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Entry 7
Published 5 years, 6 months ago

A collection of Memories.

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Author's Notes

13 seasons old

Icy Voices

The Mammal ship was still warm, but he had gotten used to it. He would wander around, despite the dangers of running into the crew members. There were only two that knew he was here. And they had, through long dragged out attempts to explain, finally gotten through to him about how important it was to stay hidden.

But he didn’t listen.

He was bored.

So exploring he went.

He found so many weird little rooms. Many of them were far to warm, but a few were freezing. It was confusing. So he sat in the cold room for a while. Watching his breath glitter as he breathed. It was as he sat there, that he started to hear things.

Floran voices.

  <“Thisss isss the one that looksss like Floran from Queen'sss visssion? Thiss?”>


He tilted his head, his breathing slowed as he listen. The second voice sounded scolding, while the first sounded upset.

  <“you ssshould give the little one a chance.”>

More voices chime in. He couldn’t listen to them all, but it sounded like arguing. None of them sounded happy, except maybe three or four of them.

The air was clouded now. Was that his doing? He saw shapes in the icy mist. They looked like Floran. They moved slowly. Shapes mixing and churning. He rubbed at his eyes, to try and clear some of the fog.

And they were all looking at him.
Eyes were glowing.

  <“Floran iss sssorry!”> He felt as if he had done something wrong. They were gone the moment his voice warmed air. Now he hear other voices. The sort of voices he had grown used to on this ship.