Winners are praised and rewarded very well. The king uses these times to see who he can recruit for his underground scenery.
(info Dm as players will only know the needed parts and not the whole thing)

He can be pretty charming to others, especially if you have loot, gold or something he wants. Always welcomes new ones and sees what potential they have.
He is fond of strength and will do alot to recruit someone (Especially if physically strong)
Magic is here more of a "Cheating" way as he says. Traditionally the body is power.
Using Magic can get you in trouble up to being banned from the city.

In the city of Herath is also a fine lil place one can get food, drink and sleep. All three buildings are next to each other and all have their little quirks

"The fat rat"

building on the left side with a ratform. Run by a rat species and a guy named "Guiller" Knows his way with food and has a handy touch when it comes to cooking. A french rat with a marvelous hairdo and a style like the 80's at times, he knows how to serve with a smile. Using his hands skillfully. Swift in movements, able to kick anyone with his strong legs. Charismatic, charming and for his species handsome. Knows how to charme a guest and put on a performance when singing. Has a bad habit of smoking (usually outside as he doesn't want to spoil the taste of his food)
What he does amazing in food, is lacking in drinks. His drinks are not the best and he can't get the best as it fails. Making most guests sick (what he can serve is tap water, which  is delicious and the only fluid thing not bad)

"The sleeping Dog"

Run by a canine Npc called "Doug" who has the best rooms in the city. For a good cost and a full night rest of healing (as a sleep in this restores health and heals damage). The rooms come suitable for any size and group and have a lovely open area when entering. A small lil fountain, a small store on the side offering clothings and the right side receptionist is ready to take care. Knowing of the history of the side buildings and owners, they seem to make any stay welcome and relaxed. Doug, the owner who is a lovely Canine guy and pretty tall compared to a human, will wag his tail when happy. Has a former butler history and thus stands very noble there and greets anyone like a well deserved guest.

"The drunk cat"

Next to the Sleeping Dog, is the enjoyable place of the drunk cat. Run by a Tabaxi named Carmen and serves one of the best drinks you can find. Drinks in any variation are amazing. Only the food is said to be very bad up to not to be recommended. With a salsa flow, dancing is her top game and she loves to entertain her guests with a flashy and entertaining show. While the drinks are amazing, don´t ask for anything to eat though.
Both owners have a long history and some said there used to be a strong friendship before both had moved to their old hometown. There is a spark still in the air.

Quest: A combined Co-op
Where players can suggest or try to soothe the rivalry of the owners to combine food and drinks in one.

Tig https://toyhou.se/17922393.tranquil-tiger
Who runs the Onsen/Spa Area above the mountains of Herath. Not only tired warriors can relax here but also wanderers and traveling ones.


Village of Avrik

A lovely, cozy village nestled in a forest, the Avarik live partly on the ground and partly in the canopy. Treehouses span the gaps between the trees, bridges and ladders swaying in the breeze. If you’re looking for hunting items, such as bows and arrows, this is the place to come.  Meet the many different species who live here and buy freshly brewed potions.
The main two Types one can find are the Winged (winged/Bird Volk) and the grounded (Ratfolk)
Both live in peace and tolerate the other. They help support each other too.

Konradirik Antiques

In  the village of Avarik, you can find Konradirik Antiques. This shop may be chaotic, but you’re sure to find some amazing items if you search hard enough. However, Kondradirik knows  where  everything is and,  if he likes you, he might even help you find  what  you’re looking for.
NPC: Kondradirik. This feathery gentleman has a keen eye for business and a keen beak for trouble. A collector of many antiques and treasures, he loves nothing more than a good haggle, and is always looking for new things  to buy


Nightly Dip

There is a tavern at the offspring area of the valleys where travelers can rest and hear a tune or two.
In the Land of Gahul, near Zlemi and the big Wall of Fabula in the old Kingdom.
It is also close to the Village of Avarik.
A  lovely, cozy village nestled in a forest, the Avarik live partly on the ground and partly in the canopy. Treehouses span the gaps between the trees, bridges and ladders swaying in the breeze. If you’re looking for hunting items, such as bows and arrows, this is the place to come. Meet the many different species who live here and buy freshly brewed  potions.
The Avarik are more creature-like (bird and rat volk live in peace as the feathery are above and rat people partly below) Both support another.

The Tavern is 2 hours from Avarik and near the ocean.
But there is something very suspicious about this Tavern and not many seem to return once there. Some do but don´t speak of.




The Tiefling Village founded and run by Apollo Beckathttps://toyhou.se/17953529.apollo-beckart alongside his trusty friend.
This is truly a place where only Tieflings live. With the exception of one or two different types.
It is said that the Founder, who works and follows King Ruba, has made a safe place for Tieflings to live. However, there is something about this place.


Village Arkins

Is a small village of various inhabitants that share a trading path between Village Septhis.
They know of the many dangers that lie ahead. Like the Dookfell Mountains or the Woods.

Ryan https://toyhou.se/18362718.ryan
who is a pretty strong healer and has some secrets of his own.


Dolor’s Cavern

Set on the far left past the Village of Avrik and Nevermore Valley, there is Dolors Cavern. A huge Hill at the ocean and home of a very small town.
Wary travelers are advised to avoid Dolor’s Cavern. Home to a particularly strong siren, the cavern isn’t the most hospitable place for newcomers to visit. Enter only if you dare. 

NPCs:  The Siren Siblings. Four sirens with alluring  voices and their own  motivations. Only Cecilia lives in Dolor’s Cavern. A beastly type of  Siren, she’s known to devour travelers after luring them to her home. Her three siblings are:

Jenstine-a sneaky singer, he may be mischievous but deep down he’s a good guy.
Agatha-a performer at the Kitty Parlour, she’ll help you out if you’re nice to her.
Jolene-captain at the pier, Jolene is most certainly not good. Her clientele are said to include slave dealers and hunters.

Dragon Nathan https://toyhou.se/17266486.nathaniel-bomris-gorn


Nevermore Valley and Village

Run by the Mayor, Nobori, https://toyhou.se/15611083.nobori
Nevermore village is a place of secrets. Rumors suggest that you might find eternal life in this mysterious place. Not everyone is allowed to enter for most of the year, but there is a festival once a year that anyone can attend!

-Nevermore Village

Near the village are the Bellrock- mountains
Where a hidden village dwells as well as the founder: https://toyhou.se/10649536.terbin-tidnab-emit
Quest: It takes time-https://toyhou.se/~literature/159147.it-takes-time


Lower Gahul-Dookfell mountains and Darkonian Akutigawa 


Ruled by Akutigawa
Distran/Noru is his real name

A forbidden forest near the Dookfell mountains (Gahul and Zlemi area)
A dangerous forest part where magic, mystic and legends are known for. Not only are there rare creatures, dangerous and good too but also the Schattenvolk ones who roam there.
Having big powers and small likings.
They are hidden near rivers and mountains and at night one can hear them chanting and having small celebrations as every night is a festival for them. To enjoy life at night.
They are sensitive to sunlight and can merge with one´s shadow to hide.
At times they play tricks on wanderers or seeing how things might go

There is a difference though: The old traditional Schatten Volk are more of a  “gloomy” and secretive nature and avoid others while the newer generation is more curious and enjoys learning. Standing before one in form (at night) they appear childlike, knee high and don´t wear clothings as their body is covered like a smooth silk or fur-like skin.  Small patterns like stars and dust cover them. Eyes are a dark blue to purple ()shine yellow or golden when using their powers) and have a black sclera.
If lucky, meet Dorian https://toyhou.se/12308457.dorian who can enchant your stuff (he is a special Smithy) and can make items or clothings adaptable and work stronger in darkness or shade.
From  enchanted shadow bow (endless supplies on arrows that can be merged with  elemental type or things) to nightboots (allowing to walk on dark   surfaces, walls or any levitation wise  to Shadowy Flow (clothings that allow one to merge into shadow or dark areas)

Adventurers and travelers alike should be aware that the Derkonian Woods are forbidden. (And yet some wander in.. hm. better change the sign to all languages hm?)
Danger  lurks in every shadow, magic in the very trees. Rare creatures dwell  here, both predators and prey, and intrepid adventurers may also  encounter the Schattenvolk. The forest is their home and while their  powers are indescribable, their hearts are open and kind. Enter at your own risk. 

The Schattenvolk. These powerful but tricksy creatures have lived in these woods for as  long as anyone can remember.  At night, you can hear them chanting and having celebrations, as every night is a festival to them. They are sensitive to sunlight and will often merge with unwary travelers’  shadows to hide themselves.They also like to play tricks on wanderers, so watch out! The older Schattenvolk are more traditional and  secretive, while the younger generation is more curious and wants to learn. They appear to be childlike and their bodies are covered in a  smooth silk or fur. Small patterns like stars and dust cover them, and  their eyes range  from dark blue to golden (especially when using their  powers). See handbook on creatures created by the Godlings for more info on them

Dorian. This smith can enchant your items. From enchanted shadow bows (bows that have an endless supply of arrows and can be merged with elemental types) to nightboots (boots that allow the wearer to walk on dark  surfaces) to Shadowy Flow (clothes that allow the wearer to merge into shadows), Dorian’s your guy!

Akutigawi. If you manage to meet this old man, make sure to be friendly. He knows the woods better than anyone. 

Next to the Schattenvolk, the Drekonian Woods have a middle piece which appears only at night (a hidden ruined lil city) called “Disgarfar '' where one can obtain the rarest of items or gain powers. Just don´t be  in that place when the sun rises or you are trapped. The longer there,  the more within one is and will turn into the villagers roaming there.  Some will try to keep you there. if they do and you basically would swap  places with one of them. Mortal for for immortal creature of Drekonia Woods. A hidden ruined city in the forest, Disgarfar is a warren of crumbling walls and creeping ivy. Visit it when it appears at night to obtain rare items and powers, but don’t be caught there when the sun rises. No matter what the inhabitants say, don’t agree to stay, unless you want them to steal your place in the world. 



A hidden ruined city in the forest, Disgarfar is a warren of crumbling walls and creeping ivy. Visit it when it appears at night to obtain rare items and powers, but don’t be caught there when the sun rises. No matter what the inhabitants say, don’t agree to stay, unless you want them to steal your place in the world. 

