
Mar Show More
6 years, 1 month ago
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Entry 8
Published 6 years, 1 month ago

A collection of Memories.

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He's 18 by this point. Like, just turned 18. It's after the Winter Solstice. Which is when he adds on his years. So, I guess December 21 is his birthday.


“Mar! Hey, we’re over here!” The red-ish Hylotl, named Ushi, waved to him. Some other students also waved.

He jogged over to them, sitting in a seat near the Hylotl, while the others laughed. Snow was falling this whole time, and the spot he had sat in was probably cold. But he was to cold himself to notice.

“The hell, Mar?” A human student, Mar couldn’t remember his name, “what are you doing in stuff like that in the flippin’ winter?”

He glanced down at the usual pelts he wore, “Flor-Floran wearsss thes..sse.” The pelts might be wearing thin, but he hadn’t outgrown them yet. So why bother changing them out?

Ushi began to freak out a little, “You’re gonna freeze!” They tugged off their own weird puffy plastic jacket, then on his arms. Making him stick them out.

The jecket felt weird, and he decided he didn’t like the weird stiff platic-y sleeves. The inside was scratch too.

An Apex student, Ellen, “Hell, Ushi, you’re a fish. You’re gonna freeze faster then Mar.”

There was a loud shuffling of coats and arguments about who would get cold faster.
He grinned at the confusion.