Evergrim level ups

4 years, 4 months ago
4 years, 12 days ago
23 13061

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

level ups :3

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490 + 80 overflow

Princess C1 150 + 25

Princess is a sweet cat, she enjoys making sure her family is happy and taking care of them when life gets a little too chaotic. But after a sudden unexpected change in, well everything; she’s not so sure anymore, she tries her best to comfort them but… who’s gonna comfort her? She’s sure that this scary castle they just moved to has gotta be haunted, she hears mysterious voices saying strange things in the night, but for some reason no one else can hear them. And she sees things that certainly aren’t normal. Being one of the few cats who wasn’t raised there she actually knows that torches are supposed to burn out, snow is supposed to melt and halls don’t move. But sadly only one cat believes her, his name is Pierce, everyone else thinks that he’s crazy but Princess knows that he’s onto something, they just have piece together the evidence properly. She generally carries a worried expression after moving to Evergrim, and is becoming increasingly jumpy as the weeks go by, if this keeps up soon enough she’ll be too paranoid to trust even herself. She’s a very large cat weighing just over 20 pounds, so back home she felt like she could put up a pretty tough fight if anything happened, but here where there’s stuff like ghosts and magic she’s unsure of herself and her abilities. There are a few cats that are covering it up but she and pierce are just waiting for their moment when they slip up and everybody will know the truth.

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Pierce and Ace are siblings, they grew up very close but have grown further apart as they pursued their own interests. They still both live at Evergrim and see each other usually at least once a day but don’t spend every second of every day together like they did as kids. Ace started hanging out with the other cats and her brother just made things awkward. So Pierce got a new hobby which turned into an obsession, they’re both sad that they don’t talk to each other much, but want to make sure that the other has space. Pierce can disappear for days without Ace freaking out, and while he’s gone he doesn’t think about her a lot, just focusing on the task at hand. They still love each other and get nice bonding moments where they just snuggle and talk, but the time between those moments is getting longer and longer.

M3 100


M3 115
