Jordan's Writings

9 months, 11 days ago
9 months, 11 days ago
10 7895

Chapter 2
Published 9 months, 11 days ago

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Jordan visibly flinched from the man's. Not enough to be super noticeable, but enough to show that wound was still quite tender. He turned to Mr. Clean, eyes emotionless once more. “Yes, sir. What can I get you?”


He obediently poured a glass of whisky for the patron. You could tell Jordan was tense and almost twitchy. Not only because of wanting to be out there helping his boss, but also the memories of the previous nights flooded back in. He bit his lip, which was now red from the frequency again. He quickly excused himself from the bar and shuffled out the back door.

Upon shutting the door, he collapsed to the ground. Well, he actually leaned against the wall and slowly slid into a sitting position. His heart was racing and his head hurt. What was this? He looked at his palms, they were clammy and cold. His breath was uneven, ragged, as if struggling for breath. His heart pounded against his Ribcage so much so it felt like it would break. A… a panic attack?

Jordan’s vision blurred. He couldn’t tell if he was imagining this or not. Eventually enveloped in darkness, he was alone. It was silent, deafening in a way. Then in the dark a voice boomed: "Attempted murder of a Judge, a crime punishable by Death. How do you plead?" The latter words echoed for a few seconds, lingering like the smell of smoke. He wanted to scream. He was guilty! GUILTY! GUILTY! GIVE HIM DEATH! KILL ME! Despite this, he stayed silent like his voice was choked out, smothered.

He curled into a ball, it was really all he could do. All these words boomed throughout the darkness, it was like a chamber. It seemed to get louder and louder each time he took a breath. The don approached him, emerging from the darkness. He opened his arms, beckoning Jordan for a hug. Jordan reached forward, desperate for some relief. CRACK! The ground gave way, he plummeted, hand still outstretched to the don, who simply turned away. He left the poor boy with the phrase that struck deep like a knife.

“Put your ego aside and take the consequences of your actions. I’m disappointed.”

He was alone. Again.