The Viltans hut 

in Derkonian Woods is a sirenic witch who sings by herself, can take up any form she wishes and will usually try to lure others inside her hut. (by any means) once inside, one might end up bewitched and… eaten. This witch enjoys the taste of many and will take time to prepare. One can try to enchant and sing back, give “tipps' ' as to prepare (like having to wait until morning for the meat to be best) which would make this witch  melt as she can´t stand the warm sun. 

Apturo´s Mansion

This mansion may look beautiful and glamorous, but looks can deceive. Its sole resident is Apturo the puppeteer, who may give you amazing items for dangerous quests. Keep an eye out for his magical gloves, which will allow you to  ‘puppeteer’ anyone you wish to. Be wary though! If you’re not careful,  this charmer may convince you to eat his delicious food, and there are rumors that he isn’t entirely made of flesh and bone…An Illusion as  this run down mansion, broken, vines and nature mostly taken over. While he has amazing items and things one can use for extreme challenges  (within also a specific book and backpack) there is a huge risk. If not careful, this charmer might get you to eat his delicious smelling food (all illusion) and fall into a deep sleep.  When awaking, one  might be shocked to see no more fleshy full body but a more.. puppet-like appearance. (imagine a mix of “dead silence” mary shaw and having magical strings with others. (or a lil like this as well  (1) The Puppet & The Puppet Master | @jajavankova & @bdash_2 | WOD Boston - YouTube)
(never seen the anime full but this scene kinda gives off the vibe (1) Chiyo was shocked when Kankuro summoned the familiar puppets, Naruto vs the 2000 White Zetsu troops - YouTube
One  can also obtain his “magical gloves” he made himself. Placing them on allows to pinpoint at anyone and move how one wants to (hugely strong) Can move more at once
Info from : https://toyhou.se/14439095.riax (Who is the real one behind it all)

The woods have many places one to avoid but also very big secrets and treasures

One of many is the 

Mirror lake

Careful not to touch the water as it would suck you right in and not let you  out (You will drown if not able to breathe underwater) Only way out is the wood of the Kanku Trees (that are mostly of the  woods part and fully black with silver roots) Placing it in the water,  one can hold on and easily get out of the water.
If there is no way out and  able to breathe underwater, there will be the Obscura fish (he has shiney rainbow like scales that are not only worth a lot but impiercable (You can't kill this fish easily unless realed or fished out with the materials.
(A way of  killing is from within. Mouth opens and easily shoots or stabs it´s heart which is close) The meat of this fish heals all wounds, lifts curses and resets the body of someone to the point of a certain way.
Near the lake are three "Ocelot like '' creatures. Called HeSeSmer They  are linked together. One smells excellent, one hears excellent and one sees excellent. In order to get to the lake and the healing forest, one must watch out for them. They roam separately in their territory.
Each can be distracted or even calmed by certain things.

Heraflis- Listens to music and can be soothed and calmed by it (play or singing)
Seegerif- distractions or giving it something to look at (dancing, magic trick etc)
Smerlefin- Prepare a good dish, perfume or other scent it would like to inhale and be by

Besides the danger and wonders, many places are still undiscovered. If you manage to meet Akutigawi, an old appearing guy near the woods, make sure to be super friendly to  him. He knows the woods better than anyone. His secret: he was the one  who created the woods and the beings within. As he is one of the older gods. He will see why the traveler wants to go in. 

Eve Hallows


While Akutigawi has Lower of Gahul. The "Dookfell Beast" is his Animal Companion and friend. 


Dookfell Mountains

Near the Forbidden forest, near Herath (left of Rokka) and land Zlemi (lies under Rokka on the map) The Dookfell Mountains are located bottom left of the Land Gahul.

Near the Dookfell mountains is however the Village of Tuk.
Almost "Tibet" type of village with a few inhabitants, prep for mountain climbing as well as warning and tales of the mountains
One would also find a very old library as well as the hidden entrance to the inner mountain works.

Village Bunyun

More on the top part of the mountains, almost in a "oasis" like area, is the "hidden" Village of Bunyun.
More of Snow Bunnies / Rabbit like locals live here among a few.
Old traditional, no modern tech or such but traditional and ancient techniques are used.
Maverick https://toyhou.se/18544621.bently-maverick runs the village and is still one of the best hunters.
He can read trails very well and is peaceful.
Trying to make peace with the Snow Leopards across the other side of the mountain.

Frost https://toyhou.se/16401365.frost

His own lil Tribe here has the cleanest water in the hidden valley and is later traveling on:

Warf https://toyhou.se/16401359.warf
Had fled his hometown in New Fabula and landed here. With Frost forming a friendship.

One can find many things and treasures within. While it has a beautiful  mountain top, view of whole of old Fabula, sea´s and the horizon of the  Moon Roses. Magical flowers that only bloom when a full moon shines near the mountains and the close of the forests.

Dookfell mountains do have one creature that “protects” it however. The creature is called “Dookfell” (thus the name) and is a very huge being that is “merged” with the mountains. It  can appear as stones and grass when sleeping. Careful or  you might be on top of it by a point. It's A huge wood giant merged with a Grograk-Troll-dragon. Compared to a human, it's as big as tall  buildings (size to come) and can only speak trollish, dragon and broken fairy.
It  will fight those who harm it´s home. It watches over that the meteors that fall once a week don't destroy the place. It collects them all in his cave. (the meteor pieces fall once a week from a passing big comet) and are very valuable. Size is as tall as a human knee and wide as a sumo ringer. Anything made with this piece is enchanted and boosting. (very valuable!)
Maybe one can try to talk and get a piece or other means. Near the forest, the Dookfell Mountains lie at the Southern reaches of the land Gahul. If you can reach the peaks, you’ll be treated to a view of the whole of old Fabula, as well as fields of Moon Roses. Be wary though, for the mountains are protected by the Dookfell. It may appear to be stones and grass, but be careful or you might actually stand on a living being. Legend says that it was once a huge wood giant who merged with a grograk Troll-dragon. He watches over the meteors that fall once a week in the mountains, collecting them in his cave. He is very possessive over these enchanting, powerful rocks, but maybe persuaded by a charming traveler to part with one or two. 

The story goes that the comet is the home of a creature who fell in love with the aquatic bird lady who lives deep within the mountains. The rocks that fall from the comments are love letters  and, thus far, no one has been brave enough to introduce the two. Perhaps all they need is a kind-hearted adventurer to help their love blossom?

A part of this place there is hidden within a secret area and crystalized bodies (3 in total) of offspring of Cheops
Tied to Quest
Along with a Kobold and a Gnome who watch over and give information once found the area.

NPCs: Dookfell. 

The "space elf" and his bird-woman love. 

Why is the comet passing by every week? And why is there always a chunk on  the ground at this mountain?? That's a mystery to solve if one wants  ;3
the story behind:
The one “riding” the comet makes it with his  powers and throws chunks down to the mountain as deep within its core is a lovely aquatic Bird lady that he is in love with and sends these  as a love message.
Anyone capable of flying can fly up when the comet  piece comes down and meet the one doing this (he is a space self that is afraid of ground, so never has touched it but fell in love on sight with the aquatic feathery lady who lives at the mountain)
one can try to introduce the other and if they go on a date, can get a very valuable gift.

-The Missing King/Truth seeker (notes in hidden part of library)



Another big place one can be. Leaving Rokka, to the west following the main path, can bring one to this lovely place of Frisbourne. It is also 2 weeks away from City Herath

It's basically a big place for travelers and those who seek.
Above is Tuffnuk and Wiffzack as well as Bromrir´s Smithy and Vals. Connected with the long road to the mountain of Arfield. 

The capital "city" of Gahul, Frisbourne is a place of magic and wonder. Humans are but legends, while dwarves, elves, dragons and more wander freely. Close to the center of Fabula, it is a thriving hub of commerce and trade. Here, you can find almost anything. Including quests and the one or two Loot.
Founded by Bromrir´s closest friend.

The ones in charge of Frisbourne are 2 "kings" in one.
But Bromrir is the King

Upon entering Frisbourne, depending on which side, the Mountain of Arfield is to the left. The top part of Frisbourne is formed like a treetop. Left side is the small Area of Tuffnuk, the middle is Bromris Smithy on top of the mountain and the right side is Wiffzack.

Below is the main Area of Frisbourne. It´s Centerpiece

In the middle of the city sits a large stone fountain, dazzling waters reflecting the bronze and copper of a thousand tossed coins. People often stop here to sit and eat their lunch or meet with   old friends. Children splash in the fountain while their parents chatter, business deals are made in the waning summer sun. Beyond them all, the guards watch with wary eyes, keeping note of newcomers and outsiders. All are welcome here, or so the city likes to say. And right beside the fountain, you can find the Quest Board. 

This billboard contains all the quests a worthy traveler can join, job offers for quick cash, long term positions, guild applications, circus flyers, dancing performances, and lots of other exciting opportunities. If you’re looking for something to do or a bit of gold, the billboard is the place to look! 

NPCs: Spokstheriks. Beside the billboard, you can find a small stand manned by a tall figure in light blue clothing. Take your papers here to be registered or get a passport, ask for information, register your interest in a quest, and receive warnings on the rules of the world you have entered.
Guards and Duke. Keep out of trouble (or keep your trouble out of sight) or you’ll have to answer to the Duke.

So for better overview 

Bromrir’s Smithy

The smithy lies close to Frisbourne, run by Bromrir, famed Dwarven blacksmith. Give him a visit if you’re looking to improve your armory (but keep an eye out for his trusty worker Rinosuke, who doesn’t trust visitors much).https://toyhou.se/8385579.rinosuke

Bromrir was the one who started to reform the old land of Frisbourne after the war. Here used to be nothing but Grasslands and a former Beast (Who now lives way below the mines). With his brother and his friend founded the city of Frisbourne. Making the mountaintop his home. It has a connectional transport to both sides of the City. Overview of Tuffnuk, Wizffzack and the area are all run actually by the old Dwarf himself.
Around the workshop and his home in the mountain itself, is a path on the right leading to a lovely overview hang. Not only does Valerie live here (a smithy herself) but also a great lookout point to North of Frisbourne. It has a waterfall down to a lovely little lake and where one can see the main road up to Brimwall and North of Gahul.
One can ask to take the Toplift as it brings one down from the mountain at a faster pace. Since this is Valerie's area, checking out this Smithy can be a learning experience.
Around the place, to Bromrir s left is Coralin mountains. Where the skilled Taiga is

Some say she is a special type of witch, others that she enchants the best. However the story, you can find out for yourself.
When there is a need, she can help. -Speciality on dimensional bags and flows-
The Waterfall that goes down from the mountain is special and her hideout is between the Waterfall. Few know.

