A Commoner Life For Nobles

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
6 19723 1

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Vio, a childhood friend of Malakas, sets off to find him again after hearing he has taken to a more commoner lifestyle. His mission: to court and marry his childhood friend. Though now mainly using the name Weedfly, many more steps pop up for the the noble who has a lot to learn about the lifestyle Weedfly has made himself home in.

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei (me): 2300

Kytazy: 1901

Sometimes, Shouting Through The Streets Does Work

Stretching up in his bed, the grey skinned male did always love the weekends for the lazy days he could have. Rolling over and flinching as a stream of sunlight hit his eyes, Weedfly could guess it to be late morning. Possibly early afternoon if he really gave into sleep from the day before, but he doubted he would and could sleep that long. Early rising were ingrained into him from his younger days, no matter how much he wished he could sleep in like his other friends could.

Only frivolous thoughts really, as the male finally gave into the call of the colder outside that wouldn’t caress him like his blanket would. He had to get up and smoke, as well as make food to start his day. Maybe do some errands as well, but that was a debate that just needed to be finished over the weekend.

Groaning as he tossed the warm covers away, he might as well rip that bandaid off quickly and go for it. Shivers washed over his toned body as he was to his feet and let his toes dig into the carpeted ground while he stood there and stretched up now that he was on his feet. His bed still called for him, but temptations wouldn’t call to him, he was a man of dedication once he set his mind to it.

That didn’t make waking up any easier though, slowly heading to the kitchen to grab a snack he’d have after rolling a joint. His nails scratched at his bare chest as his sleepy eyes were adjusting to the light, debating over how eventful to make his day while his hands were set on starting a simple omelette with cheese and some left over fried onions for last night's dinner.

Maybe after breakfast he’d set plans more in stone, but at the moment his immediate goals were to make some morning food (that he knew he didn’t need, but it felt so nice to eat the food his body didn’t need), wake up, and maybe grab a shower. The later depended on did he feel like drawing his markings on today. Musing over it, he figured he should clean up before classes on monday, it was always good to stay in good habits.

"Nanna, are we almost done?" Wiggling in the chair, a white haired woman brushed the young noble's own faded locks. Gathering the slightly-to-long bits in the back into a small band. A normal elder demon, her hands were wrinkled but dexterous in their work, "So impatient today, you'd think this little spawn actually has something important to do." She chuckled, stepping back to let him up finally.

Up to his feet quick as wick, Vio nearly tripped over his own feet as he rushed over to the closet. Turning in front of the mirror, he made sure his paint was dried before grabbing his normal tunic, pulling on lays of robes and a sash. Preferring the light blue coloring, it was easier to run in than the western surface clothes his parents insisted on. "I do have something important to do! I told you last night, I ran into Mala's grandparents last night! I've decided to go after him~"

Hearing that huff from behind, he felt his clothes being smoothed as his nanny tidied up his appearance. "Now Vio, remember to watch your language." Ah yes, he had been studying common speech recently, something less than pleasing to his family's ears. "I mean, I'll be courting him starting today." he amended with a smile she could only sigh at him for.

With a little more brushing than he'd like, thankfully he was released to run off on his own towards the address they had been kind enough to provide. It may have been years since he had last seen the other, but surely they couldn't have changed too much! A royal was still a royal after all.

At least.

That's what he thought as he walked the streets. Totally not lost or confused as he tried to count the numbers on the houses that all looked the same. ... Why did they keep skipping some numbers? On the wrong side of the street, he paced back and forth, wondering what he was doing wrong, or if there was some sort of secret password to open up a different entry. "MALAKAS!" he ended up calling out loud when he became frustrated enough.

Grabbing the handles and watching the folded omelette slide around, with one motion it was flipped as the sizzling continued for a little while longer so both sides were cooked well. Cheese was sprinkled on top, and a lid added to it would melt nicely with it’s short session over heat to finish it off. Weedfly did debate making more, making toast of sausages to go with his omelette, but he did try not to indulge too much when it could be helped.

With the pauses for the eggs to cook, a joint was rolled and lit up. Every now and then being drawn to his mouth as he relaxed into his calm state that he loved so much. Everything was right when he was high, nothing was odd or off, and even when things were wrong it was okay, always finding a end goal that pleased him.

Moving the breakfast to a plate, he was heading over to open a window and let in some fresh air when the sudden call for his name screamed through the streets. Not his normal nickname, Weedfly, but his actual birth name. One that was rarely used unless by teacher or his family, though even the later were starting to call him weed after a few visits from him friend during holidays.

