Jordan's Writings

9 months, 11 days ago
9 months, 11 days ago
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Chapter 10
Published 9 months, 11 days ago

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The Second Date.

John's Shloppy Toppy BBQ and Slop

Jordan arrived shortly after, looking around. It wasn't obvious but he had used the GPS in his mechanical eye to figure out where he was going. He didn't go out often. He glanced around, spotting Rob and waving, walking over. He sat down across from the man.

"Well hey there hot shot how ya been?" He sat up a little in his chair and pressed the button on his mask to slide it up, giving him a charismatic smile. 

He flushed, avoiding eye contact like that socially awkward man he is. "Nothing has really changed since the last time you saw me," Jordan replied, referring to literally earlier in the day.

"I mean recently, in general. Work, out of work. Y'know?" He turned his head towards the kitchen and slightly hollered back into it. "Hey John, you home?"

It takes a few moments before John emerged with some menus. They placed them on the table. He beckoned for the two to order.

"I don't do much," Jordan said lamely, shrugging. He wasn't wrong. He rotated between the gym and the pub most days; didn't have many connections past the Goodfellows too. He quietly thanked John and glimpsed through the menu.

"Ah. Maybe you should get out more, see the city, the night lights, Masamune even. It's a big world outside the gym and the pub, y'know.." He chuckled lightly. He scanned the menu and then looked up at John. "Two barbecue sandwiches for me John."

"Hm," Jordan grunted. It wasn't a very talkative reply but at least Rob knew he was listening. Honestly, if Jordan had no reason to go visit places, he wouldn't go. He was perfectly content with staying in his little designated zones. "What about you?" He asked after ordering some fries.

"Typically? Hanging out here and there y'know. I'm a traveler, but I usually hang out in Masamune however. It's a nice place compared to..some of the other choices in the city obviously." He leaned back in his chair and pondered about his next adventure he might go on later that day.

Jordan nodded. "You said you were gone from Lancer City for a while.. what made you come back?"

He drummed his fingers against the table absently. He knew not many people call Lancer City the most ideal place to live. Not everyone was as lucky as him in getting a job under one of the most influential people in the area.

Rob scratched his head and pondered on the thought for a very short moment. "Honestly just came to visit old friends. Haven't seen Puffer nor the don in ages so I stopped by. Don't know how long I'll stay this time, but it'll be for a good minute."

"... But you do plan on leaving once more?" Jordan asked, cracking his neck. He didn't appear to be distraught or sad at the thought. There was a small hint of disappointment hidden underneath his emotionless tone.

"To be honest it depends on if there's anything worthwhile while i'm here. Truthfully I have no where else in the world to be necessarily and if Puffer needs me to stay a while or someone else I suppose I might. The life of a wanderer is a simple one...but it does get boring." Rob looked up at the ceiling and rested his arm on the back of his chair. He continued to stare at the ceiling, seemingly lost in his own thoughts slightly

"...Don't you ever get... lonely?" Jordan knew how deadly being alone could be. The feeling that no one is by your side and you have no home to return to. He dealt with loneliness for a long while before and after the death of his partner. It was a losing battle until he was found by the don and recruited into the family.

Rob seemed to be lost in thought by the quest then he shook his head and grinned as he looked down from the ceiling. He was smiling, but his facial features nor his grey-ish blue eyes showed any true emotion. He spoke in quieter voice than before. 

"Sometimes I'll agree it does get that way, but when you've had years of experience, you tend to not be bothered whether it's surrounded by people or in a shack in the middle of nowhere."

Jordan nodded thoughtfully as he continued to drum his fingers on the table's surface. He was envious in a way, Rob appeared to have a better grip on loneliness than he did. Perhaps that would just come with time. He leaned back.

"I see..." He paused, thinking about how to word what he was going to say next. The tips of his ears reddened as he thought more about it, eventually deciding he wasn't going to ask.

Rob pondered for a small moment and spoke again as he watches Jordan's facial expressions thoroughly. "Don't get too concerned handsome, I'll let you know before I decide to leave. I don't know though, you're giving me quite the reason to stay. " He leaned back as he waits patiently on his barbecue.

He gave a bashful smile, it was thin and hardly visible but it was a smile at least. It was strange, the more time Rob spent with Jordan, the more comfortable the latter felt yet there was still hesitation. Despite the closer Rob tried to get, there was always something blocking.. something in the way. Something only Jordan knew about.

"I- I'm sure I'm not the only reason... right?" he said quietly.

Rob offered a light shrug towards the man in front of him, his smile slightly fading. He winked at him and chuckled a little. "I mean, I haven't necessarily gone out of my way for many others since I've been back so at the moment? Yeah, you are. That's not a bad thing in the slightest." He winked at him and chuckled a little. Jordan flushed a bright red once more, hiding his face behind the menu. It was a sad attempt, but at least he tried.

Rob leaned forward and pulled his menu down from his face. He offered a charming smile towards him. 

"C'mon, don't hide yourself away from the world." He pat him on the side of the face as he took his menu and leaned back once more, still smiling towards him.

“S-sorry. It’s a habit of mine…” Jordan gave an embarrassed and shy smile. He didn't really know how to react, but something about Rob just made him super shy and self conscious, even more than before. He began to eat as well, occasionally glancing up at Rob almost as if trying to figure the other out. Rob chuckled a little and eventually finished his sandwiches. 

"Maybe we can change that in time. Smiles that light up the world like that are meant to be seen." He winked as he stood up, placing a handful of creds on the table to pay for his and Jordan's meal. "I'll see you 'round J. I'm gonna head off to the pub. Have a feeling I'll see you there." He grinned and walked over. He leaned down and planted a smooch on his cheek then waltzed out in style.