NPCs: Bromrir, Rinosuke as well as Taiga
partly Valerie


On one side of the mountains sits Tuffnuk, a mainly dwarven village atop a warren of mines and secret places. Want to visit the mines? You’ll have to get permission from the "Mayor" of Tuffnuk first, but for bold explorers, the mines are a treasure chest of mysteries. Legend has it that these tunnels run under the whole of Fabula, but that’s just a legend, right?  Alongside the Beast who apparently ruled here before. 

Come to Tuffnuk for the finest armor (outside of Bromrir’s Smithy). Whether you’re looking for weapons, breastplates, tools, or gauntlets, you’ll find help here. You can even purchase rough jewelry, which can be cut and polished in Wiffzack. known for their craftsmanship, excellent and sturdy weapons and jewelry to find.
Tuffnuk is run by Aldrig, brother dwarf of Bromrir (Aldridge's wife is a great healer and mother of three children. All talented and one of them is known to be... secretly in love with a certain elf of Wiffzack:
Apparently there is a hidden tunnel connecting to Wiffzack and to the mountain of Bromrir´s smithy to a hidden place. known as "lovers way"


On the other side of the mountains sits Wiffzack, a noble elven city with the best textile industry in all of Fabula. Find clothes, robes, shoes and many more items, which can all be enhanced, enchanted, and made to your specifications. The highest rated hair salon and beauty parlor in all of Fabula also resides in Wiffzack.
The Elf running this place is the son of the Elvenking (he rules another land and has been said to be... weird) and the young "prince"  (king when his father is no more) has a high fashion and style sense on beauty and grace (some say there is a secret relationship going on with a certain dwarf):
His own three children are all interesting (one of them is: https://toyhou.se/16374463.rodney-alfrik-wiffzack)

NPCs: Scorbin and Eksobin. A Dwarf and an elf respectively, these merchants have a mutual friendship that transcends the boundaries of Tuffnuk and Wiffzack. Some think more may be going on between the two of them, and if you carry notes between the two, you might just get a discount. Each man is banned from the other’s hometown, but maybe you could help the rumored lovebirds?

Now that we have the upper area, let's look down shall we?
Still in Frisbourne, the lower part of the city has the main Buzz and work going.

Gunther’s Gravel Pit

Want to prove your strength? Need to earn a bit of extra cash? Gunter’s Gravel Pit has exactly what you need. Entertainment, bets, a way to show just how strong and cunning you are. With every win,  you’ll be showered in glory, as well as gold and a neat belt. (Strictly no magic allowed!)


Come to Gunther’s for tournaments! Win incredible prizes to add to your armory! Claim yourself a belt and be granted the appearance of a mighty Viking while you wear it! 

Note: Gunther’s cannot be held responsible for any personal injuries that may occur on the premises. On entering the premises, you take full responsibility for anything untoward that might happen to you.  This includes, but is not limited to; cuts, burns, bruises, loss of limb, eye-gouging, partial or complete deafness, partial or complete  blindness, psychological scarring, emotional trauma, and death. 

NPC: Gunther.

Henrietta’s Magical Duelling

Fancy a duel but more skilled with your magic than with your fists? Simply pop on over to Henrietta’s Magical Dueling, where you can prove your magical worth! From dueling other magic users to testing your mettle against monsters, here you can win your fortune (or a fancy staff, whatever takes your pick)!
Sister to Gunther

Note: Henrietta’s cannot be held responsible for any personal injuries that may occur on the premises. On entering the premises, you take full responsibility for anything untoward that might   happen to you. This includes, but is not limited to; cuts, burns, bruises, loss of limb, curses, long-term generational curses, magical changes to your appearance, mutation(s), partial or complete magic loss, psychological scarring, possession, and death. 

NPC: Henrietta.

Lottie’s Lottery Stand

Test your luck at Lottie’s Lottery Stand, located on the lively and beautiful Market Street. Frisbourne’s favorite cheerful Harengon gal Lottie offers lottery tickets for the low low price of just 5sp,  or go the whole hog and pay 1gp for a top tier ticket! Win instant prizes, including potions, enchanted items, and fun trinkets. All items are guaranteed to be good quality, and with a purchase limit of 10 tickets per day, Lottie’s is the place to be! The perfect stall for families and explorers, here you can win summoning cards, coupons for meals, and even plush toys! You never know what you’ll get. 

Lottie’s Lottery Stand works on a first come, first serve basis, so get there fast if you want the good stuff!

NPC: Lottie.

Alvin’s Bar

A small Tavern, inn, and general good place to be, Alvin’s Bar is a cornerstone of Frisbourne city (at the Pier above and leading the path to the mountain Arfield. Run by half Orc Alvin, the bar offers not only the best food and drink to be found in the whole city, but it also boasts great rooms and company! With a great view of the ocean and placed on the bustling Pier, you won’t want to miss it.
He and the old Tiger sometimes have a healthy rivalry but in all do best.

No matter what species or race you and your companions are, Alvin’s has a room for you. Drinking competitions are held every Friday (and hearty breakfasts are served every Saturday morning), along with amazing dishes and snacks from one of the best gnome chefs in  Fabula.


NPC: Alvin. A blonde/brown Half Orc with a beard, light bluish skin and some scars, Alvin has been on many adventures and has saved up to run his place near the Billboard. He is in his 40s and is a father-like figure to many. Tales of his adventures  are rife amongst the bar regulars, and Alvin is happy to give out tips to anyone who wants or needs them. 

Tsuki’s Lovely Companions

Tanji Tsuki is the one in charge.
Looking for a mount, or just a pet to love and cherish? Look no further than Tsuki’s, a pet store with a heart. All animals sold are up to date on their vaccinations and all animals are legally   procured. They’re all ready for adventure!

Note: All animals come with Adventurer’s  Insurance to keep you from facing long bills in the case that your animal is injured during your adventures. 

NPC: Tsuki.

The Demi-Witch’s Hideout

Visit Frisbourne’s very own Demi-Witch for a wish…if you dare! Beware, for this powerful demi-god isn’t to be trifled with. She may grant you a wish or spare you from a curse, but she’s just as  likely  to put a curse on you. A helpful ally if you’ve got a knack for trading, just don’t underestimate her!

NPC: The Demi-Witch. This particular Demi-Witch is neutral, so make your first impression count! Grandma of Duraine (the King of Fabula in the old kingdom), she is a very powerful lady who   could be a helpful ally if you play your cards right. https://toyhou.se/4670494.marifa

Ed´s n Barkley Antique store

Next to old and unique things, maps and small potions can be bought here as well.

The Franklin Pier

Looking to go on a nice, hot holiday? Escaping the authorities and trying to flee the country? Just feeling a touch of wanderlust? The Franklin Pier is the place for you! Boats, ships, galleons, catamarans, tugboats, shipping barges…we’ve got everything! Take a break in the Squawking Serpagull (if you’re brave enough), buy yourself some good quality fish at the fish market, or chat with one of our many coastwatchers. The Pier is the bustling heart of Frisbourne and everyone has a story here. 

Find a captain and travel to other islands and new worlds. Discover the secret Pirate Pier Haven if you dare! Visit Merbays and the underwater city of Noctur, or get involved in the complicated  rivalries between vampires, werewolves and Kitsune.


Rou runs the tavern part in Frisbourne near the harbor and loves listening to stories of travelers. Will sometimes trade a story for a meal and has good rooms for good prices. Keep contact with her and its sure to have a loyal friend in Rou. 

She enjoys handing out drinks and meals and runs it all pretty well. Her employees always cherish the "momma Rou"

The Twins at the Pier

These two have quite the reputation. While Laura works at the Pier, her brother Leonard works at the docks. One taking care of the ships and delivery and the other for the Pier area. This is their territory. And who comes and goes is all up to them (after talk with Bromrir if course)
They care deeply about their hometown and will let you know if something is up.
They run the Pier Tavern at times when things go calmly.

NPCs: Sailors and Pirates

Hire or sail with:

Zigarath – elf captain, heavily armored owner of a luxury ship. Only takes real gold pieces (and rubies if you’ve got any).
Fiddlesticks – gnome captain, owner of a small, rustic boat. Knows his way around pretty much everything.
Egghart – ship owner and seller of smaller boats.
Evreux – Firbolg captain, always on the lookout for crew members. https://toyhou.se/7761425.evreux-viserion-xalvador
Callie Brooks – part fish, part human, all sailor.
Jessica Rooverics – friendly but fierce. Good luck trying to uncover all of her secrets!
Monni Arl – monkey captain. https://toyhou.se/14368090.monni
Tieflings Cruiser- A ship run by Tieflings https://toyhou.se/YourTreeflower/characters/folder:3456100 and their captain: https://toyhou.se/16415022.gloria-aruna-ladaun

Otherwise always a choice to get one owns boat if one can or build on own.

The Teacher’s Hut

The best training place around, visit the Teacher’s Hut to level up your skills! Once a day, you can move on level up per skill,  in exchange for 5gp.
NPC: The teacher. There are rumors that they look different for every person who visits.
Name Aru

Gloria’s Godly Goodies 

Set inside the most charming store in all of Fabula, Gloria’s Godly Goodies (or G3 as it’s known locally) deals in enchanted  items, both new or in need of repair. Her stock changes from time to   time, so get in there fast if you want something! From enchanted books and legendary weapons, to bags of holding, dimensional doors and teleportation devices, Gloria has something for everyone (at the right price and with a pleasant smile!). She also acts as Frisbourne’s unofficial tourist information centre; if you’re lost or looking for information, give her a visit and she’ll help you out as best she can!

NPC: Gloria. Step carefully, because if Gloria decides she doesn’t like you, you won’t be getting any good from her whatsoever. If you win her over, she can grant access to a vast range of  rare items and information.

Arkus’s Library

If you’re looking for books to borrow, Arkus’s Library is your number one stop! But better to return or read there because he will go after you if you don't return the book to its place

NPC: Arkus


If you’re looking for books to buy, Tibbets is your best  choice! This book shop is located across the road from Arkus’s Library  (and often engages in friendly competition with him).