Though confused, he was also curious, the blunt held between his lips as he peered out, seeing someone wandering aimlessly around with a piece of paper clutched in their hands. Who could this be? They clearly knew him... and in the back of his mind he wondered if that was good or not. He supposed he was curious enough to find out though, leaving the window open as he moved to his front door and was out onto the porch, taking the blunt from his mouth after a deep inhale and exhale.

“Yes?” He called out, standin there in just his jogger pants as he hadn’t gotten around to grabbing a shirt yet. What was the point in that if he planned to take a shower?

Sighing, Vio was glad there was apparently no one home to hear his little outburst. Or if they were, they were leaving him be since they weren't the person he was searching for. He had just worked so hard early in the morning to get to this point. Looking down at the address again, part of him hoped he could have summoned the house in between the off numbers with some sort of commoner magic, but alas, it was not so.

There was something else summoned however. A person actually answering, a voice that, granted, was no longer familiar or remembered. "Malak-KYA!" Coughing when he turned around, Vio was momentarily shocked by the half naked appearance across the street. Of course they were nowhere near him, but it was still quite the culture shock to him that this apparent Malakas would come out as such. Perhaps... he had the wrong person.

Still, he had been the one to call out and get answered, he should at least go to apologize for the mistake. Luckily no one was driving along the street as he simply crossed over a bit rigidly to the person. Looking awkwardly to one side, thankfully his expression was a simple, apologetic smile. "Sorry, I was looking for Malakas Blakesley. You... wouldn't happen to know which of these, um, cottages is his would you?"

Watching the person go from momentarily excited, to suddenly more... ridgid, it was a sight to see for the early Weedfly who was still smoking away and seemed unphased. This was a rather laid back area, where college goes had no cares as long as they were left peacefully to be. It was even more of an interesting show when finals rolled around, but thankfully they were a few months off and everyone was just sleeping in on the weekend.

Coming from the porch to down the stairs, he could see the other more clearly now that the decorations on his porch didn’t block his view. It wasn’t the most decorated, but there were some feeders and a wind chime that was being caressed gently with the morning breeze. On top of a hanging plant that was the start of his own weed farm, though it seemed to be more of a decoration over anything. His yard has a few decorations that were gifts from his family, but mostly bare with the finely trimmed bushes and well kept lawn.

The closer he got, the more obvious this person was out of their element. Even down to their clothes, that didn’t stick out _too_ much, but was definitely something he would more likely see if he was going to an event with his grandparents or parents. The marks of a nobleman, though he was left wondering what were they doing here of all places? He had dropped off the radar for the most part unless called back by his parents.

“They are called houses, my dude.” Taking another hit, he withdrew the blunt again before continuing to speak. “That is still me, can I ask what cha need?”

"Ah yes, of course." Keeping himself from stuttering, it was harder to continue looking off to the side. Especially when this person claimed to still be the very Malakas he was searching for. Eyeing the numbers, as much as he had stared at the piece of paper in his hand, even that matched up, it clicked that all the missing numbers must have simply been in a zigzagging pattern for some reason.

But, er, what was he supposed to do now? While he had heard they adapted well to their new lifestyle... he hadn't expected it to be this well. It'd be rude to hesitate too long with his answer. While they smelled strange, it was akin to things his father would sit around with the other husbands to smoke, with less sting. He was also glad he started reading that book on speech. "Apologies, you can call me Vio... bro? I came to inquire after you after hearing stories from your grandparents. Should I stop by at another time? I heard commoners don't usually send advanced notices..." Liking to keep things straight forward, he mostly wanted to see if this was really the sort of life he wanted. And so far... He was having a confusing amount of fun! It might not seem like Malakas remembered him, but that was fine. He was guilty of that himself until he bumped into the grandparents.

Frowning a moment as his arm was raising, now with a small bud of what was once more, he should have known it had to do with his grandparents. One side was more understanding than the other, but both were very traditional and set in their ways of making sure someone checked on him. Zorra was too busy with Juniper, or if she wasn’t she was a mob wife now who was also her husband’s body guard. What’s more, that name seemed familiar... but not in a bad way that left him beating down some nerves.

It wasn’t long he was left in his pondering though, his more friendly default face returning as he finished up his blunt, nothing left aside from the wrap and was discarded into a can hidden behind one of the porch pillars. It was empty, as it was emptied often. Even the can itself looked well kept, an old decorative canister that was found at a flea market and had no value emotionally to him.

Thinking over why the name seemed like a familiar one, it finally clicked as he was returning. The nervous male watched him with curious eyes as he took a break from direct conversations to make sure his yard didn’t set ablaze by habits.

