Dictionary of my Heart

1 month, 26 days ago
1 month, 26 days ago
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Chapter 17
Published 1 month, 26 days ago

Ameokk tells August various Storm Speak words over the course of ~9 yrs, despite September urging (conditioning) them to forget them, and despite their own twisted emotions over many of them. Part of them wants to forget too, but half in guilt and half in spite, they refuse to. August helps.

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Author's Notes

Aug is 22 and amek 24 here

if this seems like a wild tone shift from the last chapter, that was partly intentional. I'd also originally intended 2 other chapters to go along with this (between kormuma and the final chapter) but once again I ran outta steam for this literature frankly LOL

Javyyerak: the most acerbic glare he could muster

Ketet: a swear

Tejak: sing

Tuyyan: sorry

Kuom: loud

Ja: signifier to make something more

Vettuj: red

Araverej: forever-rain, or rain/storm that seems never to end

Yamnay: flyer, friend, companion 

Kheekjak: sibling

Yamkeek: False sibling

Erttusha: and insult for a mean person, ass-mouth

Ummak: art, collage or combining

Korkemkers: mind-splat, meditative diary

Kesuvkortyaa: storm spirit, beings of storm

Avkretymet: creatures, dim-er in keyaa

Metermaery: disappear

Koryerm: core hurt, core pain.

Kemerkykhov: plant used to traditional storm spirit foods

Kykykanot: the popping/sizzling quality of Kemerkykhov

Kormuma: those within a pod bond

Not often did August watch Ameokk’s Diamond fights, (they made his heart beat so fast he feared he would lose his lunch) but he’d recently been going to the ones where Ameokk fought Brutus. Because they didn’t fight each other seriously, not anymore atleast.

He was pretty sure.

Still, as he sat in his reserved compartment in the Diamond, his hands were wrung tightly together in his lap. Occasionally, probably to calm himself, his focus drifted to the decorations of the compartment instead of the fight at hand.

The open-window to the arena was itself diamond shaped and outlined in a rich, dark green, Doa’s color. It was the same color as the sofa he was sat on. Likewise, the arena itself was diamond shaped. Really, all the diamond-symbolism seemed a bit overkill to him (and it made him a bit antsy, being Doa’s prophet as he was. Doa was said to preside over every fight, and he wondered if he watched all that happened in the diamonds, not only the fights).

It was then that a flash of golden keyaa-light drew his attention back to fight. Brutus’s vine tail lashed out and only barely missed Ameokk, but the sight still made him wince.

The crowd roared in volume with every gash made, particularly so when blood splattered across the silver sands. When Ameokk made Brutus skid across the arena and slam into the wall. When Brutus stopped Ameokk from flying away by a vine suddenly snapping onto their wrist.

They were having fun, he reminded himself, digging his fingernails into his skin. This was fun for them.

Though he could see it clearly in Ameokk’s eyes, and in their grin (it was a real grin, not one of their fake ones), he still found it hard to believe that anyone could enjoy… this.

Once the fight was done, he forced Ameokk to go to the healers.

Whaaaat, come on, Aenhas,” They whined, as August quite literally pushed at them. “I’m not even that scratched up.”

“Literally untrue.” Unfortunately, Ameokk was 6’5” and built like a brick house and August had twigs for arms, so they didn’t go anywhere.  He sighed, and tried a new tactic, his Disappointed Voice. “Ameokk.”

Though he stiffened, he remained annoyingly steadfast. “I’m fine, I – “

He tried something else. “You’re being –  this is erttusha behavior.”

Ameokk gasped, “erttusha –  why I –  that is not,” they pointed at him, “the proper use of that word and you know that!”

August could tell he wasn’t seriously offended. “I mean,” he shrugged, “I think you’re being erttusha right now, so?”

“No, no, no, no,” they waved their hands, “hold on. There is a better word for this. I’m not hokking erttusha.” Their tail swayed as they thought for a moment. “Now what would…”

It was then that Brutus happened to walk down the hallway. It seemed she had already been bandaged up by healers on the opposite side of the Diamond. Her limbs were wrapped in bandages, the high-end kind patterned with UjajU’s eight petaled flower to encourage healing.

Xe called out to Ameokk. “Going to the healers for once? Hokking finally.”

 They hadn’t heard hir in their concentration. “Got it!” They clicked yes thrice in excitement. “Javyyerak! It means someone who’s annoying to convince to do things. I’m fine being javyyerak but not erttusha, okay, oh – “ They noticed Brutus and waved. “Hi Brutus. See, Brutus is a perfect example of javyyerak and erttusha.”

Brutus stopped dead in hir tracks, expression blank with confusion. “Excuse me?”

August couldn’t help but snicker.

“Basically, I’m saying that you suck.”

Xe only sighed. “Alright. Know that I would hit you if I hadn’t just got myself bandaged.”

“You’d hit me still if you weren’t a coward.”

Amek,” August tugged on his arm, “stop antagonizing Brutus, let’s just go to the healers, okay, please? Can we do that?”

Aeeeeenhas I said I’m fin – WAH – “ Brutus grabbed Amek by their tail and started dragging them towards the healers. “BRUTUS.” Their feet skidded on the tiles, and they were forced to walk backward so they didn’t fall over with how Brutus was pulling at them. Xe was going too quickly for Amek to properly turn around and bat at hir, though they did try.

August bent over in laughter at the sight.


He shook his head, still laughing, then once he’d collected himself slightly, trotted to catch up to them and walked beside them. “Oh no, I’d do this to you if I could.” Glancing ahead, the healers were only a few doors down now.

They glared at him.

“We’re almost there, right?” Brutus asked.

“Uh right, yeah –  stop. Right here.” Xe let go, causing Amek to wobble and nearly lose their footing. “Thanks, Brutus.”

“Hokk you, Brutus," Ameokk said.

“Mm-hmm, bye.” Seemingly done with both of them, Xe turned and started walking away.

Once Brutus was gone, Ameokk pouted. “You know, just because you got me here doesn’t mean I’ll go in.”

August gave them the most acerbic glare he could muster, the kind of glare that could make a 6’5” kirjnhas wilt. Which, they did. “If you love me, you’ll go in.”

Ameokk turned away, wrinkling their nose, “That’s cheating…” but did indeed walk in.

He shook his head and followed after them.