Gauntley the Boar


Gauntleys food stand is a must-visit location. Located in the markets,  Gauntleys offers delicious meals, with lots of variation and healthy choices. You won’t believe some of it isn’t meat! Winner of the Most Successful Small Business last year, Gauntley is proud to deliver  health  boosts and energizing meals. 


NPC: Gauntley. Father to seven children, he only lives with four of them, while the other three live with his ex-wife, Cordelia. There’s more to this broken relationship than meets the eye, and Gauntleys mischievous, charming children have secrets of their own.
-Rekindle the familysecrets

Lorenz´s Tavern/Inn

Across from Gauntley, is an elder white Tiger who runs the good Inn and Tavern (food, drink and Beds are here at high service. Named Lorenz, this older Tiger holds his secrets.

You can rest, feast and maybe find out more.
Rival to King Ruba of Herath as the two have a past history together.

Pierce´s Parlor

Is THE place for travelers goods in good and practical fashion. While he does visit his friend in Wiffzack, his skills are one of a kind. Loves to make clothes.
At night he enjoys dancing in the "KittenParlory" in the hidden 18+ section)
His colleague and friend runs the store alongside him. Archie is an arachnoid.

Frisbourne Quests:

Billboard quests
Small things
-Missing Ducklings (or chickens that are spread in the place of Frisbourne (each in an area players can see and discover and meet the locals)
While bringing the chicks back to the main “farmer” he will reward the players

-Modeling chance
With Wiffzack being known for their high fashion,, it so happens that an eccentric Elf is seeking an “fitting” model for his newest designs. One can find his store easily when entering Wiffzack as it is a big and luxurious store. It can be a lil tricky but convincing him that “said player/chosen player or players” can bring more customers and help his technique, one stands model while he dresses the player in new fashion. When pulling off well, the crowd will applaud and one will get his newest design for free. Also a discount each time the player enters to buy. The Elf known as “Mauricius”  will love the player and see them as their favorite customer.


Spokstheriks Quests.  Beside the billboard, you can find a small stand manned by a tall figure in light blue clothing. Take your papers here to be registered or get a passport, ask for information, register your interest in a quest, and receive warnings on the rules of the world you have entered.

Guards and Duke. Keep out of trouble (or keep your trouble out of sight) or you’ll have to answer to the Duke.

The Elvenkings secrets
Or more why the ruler of Wiffzack has left his family behind and went to another place to take over. Legends said he has the “red Beast” tamed and has some dubious things going on.
One of his Grandkids is https://toyhou.se/16374463.rodney-alfrik-wiffzack who knows alot about the family history

The two lovers
Between Tuffnuk and Wiffzack it is known as a “legend” to be a secret path called "lovers way" Said to be a hidden tunnel system that leads from Tuffnuk, under the main mountain of Bromrir to Wiffzack and in the middle is a valuable chest from their combined love. Something strong and forged together from their love.
(Elven Skills and Dwarven Skills combined)

Players can seek Dwarf Aldrig (Brother of dwarf of Bromrir) or Aldridge's wife  (great healer) and mother of three children. All talented (They are all grown up)  and one of them is known to be... secretly in love with a certain elf of Wiffzack:(The ones players will might find out when answering around carefully or finding clues are the secret couple -Elf Alphonse Wiffzack and Dwarf Ruberus Tuffnuk

Apparently there is a hidden tunnel connecting to Wiffzack and to the mountain of Bromrir´s smithy to a hidden place.
(If you meet him https://toyhou.se/16374463.rodney-alfrik-wiffzack  in Wiffzack, he might tell you that his father is the one in love with Aldrigs son, but not which one)

Another tale of love-Letter be swift

Scorbin and Eksobin. Both are older gentlemen and have founded Frisbourne along with Bromrir.
A dwarf and an elf respectively, these merchants have a mutual friendship that transcends the boundaries of Tuffnuk and Wiffzack. Some think more may be going on between the two of them, and  if you carry notes between the two, you might just get a discount. Each man is banned from the other’s hometown, but maybe you could help the rumored lovebirds?

Speciality on dimensional bags and flows
Find Taiga and one might get the chance for dimensional bags or items

A gravelling offer
There will be fighters in Gunther's Gravel pit and one of them might approach the players and make them an offer. To fight against him and let him win and he would split the winning coins The Npc here is a Barbarian Halfdwarf/Orc hybrid named “Wipperflaran '' who wants to gain respect. He is small but tough if not taken seriously.
Bets were high as he had bid and depending on how players decide, either let him win and get half of the loot (he will be honest and split fairly) or one can charm into more profit. If it works he will give more of his win.
Or one can knock him simply down if manageable to defeat him and get all the cash.
One can also tell on him as he would be then shamed.
One can also turn his offer down as in not interested to be part and simply watch as he looks for travelers to get the deal on.

Ed n Barkley s basement problem
While the duo run a small store, there have been some things in their basement that havent been “quite right” as they put it and while players enter their store, maybe waiting a while, they will hear the sounds and the discussion on the problem. Taking on the problem, heading downstairs and defeating or “bringing”§ whatever is below, will give them discounts in return.

In the Deep Below
A longer Quest- Tuffnuk area at the partly closed off middle mining area. Lies a big hole that has been used as a tunnel system. Alot of good comes from below as Elevators out of steel and wood travel up and down, staircase out of stable combination and a trail down.
There is a possible way to go down but one needs permission. As only workers and doctors are allowed below along the underground inhabitants.
The first level when wandering down is an underground home system. They call this home “Ground Tuff”. Tunnelrats, mole people and Wormlike creatures dwell below and live their daily lives. Along with gem/stone people.
Below that is no passing as there begins the working order (level 2 and below) and strictly only those with access are allowed below. Minerals, items and sometimes various things can be found beneath.
There will be a Quest on this as there seems to be something below that had recently dropped down one night. The locals will recall how last week the ground shattered as a large big comet-like thing came rushing down and deep into the hole.
Most workers have been said to not come back and various sounds and such rumble beneath that give chills.
Players can offer their services and find out why the workers are missing and what is below.

A tunnel system (leading not only down but also to the underground world of Fabula (!)
But first if taking the Quest, they will explore the chosen areas as the other parts are blocked off for now.(after the quest and rewards, they are allowed beneath to explore with one of the miners

As they embark on their quest below, its a lil darker and some areas low luminescence (blood of the creature)
Upon reaching the goal, following the trail and shouts, one can find the nest of the creature.  There is a giant worm with 7 eyes and a thorn at the end of its body as huge as the thick tunnels itself. From the meteor that it was in, it grew as it fed on the dirt, minerals and some workers. Opening its “Maw” having razor teeth and a spiral on sharp edges. With it´s Quick attacks, it makes for a good fighting creature. With each hit it gets, it´s body “spits out” a mineral (a combined mineral of all that it ate) making him get smaller with each hit.
Until it is the size of a dwarf, it will hiss and glow in a green and blue hue. Here the words “Spare” will be heard. As it will try to make a deal. While it had eaten 4 dwarves items (and not dwarves themselves as the ones it had captured, keeping them in it´s meteoroid jail to mine minerals for it to eat) in total, it had produced a bunch of minerals, items and more. Upon handling this alien-like creature, finding out that it was cut off from its kind.
The info on this creature is told by one of the dwarves that had studied alienology/Astrology and had read about it. What players do is up to them

one can either spare the creature and it will form a bond with the workers, producing more of what it is fed (like one diamond, produces 5 in an hour for example)
And will get a fair share of loot with each of their visits as well as discounts on items and such from the merchants of Tuffnuk. 


defeating the aliencreature and can keep it´s remains and letting a crafter above (And Taiga the lady) reform into a mass production item. (Players can carry along and make more of their items as having “a neverending multi “bag”)

Upon ending the Quest, bringing them back up and a warm reward
As well as access to below (either for a home or adventuring) but in accompany of a dwarf worker

The second part if wanted will be the wandering below where
-A portal to a wandering island
-Tunnelsystem below Fabula (leading to the Inn/Tavern of secrets, various sections etc)

But that is for higher levels

A lunch break for a worker
A Quest for the players when stumbling upon a lady, humanoid looking carrying a cart without any problems filled with deliveries. One would see how she and another of the Npcs would chatter about lunch but too much to work for. The lady heading up, is heading to Bromrirs Smithy.
The npc that had talked to the female, would notice the players and give a sigh “She always works so hard.. I'd bring lunch to her myself but I am in a rush. Would you maybe help??” a small favor as the players get some coins to get food Options: One can try and find out what she eats as this gives advantages later on and favor if buying in her store as well.
Either from

-Alvin's´Tavern- A big meaty plate known as “Heros feast” (includes drink)
-Piers-Squawking Seagull-Sushi Special plate (without drink)
-Jinkins Drinks- where various drinks, sodas and such can be purchased (with or without potion combos)

However the players decide (they can just take the coins and rush off) they can purchase the meal and drink and head up. While heading up, seeing the dwarf Bromrir outside as he is finishing up the order, he will recall seeing the woman known as Val around the corner in her own lil store. Players can chat with him (as he runs one of the best Smithiny places and can bring a lot of advantage) or find out about him and the history as he is a king in a way.
Bringing Val the food (around the corner of the mountaintop and to a lovely area that oversee´s the mountains and land with a lovely waterfall and relaxing area, meeting the various npcs that reside there.
She will be confused at first but mention of the npc below she had chatted before (Henrietta https://toyhou.se/13687482.henrietta who runs her own)
Upon taking the meal, she will then introduce herself and the store.
One can get custom items done here alongside of charmings, support and even ask for traveling support. She also can give info for trade if needed on specific items and can tell (for freely) about various legends or items. 

As she does offer Travelers guide
Meaning Players can hire her for a quest along or to accompany

She can (as a fighting Blacksmith)
-Travel alone with the group
-Will help with info in various areas, knows Fabula extremely well and can be highly supportive
-Weapon and item maintenance and cooking
-able to access some areas the players might not

Alongside her companion https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/60147429_Og4fgSm81yNIeKv.jpg
He has a humanoid form as well!
(helps with communication, carries the waggon, can support in strong healing, spells and enchantments)

Her carriage, despite it looks, can carry up to 8 people (no matter the size) as her carriage has been magically enchanted and offers dimensional rooms
Outside small, inside big.
Making traveling a lot easier.
You can hire the carriage and companion alone if wanted but if it comes to battle, its best to have her along.

