3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

choose your own adventure 2020

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Prompt 4

Prompt Four:

Late at night there are shrieks in the distance, they don't sound quite right. What do you do?

1: Go and see if you can help the one(s) shrieking.

2: Stay inside and leave them to their fate.

3: Go out with the intent to end the shrieking one way or another.

4: Go back to sleep, they're not that noisy.


Hyperion Day 4 - choice 3
The thrax tossed his paw over his ears with a growl as Astra slept right through the racket. The shrieking continued and even went to a higher pitch before Hyperion finally heaved himself up and out of their little cave. With a snarl, he went to find who was making that infernal racket and silence them. If someone needed to be saved, he'd do it if he had to.

Hydra Day 4 - choice 1
Her ears pinned at the shrieks, but Hydra resolutely followed the sound. If someone was in danger, she was more than capable of trying to help. Sniffing cautiously, she didn't detect anything wrong and moved faster when the sound turned strange. It was too late for it to be a simple children's game, right?


Prompt Four Results:

Choice One: It's a good thing you went to investigate, the poor animal was caught in a trap. After freeing it, the creature asks to pay its debt to you by living with and assisting you.

Choice Three: The noise does out in a gurgle before you can find it. All you manage to get is a berry that supposedly boosts a gran's capabilities. (you got a stat berry)