


8 years, 30 days ago


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Name Mercutio
Full Name Mercutio De Serio
Nicknames Mer, Lovebird
Age Young Adult
Gender Male
Species Kamishiba
Type Gravity
Designer GhostFlare
CSS Eggy


"Love looks not with the eyes"

The De Serios are a quiet family, they mind their own business and cause little trouble in the nearby village. The head of the family is known well but his husband remains a mystery.

With a bold, beautiful pelt, many expect Mercutio to be equally as bold and vain but that is far from the case. Mild mannered and timid, Mercutio is rarely seen and even rarer heard. He's a kind tempered soul, preferring to care for other kamis and animals over himself. He is not the most talkative or outgoing of Kamis, rarely develging information about himself and often very cautious of strangers' intentions towards him. Skittish as deer, he's easily frightened and his recent blindness has not helped. His Touch of Solas trait - Blind of Truth - has the very unhelpful habit of activating when he is embarrassed, startled or frightened. Which means to say it activates quite often in public.

Known for his bleeding heart, Mercutio is often seen nursing sick and injured wildlife back to full health. He is also known for being unable to turn away a child in need. Whether they need a family or just a place to stay for the night, Mercutio can never deny them - thanks not only to his kind nature but also his desire for a large family. Many will take advantage of his kind nature and the fact he will never fight back to defend himself, he’s frequently the target of bandits and cruel individuals who just wish to hurt others.


  • Wild Animals
  • Baby Kamis
  • Grooming
  • The Wilderness
  • Gardening


  • Violence
  • Crowds
  • Storms
  • Being pressured
  • Being the centre of attention


Feral Height 1.4m
Gijinka Height 1.57m | 5' 2"
Blood Colour Baby Blue
Build Slim and small
Posture Meek
Palette Reference
  • EYES: Common Round Pupil + Abnormal Coloured Sclera (Light Blue)
  • TAIL: Common Average Size
  • HEAD: Common
  • HAIR: Uncommon Head Tuft
  • PADS: Common One Coloured
  • EXTRAS: Rare Cheek Overgrowth + Ultra Rare Shaped Chest Overgrowth + Ultra Rare Shaped Paw Overgrowth + Touch of Solas (Blind of Truth)



Mercutio’s life is quiet… As Quiet as a life with two young children can be. He spends his time caring for his children, tending their farm and helping injured wildlife when he finds them. While his life is busy, he wouldn't wish for it to be any other way.

Since Skyla's disappearance things have been turbulent in the household. Mercutio silently blames himself while Harper is loudly sure that she is dead - and blames Salvador for it. The twins seem unaware of the growing tension between Salvador and Harper which is destined to explode soon - and Mercutio tries to keep them in the dark about it. He believes that Skyla is still alive and that one day she will come back, he just needs to be patient.


Once known throughout the Gloomy Forest for their beauty, vanity and their cruelty, the Li Santis family was never liked but always talked about in fearful whispers.

Mercutio was born to Rosaline Li Santis and her husband. A beautiful but weak child, born with strange eyes. He was shunned by his family, hidden away from sight due to his horrible eyes. Forgotten and barely fed, he grew weaker and smaller by the day. Eventually, hunger drew him out. He slipped out of the mansion through an open window, stumbling along until he collapsed in a small clearing. He expected to die at such a young age but the friendly face of another child appeared, one who shared their lunch with him. The bigger, healthier child was Salvador; a young guard in training for the travelling caravans that had stopped nearby. The two boys quickly became friends, spending whatever time they could in their small clearing. Salvador’s visits were somewhat regular; the first week of every other month.

But outside of these short visits, Mercutio was alone. The villagers violently rejected him, the local children throwing stones at him as if the mere presence of a Li Santis would bring danger upon them. In his family home, he was at best ignored. His father was never present, he never knew where he was apart from the fact that his mother disapproved. And his mother… Rosaline had become exceptionally cold and violent towards him, often times forcefully blindfolding the child so she wouldn't have to look at his eyes or locking him in the basement with the talking statue that haunted and terrified him.