Depending on amount daily, having her part or companions can provide a lot of good (Valuable npcs, romanceable too as well as friendship)

Quest Goodies to be
Gloria’s Godly Goodies

While in Frisbourne, you may meet Gloria who is seeking for an item that she has lost. (it has been snatched by a thief) the trail is able to be seen with the special glasses she has. Offering help, getting the glasses that follow the trail. Finding a Halfling gal that has flashed before their eyes and changing form (or finding the already transformed Halfing Gal being a high elf) confronting the thief (thanks to the glasses seeing the item being used) and bringing it back to the Store.
Gloria will thank and offer the items at half the price.
The item (a bracelet)  is a formchanger (changing the player at will to any species and looks with powers of a changeling) and the glasses help spot magical items.
(one can also just take the items and pretend they couldn't get it)

Delayed by what?
Players stumble into an npc who seems to be in quite a hurry and an angry Arkus who is after him. As the npc disappears, the players will see an angry Arkus who is talking about delayed books and that the issue is the only copy he has. Players can either offer their help to retrieve it or wait and see what happens.
Upon stumbling later on the npc who is reading the book, players can confront him to return (he will mention the return fee will cost a lot and he doesnt have it and he wants to keep the book) “History of the side” labeled. A brace history on the treasures and such in the old Kingdom as this is Issue 1 of 3) One can either

-bribe the npc into exchanging it for something else
-let it be read (a player with photographic memory could remember the spots or what it's about)
-offer to talk to Arkus about it

reward varies as the book is one of a kind and Arkus is known to keep very valuable books. It contains info to cheops treasures or some of the valuable items
-one can even stumble upon the author or find him in the woods and ask about the books (invite to tea and talk)

Gauntley´s Quests
The Boar with his lovely food stand has a lot to offer. And getting to know him is a part as well that comes with a strong alliance and friendship.

-Rekindle the family secrets
Upon chatting and eating his delicious meal, one can find out about his past. 

A tigers fur stripes
This Quest involves Lorenz, a Tiger who owns a lovely lil  Tavern/Inn. Friend of Gauntley and Rival to King Ruba of Herath as the two have a past history together.

Beneath the docks
At the Franklin Pier, rumors and secrets of a Cheops part had been spotted on a ship. Which one there is, no idea. At Night, the players could find out that one of the captains of a ship has it.
Alongside the many secrets of each of the captains of the docks (all have quests and stories of their own)
Players, when traveling to new places by ship, can best ask Evreux – Firebolg captain, always on the lookout for crew members. https://toyhou.se/7761425.evreux-viserion-xalvador who will gladly support the group.


Now that we have Frisbourne done, let's continue what is above.



Arfield- Mountain Area where paths flow through to Frisbourne and Cave area, ruled by "Nimbo" as this is his mountain.
One can follow the path through without any troubles. (at times there are small critters in between)
If one tries to enter the side of the Cave, there is exploring one can do but there is Nimbo.
Who or what he is will let the Players discover.

Taugh https://toyhou.se/15326987.taugh-zurek-farigorg
Who has his own lil home in the mountains area.

BugsBe https://toyhou.se/16386222.bugsbe
A not so friendly guy as he roams around the forest.

Garth https://toyhou.se/17494978.garth-silas-medea
Who has his own tribe there in the hidden valley part and rival along Bugsbe who causes trouble, friendly with Taugh

But first.. a lil on the "Exotical dancing" and all
As near Frisbourne is the path to a very exotical lil city called "Purrtin"


Purrtin (16+/18+)

Purrtin is a special place and not many have access to (you need to be a grown up to enter) as this is more of a 16+ and 18+ area)
Between Frisbourne and Brimwoll ( 4 hours apart) is this special lil fantasy city that has many things to offer.
The one in Charge of Purrtin is Queen Lavender (her and her husband Oregan on New Fabula watch over the main Kitty Parlour)
There is a Purrtin in old and new Fabula.
Their children run the Kitty Parlor in each place

Anotnio (the Old Kingdom) and his twin Sunar in New Kingdom)

The Kitty Parlour

Purrtin is a special place and not many have access to (you need to be a grown up to enter) as this is more of a 16+ and 18+ area)as Purrtin is known for more than “just a stroll”


Between Frisbourne and Brimwoll ( 4 hours apart) is this special lil fantasy city that has many things to offer.
The one in Charge of Purrtin is Queen Lavender (her and her husband Oregan on New Fabula watch over the main Kitty Parlour) while Lady Gwendolin and her husband take care of the Kitty Parlor in the old Kingdom (basically where the group would first meet is these two


Lady Gwendolin and her husband Lord Ramon (Running the City) https://toyhou.se/21851999.lady-gwendolin

There is a Purrtin in old and new Fabula.
Their children run the Kitty Parlor in each place

Antonio (the Old Kingdom) and his twin Sunar (in New Kingdom) Both feline (Tabaxi like)

Antonio can be best described as this “flamboyant” loveable feline who wears lots of decorations, feathers and loves to taunt and tease.
(example for part of his way is: [4K HDR] Final Fantasy VII Remake - Cloud goes Dancing (HoneyBee Inn) @ ᵁᴴᴰ ✔ - YouTube) as to have a type of way he loves to interact and boost people)
Antonio would most likely hang around the stage and entertain and announce dancers or more. Whenever new guests arrive, he makes sure to welcome them and offer some drinks and a seat for their first time. Sing, dance and entertain for all joy

Upon talking and befriending him, can give a lot of insight and secrets. Also some Quests. He will mention his sister in the other kingdom. 

They both work under Lady Gwendolin and her husband in Purrtin.

The Kitty Parlour

The place to go when you need entertainment, rest, and…other needs. The Kitty Parlour is only open to 16+ and 18+ customers, and is run by a very flirtatious feline named Antonio. He and his friend run the Mark "kitty Parlor" as it is in modern Fabula as well.
The entering of this city brings lovely marmor walls, paved and patterned streets and soft lamps in pinks, reds and luxurious calming motions. One can get anything from clothings, gear or even a companion for the night or day. Some just listen to you, offer hugs and company in general or for more if one wants.
There are some that have quests to offer as well.

The main big attraction is of course the “Kitty Parlour”. The heart of this sweet lil city. A big building with fountains and flowers.
When you enter, you’ll find two entrances. To the left, you’ll find the 18+ area. To the right, entertainment suitable for 16+. 

Entering the door to the left, you’ll be greeted by a friendly guy who will check your age, registration info, and whether you’ve been banned before. First time? No need to worry; you’ll get a free round by the one and only himself! (That is Antonio) 

There’s a bar on the right side, to the left a small area to eat, and a stage up front, with lots of tables scattered around to watch from. This stage provides  entertainment  from musical instruments, dancers, and the more risque musicals, and you can even get on stage and show what you’ve got for  some coin (and  xp). The bar is tended by a lovely guy named Charlie,  and the food area serves delicious…and naughty foods. Looking for a  ‘foodgasm’? Look no further than The Kitty Parlour. Try your hand at a few card games and gamble the night away!

Through the right hand door is where the real fun happens. This section is strictly 18+. There is a lovely resting area with a vending machine, and if you walk through to the back, there’s also a   small shopping area, selling clothing, shoes, even showers. There’s a small drycleaners, just in case you need it! The Kitty Parlour provides the most luxurious treatment to any good customer. If you wish to meet  and have fun with anyone, there is a magical booklet which shows who  is  available, what they offer, their dos and don’ts, and their prices.  From cuddling to talking to…more, the Parlour offers everything you could possibly want. Once you have chosen, tell Albert what you have picked and wait to see if the other side agrees. When you have a yes, you are allowed up, where a hostess named Callie will bring you to your  room. There is also a pool area where you can relax before or after your…entertainment. The only place off limits is where the workers live.  Attempts to enter here unescorted will lead to you being red flagged and kicked out. All the workers work here of their own free will, are offered the best protection and support, and have flexible working hours. Just because this is a place of fun and entertainment doesn’t mean there are no quests to be discovered here.


NPCs: Antonio. A feline with a fluffy feather boa around his neck at all times, Antonio is known for being handsome and charismatic. He talks a lot about a white Orc he used to date.(players can meet this white Orc either when he is traveling or on Island Gustavia at the Massage) 

Charlie. The best bartender in the area.
A more canine looking guy with dark brown and green fur coloration and hair. He has armor plate on his arms (a sign  he can brawl too and step in if needed) as well as a golden piece of necklace (this is a cheops crystal! Powerup)

Albert. A sweet guy with a soft voice who will calm any nerves you might have, Albert is known for being discreet and following the rules. Don’t underestimate him just because he’s nice;  he’s pretty strong when he needs to be.

Callie. The lovely feline hostess who protects her workers fiercely.

Curtis Mudson. When you first enter the Parlour, you’ll be greeted by the dulcet tones of Curtis Mudson, an octo-man whose voice is sure to make you feel good!
Curtis also is seen in other locations. Later on in the City of Vardik (Quest: https://toyhou.se/~literature/159136.what-stays-in-varik)

-One sneaky beyond
An alluring belly dancer has been captivating crowds while her pickpocket lover robs them blind.(the only one of the place that is doing sneaky stuff like this in order to buy new clothes (of course from the naughty place)

-(still thinking on some good and fun quests (for more relaxed moments and fun^^

The place to go when you need entertainment, rest, and…other needs. The Kitty Parlour is only open to 16+ and 18+ customers, and is run by a very flirtatious feline named Antonio. He and his friend run the Mark "kitty Parlor" as it is in modern Fabula as well.
The entering of this city brings lovely marmor walls, paved and patterned street and soft lamps in pinks, reds and luxurious calming motions. One can get anything from clothings, gear or even a companion for the night or day. Some just listen to you, offer hugs and company in general or for more if one wants.
There are some that have quests to offer as well.

The main big attraction is of course the Kitty Parlour. The heart of this naughty sweet lil city. A big building with fountains and flowers.
When you enter, you’ll find two entrances. To the left, you’ll find the 18+ area. To the right, entertainment suitable for 16+. 

