VOK event 2021 prompts

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
8 7947

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

For the sky and sea event

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Day 2 Main Prompts.

Sea prompt: Day 2B

What does it mean to be a hero? If the people around Everest had the opportunity to share their opinion he knew something along the lines of strength or sacrifice would come spilling from their jaws. Always ready to decree what makes a hero without putting it to the test. Although to be fair a test could not be nade considering the end goal of the said hero. It would be out of their control to create a dummy titan to test on. Everest himself has been told over and over again in training how he should behave l, how he should think, feel, and even how he should eat. Now faced with the titans looming approach he is faced with something he has never truly dealt with before, it was always pushed away as unimportant, and that would be his fear. Was he truly ready for such a task and what if he was not the hero that legends foretold? Would his training be for not? Would he even be welcomed back home if so...

As these thoughts swirled through his brain he was unaware of Cath's approach until she hesitantly layed a paw on hid back, "You alright there?" Receiving only a sharp nod in reply. "Not to be a rude guest but I don't quite believe you." Watching him intently for any change no matter how small.

"It is nothing. Just a useless distraction. I shall simply patrol, that should ease my nerves" attempting to stand and leave Cath only applied more weight to the paw, not enough to hold him down but and anchor keeping him rooted, "You are afraid."

"Hogwash I am no-"

"Being afraid does not make you weak. It is a survival instinct given to you in times of crisis. Do not deny your fear." She interrupted. Looking over to the tent where her cubs slept soundly, "Fear keeps you safe and fuels you when you think you can't run further. Without fear your senses are dulled to the space around you. For if you don't fear would you dodge an attack, not the fear of injury driving you?"

Everest only sat in silence as he mulled over her words. In truth he had never thought of it in that way, never given the chance to see it any other light. Although  still plagued by fear he finally made the connection that even heros can be afraid.


Sky prompt: Day 2C

The day was a calm one with all things considered. In Everest's opinion it was just the fabled calm before the storm, a day of peace before it would be ripped from the grasp of everyone around them. As he lay resting the sound of hurried pawsteps alerted him to someones approach. What looked to be one of the patrol soldiers calling out to anyone who would listen, "The titan approaches!! Don't you hear it!" The soldiers voice fading as they ran further into the crowd. With those words it felt like ice had been stabbed into his pelt. He knew the titan was growing closer, everyone has watched the waves grow larger and more animated then they should without a storm, but hearing seemed to shatter the safty he hadn't known was present. Murmurs of worry had already begun to spread throughout the camp, a few voices decreeing that they were still unprepared only amplifying it. As a few seemed to be forming a scouting party. Without thought Everest immediately rushed forward, as a potential hero he would need to see what he was up against if the scout had been truthful. Although he knew they would have had no reason to lie. Standing amongst the guards and other would be heros he was surprised to see Cath join him. The lioness returning fron just ushering her cubs to stay within the tent until her return. "You didn't think I would stay here did you? You may be a hero but I too would like to see just what you all have gotten us into." A smugness he wasn't used to lacing her tone, perhaps a hopeful distraction to the growing dread that surrounded everyone.

The journey was a long one, of course had the titan been within the cliffs viewing distance there would be no need for a scouting party. The scouts of the sky had flown ahead to find which direction the beast was coming from. The soldiers of the sea helping those who could not swim nor fly out on their own. The spray of sea foam had already begun to crystallize on the pelts of those within its waves. Cath hissing out something about the chill of the water as it soaked into her fur. Everest unfazed by the temperature of his home, but finding a small but of humor in the growing darkness. After some time and a few leaving for land once more the sky scouts had returned. Their fur fluffed and standing on end as they guided the group in the direction of the titan. Its looming figure hazy on the horizon. Until they grew close enough to make out the details without giving away they position. After reading and being told countless times about the beast it compared nothing to the feeling that now ensnared the group. Fear was a scratch compared to the wound that terror now clawed into their hearts. How was one supposed to defeat this thing? Were the tales of designated heros nothing but a salve for the healing of hope? Would they need to evacuate the lands, and where would they even go.

"Gods protect us..." Cath prayed softly as she faced the danger to everyone, the danger to her cubs of which she had always promised would never face the hardships she had. Everest joining her in a mock vigil as everyone sat in silence. Watching the shadow of the titan grow ever closer. They would need to report its movement as it was horribly easy to see just how little time they had left.


Land prompt: Day 2C

The scouting party had left what felt like hours ago and both Cher and Dido were growing antsy. They had promised their mother that they would stay in the tent but surely it would be alright as long as they stay in camp? "Cher are you sure this is okay? What if mom gets mad?" Dido whined as he followed his brother, not wanting to be left alone in the tent. His brother in question ignoring him as the young lion ran around the tents and other soldiers. Ever since they arrived here Cher was absolutely amazed by the different lions around him, never seeing wings or a fin on anything other than the birds and fish. Finding a small group of younger lions and hyenas that appeared to be doing something similar to the cubs. Curiosity driving them to meet the strangers before them.

"Oh hello there!" A scruffy looking hyena greeted. His back fur littered wth feathers that seemed to shimmer in the suns light almost seemed to hypnotize Dido as he only stared with wide eyes. "How did you get feathers?!" Cher spoke up with excitement, hoping that he too could get some. Earning only a laugh from the stranger at his antics, "You can't get them you have to be born with them. I have feathers because I'm from the sky silly land cub." Amusement laced in their voice, but a bit apologetic as he seen the sad look that crossed Cher's face. "Do all the sky folk have feathers?" Dido asked, still entranced by their beauty. "Hhmm, no I wouldn't say everyone but most of us do. Like how most of those from the sea have fins. Its just how we grew to live in our respective lands." With a few glances at the group the hyena seemed to come up with an idea, "would you like to visit?"

The chain that led up to the sky city was large. The links almost impossible to imagine the crafter, and how big they must have been. The hyena and few others had led the way as Cher and Dido followed, a bounce to their steps. "So how do we get up?" Cher asked, nearly flying on his own with how hard was vibrating with excitement.

"Well it would be easier to fly up but the chain is pretty easy ro climb, don't worry we'll be right with you." Standing next to the cubs the hyena from earlier grinned. With that said the trip was quite strenuous for the cubs, their small steps not helping the climb, but the view at the top worth it. The height reminding them of the mountains of home, but with less snow and wind that would freeze ones fur sideways. The city was in there opinion, beautiful. The golden rays of the sun reflected of the buildings and widows in ways that made the place feel almost dream like. Time spent exploring its pathways spent in joy as both Dido and Cher forgot for the moment that a battle was soon approaching. That was until the voices called out the return of the scouting party, "Mom is gonna be so mad, we were supposed to stay in the tent", Dido fretted outloud. Sensing the sudden shift their friend looked to two winged companions and nodded, "Don't worry about that we can get ya back before she even knows you left. What do you say about a quick flight?" Although nervous Dido had to agree with his brother when Cher screamed out, "WE GET TO FLY?!!!" If only Cath knew how much of a handful her cubs are.
