VOK event 2021 prompts

3 years, 20 days ago
3 years, 12 days ago
8 7947

Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 15 days ago

For the sky and sea event

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Day 5-6 Prompts.

Sky prompt : Day 5A

When Everest had first heard about the oddities happening around camp he didn't give it another thought. Chalking it up the increased waves from the approaching titan or the wild imagination of the new land folk. That was until he was faced with the crazy events first hand. He was just following with one of the many patrols. Making sure no rock golems had decided to rage another fortified attack without warning. While it had started out normal a yelp of confusion echoed out behind them. Turning quickly as he had thought someone was under attack he was further confused by the sight before him. The fox that had joind the patrol, their dark and almost oily fur color was now replaced with a bright purple. The dog examining his pelt as if it had magically appeared, and with explanation Everest soon realized it had. No matter how much the fox tried to wash the color off it didn't seem to go anywhere. As if the color was always there and didn't just change this fox for life. Everest himself holding a slight but of worry that he too would suddenly be the owner of a brand new pelt of color.


Sky prompt: Day 5B

Magic is used in both the realms as not everyone is born with ability to breath within their respective homes. Everest himself having to use such magic to live beneath the waves of sea kingdom. Knowing that others often couldn't breath the thinner air of the sky. Magic was also brought by the strangers in their own form. Bringing the ability to control or bend elements to their will. Others bringing magic in the from of weapon summoning, and similar actions. Now however it seems that magic has gained a mind of its own as whirlpools and sudden fur changes plague the camps. Wild magic, as some have begun to call it, seemed to have no reason or logic surrounding its outcomes. Doing what it wishes, and whenever it wished, no matter the consequences caused.

In his youth her perhaps would have found himself drawn to the mysterious and intricately woven spells taught by the mages of the realms. Their actions watched with youthful excitement at what they could do. Now older however he can see just how complicated the world of magic could be. One wrong pronunciation or out of date ingredient could lead to disastrous side effects. Some theories were already out and about that the young apprentice from the sky city could be the cause of all this chaos. If true at least it would mean that the titan didn't hold such magic. If it was this crazy already who knows what could happen when the titan itself arrived.

If Everest was given the chance to learn magic today he would most likely decline the offer. In knowledge that the craft takes such time and dedication he knows that he far past the time where he could reasonably master it before his elder years. If it were not such a complicated process he did consider learning if not just to counter the chaos before him. Watching in not to well hiden irritation as yet another was suddenly cursed to float away. The lion flailing in the air as a few of those blessed with flight carefully steered them back to the ground where Everest stood waiting with a rope. If he had to tie down one more after this he may just scream. Thankfully he hadn't been cursed with any of the chaos himself. Still on the ground and with the pelt he was born with that at least was comforting.


Land prompt : Day 5A

When the magic started Cath was immediately suspicious of the chaos unfolding before her, but wasn't all that worried at first. Watching as a few complained about their new colors or the whirlpools that prevented them from visiting the sea. Some of these spells seemed to cause nothing but stress and irritation while a few could become disastrous if no one was around to help. Already having a small panic when Dido had begun to float away. Holding him down now safely in the tent she was discussing with Cher on why it was best to stay inside today. If he too began to float at least he wouldn't fly off into the unknown. The wild magic was worrisome to say the least. She could just hope that it wouldn't grow stronger upon the titans approach. If they have to fight the creature while also combating the magic that now seemed to flow freely and wild.


Glancing down at Dido she could see him struggling and failing to escape her grasp, "I don't think I'm floating anymore." Even if it was true to her sons embarrassment the lioness did not plan on letting him go anytime soon if she could help it.