Entering the door to the left, you’ll be greeted by a friendly guy who will check your age, registration info, and whether you’ve been banned before. First time? No need to worry; you’ll get a free round by the one and only himself! There’s a bar on the right side,  to the left a small area to eat, and a stage up front, with lots  of  tables scattered around to watch from. This stage provides  entertainment  from musical instruments, dancers, and the more risque musicals, and you can even get on stage and show what you’ve got for  some coin (and  xp). The bar is tended by a lovely guy named Charlie,  and the food area  serves delicious…and naughty foods. Looking for a  ‘foodgasm’? Look no further than The Kitty Parlour. Try your hand at a few card games and gamble the night away!

Through the right hand door is where the real fun happens. This section is strictly 18+. There is a lovely resting area with a vending machine, and if you walk through to the back, there’s also a   small shopping area, selling clothing, shoes, even showers. There’s a small drycleaners, just in case you need it! The Kitty Parlour provides the most luxurious treatment to any good customer. If you wish to meet   and have fun with anyone, there is a magical booklet which shows who  is  available, what they offer, their dos and don’ts, and their prices.  From  cuddling to talking to…more, the Parlour offers everything you could possibly want. Once you have chosen, tell Albert what you have picked and wait to see if the other side agrees. When you have a yes, you are allowed up, where a hostess named Callie will bring you to your  room. There is also a pool area where you can relax before or after your…entertainment. The only place off limits is where the workers  live.  Attempts to enter here unescorted will lead to you being red flagged and kicked out. All the workers work here of their own free  will, are offered the best protection and support, and have flexible working hours. Just because this is a place of fun and entertainment doesn’t mean there are no quests to be discovered here.


NPCs: Antonio. A feline with a fluffy feather boa around his neck at all times, Antonio is known for being handsome and charismatic. He talks a lot about a white Orc he used to date.
Charlie. The best bartender in the area.
Albert. A sweet guy with a soft voice who will calm any nerves you might have, Albert is known for being discreet and following the rules. Don’t underestimate him just because he’s nice;  he’s pretty strong when he needs to be.
Callie. The lovely feline hostess who protects her workers fiercely.
Curtis Mudson. When you first enter the Parlour, you’ll be greeted by the dulcet tones of Curtis Mudson, an octo-man whose voice is sure to make you feel good!
Curtis also is seen in other locations. Later on in the City of Vardik (Quest: https://toyhou.se/~literature/159136.what-stays-in-varik)




Nuada Island and Florens Bay 

Prince Nuada Xeno
Do you love summer, beach vibes and waves? Then get to Florens Bay, located on Nuada Island. Explore the best cocktail bars, tropical trees, and a dense jungle. The island is technically a  volcano, though it hasn’t been active in centuries, and there are plenty of caves and underwater places to explore.
Nuada Island (island next to Fenris -wall)

The Jungle has many secrets and dangers as well. 

And there is a hidden path that can lead to the dragonvalley

King here is Nuada



The noble city of Gustavia is where the wealthiest, most special people in all of Fabula dwell. A beautiful settlement with vast mansions and picturesque orchards, Gustavia is the place to go if  you’re  hoping to run into a wealthy suitor (or want to up your  pickpocket  game). The only way to enter Gustavia is to pay 100gp (with a further 100gp each time you wish to enter a new area and a ‘commoner’s fee’ when shopping) but many say that it’s worth the cost. Without an invitation from King Arguul himself, your only other way in is if you happen to be famous or born into an illustrious family. Your weapons will be taken at  the gates and returned to you when you leave. Why not visit the world famous spa while you’re there! Despite the cost, Gustavia truly has  all the best, from items, knowledge, clothing, music, food, drink, enchanting, books, spas, and dances. 

An Island that is meant for the “rich/noble/famous and chosen” ones. This is a place you can find the most valuable and most wanted items and  people.
You can barely get in as a “common” traveler.

ways to get in:

-An invitation from the king himself (King Arguul) an arrogant Elf who thinks he deserves the best
-you pay 100 Gold to enter each area (plus extra when shopping since you have to “pay commoners fee” (making it all expensive)
-you are someone famous, seeked (like a star or hero) or have a high reputation (family wise or status wise)

(changelings barely get through as they have their own creature to check disguises)
And you have to place your weapons as a commoner at the entrance that get watched over!

Gustavia has all truly the best !
from items, knowledge (teach n learn) clothings, music, food, drink, enchanting, books, spa and onsen as well as luxury pure. If lucky you get to dance at the Kings Ball each friday. Meaning you might get to talk to him personally.

You can try to impress the guards or show them something to trade to get in.


King Arguul. An arrogant elf who believes   he deserves only the best, this King would be a powerful ally and a   dangerous enemy. He searches for beings he wants to keep, lured into   kidnapping them and keeping them as his own.
Koa Calix Oberon Rafferty. A traumatized tiefling Doctor who only wants to help people. https://toyhou.se/15190621.koa-calix-oberon-rafferty
Doctor Critheras. An elf Doctor who acts as a father figure to Doctor Calix.
Rowan O. Lennox. A wealthy professor, Rowan is best friends with Koa. https://toyhou.se/15190589.rowan-o-lennox
Onsen. A very hygienic and sassy white orc who loves to relax others with massages.




Surfena-Ortus (Prince) and Rumerus (King)

A lovely big island with an ancient and mystic vibe.
Led by the “King” Rumerus and his son Ortus. 

Lower part of this place is “Drusar”

The place of woods, mountains, villagers and the Werewolf and vampire area.
(see map)
Drusar is a place of conflict. While you can gain valuable things, it is a dangerous place to be since the clans and rivals are here.
past the ocean is the main big village.
Farms are left (where you can find many types of farms and characters that live there)
The  Vampire section, the big woods with great hunting area as well as the  werewolves territory are here. After the big road is the felines territory among the avarian/winged place (mountains)
Crossing the  river across is a peaceful village at the mountains, a small hut where a  hermit kind of lives that can see over all of it as well as a castle  over the bridge. Down below is a very deep hole/canyon type.
Crossing the bridge brings you over to a castle area with a very creepy “enemy” of all.

Then there is a long range of jungle. And top part of it is the main kingdom of Surfena. a paradise kingdom (as the king is a heated  fellow)


Pirate-Pirate Bay/ Ocean block


Lord Muvar runs the Land as he has a firm grip on everything and the best overview. He may seem like an ass but  is a sweet guy who wants nothing more than things to settle and work as they should. Can act as a spoiled kid if things don't go as one wants. Seeing how he wants HIS way done. He doesn't care if the kings and queens rule, as long as he rules this Island and all on it. It is also the heart of Sailing and Stories. As a good tale and adventure can get him hooked.
He holds one of Cheops Soulgems and one Powercrystal. 

Clavin (city)

On the edge of the Oldin ocean, intrepid travelers might find Pirate Bay. From hiring traveling companions and sellswords, to smuggling and finding the best treasure, there’s plenty to be done  here. Lacking gold? Pirate Bay is the cheapest place to hang out, whether that’s spending the night or hiding from the law. Rumors of a secret island abound, but few will talk without appropriate compensation. If you do discover its location, you’ll need to find someone to take you. Just be careful who you trust!

NPC: Captain Blackfur. A werewolf captain with a mighty crew.
Edgaris https://toyhou.se/13454152.edgaris



Oldrin- King Oldrin (Beastking)
This huge Land is also known as "Monster Island")
Place of danger. Want dangerous monsters in the middle? want to train or battle them?? this island is not only a place of opportunity but also of trade (monster parts can be sold or traded here, unique weapons of beasts or even a pet if one fancies)
From here is the only place to get to the lower hidden island.
It is also a place of the Giants that have their own territories and Trolls.


Mycant Sath- Drusar

Run by King Kensingtar
A "myth" island so one says as here lies the old classical trials and rivalries.
While there are farms, a big village and more, there are the old classical bloodline of Vampires, werewolves, Felines and Bari s (Aka Beastmen) and Avarian. In Between humanlike villagers and goblins. Here is also where the rivals are high and getting on one's side is most seeked to be the best.


Salvu/ Sarvin Island

Salvu on the map, Known to insiders as "Sarvin Island". This secret island hosts a Black Market, where anything and everything is bought and sold. Only insiders know about this place. Saruu city is the biggest settlement on the island. Looking for a mercenary or a headhunter? Looking to buy or sell Creatures, people and more? Look no further than Saruu. Protected by a God, this black-hearted kingdom is a controversial issue, but might just hold the answer to your deepest desires. Just keep an eye out for the slave catchers, who may seem nice at first but are, deep down, rotted to the core.
The Island is hidden via Waves, Storms and a type of barrier that "hides" the island. Making it almost impossible to find. One must know the right path of choosing to take.
Those who discover this on the map, will hear from outsiders that it is a dangerous island where a mighty god rules. It is highly advised not to go there.
This is truly one of the dangerous islands but if you have a guide and need to find someone who has been captured, make sure to play your cards right or you might end up in an auction or worse.. as a rare meal.



Ruled by the spirit God Sana, few wander this island and return to tell the tale. If you’re brave enough, though, Tinnas is a cornucopia of nature, full of flowers, fruits, vegetables and more, all of which can be used to heal, nourish your body, or keep for spells. Some say it´s the island of "everlasting life" Where healing and wishes come true. Finding it may be a problem.
But petals on the ocean at times will glisten up and one could follow them if brave enough.


Juliet and the island


One can stumble upon Juliet´s island (named July for the month she landed there) and have a safe haven to be at. While this human is actually from “our earth” the island is magical and lets one live longer (a fountain of youth one could say) as she hasn't died or aged after her 20th Birthday.

Not many know of this island and its secrets or its lovely underground place where mermaids also live. 

July has connections to the good pirate queen. Stumbling upon her can bring you a hell of adventure too. She knows the seas better than anyone else.
Used to be in love with the Crescent moon pirate.
The island is hard to find because it "travels"
The truth is a huge Turtlelike creature swims around Fabula and is like a planet wandering around. Dives  2 x every few months (to grab food and refresh): The island here gets shielded by the Parynx that lives there, giving the ones above protection. July knows of this by now and is a caretaker.

Debora Island

Debora Island: Also known as "the wandering Island '' This special big Island wanders around Fabula and always lands on the exact spot with it´s rounds. A magical island indeed as it shares its goods with both sides.
It is said there is a Beast moving the island and has it´s natural flow while others state it is a cursed island with a lot of mystery.
However one wants, this is surely a place of secrets.