“No need to talk in a way you’re not used to, ma dude. People coming over still give you a heads up before visiting, but it’s fine as I’m guessing you just had an address.” Waving for the other to follow him inside, he ducked his head as he went back up the steps as the edging was a little too low for his height. “It’s been a while, you’re no longer one of those naked cats.”

Only catching a side view of Mala's expressions, it was difficult to tell what he was thinking. Vio, however, wasn't about to let his gaze simply drift over to the shirtless male until they became clothed. Whenever that would happen to be.

He was trying to remember if they had always been so relaxed before. With how young he had been, everything was a vague recollection, but he did have the feeling this wasn't terribly out of the normal. From the stories he had managed to gather from his playdates, Malakas was the gentle between him and Zorra as well, so he didn't have much in the way of fear when invited into a near stranger's home.

On the contrary to his calm appearance now, he was shaking with contained excitement. Everything was so compact! So well compact! It was stunning! And a perfect distraction as he turned his back to Mala to investigate. "It has! I'm a little surprised you even remember someone like me~ My family prefers reptiles, so when I could, I became a spiny tailed lizard." Neither were his own choice, if he could, he'd be something covered in fur. Alas, he had to conform to a tradition that apparently wasn't fond of fluff. "And yourself? I'd really love to hear about how it has been living in a house! When did you decide to move out with the commoners anyway?"

Heading to the kitchen to stare at the omelette that was left to sit, it was still warm... and it’d be rude of him to eat in front of a guest without offering them food as well. So with a sigh, he handed over the plate as he himself set off on making his own this time. Now high so it wasn’t going to be as perfect, but that was always part of the fun of cooking while under the influence.

“Parents didn’t bring over non-family members often, so non-related names stick, I suppose.” Washing up the dishes he made so he could cook himself, he did remember to also hand over a fork so the food could be consumed. Though, for himself, it was a toss up of whether he would go the hands route with a burrito or the ‘civilized’ route of a fork. Today he’d go for a fork, for the sake of another noble there.

“It’s nice, I moved here when I got in a fight with the fam and left. Be sure to eat that before it gets cold, omelettes are pretty bad cold.” Heating it in a microwave wouldn’t do it much good either, so waving him to go sit on the couch with a currently off tv.

He set about cooking for himself before joining him, whisking eggs with a fork and adding in ingredients that were diced up and added to the pan to cook. It wasn’t a long time, a good five or so minutes, before he plopped on the couch with a sigh and kicked his feet up to the table to sit. Fumbling around for a remote before finding it tucked between a pillow and the side of the couch cushion.

“So what brings you here, my man. You stick out like a sore thumb, so can’t be livin here yourself.” Clicking on the TV, it seemed to still be some Saturday morning cartoons playing, still early enough for them and too early for most of his neighborhood to be awake.

Blinking down at the plate handed to him, Vio's stomach let out a hungry growl since all his preparation for the morning had gone into getting ready for the visit. "Pardon, thank you very much," bowing slightly, he took the fork as well and went on to stand in front of the couch he was waved to.

If his nanny saw him now, she might faint.

Sitting down, he smoothed out his robes before setting the plate, a quick look around didn't reveal the device he was at least aware went to the television. Such a pity, he'd love to tinker with it a little. Only a third of the omelet had disappeared by the time Mala returned, but Vio wasn't able to eat very much to begin with. Part of him was glad he didn't truly need food, or the diet his parents laid out to adhere to might've made him thinner than he already was with this stolen appearance.

With his old play mate's return, he chuckled lightly at the blunt question. It was pretty refreshing to meet someone that didn't talk in backhanded circles. Vio did scoot as close to the other side of the couch as he could from Mala however. He was about to have a heart attack of his own before he'd get used to them wandering around like that. "No no, I came here to visit with you! I've always been interested in how the commoners live, but no one else I know is." Tilting his head at the disproportionate figures on the t.v. he was already glad he had come down. "Ah, I was also wondering if you have a suitor yet?"

Digging into his own plate, he was still withheld despite being as hungry as he was. Smoking always left him so hungry, and though money wasn’t an issue he did try to make food himself as it was fun to see what you could make with your own hands. Very unroyal of him, but he had left behind that life for the most part aside from a few occasions.

“It’s plain but keeps ya busy, I’m in school myself.” Finishing his own food in record time, there were a few bits left on his plate of ham and egg. Leaving Vio on the couch as he went to his window and whistled. A few demon-like birds and a feline of some sort came and ate the rest of his plate as he left to start looking around the house to see if he needed groceries, supplies, and to grab a towel for a shower as he had done the wash the other day.

