3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
15 2934

Chapter 14
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

choose your own adventure 2020

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Prompt 14

Prompt Fourteen

A kumpanni runs up to you from the border of the desert, chittering frantically. What do you do as it paces about?

1: Ask the kumpanni questions to figure out what's happening.

2: Follow the kumpanni to wherever it leads you.

3: Ignore the kumpanni and go about your merry way.

4: Chase the kumpanni away, you have better stuff to do than deal with it.


Hydra, Choice 1

Almach, Choice 2


Prompt Fourteen Results

Choice One: Frustrated the kumpanni throws 100 pine cones at you and scurries off. What was that about?

Choice Two: You are led to a creature who was hurt that the kumpanni clearly wants to help. With a sigh, you carry the creature to wherever the kumpanni leads you to treat it.