With the history around, the old land of Fabula had been destroyed, alot. Lands broke apart and the wall was built after many had said they wanted to have modern things as well. Thus. New Fabula Nelbastin was done.
The Area had their King 

New World Nelbastin King-https://toyhou.se/7428794.raymond-arthur-donavan
His main assistant- https://toyhou.se/12313285.nixon

 Nimo- also known as Pashu- Death and Darkness

After the war, the New world was ruled by him and the others. Nobu, King Raymonds close friend, got Ostern to watch over. Basically co-op as well.
As the Time passed and things got mysterious, it was someone along the Moloki that got the kings separated and lost. Nobu tried to find his friend and things got heavier.
Now, after  2000 years, he still rules over Ostern (his naga kind can reach up to 5000 years of age) Due to the dimensional pocketworld he had done below thanks to Kyle, making him life longer as well. He truly wants the Kings back as well as the peace as he is for both sides. Old and New.

Nospoltin/Wallin and Bursanph were once called Verivania (as King Raymond ruled)
Nospoltin, Wallin and Bursanph is the main big land where king Raymond (the one in charge) rules. Split in 3 after he “disappeared”. The Land used to be called Verivania (only the old king would know of this). So Raymond (upon meeting this human/deer like man, he says it as it is/was his kingdom)
The land is split to Three

Kingdom Verivania and the Split Lands

As all three lands used to be one, this is a very high modern place (think of tech, flying cars, hoverboards with a very modern mix of Nature and Neon)
The three lands split, each have an area they specify in. From Robots to machine, to gadjets. Spread around where the main Tech lies. Some Aliens have their homes here as well. Just be wary or you might end up on the table of experimenting underground groups.
One can get the best tech here.


Wallin- Steampunk Saravi

A steampunk like with lots of style, tech and machinery.
A place of Tea lovers, good old steamy tech and almost Noir Cyberpunk mix.
Machines, driving and transport are big here.


Bursanph-King Cornac Modera

Modernized futuristic like a city. Mostly run by Androids, Robots and Gadgets as King Cornac is a huge fan of these.
Automatons and Cybergenetics lies here.
Sometimes also illegal experimenting activities. Upgrade on arm and prosthetics.


Nospoltin- Cyberpunk Cyri

Most advanced space on gadgets/ Gear and Items.

Fancy some “cyberpunk”? Tech and updates?? Then welcome to Nospoltin where you can get your sci-fi desires done on the spot.


Ostern- Nobu the Naga

The Land after leaving Akta, connects to Ostern with it´s Big area Sektenz above.
While a very big land, it is compared to our world. Modern, cozy, busy and all have their jobs and usual things they do.

There is a big train station that goes alongside the bridge and over to the land around. Either for tour or business.
The small area before entering Ostern has a big variation one can enjoy

Ruled by King Nobu, this Nagaking and his son love the land and its modern place. The first one to suggest making a separate land for modern things. While being a Naga, he still enjoys what the humans back then have created.
You can find a huge secret in his castle below as he still has the most human things before the war.
It is said he secretly kept a few humans under his power to preserve and keep as they live peacefully under his City. And after 2000 years, who knows what has become of them.
Nobu had the place below become enchanted (much like Kyle´s realm where time doesn't go by)
He gives out quests to to find the missing kings and to restore the place alongside other Quests

Given by king Nobu himself
-Food, dance and a Ball
-The Prince's son Quest (taking the young Nagaprince around and showing the world)
to unlock the last Quest of him (as he tests to see which side you are on=
-The Lost Kings Quest (where he tells of the whole King situation and how he wants his friend and world back)

Ostern has a variation of music and dance. This is the place where creativity and passion comes into play. Dancing, music, singing, drawing, creations alike. All that makes passion flowe. The body moves and the mood is good.

The Bar and Inn

A taverny type modernized and run by (?) alongside a lovely guy name "Hebi"
A pinkish demon guy who helps with chat n drinks (and more if wanted)

-Musical Enhancements
-The magic Flute

There is also the main Visitor area, going through the path to Akta as well as Train Station, one can find many cool ones here. Including the Engineering duo
-The Duo:https://toyhou.se/~literature/158313.steam-and-punk

Side Quest:
-The Deep Underground secret


City Purrtin

Lord Oregon rules the city of Purrtin under the King Nobu
There is a Purrtin in old and new Fabula.
Their children run the Kitty Parlor in each place
Sunar runs the kitty Parlor while father (Lord Oregon) runs the city Purrtin.
Located on the left side (Near Fenris at the Wall) where the small "hook" is. Lies the lovely 16+/18+ (!!) city of Purrtin.
A modern city with exotic dancers, places, scents and clothings to find.


The Pier and Travel Hook
Named silly, but has a big purpose as this is the main and one of the biggest Ship Places one can find. From here the most ships sail off to the other islands and usually avoid conflict with those around.
Located at the bottom of the Land of Ostern, the pointed place is the way to go. 


Sektenz-Spirani and Tukanr

Sektenz-Spirani and Tukanr

Located  still in Ostern, the two Spiderbug ones asked at the start for permission  to be in King Nobu´s place. Getting it in the process and naming their  new land "Sektenz"
It is a 16+  area as some things can get weird n naughty after entering a section at  times (depending on how one wants to play and turn the things)
Insect fans, bugs and crawling and flying ones. Ruled by the "King"Tukanr and "Queen" Spirani (Spider Like creatures)
They  have to follow King Nobu´s rules though. They can rule how they want in  their area but if they act up, don´t follow the rules or worse, Nobu  will punish them (eat them)
So they keep things in a low and soft tone to not set any alarms.

The entrance of the city is very friendly. Lots of bugs and such can be seen.
One  can wander around, meet the locals, take part in various festivals and  enjoy the music and dance as they worship singing and dancing a lot.
Making music and they will follow you around. As rhythm things are their strong point.
One can gather some selfmade string or fabric specifically made from them.
Alot of legends evolve around here and yes there is even an Internet part with a spider running the cafe.
Some things you can only get here.
A  dance bar is there as well as nightclubs. While daytime is for the busy  working ones, you d see Antoids and Buglike collecting on the farms or preserving underground (the Antvolk will tell you when finding something, linked to Nobus Kingdom)
There are also new ways of working, from clothings, armor and more.

BugBeetle guards or Horned Beetles alongside the Beehive of the Farmery. There is alot to see.

-The Deep Underground secret
-A family Thread

A family Thread-Quest
Quest-  one sister lives in old Fabula (in Brimwall) as the other lives in  Sektenz (Ostern) here. They had a huge fight about what fashion style  they wanted for the opening of their shop. it never got done, so they  split to open their own shop. one can find out and maybe resolve the fight so the sisters can get back together in their dream (The end goal  is them having their own Store in Akta- Rokka and the players get a  strong discount on any clothings permanently)

Walking  in further, there is a garden wall of Trees lining and two guards are  protective of the place as this is the area of the 16+ /18+ section as  they have their "other" Entertainment Plaza.
This is also where a lot of mystery can come up.


Island Varik

Island Varik
Linked to the Quest:

Located below the Pier and around 2 hours per ship to reach.
This  Island is said to be a party Island. While all around is normal, having  fun parties at the beach, karaoke in the Club, a resort Paradise for  holiday dwellers, there is the main high up ground where the  more  "intreging" things are. From gambling in the casino to the Sparkling  Hotel. A flashy like city and a tall building that invites many.
A Manta ray and a lantern like creature run the "Dionaea muscipula Plaza Hotel" alongside someone known as "Perry ConSu" of the Sundew Family
Who also has Varik as it´s island.
It is a shapeshifting creature that belongs to a new species.

With Spoiling:
Perry is the one who is evil and using King Nobu´s ways to make his place "everlasting" (see the Quest for the secret)
He is also said to be a close friend and former love interest of King Nobu before he married.

Island Varik has anything one would want (if staying on the lower area and lovely "italy" or "Island holiday vibe")



King Pakmak (A.k.A Molok McGorden real name)
Is a Stonedevil and rival/Brother of Josh McGorden https://toyhou.se/4716729.josh-mc-gorden (he is the the younge brother)
Formed almost like a weapon with it´s strong sharp curve and the hammerlike end.
The "Birthplace" of the Nogadi
-Nogadi https://toyhou.se/~literature/159135.the-nogadi

The place of the fallen where the mighty Blacksmith had formed and given a new purpose.


Okteval-Orcin Valen

King Orcin Valen
Above of Surbglenz, the Were Land, is Oktenval.  
This is home of the "Aquatical" Beeings as near the Ocean is an underwater kingdom but also have on land.
Best tech on modren Water ones. From Sea creatures that have advanced, Aqua creatures call this home.
Home of the best fish as well (specific allowed due to species) and the best fishers.
Also a place to hire Aquadic guards, teachings and more.

Klarglanf- Donavan Vamp

Ruled by the ancient Vampire King Donavan, Surbglenz is a modern Vampire Kingdom where one is  in charge of the bloodsuckers themselves. Either you land up as a  servant, assistant, deliverer, pet or even… their meal. If you have a reason to be there, then it must be something  very important. Before  entering, make sure to talk to the one in charge to get a permit (and a  band to not be free meal)

In Surbglenz and Klarglanf the conflicts are high with modern vampires and werewolves on fantasy aspect. (Tech, modern mix)
Here the city of vampires and city of Were-s and Beastmen in the middle all surround a modern city. Of course conflicts can happen but all obey the  law... All? Well who knows

Queen Alvi rules part of the Kingdom as well (1st wife of Donavan)
Prince Augustus (the 1st Son) rules along as well and has the lower part of the Kingdom

Solving a case of an apparent body, where the wristband (to protect visitors and no-biting rule) has been ripped off and thrown away in the bin, the body lifeless but still warm as the culprit fled. The question is... Who did it from which  clan and  why??
Keep in mind that humans still are a rare thing and sighting even in the modern part of Fabula. All but humans have been seen and if spotted, one can imagine the struggle of this all.

The city Sorit in Klarglanf  -Donavan (ruler)
Ruled  by the ancient Vampire King Donavan, Surbglenz is a modern Vampire Kingdom where one is in charge of the bloodsuckers themselves. Either you land up as a servant, assistant, deliverer, pet or even… their meal. If you have a reason to be there, then it must be something very important. One only enters this land if really needed.
Before entering, make sure to talk to the one in charge to get a permit (and a wrist/Neckband to not be free meal) These wristbands indicate why you are here and also... Hands off! Some are marked and forbidden even to touch (may it be belonging to someone and doing an errand or visiting someone)

-The Donavan Vampire Bloodline
 started with Godling Dorian as he got inspired by humans and created his own vampire type.
Have the pure red (to pink “exception”) hair in the family.

