Dictionary of my Heart

1 month, 26 days ago
1 month, 26 days ago
18 16265 1

Chapter 13
Published 1 month, 26 days ago

Ameokk tells August various Storm Speak words over the course of ~9 yrs, despite September urging (conditioning) them to forget them, and despite their own twisted emotions over many of them. Part of them wants to forget too, but half in guilt and half in spite, they refuse to. August helps.

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Author's Notes

Aug is 14 and amek 16 here

Metermaery: The words were more spat than spoken

Ketet: a swear

Tejak: sing

Tuyyan: sorry

Kuom: loud

Ja: signifier to make something more

Vettuj: red

Araverej: forever-rain, or rain/storm that seems never to end

Yamnay: flyer, friend, companion 

Kheekjak: sibling

Yamkeek: False sibling

Erttusha: and insult for a mean person, ass-mouth

Ummak: art, collage or combining

Korkemkers: mind-splat, meditative diary

Kesuvkortyaa: storm spirit, beings of storm

Avkretymet: creatures, dim-er in keyaa

“You – you don’t have to do this fighting, do you?” August followed after them down the corridor, the unsheathed claws of his paws clacking incessantly against the tiles. “Some of it, I know, because you –  you’re Kirjnhas now but –  this seems – “

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s – ”

They stopped to face August, whose gaze was locked onto their arms. Onto the scarlet gashes that lined them.

Despite some being half scabbed already (though there was a warm trickle of blood down their elbow) August was looking at them as if they’d gotten their arm ripped off instead.

“It’s not fine!” He reached out almost to touch, but merely hovered. “At least go to Garvey, please. It’s…“ August continued but Amek didn’t pay any mind to the words, all they could see was their eyes, so wide and golden in the dim light as they flicked between their face and their wounds.

He looked as he did when he was trying to convince someone of something. They supposed he was, in a way.

His voice, tight and worried, raked against their ears. His tail was thrashing, a rare sight.

A disconnected, curdling feeling built in Amek’s core. It felt acidic and thrashing, barely contained in their chest as it was.

They wanted him to be quiet. They wanted him to stop talking.


As intended, the sudden word stopped August’s spiel. “Wha, met, what?”

They pointed to the wounds, and their voice was steely, but the worst part was they couldn’t find it in themself to care. “They’ll disappear, all of these, in two days tops. I’ll be no worse off. Disappear, that’s what Metermaery means.” Then he added, an oily grin forcing itself onto his face that didn’t match the sound of his voice, “One of the perks of being a storm spirit, you know.”

He was hoping a word would distract August, maybe get him off all of this, but that was a stupid hope.

For some reason his gaze only hardened. “Okay so they’ll disappear, that doesn’t mean you should… duel others for no reason –  just because the wounds disappear doesn’t mean they you know, that it all goes away.”

That horrible thing in their core thrashed.

They stepped towards him. “That is precisely what disappear means, Aenhasvus. It goes away.”

Now closer, the sight of August’s eyes on their own pierced through him. They wondered if he could sense that thing in their core wishing to lash out. They wondered if it would be better for both of them if they let it.

What Amek said next, It was cruel, but he wanted to say it because he knew no one would understand.

And he didn’t say it with the careful enunciation he normally gave August. The words were more spat than spoken, a mishmash of noises that no doubt sounded as beastly as others thought storm spirits to be.

They stepped into August’s space. “Teranha keutasetab moserjs-an bha metermaery, hos erkserant-bham." Then, a bitter mirth crept into their voice. "...Oju veran mosekk-bham, bommubat-an1*.”

“I don’t. I… “ Those golden eyes blinked, wide and wavering, and his tail tucked around his leg. He looked as he did when their mother went on her spiels, and suddenly, Amek felt ill. “I don’t understand.”

Though they knew that, and said it knowing that, now they wished they had never opened their mouth.

“I know. Listen, I’m tired, can we drop this.”

Author's Notes


“Teranha keutasetab moserjs-an bha metermaery, hos erkserant-bham. Uja veran mosekk-bham, bommubat-an” 

Jsyk i half rewrote this because I wrote the actual sentence months ago and couldn't figure out what one of the words retranslated into <3 that word which I've now removed. The worst part is the word I removed was italizied so it was probably the whole point. if this literature has taught me anything its always write the translation even if I think I'll be able to retranslate it later.

AND ALSO as I'm writing this description, I had to rewrite the part after the comma bc I couldn't figure it out once again <3

Anyways this means "Maybe sometimes I don't want them to disappear, but they always [and forever] [will]. One day they won't, I suppose.".  brackets are implied,  bham is future tense, compared to bha which would be present tense and bhat for past. See storm spirit grammar rules in the pippaf world if curious for more. "One day they won't" <--- as in, when Amek dies he is saying.