Jordan's Writings

9 months, 11 days ago
9 months, 11 days ago
10 7895

Chapter 7
Published 9 months, 11 days ago

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Author's Notes

Compilation of responses from myself and another person. Replies have been tweaked for a better narrative.

A Friendly Spar.

Kokoa Gym

Jordan hopped into the ring. Unlike Kay, he definitely was introverted and less apt to talk openly. He seemed all business-like in that way.

“Would you like first hit… Kelvin?” It was unnerving he already knew the other’s name.

Kay looked disturbed to have his name spoken without introduction.

"Sure I'll take what help I can get. Ummm..." He paused waiting for a name.


They both bowed and got into fighting stances.

Kay took a breath and like a piece of rebar snapping from too much weight, threw a crescent kick at Jordans head. Jordan used his arm to lessen the blow but due to this he couldn't hit back. The two paused.

"You alright man? I umm.. I didn't mean to hit you so hard," Kay asked, a little concerned for his opponent. He got no verbal response, just a nod. Kay slowly found his groove again working with his human punching bag. Counters are coming faster and harder. Jordan appeared to just stay still, tanking the hits rather than attacking. After a brief lapse, Jordan countered the attack with a round house kick to the face.

Kay having grown far too confident takes the kick full in the face. "Oh no that's my money maker." His eye flickers through colors before settling back on green. He threw another punch, though still mildly distracted by the blow to his face. The other easily parried. Jordan swung his leg, connecting with Kay’s side.

Kay grunts unused to pain and barley keeping up with the cardio of a fight. Jordan, taking advantage of Kay’s lack of practice, kneed the other’s gut. His opponent grunted in pain. His hands shot out lighting fast and in a moment of pure wild survival he attempted a head butt. 

Jordan side stepped. He backed up, suddenly sprinting forward and doing half a summersault. Using his momentum he wrapped his legs around Kay’s neck, swinging back down into a handstand. With this, he used his core to fling the man into the ground, flipping back into a standing position.

Kay's world flipped upside down. One minute he was there toe to toe actually fighting again and suddenly his view went sailing. The ceiling became the floor and the floor crashed against his back and head. The air when flying out of him and Kay rolled onto his side wheezing holding one hand up.

"I'm done you win," he gasped.

After recovering, he looked worriedly at Kay. “Sorry, that was a little rough for your introduction, wasn’t it?” He held out his hand to assist the other in standing.

Kay gratefully took Jordan's hand.

"No no your good I got really way too aggressive at the beginning for you to have not reacted." Kay looks more ashamed at his own lack of restraint than anything else. "Where did you learn to do that last move by the way? It's a banger!" Jordan nodded, smiling faintly. He helped Kay up. 

"I… made it up?” He said quietly.