The "counterpart"/Rivals of the Donavan are the origin vampires of "our Earth". Named "Navadeen" Fadoria- Bloodline
who are equally dangerous. (usually have white/silver hair)

Saltorias- Bloodline are one of the oldest of Pangea (Parallel Earth) a combined species mix one would say. Blonde hair is striking in the family.

These are the clans one would find in Fabula. The vampires we know on earth have their specific clans (one can be from there as well)
It is widely accepted that there are thirteen clans with thirteen founders, though not all of them are technically  Antediluvian. Some clan founders, such as Giovanni or Tremere, usurped  their position via Diablerie: Including the clans above. A clan is the character's vampire family. All members of a clan allegedly descend from the clan's founder.
All clans are welcome in Donavan´s place as he forms a new world.
Following the rules and wanting to keep the natural flow.
They have modern tech Blood Pills to eat as of strict ruling. Once a month there is a Ball where they feast and celebrate together (No harming or killing of food-must be consent) Though there is an underground part of Klarglanf that speaks otherwise. Here  some stick to old world habits of feasting and handling things with the Sarvin Island.

It is a very lovely City, tall buildings and all sleep during night. There is however a shield around the City that goes up and prevents the sun from coming through. Letting them live  in a constant "darker" place so as not to burn to death.
Some resist the sun and do go out for walks or hunt in the forest or wilderness.

There is a border between the two lands as the old rivalry thing is still strong in most.
When traveling through Klarglanf to get to Surblenz, the main Border will check id and more to see why to enter. Sometimes deliveries can be hard or visiting friends or family.
In both sides there is a school, groceries and such. All modern so no stress.


Tinnbruck- Dwarf Bardulin

King Bardulin runs the place as this old dwarf has a few things up his sleeve
Later taken over by Baldric, self anamed "King"  https://toyhou.se/19054840.baldric-eshoon who had his ways. Leaving teh old King to dwell below the mines as "tragically" not able to get him back. Running the Kingdom.
Settled below Klarglanf, lies the busy working place of Tinnbruck.
A "noir" like city where factories and old buildings can be found.
Modern works are here and it is known as the working Land. From factories to machines, anything can be built here and delivered.
it is also said that the birthplace of one of the older Smiths was here, where he went to Seifert to make his workshop and start own business there while the rest made factories.


Surbglenz- Augustus

The Werewolf Kingdom and were beasts in general (still in rival of Surbglenz) where the rulers there have to make sure that nothing crosses over.
Anything that can transform per will or having to due to the moon, ocean and such lives here. "Were"ones or "Beastmen" (Also bara types can exist here) See it also as a "lil paradise for Furry types"

The schools and places here are all lovely modern and most are fully accepting (the new generation welcome peace and change) the old traditional ones with their clans within (appear like a band/Gang) that are wary of non-ware´s. Hate vampires. Wary of humans.
Most of the City wants peace. It is the old clan of Were that hate the Vampires and sometimes rumors can spread and spread lies within.
Despite the history, a new program lets "non wheres" take part in daily lives leaving the daily things to a start.
One can join a clan if lucky. The “Rang” list is still a given.
A special Ship travels exclusively to Surbglenz and has its own lovely Pier. Alot of architecture and slides around.
 From the Alphas, Betas and Omegas that have a say in certain things. It is very well structured as it is meant for old time classics to keep.
Nonetheless. Surblenz has its secrets too. 



the Land of "Felihu"
These ones are a species made from Godling and those who not only have the "legendary " 9 lives but also the gift of Forms. As they can shift to a "humanoid/animal mix or their animal form. Some even have the huge Feral side. The mixed ones are usually not big and enjoy their life as it is.
Also place of best Tea and Coffee to get.


Faruh- Swamp Swanta

One might automatically think  "Hex-. Witches" and... one would be right!
This is where the first Witch of Fabula made her home (before the war) and birthed son Wiccur, daughter of -Maureen Flask-(god)
Mother of all witches (Daughter of Maureen can be a new found thing indeed) part of the Wiccur Generation
Her older brother is Ben.

Swantarules over this place even after the 2000 years (because noone wants to mess with a mighty one)
While her mother and Ori had their child "Ben" Wiccur https://toyhou.se/11812993.benjamin-barnaby-wiccur, she was second born after him.
Making her a Godling.

She herself later had a daughter named Sharilalem. One of the first to emerge.
Swanta is in charge of the 12 witches, since the mother created them and Swanta is in charge of them.
The 12 Witches are all after "The fabulan Calender"
Perfect for the 12 months in Fabula and fun to have since the godlings followed a bit how humans did it.

Hexarn is a modern Magical place.
Witches, Mages, magic tournaments and items can be done here and purchased.
One can be who one wants and no need of hidings.

(including swamps, hidden villages, narrow Mountains etc.


Vorbenz- King Fallon

This is a snowy island. Perma snow is where things can get interesting. One doesn´t know why, but it has a constant cold temperature. Legends of an ice dragon or Ice beast keeps the island   frozen. (seen easily from Naosin on the Wall)

Ruled by King Fallon/ King Edgar Purin
These two kings have their differences and both want to rule the land.

Vorbanz is a place where one can get most ice and frost things and if lucky travel it's icy slopes and steep undergrounds.
The Pillar on the top of the most coldest place of Vorbenz holds the secret (and former place of the Ice Elemental Kingdom)

With it´s ice and Snow, there are sporty festivals held once a year.
One can also obtain "Everlast ice cream" THE best ice cream of taste you can ever have.
Does Not melt in snow and tastes delicious. Visit the "Everlast- Ice Cream parlor" in Vorbenz

Temperature wise
Arriving at the snowy pier, from -1 to -5 degrees is the "standard" the further one goes (up to the Ice peak for example) the colder it gets. Not many can stand these types of cold. Especially since there is a type of "Barrier" above.

Rivali https://toyhou.se/10073971.rivali
Zhalivor https://toyhou.se/18887703.zhalivor
Igandridge https://toyhou.se/18887714.igandridge

3 Smaller islands- 




Ikta is a very lovely island ruled by current "King" (Prince) Daniel " https://toyhou.se/17686592.daniel-charles-d-vallon
Said to be the "Home of Kitsune"



Bin is The Island in between lands is more of a huge fishing variation. Water and landvolk live here and mostly by boat or the high trees. It has an old temple (a piece of Cheop is here with a small sweet and fun dungeon) and the inhabitants are hybrids of land and see and gladly welcome others to their island. Strict fighting is not allowed as they use their wits. 




While this was a place no one had, King Baldric took it over very quickly
making this his new home alongside the other kingdom he is "leading"
The JungleIsland is home to a strange creature like species and are not happy having someone taking over their land.
The creatures are luminescence at night



The Island of Living in a way. All come together and do their best to make things work
Ruled by Prince Boris https://toyhou.se/16738972.boris-athansius



The Underworld/Otherworlds

Not knowing officially as this place is more... secretive one.
One can find Graves with a skeleton beside it. These are various and are actually a secret entrance to the underworld of Fabula.
Meaning the place of the undead and spooks (also the realm of Soulreaper) and Entrance to the circling Pit of the Deep (Core of Fabula and apparently place of the hidden Godlings)

If one wants to enter, knowing the secret, tapping the skull lightly on head, shoulder or knee. "I wish to speak as Underworld is up" is a codeword used around Fabula to grant entrance. The Skeleton will awaken, look at the spoken and ask "Does Thou seek death, travel or business?"
Answering with "Seek travel" brings to the Underworld City (here are also were incubus, succubus, demons and ghouls, ghosts and the flipped world of Fabula lies
"Seek business" can bring to the busy center of the Underworld Lands. From deals, bargains and more.
"Seek Death" brings to the entrance of the Loomina. The Place of the Swirling Pit of the Deep or to Soulreapers place.



How things go in Fabula

Money? We have trading as well.
Some locations offer the "trading value" where you can offer something in exchange for the item. Some will ask for favors, others go with trade and some want jewelers, coins or spells.
It is made so one doesn't have to suffer of "what do i eat next"

Language barrier?
We have translation "orbs" one can purchase.
Seek your "official sellers" (They have a special mark/flag on their shop or cart) and will sell you a "Babble Orb" for a good easy amount. Carrying it with you, makes it easier to talk to anyone as it translates all while speaking.

Postal service- Oldwin´s Tailing Delivery
Letters or packages are able to be sent as well as messages done via Speaking stones or orb calling. Delivery "foxes' ' (A Kitsune who went to the Delivery Service) delivers extremely fast. Costs a bit but you can get anything delivered to where it should be. The Delivery Fox is called "Oldwin '' and the signs of his "store" are spread around the lands of certain areas. Upon "calling" him from the sign, he appears and one can let him deliver. He will find it. 


Now that we know what is where, who lives where and what is there... Letting know that Fabula is one of a kind and has a lot of history and past to Discover.
No matter what you/players want to explore or see

-Many want to overtake this kingdom and make it theirs, some just want to live
-can be as a worker in a place that fate has decided to send on a journey
-From finding the parts of Cheops to restore him (to get a wish or so) as well as the option of Cheops offspring
-Finding the lost main two kings to restore the balance to a solid.
-Finding the celestial crescent moon royals
-Making peace with the Kitsune clan, Avaraian, werewolves and Vampires.
-To gaining power or become an elemental god or simply making the elemental s Realm.
-simply wanting to explore the world and unravel its mysteries and secrets about what really happened.
-traveling to free all the captured ones or being one of the bad guys and capturing the powerful for dominance or might
-getting Revenge or protecting someone
-evil to wipe out the Diluvian clan (A Martial arts ancient Clan) or save them
-Vivian (A Pangean Human from Pangea) and her group want to erase all that are not human (as well as maintain humans in general)


For Players entering the world or exploring, many possibilities can emerge.
Being an Offspring of one of many species of old and new, a rare species or even Cheops himself. However a player wants to choose, make sure to get approval.
Each Species, clan and land have their goals.
Some simple, others heavier. Let Fate see what lies ahead of you.

Travelling NPC/Meet or playable
Tide: https://toyhou.se/13709788.tide