The only thing that kept him going was his time spent with Salvador, the only friend he ever had. They grew into teenagers; Salvador filling out and growing into the strong and noble warrior expected of him while Mercutio stayed small, slim, and boney. His mother's treatment of him became worse and worse. He broke under her treatment one day, fleeing to the sanctuary of the clearing. The creators must have been on his side as Salvador was there when he tumbled into the clearing. He sobbed into his friend's chest, confessing everything that had happened to him, everything that his mother had done to him. Salvador was furious but not at him - never at him - at his mother. He promised to take Mercutio away, that he would take him with the caravans so his family would never be able to happen. With his foolish heart, Mercutio believed him. He promised to wait in the clearing until Salvador returned. He waited a day… Two days… A week. Several weeks passed but there was no sign of Salvador. His heart shattered. Salvador wasn't coming. Rosaline appeared, furious at him, and dragged him back to the mansion with an announcement. Until this point, Mercutio had largely avoided the family ‘Traditions’; namely the arranged marriages. But that was all about to change. Rosaline had found a poor soul who would be his wife. He had a few seconds to glance at his future wife before he was locked in his bedroom.

He was left alone in his gilded cage with nothing but his thoughts. The taste he had had made him realise there was more to the world than the harsh walls and rules of the family mansion - a lot more. It showed him that he was more than what he could offer others, it showed him that not everyone was cruel and wanted to use him… Even if his best friend did abandon him…

He made a plan or at least the skeleton of one. That night, right before his own arranged wedding, he broke his bedroom window and climbed out onto the roof, escaping into the night with a few cuts and bruises. He fled south, towards Thundra where he found a small, abandoned shack that he claimed as his own. The locals of the nearby town were wary of him, not because of his family origins but simply because he was a stranger, Mercutio found that he could handle that - he would be wary too after all.

But even as he built a life for himself, the shadow of his family still weighed heavily on him. His dreams were plagued with images of his mother and what she would do to him once she found him. He was jumping at shadows, each one shaped like a kami to him, ready to drag him back to the forest. It began to eat away at him. He became more and more nervous, barely leaving the shack, avoiding the town and not speaking a word to anyone. Eventually, Mercutio's fragile mental state broke. He packed the few things he had and left once more, this time he returned to the Gloomy forest. He couldn't tell you what he planned to do once he got back to the mansion nor why he was even returning, in his state he wasn't really thinking. But he never reached the mansion. When he came to the clearing he once claimed as his own, there sat his best friend who had abandoned him, Salvador.

Mercutio was furious at first, angry that Salvador could just turn up again after leaving him so harshly. But the other did not give up on him even in the face of the iciest cold shoulder Mercutio could manage, he stuck with him, protecting him, caring for him just like when they were kids. The two wandered away from the Gloomy Forest and Mercutio was secretly thankful for that. With Salvador’s constant care and apologies, he begrudgingly came to forgive him. But then it got worse; he fell in love with his best friend. He knew that his friend would be disgusted with him if he ever knew - the strange statue had told him that and his mother made sure to beat into him that such affections towards another male were disgusting. So Mercutio kept his feelings to himself but they ate at him. Everytime Salvador gave him that small smile, the one that was for him alone, his heart swelled and he wanted to confess. He was so scared of being abandoned again but found himself caught between a rock and a hard place; losing Salvador or struggling to keep his feelings down. For a second time he broke and confessed his feelings, pretending that rejection wouldn't shatter him completely. But no rejection came. For Salvador - somehow, for some reason - returned his feelings.

They built a new life for themselves. They bought a small farm in Sunset Seaside, growing crops and caring for a few animals. After a while their home felt a little too big for just the two of them. They talked at lengths about what to do before they came to a mutual decision; they adopted a child. Harper was the perfect addition to their small family even if it took the child a while to assimilate. Just as they were getting used to their small family, it suddenly and rapidly expanded. A young child was left on their doorstep, an abandoned child in need of a home. One Mercutio happily supplied. Then it was revealed that one of his old friends was actually his half sister - revealed thanks to their mutual Half Sister. The farmhouse was full of laughter and warmth.

Then Mercutio was blinded during an attack where he tried to protect his children from a strange Kamishiba. Skyla took it particularly hard and ran off after an argument with Harper. It took a while and a lot of soul searching but Harper eventually brought his sister back and Mercutio was so grateful to have both children safe.

He began to become accustomed to his new life without sight. The family expanded again, a wish from him and Salvador had taken form in two eggs. He cared for them until they hatched when he allowed Harper and Skyla to name the two children.

