3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
15 2934

Chapter 15
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

choose your own adventure 2020

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Prompt 15

Prompt Fifteen

The sun is setting and there is a stronger chill to the air, reminding you of the coming winter. What are your plans for the last days of autumn?

1: Gorge on all the food you can before hunting becomes too difficult.

2: Find a partner to spend the long, cold nights with.

3: Find a pack to hunt and rest with to pass the lonely days with.

4: Enjoy the last of the warmth with long sunning naps.


Almach, Choice 3

Corvus, Choice 2


Prompt Fifteen Results
Choice Two: Guess you're going to need some pine cones to buy the things you need to spoil that partner with. How does 100 pine cones sound?
Choice Three: Looks like you'll need some stamina or something to keep up with this pack. They offer you an enhancing berry to help with that.