VOK event 2021 prompts

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
8 7947

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

For the sky and sea event

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Day 3 Main Prompts.

Sky prompt : Day 3A

When the first rock beasts appeared they only ranged in small, but anoying little menaces so in all honesty Everest and the other had let the assorted soldiers and patrol guards handle them. No one had gotten more then a few scratches or bruises from the fights so there wasn't much of a worry. Focued on ther things and more pressing matters such as the report from the group who saw the titan itself. Planning ways to set a trap or barricade that may slow its arrival. One member suggesting that the small rock golems could be used to perhaps find a weakness that they may share with the titan. If one could be found it could turn the tides of this battle its their favor. As Everest finds himself sucked into the strategy side of the discussion only Cath and her cubs were paying enough attention to notice that the waves of once small rock golems where changing. To their shock a much larger stone form rising from the waves and moving up the beach. A determined pace that was headed towards the camp where everyone had only been expecting small forces, many lacking the armor that would soon be needed.


Sea prompt: Day 3B

Training for Everest did not begin upon the arrival of the strangers from the land. It started much earlier in his life. Sure the beginning weeks were spent as a normal cub, playing and worrying over nothing except for when food would arrive. Well fed, warm, and happy was what he could describe his life as. That was when he lived with his mother amongst the people of the sky. He could still smell the ocean breeze as it drifted with the wind brought up from below. He had always adored the tales of his soon to be home. The day he had to leave his mom still breaks his armor plated soul. She knew he would have to go. His pelt was born plain, and that alone was considered a sign that he was a chosen. His pelt and plainness decreeing him a hero of legend. After that he would only know the waves of the sea and the harsh training to come.

After he arrived beneath the waves his father wasted no time. Putting in the training pits almost immediately. Even if he still felt sick from the sudden transition and magic that allowed him to breath amongst the coral. The battles were harsh and the disappointment when he failed even harsher. Often he found he would associate a weapon or soldier for his father in his mind. As he knew him in no other context. Until now he had never thought of it as strange, only knowing this life, but now he would agree it was no life. He wasn't being trained to survive this battle but to ensure that no one would look down on his line. That his father would be praised for having such a strong and heroic son no matter his outcome. He fears that if he does not survive this battle his father would not even care. Seeing it as a noble sacrifice for their cause. He can only hope that if he fails there will be another to save those still in danger.

"Everest this doesn't look good." Snapped out of his thought process the hyena turned to see what Cath was speaking of. Shock lacing his system as he too was brought to the realization that the once small rock golems would be no more, or few and far between. As the rock brut readies an attack so does Everest with a loud and alerting cry.


Land prompt: Day 3B

The moment Everest's battle cry rang out so did the cacophony of noise of battle. Swords and sharpened claws alike crashed and grated against stone as the few prepared made room for those not to escape. Dashing further into the camp to warn and gather their armor and weapons. Cath had joined them at first, wanting to ensure that both Dido and Cher would be safe, before she returned with a rage of a mother defending her cubs. The brutes and additional rock golems moved slowly, but what they lacked in speed they made up in power. Watching as a full grown lion was easily tossed away from its opponent. Everest called out to the few who had been in charge of the small golems, "Did you find anything on the smaller ones that might make this easier?!" Ducking under a thrown stone as it flew overhead.

"If you can disconnect them from the main body somehow they can't reform. We think there maybe a magic essence keeping them moving but not necessarily together. Perhaps going for more forces over those that can regenerate." A small winged fox theorized as she circled around one of the beasts. Jumping onto it from behind and worming her way under the stone that made up the beasts head. With a crackling of magical energy Everest watched in fascination as the once golem dropped down into nothing more then a pile of stone. The vixen dashing off to hopefully take out more in a similar fashion.

With the revelation of the golems weaknesses the news was spread fast with the forces falling at a slow and steady pace. Not all of these beasts could be defeated in this way, some simply having too small of openings or armor like plating that protected the joint like areas. Even so the victory no matter how small fueled those still fighting to tear down the beast by chipping away at them one swing at a time. By the time that the last beast fell Everest felt as if his paws were made of the same stone he had lashed at for hours. With a cheer many started gathering those they cared for to celebrate the first win. Others walking away quieter as with victory does not come without its losses. Cath being amongst the few that thankfully only made it out with treatable wounds. As he watches her cubs fret over their mother he can only hope that the future ones could end the same.