Pepper and Echo brought a new form of chaos into the household but still Mercutio was happy and content. The large family with children running around and his sisters coming and going all the time was not something he would have seen for himself when he was just a child weeping in the basement but he didn't wish to live any other life.

But the past rarely stays down where it's meant to be. Once more he was attacked. This time his attacker smelt familiar. It was his mother - or rather a Lopdiemis in his mother's body. And not just any Lopdiemis; the one that had been sealed in the talking statue from the basement. She intended to kill him to fulfil the deal his mother made with the Lopdiemis. Before she could complete the deal, Skyla saved his life - by exchanging her own. Within only months, his daughter was taken from him. He refuses to believe she is dead, he will keep hoping for her safe return until he takes his final breath. For now he continues to care for his family.








Skills & Abilities


Before he lost his sight, Mercutio loved to read, particularly he loved reading to his children. It was his idea to learn Braille, something for him to be able to do without Salvador fussing over him. It took him a while to learn and he is still unable to read more complex books.

Animal Handling

Animals are always naturally at ease around Mercutio. He loves all animals and enjoys caring for them. Most animals seem to listen to him, somehow understanding him no matter how wild they are.

Medical Care

Cuts and scrapes happen often with young children and illness is a guarantee. Mercutio is skilled enough with the art of medical care, while no doctor he can still put a plaster on a cut and cure a case of keema no problem.


Most of the cooking in the family home is done by Salvador - even before Mercutio lost his sight. Mercutio prefers to cook to preserve for later rather than cook a full meal. He spends his time making chutneys and jams and pickling things.


Collection of Paintings [Momento]

A collection of paintings done by his children. They range in size and quality. Even though he can't see them, he still adores each one for the thought and displays them proudly.

Sea Glass [Momento]

A pouch with pieces of sea glass. Mercutio has collected them from the beaches during his time in Sunset Seaside. He used to find them pretty but now without his sight, he finds them soothing to touch and play with.



THEME: Red Lorikeet
HOME: De Serio Household, Sunset Seaside
OCCUPATION: Stay-At-Home-Dad
BIRTHDAY: September 5th
VOICE: Bambi


TAROT: The Hermit
STONE: Selenite
FLOWER: Peony Bashfulness
CELESTIAL OBJECT: Laniakea Supercluster


  • Mercutio has many allergies but his most severe allergy is to shellfish
  • He is completely blind
  • As he was not born blind, Mercutio remembers what a lot of things look like. He misses the stars the most
  • Mercutio is underweight
  • He has a weak immune system and gets sick easily






His world, his light, his soulmate. Mercutio would be lost without him. He has endless patience for his husband's overprotective streak and general bull headedness. He loves Salvador with all his heart.




His eldest and first adopted son, Mercutio has watched him grow from an insecure child to a capable adult. While he wishes his son would not resent his Father so much, Mercutio is proud of Harper - no matter what.




Even though Skyla has been missing for a while now - and presumed dead by many - Mercutio will always refer to her as his daughter. He misses her greatly and hopes for her safe return - or sometimes, just any sign that she is still alive.




One of his biological children born from a wish. Pepper and her sister were an unexpected but welcomed surprise. She's a smart young girl, always noticing things others miss yet always takes the time to tell him about what she has noticed.




Echo was an unexpected surprise. Full of energy and wonder, Echo brings a happy energy with her… But Mercutio can sometimes find it exhausting to keep up with her. He developed a type of sign language with her, one unique to the two of them so they could communicate despite his blindness.




His little songbird. Othello is always sleeping alongside Mercutio or with small birds and rodents resting on him. Othello is gentle and understanding, never once causing problems of any kind.

Half Sister



Learning that his old friend was actually his half sister was less of a surprise than it should have been. He has always seen her as a sister figure so the leap to half sister was not that great. She always appears when she is least expected but most needed, Mercutio is unsure how she does it.

Half Sister



Loud, boisterous and unapologetic, Kanaya is so far from Mercutio that it's hard to see that they are related at all. But Kanaya is more than her negatives, she's incredibly family driven and always drops everything for him when she senses he needs her help.




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What was once his mother is now nothing more than a vessel for an evil Lopdiemis. Bastet hunted him down as part of a bargain his mother made before giving away her body. She took his daughter away from him and he fears one day she will return to kill him.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.