3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

choose your own adventure 2020

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Prompt 3

Prompt Three:

Tonight is the night of the full moon. But it's not normal, this one is a deep orange hue. What do you do on this night?

1: Stay inside because the veil is thinner tonight.

2: Go on a hunt, using the light of the moon - orange or otherwise - to guide you.

3: Seek the company of others, safety in numbers after all.

4: Keep a vigil lest a spirit come your way.


Day 3 - choice 1
Max shivered in the night air and stared up at the full moon, then immediately shook his head and scooted backwards back into his tiny cave. It was cramped and had probably been nothing more than a fox den, but no one could get him in here. There was only one exit, after all. Maybe if he covered his ears with his paws, he wouldn't hear the strange noises either?

Day 3 - choice 4
Hyperion shook himself as he climbed out of the water and looked up, loosing a deep breath. The cooler the night, the calmer the thrax felt and he tilted his head curiously at the strange color in the sky. He wondered what it meant, then shrugged. Whatever it was, it was a sign of strange things to come and he moved through the shadows until he found a good vantage point to rest and watch. Who knew what would be apaw soon...


Prompt Three Results:

Choice One: Somehow over the course of the night, something passed by and dropped a strange berry at the mouth of the den. Is this the rumored berry said to enhance a gran? (you won a stat berry)

Choice Four: The vigil was long and uneventful, so as the sun comes up you set out to find something to drink. Not far from your den lay a pile of 100 perfect pine cones. When did they get there?