“Suitors? I’ve had a few partners but right now I’m single if that’s what you're asking.” He forgot about the life of suitors and marriages, at an age where he would start looking but like his sister, was doing his own thing. No one could deal with all of him, not that he minded. He was good company on his own. “Why ya asking, my man?”

School as well? Aaaah, he was so jealous! A plain, busy, simple life may get sneers from other nobles, but Vio found excitement in plainer things. Complications followed him all his life, made him watch each and every step he took, he was tired of minding his everything yet couldn't bring himself to stop.

Following after Mala moved away from the window, he peered out curiously to see the smaller hell creatures getting to chow down happily. One day, that would be him, having his fill rather than eating smaller bites and snacks. He'll even dare to pick his food with his fingers! Eventually. For now, he gave over an extra serving of what used to be a perfect circle.

Though he had heard it wasn't uncommon for the lower class to go through quite a few partners in their lives, he had to admit it was surprising they had as well. But that didn't matter! The current Mala was without one, which meant it was the perfect chance for him now! Looking around, he found the roaming warpa to meet their eyes for the first time this visit, his own duel colored pair sparkling. "Because I'd like you to consider me starting today!" As far as Vio knew, a partner was still someone that pursued in hopes of marriage, so hopefully not too much was lost in translation.

Deciding on a plushier towel today, it was also larger in size and would cover him better with this new guest around. He was also debating over if he should grab his clothes before heading in, or just do the normal thing of walking to the bedroom after since it was connected to the bathroom via a door. As he was pondering this, he blinked at Vio with his eye sparkles and apparently desire to seduce. An odd way at that, but he reminded himself how the higher up seen marriage and had to not look at surprised or amused as he was.

“You were a nice guy as a kiddo, Vio, but that's not how things work here. I don’t even know the first thing about ya.” He looked so excited by the idea of what Weedfly was pretty sure was more than just dating. “And many more steps, maybe you should hang around before trying for the big shot.”

He did reach out a hand to pat the other though, a sign of affection despite declining any advances just made on him. He meant well, seeking him out from just a tidbit given by his grandparents. He wasn’t so easily seduced though, and he didn’t have long to linger on it.

“You can hang out if you want though, but I’m gonna be running errands today after I take a shower.”

Heart dropping even at the first few words, by the end of the sentence, Vio was rejected. Despite the ache, he never dropped his smile, it merely saddened. He was about to respond himself that he understood, figuring it was a more polite way to shoo him off when Mala started to approach. Glancing up at the taller warpa, he was frozen for a second between both their words and casual approach to the point that he could make out their markings clearly now.

"O-Oh.. um..." Leaning over slightly, he turned around quickly, both hands flying up to cup his burning face. It was so sudden, even he wasn't able to keep from stuttering out nonsense, how improper! "I'd greatly enjoy that. I think I'll wait by the window until you're prepared then!"

Goodness. The only person that ever dared touch him, even as the second son, was his nanny. Commoner interactions were even more loose than he had read about.

“Alright, knock if you need anything. Some of the bros may be over as once they’re up, they’re good dudes.” Off to the bedroom, which was closed behind him, he stripped down and tossed his clothes into the dirty laundry bin before going to the bathroom for his shower. He diddled around for a moment as the water came to it’s full heat, but soon enough he was washing away any dirt that accumulated through the last day or two, and also washing off his paint that would need to be reapplied and bound to be a pain. He could get his from half, but he also had some on his back that would need some help with. If one of the brothers did come over then that would be his problem solved, but the question was would they be up this early... maybe. They too had weekend errands they ran together.

For now, he just figured it would work itself out and began to wash his hair. Looking down to see the green water wash down the drain. Well, life would go on regardless of what happened today or this weekend.

Nodding, Vio was off to the window in a matter of seconds. Granted, the house was much smaller than he was use to, but he had literally ran off anyway to cool down. Mala was much more embarrassing than he could recall, but.. he was feeling oddly elated at all the new things that were happening. His stagnant life of having to eat, study, care for the critters, and sleep, was suddenly interrupted thanks to learning about a certain royal. He didn't have the courage to do such a thing on his own, much less first.

Taking in a fresh breath of warm breeze, Mala said something about more possible visitors right? While he knew the books weren't perfect, he was sure that weekends were supposed to be the least busy times for most commoners. It's why he picked today to come over, who knew he might already have the chance to meet Mala's friends! He wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but if they liked Malakas, they'd surely get along with him as well.