Jordan's Writings

6 months, 9 days ago
6 months, 9 days ago
10 7895

Chapter 8
Published 6 months, 9 days ago

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Author's Notes

I have compiled both my replies and other people's for this narrative. I did not write parts of this. I have also slightly tweaked the responses.

Zen is Jordan and Eden's mother figure. The Don is their father figure.


"P-p..p..pan... k-kic? W-wha..." She didn't like this. She didn't like this at all. Her wires flashing harsh pinks over and over as she gasped and struggled for breath that a plant shouldn't need to. Was this what drowning felt like? She could clearly hear the sounds of high Marshall outside now shooting and then beating a man to a pulp.

Eden was so distraught that not even tears would come accept pure acid droplets in neon green color. She was in full blown panic mode and any sounds started to sound distant as her eyes dialated. The lack of oxygen to much to bear as she suddenly bit Zen's arm as she began to flail around in her arms. As she started wheezing. How could one man make her feel so much fear she felt like she was dying?

Zen didn’t flinch from being bitten since her arm was metal, but she did loosen her grip seeing that Eden was struggling to breath. “Eden please, just focus on my voice. I know you’re scared… take slow deep breaths. Please try.."
 Jordan approached Zen. 

“Is there anything I can do, Zen? I understand what she’s going through.. I want to help," he offered.

"Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!" Eden repeated, wheezingly screeched out as she gnawed on Zen's arm. Shredding the metal off with what little baby teeth she had left.The acid from her eyes dripping and burning anything it touched exactly like the chemicals from the underground sewers.

"Leave dad alone! Leave him alone! Dont hurt! Don't hurt! Don't hurt! Bad! Bad! Bad bad!"

She felt like her little sprout self again. Unable to move or say anything. Unable to affect or do anything. She felt stuck, suffering, drowning. Her writes continued to flare as small sparks if fizzled around her chest where her core was. The emotional distress of such a traumatic even returning to her was excruciatingly painful.

Jordan paused, thinking about what she did for him. It really just took time. He grabbed one of Eden’s arm, popping out his eye and sending a good zap. It was fine if she sucked the power out of it, hell, she could destroy it. All that mattered was to keep Eden calm and make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.. He moved enough to not get the acid tears.

“Eden! EDEN! Pumpkin!” he called, trying not to yell too loudly.

No no no no no no no no! It hurts! Its hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts! Make it stop!

Why did it all go dark again! All the pretty colors were gone! Nothing but the screaming of people and the pounding of flesh. Gunshots and crunching of bones. The most notable was how she could HEAR how the Don's bones shattered under impact from the high Marshall. Her vines were attached to him then. She FELT his body go cold as he was pummeled and lost blood. But the worst part about it? A stupid plant couldn't do anything about it.

Eden's wheezing and repeating mumbles turned into a full on scream. As she flailed even harsher then before with strength a small child should absolutely not have. Her Wires turning from pink to full blown neon glowing pink. Her shredding of Zen's arm would of continued had it not been for the zap of electricity from Jordan's eye. Her wires flicked in recognition at the little zap.

To her it was like a shot of light in the deep scary darkness she was drowning in. She went from shredding Zens arm to eating Jordan's eye. Begging for that recognition once more. If only a patron hadn't mentioned the High Marshall in this moment. Eden screamed again as she started to claw at her herself and now bite at herself too. Turning to anger at herself for in her deep darkness being unable to move.

Jordan held Eden’s arms away from herself and sent another zap from his eye. It was suffering heavy damages but he still had connection and was able to send a consistent pattern of small zaps. "Eden! Eden, please we’re here right now. We’re in the pub. Zen is here. Big brother Reggie is here too. Brother Sun.. we’re all here.”

Eden has gone absolutely feral as she screams bloody murder, due to Reggie's size and strength she is unable to flail nearly as much as she did in Zen's arms which made it easier for Jordan to grab her arms away from herself. She still was attempting to bite at herself though. The sound of her jaw snapping easily heard within her screams. The next zap had a lesser effect but the zap was enough to give her ground to try and chase it. 

Once more she chased that familiar zap and eden full on ate Jordan's eye. Biting it and gnawing on it harshly, beginning to crush the poor eye. Another zap came through and eden slowly started to stop flailing but still trying to bite. Her tears grew heavier now and her screams returning to wheezing as in this vulnerable state she looked for the one comfort she had. Zen watched helplessly, unable to even think of what she could do. Even if she knew, she was impaired now and just stayed silent as the don finally arrived.

“Shit..” Jordan winced as the connection began to fade. The eye was durable enough so it could give a few more consistent zaps before ultimately succumbing to the damage. He looked at the don, who had just burst through the door.

The don's eyes find eden as he heard the screams from a block away. He held her close, whispering to her, and burying her face in his chest, with his hand on the back of her head, he delivered those all too familiar, comforting zaps. He dropped to his knees, exhausted and bruised... the blood drying on his clothes. His only focus was speaking to his sweet baby girl, wanting her to feel better. He ran his fingers through her hair and falls silent... holding her close.

Jordan himself collapsed right in front of the don after Eden was passed to him. He was sweating since he had never exerted that much electricity before from his eye. Due to the eye being run on the electrical currents in his brain, that were amplified, he was lightheaded and dizzy.

Each weakening zap from Jordan's eye did a little to help ground Eden enough that sounds were starting to come back to her. They were muddied and extremely dull. Like being deep under water. When the familiar feeling was lost she started to panic again as Reggie gave her to the don.

In the Don's hands his daughter was trembling, shivering, wheezing, gasping, drooling and teary eyed mess. Poor Jordan's eye completely crushed in her mouth as pieces were left due to lost teeth. No parent would ever want to see their child in such a state. It truly looked as if she was dying. She barely responded to any movement or whispers until those familiar zaps returned. The original ones she loved and held so dear. Those comforting spirts of energy that reminded her that she was alive that her father was alive. That everything was going to be okay.

Her trembling began to slow as she gained enough cognitive abilities to claw as her father's shirt and cling onto him like a barnacle onto a rock. The scent of blood only validated her father's life. The soft whispers finally being heard now as her senses started to return to her. She started sobbing heavily with disgusting hiccups as she curled into the smallest ball she could in his arms.

It was a slow painful process of finding reality again and eden had slowly quieted as her breaths finally began to stabilize.

"Dad....I don't want to go outside anymore...." she so weakly whimpered out to him. Her voiced harsh and crackling as she spoke. Her tiny body now limp but holding on in his arms due to the harsh shock she'd just received. There was no happy smile, no bright light in her eyes. Just dull fear of the world outside. All because of one man.