Dictionary of my Heart

1 month, 25 days ago
1 month, 25 days ago
18 16265 1

Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 25 days ago

Ameokk tells August various Storm Speak words over the course of ~9 yrs, despite September urging (conditioning) them to forget them, and despite their own twisted emotions over many of them. Part of them wants to forget too, but half in guilt and half in spite, they refuse to. August helps.

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Intro / some other context

Hi, putting this here for a bit more context than the summary blurbs of lits allow.

So most of these chapters are pretty short. majority range from 100 to <1k. but there's a few between 1k-2k intermixed. Though I try to make all of the chapters operate as oneshots (as in, there's not a 2 or 2+ chapter arc with any of these, but some chapters may reference earlier chapters/events.

The chapters are meant to be read in order, and all happen chronologically in this order, more or less. (Except Tejak, which takes place after Ketet. its the only one I placed out of order for narrative purposes. also because it was the first thing I wrote for this and it just felt right.)

**these chapters don't reflect EVERY stormspeak word Amek has told Aug ever jsyk. I'm cherry-picking words/scenes for narrative purposes. Especially since the latter half of this lit starts time jumping like years ahead instead of days/weeks/months like the earlier chapters.

oh yeah also, you absolutely don't need these to read/understand/enjoy this literature, but here's the pages for storm speak language cipher and grammar rules

^^^ that's all the essential info. More me rambling on my thoughts below. VVV

This is a bit of an experimental piece, and the most... multichapter thing I've written recently (things I've written of this length bfr had much less chapters I mean haha). I would like to say the disjointed energy of it was on purpose, and it partly was, me trying to reflection August+Amek's confusion and struggle with this all. However, this was ALSO written off and on over a period of maybe 5 months, so good deal of disjointedness can be attributed to that I believe. I've gone back and revised older things ofc but also lol. The thing that ties all these chapters together is just Amek telling Aug a stormspeak word tbh. tho I tried to add some overarching narrative a lil bit I'm not sure how successful I was lmao. I had never intended for this to be an entire 16k.

also frankly some chaps r a little less polished than I want bc I just wanna be done with it now eeeugughgh. it's fine.

I've also started to realize I'm disliking writing amek+aug as much as I enjoy writing Hyun (and her circle), which I THINK I've identified to be a result of... most of my current aug+amek fics being just 1-on-1 horrific angst sadness convos between the both of them LOL...... which this lit definitely does have, but I've also tried to insert some happy times + other char cameos here and there to mix it up. Moreso towards the end of the lit, bc that's when I had this realization haha. The first half of the lit is mostly a bit depressing/bleak on purpose bc like... that is kinda the place aug+amek are in unfortunately

I also could have and probably should have inserted more scenes with Garv + july + june in this. but I'll be so real I'm tired of writing this thing and I wanted to get it done bfr I go on field camp in the summer ...........  also the constraint of this lit being 'amek tells aug a stormspeak word every chapter' severely limited the kinda scenes I was able to write tbh. Like I gotta emphasize brutus + july only appear/speak in one chapter (javyyerak and kheekjak respectively), and September is in like uuum . 3 chapters I think lol (koryerm, avkretymet, ketet). And garv in 2 (koryerm, kemerkykhov)