3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
15 2934

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

choose your own adventure 2020

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Prompt 6

Prompt Six

A lost cub comes up to you, crying about monsters in the forest. What do you do about it?

1: Take the cub back to its parents, ignoring the monster comment.

2: Take the cub hunting to distract it from its fears.

3: Go monster hunting with the cub.

4: Leave the cub somewhere safe and go search for the monster alone.


Hyperion, choice 3
The thrax blinked at the burr he had acquired and looked down at the tiny cub, stupefied. Why in all the gods did it come to him? Finally, he extracted just what the little twerp was wining about and frowned. Monsters? The only monsters in the woods was him, but maybe it'd do the little cub good if he saw that for himself. After all, when you're running from monsters, you find a bigger monster.

Hydra, Choice 2
Hydra peeked around, searching for the source of the crying and worrying about the poor cub that was making the racket. She heaved a sigh of relief when she found him and gently shushed him, giving him a little lick and a hug to settle the poor thing down as he explained what he'd seen and heard. Well, that was easily fixed, though she doubted there were any monsters in the forest. Instead, she gently extracted where the cub was from and took him on a little hunting trip to help the cub focus on something happier before she took him home.


Prompt Six Results:

2: While out hunting, the cub trips on a half concealed burrow. You two dig it up and find a bunch of pine cones. After splitting it, you take home 50 to add to the others.

3: The cub leads you to where it had seen the monster only to realize it was a far less scary creature when they're not alone. The creature, amused by you both, offers to tag along with you until you can return the cub home.