VOK event 2021 prompts

3 years, 20 days ago
3 years, 12 days ago
8 7947

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 20 days ago

For the sky and sea event

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Day 1 Main Prompts.

Land prompt: Day 1B

Everest grew up with a very serious air about him. Taking a no nonsense attitude with him as taught by his father, but even a serious soul like his yerns for the comforts and relaxations of the peaceful world they strive towards. The appearance of the chains and strangers before the two lands shook many to theit core. Only a few ready to take the stand to become a hero. Everest certain in his training stepped forward almost immediately. His shaky footfalls deaf to his high held head. The pounding heartbeats that threatened to tear from his chest only echoed the drums of war that would soon become a reality. The threat of the returning titan no longer a tale used to urge young cubs and kits to behave. Although he grew up amongst the sea Everest had never gained the traits of his finned brothers and sisters. Perhaps the gods would bless his journey into this battle ahead so he may earn gifts of honor to show for his deads. Gifts that would at last bring a smile to a gruff and battle torn elder that he calls father.

The day had been long as the strangers from land finally made camp, the curious few mingling in with the cats and lions alike while it seemed the fox and hyena warriors were few and far between. Watching from the sidelines he spotted a few that seemed lost or uncaring of where they were. Back fur bristling at the thought of them helping in any way, but he was ordered to stand by and not cause trouble, no matter his opinion of the matter. As the crowds thinned out Everest did make the frightening discovery of young cubs in the mix, what sort of idiot would drag ones so young into this mess he wondered as he approached. The cubs were an odd pair, their fur dappled in the colors of sunset and moonlight yet they're closeness called for a litter bond. At his approach the young ones seemed to cower in on themselves, the one made of purple hues standing protectively before his brother. "YOU'RE NOT MOM STAY BACK!" Shocked by such a furious yowl he had yet to notice the equally vibrant lioness that appeared from behind. Her eyes trained on his frozen forn and ready for the no existant attack. "And who might you be?" She asked shocking him back into movement.


Sky prompt: Day 1C

The appearance of the lioness although had shocked him out of his stupor he had yet to reply. "I-I am Everest of the Sea Bracket. One of the many appointed hero draftees that hope to defeat the titan. I apologize for any distress I may have caused these cubs. It is just that this is no place for children." Bowing slightly in greeting his reporting tone took over as he hoped to sooth the possible wrath of the mother before him. As jer whiskers twitching she simply huffed in reply, pushing past him to examine and groom her cubs. Watching this action Everest couldn't help but remember his own mother.

She was of the sky as much as his father was of the land. Sure the two factions rarely got along leading to the titans rage in the first place, but there must have been something from there that led to their meeting. The wooing not last long until he and his siblings were born, each blessed with gifts of their fathers blood except for him. Born quite litteraly a blank slate for his father to mold into the perfect hero. His memories and time with his mother was short, yet sweet. Her caring voice chased away countless nightmares and harsh words from his siblings. He may have been blank but it was simply because he was a canvas that had yet to find its author. A story for him and him alone to write and realize. A story that his father declared would be that of the foretold heroes. If he would have told his younger self where he would be now the young cub would have looked upon his form with wide and wonderfilled eyes. Unable to see the broken soul that sat within the soldier before him.

Shaking himself from those thoughts Everest realized that the three had yet to leave his side. Waching him carefully as he took in a deep breath before he turned to leave.


Pausing he turned to look at the lioness. Her paw curled around her cubs protectively as she looked almost pleading, "You are right that this is no place for cubs, but had they stayed behind I fear they would only be in more danger. I ask you to help me protect them."

Shock was all Everest could describe his reaction as. Who was this stranger to ask of him such an important task. Did she have to pride of her own to seek help from that he seemed to be the most suitable option to choose from?! With his silence the lioness had seemed to assume his refusal, ushering the cubs away as they complained. "I will help. Only if you in return you become my sister in arms." Everest what are you thinking!! His mind seemed to scream. Watching as a small spark of hope is rekindled in the eyes of this stranger. Her stance returning to one that held confidence that she had seemed to lack not a moment before. "All I would have to do is battle correct? Nothing I have not done before for less reasoning."

Before him stood a mother that would do anything for her cubs and for a split second it was not a lioness, but a frail young hyena standing in front of the world for her cubs. A soul that would willingly sacrifice themself for the promise of a better future for the younger generation even if they themself would never live to see it. Tail down Everest simply nodded in reply, "Then follow me. We can plan further at my camp."


Sky prompt: Day 1B

The journey to Everest's tent was a quite one. That is until the smallest cub of nightlight spoke up, "Your one of the heros everyone is supposed to help right?" His voice small and quite compared to the hustle and bustle around them. "You could say that. Many of use have trained for the day one would be needed. Until the titan is defeated we will never know who the true heros are." Nodding as he seemed to accept that answer the cub was suddenly called back by his mother, "Dido I told you not to run off. Stay with me and Cher please." As the cub returned to his siblings side, who Everest assumed to be Cher, they had just so happened to have arrived at the tent set up made by the hyena. "There is not much room but you and the cubs can have the tent. I will be training for  awhile so you may get comfortable." Bowing before he turns to leave.

After a rough and bruised training session Everest returned to find only the cubs curled up and asleep within the den. Their mother on watch outside the tent. "Unable to sleep?" His voice seemingly bringing her out of the trance she had fallen into, "You could say that." Settling near her to join in the vigil they sat in comfortable silence as the creatures of the night began their activities. "Cath.."


"My name, is Cath. I suppose I should have shared it earlier." The lioness confessed. Still watching the horizon or perhaps something that lay beyond. "I knew a hyena once. I suppose that is why I was drawn to asking you for help before anyone else. Had you not approached I would probably be under a bush somewhere." Everest only listened. Having the feeling that any reply would only lead to more awkward silences. "I understand that you have trained years for this day but if there is anything I can teach you in return for this kindness never fear to ask." Amd with that the strange lioness, no, Cath arose from her spot and entered the tent. Joining her cubs and leaving Everest with only more questions and honestly nithing he could consider an answer that didn't raise more than they answered. The days before the battle will be confusing ones for sure. If only he could ask the gods for a clue.
