Jordan's Writings

6 months, 9 days ago
6 months, 9 days ago
10 7895

Chapter 9
Published 6 months, 9 days ago

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Author's Notes

Compilation of responses from myself and another person. Replies have been tweaked for a better narrative.

The First Date.

Kokoa Gym

Iconic Jordan, he forgot to call. Although, Rob's number was saved as a contact in his phone. He was focusing on using his legs on a dummy. He stopped, glancing at who approached him. The mechanical eye made a shuttering sound as he quickly identified Rob. He reddened.


"I don't reckon I got your name, handsome," the man replied, sipping his milkshake. The man grinned as he listened.

"I- er, I have your- information?" Jordan stammered, not really knowing how to react. He remembered a few days ago but this time he did not have a bar or even a hood to hide behind. "Jordan. My name i-is Jordan."

The man grinned as he listened. 

"They call me Robnarg, but you can call me Rob, pretty man." He reached out and gently took his hand and lifted it upwards. He kissed it and then released it. "Whatcha trainin' for hm?"z

Tomato red. That's basically what color Jordan's cheeks were, as well as the tips of his ears. He wasn't used to this kind of attention, especially since his last unrequited love ended quite suddenly. He shifted his weight on his other leg, scratching the back of his neck."I- um, just trying to get back into shape.." Jordan muttered.

Rob chuckled ever so slightly and leaned down to set his shake down on a bench beside him. Rob had a grin on his face as he looked upward towards Jordan. "C'mon J, I can't understand you when you're all flustered and muttering. Did you say back into shape?"

"Y-yes," Jordan replied, biting his lip, his anxious tick. Rob could tell he was trying to scan him, unfortunately there was no information on the man. This made Jordan even more nervous. After all, humans are afraid of things they don't know.

He offered a brighter smile at the man and pat him on the shoulder. 

"Maybe you should try and get to know someone every once and a while instead of looking at a background check." He chuckled as he removed his hand from his shoulder. "Don't let me slow you down then on that training. If you need any tips or advice I got your back." Rob turned and picked up his shake then rotates his head towards him.

"Oh, and when you're done practicing if you'd like to go for some lunch let me know. I'll be here."

Moichi and Mac's Dinner Shack

Rob walked in with Jordan and took a seat at a round, wooden table. 

"Hey Moichi! Could you bring us a menu?" 

Jordan sat down across from Rob, looking around. He had never been here before. Well, truth be told, he hadn't really explored much of Lancer City besides downtown and the valley.

Moichi looked at Rob, then at Jordan. She raised her eyebrows and snickered, understanding the situation.. Rob’s rizz finally worked. She made a few animal crossing noises and waddled over to the table and puts a little piece of notebook paper on the table containing the menu. The two men ordered.

She nodded, not writing the orders down cause she's fucking awesome and can remember them. She snickered again and looked at Rob, getting up on a step stool so she could reach the top of the table and placing a candle on it, lighting it and then waddled off.

Rob chuckled at Moichi's select humor. What a funny gal. He rested his arms on the table as he leaned forward slightly. "So J, how long ya been working at the Goodfellows and known the big man?"

The tips of his ears reddened upon Moichi’s humor and the candle. Upon Rob leaning forward, Jordan leaned back. It was instinctual as he often avoided contact and just became a part of him.

“Er.. I’ve been working at the Goodfellow a few years now..” he paused, thinking about when he first joined. “I met Sir about.. a year after I moved to Lancer City. So.. 5 or 6 years.”

Rob took note of Jordan's slight unease and leaned back into his chair for now. "Huh. S'pose he's been doing well for the most part I hope? I don't see him too often and before recently not in a while. I just recently came back here after...several years maybe? I met him along my travels some years back and was surprised to find him here. Nough' bout the big man though tell me about yourself handsome."

"Yes.. he's been doing quite well. Especially now that Eden and Zen have entered his life-" Jordan's cheeks flushed again. It seems that his focus was lost and now the emotions came flooding back to him. "Eh.. um... w-what do you want to know?"

"I dunno, anything really. Before tonight I don't suppose I've gotten to know a whole lot of people well." The other scratched his head slightly. "I kinda just go around smoochin' people. That is, till I met you of course."

He raised an eyebrow at the smooching people, noting it for further reference. He was acutely aware of humans and their ability to backstab, which kept his guard up enough to prevent further damages to himself.

"Well... I guess I used to work as a mercenary before coming to Lancer City," he remarked. The mechanical eye whirred softly. 

Their conversation was briefly interrupted by Moichi's appearance. She walked in with their food, struggling to get on the step stool for a second before finally achieving her goal. She carefully set the food on the table, and a glass of wine, hopping off of the stool and walking away.

Rob looked into the other's mechanical eye. "Huh. Would've taken you for a net runner not so much a mercenary. I respect that." He shook his head at Moichi's tomfoolery and grabbed his milkshake and burger. He took a bite out of his burger and swallowed before speaking again. 

"I had a friend once who does mercenary work. He got too invested into it honestly and I haven't really talked to him much since."

Jordan nodded, ignoring the cat's antics that served them but did give a little nod of thanks. He nibbled on the salad, obviously he didn't eat fast or much. Noticing Rob's gaze lingering on his mechanical eye, he thought it would be best to explain.

"Ah, yeah... the mechanical eye was made by a friend. Well, my original one was," he said quietly. "Lost my real eye during an undercover mission."

Jordan paused, getting a notification via his mechanical eye. He stood up. 

“I-I need to go. Something is going on..” He said quickly. He grabbed his things and bowed to Rob apologetically before running out. He did also mutter a thank you to Moichi.