
5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 10 months ago
5 477 1

Entry 2
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

Mild Violence

The different works of poetry I have written for my own characters and others'.

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Author's Notes

Written for zero-two's character Devon.


Are you man, woman, or monster?

You cannot tell, for violation corrupts deep within

For so long your flesh belonged to them

Bleeding, oozing a web of sorrows

But now your fate has flipped in your hands

Now their bodies are yours, their souls spill like the blood from their heads

Clawing and thrashing, who are you?

A whirlwind of emotion and energy

A hurricane of power and a steadfast soul

Or perhaps you are merely a sorrowful human

For you who were poor became rich

But you who were deprived are now depraved