Jordan's Writings

6 months, 10 days ago
6 months, 10 days ago
10 7895

Chapter 6
Published 6 months, 10 days ago

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Author's Notes

Compilation of responses from myself and another person. Replies have been tweaked for a better narrative.

The Arena.

Jordan, unsure on how he managed to travel here, entered the large colosseum. His bartending job didn’t allow him much practice in the area of fighting. He found himself lacking both in physical strength and confidence in his skills. Perhaps signing up to take on someone here would held him, either to improve or build his confidence.

He looked up at the TVs, observing the most recent fight. Mmmm…. Maybe he wasn’t too sure about this anymore. But he’d be a little bitch if he backed down now, so he weaved through crowds, searching for the sign up area. After signing up, he was taken to the locker rooms and got ready.


Jordan scowled, walking out into the arena. He was seen wrapping his fists with tape to soften the damage done to his own body. He didn't appreciate the title, but couldn't really do anything about that. His opponent, Delta, entered the arena. He said nothing as small talk wasn't his thing, as Delta should've known. He appeared to be observing his co-worker.

The fight bell rang.


Jordan ran forward, vaulting over Delta. He surprisingly caught some good air, flipping over and planting his feet square on the other's back. He pushed hard with his legs, sending them both in opposite directions and hopefully making his opponent off balance. He ducked as his opponent went for a low swipe, sweeping his leg around and catching the other's legs, throwing them down.

Jordan tripped but slid into a roll, regaining his footing as he faced Delta, albeit with one knee down to the ground for stabilization. He coughed, swinging back and grabbing Delta's leg. He threw him against the arena walls. Delta recovered and uppercut Jordan.

He tanked it, although his vision blurred in his organic eye. Luckily for him, his mechanical eye still sees quite clearly and he was able to grab Delta's wrist and hold it upwards. He proceeded to gut check him with his knee. He managed to get at least an arm in the way, dampening the blow that came next from Delta, but he certainly felt that one. He released his grip on Delta's wrist, jumping back to gather his breath.

Delta, seeing this opportunity, rushed forward.

Jordan quickly side stepped, kicking his leg out and letting Delta's own inertia take him down. He smashes his elbow down on Delta's back after the robot trips forward. Delta returned with a flurry of fists. Jordan grunted, putting up his arms and deflecting a few of the blows. One hit him directly across the nose, causing crimson blood to trickle from it. He ducked, grabbing Delta's waist and suplexed him, proning both of them.

The robot grabbed Jordan, swinging and flinging him into the wall.

"Urk!" Jordan crashed into the wall, collapsing. After a few stunned seconds, he stood up, wiping the blood from his nose. He spat onto the ground. He appeared much more durable than one would've thought from his small frame. His mechanical eye buzzed, letting Jordan scan enough to know Delta was also feeling the after effects of their bout. He ran forward, albeit a little slower than at the start of the first, and gut checked Delta once more, hitting the same spot as the previous one. With his other arm, he slammed his elbow down on the robot's shoulder.

He grunted as the other's blows hit him in the side, spitting up blood. He then strategically spat up the liquid, directly into Delta's eyes. As Delta was temporarily blinded, Jordan kicked upwards, giving the robot some decent air, before catching his arms and slamming him into the ground.

Jordan gasped, getting the wind knocked out of him. He still held onto Delta's arm, suddenly biting into it and wriggling himself free. He slid away to a safer distance. He coughed up more blood. Delta could leave after fighting him, right? He stumbled to his feet, holding his side. There was still a fierce light in his eyes. Although wincing in pain, he flipped forward and stood on his hands. His legs wrapped around Delta's throat, scrunching his up his abdomen, Jordan smashed the other into the ground. He had surprisingly strong thighs and they threatened to choke the other out.

Delta smashed his back with Jordan into the wall, causing the man to release his grip and pinned him to the wall.

"!" Jordan hated to lose, but he was reaching his limit. He gritted his teeth. Would he rather keep fighting past his limit and pass out or admit defeat before it got worse? He glared at Delta, suddenly using the being pinned to the wall to his advantage. He lifted his legs, using both to kick Delta full force backwards while also using the momentum to climb up the wall to an extent. He leaped off, landing quite heavily on the prone Delta.

Delta blocked some part of the attack. His instincts kicked in and all he thought is to defeat its opponent. He quickly charged full force at Jordan and uppercut him, sending him flying. Jordan rolled across the ground, and it wasn't a graceful dodge roll. He laid on the ground. His entire body was on fire. It's been a hot minute since he'd actually fought and this certainly wasn't an easy warmup. He forced himself up, a small pool collecting beneath where his mouth was.

He spat onto the ground. "Fuck."