A Commoner Life For Nobles

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
6 19723 1

Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Vio, a childhood friend of Malakas, sets off to find him again after hearing he has taken to a more commoner lifestyle. His mission: to court and marry his childhood friend. Though now mainly using the name Weedfly, many more steps pop up for the the noble who has a lot to learn about the lifestyle Weedfly has made himself home in.

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Word Count

Kei (me): 1353

Kytazy: 1224

A Fashion Show To Keep Oneself Warm

Back out the tiny house, an eager young noble was having the time of his life over something unbelievably inappropriate in his royal lifestyle. Not only was he wearing commoner clothes, but they were old, previously worn clothes by his current suitor. Old might classify as simply a couple months to his standards, but it was still entertainingly scandalous. To think Malakas was letting him stay over as well as borrow things to sleep in! Positively unheard of in high society.

Of course, how could he not take this chance to be a little curious and sneak some looks in places and drawers that he doubted contained clothes. His original form as a high energy cat filled with curiosity, something he still held back in most situations. Goodness though, he hadn't expected the clothes to be such a poor fit on him. Malakas was tall, but Vio knew he wasn't short. While he wasn't allowed to grow taller than his brother, perhaps he'd close the distance with a couple more inches so even the playing field.

"Weedfly!" He called out after tugging on a shirt that was missing its sleeves along with a pair of pants with a plain purple swirl pattern. There were quite a number of those, figuring it one of Mala's favored styles. It was chilly and a bit embarrassing to even have the notes circling his arms revealed, but he hoped to appeal to the other's tastes physically if possible. "What do you think? It feels a little better than the outside clothes from before!" Or he was just getting used to the fabric.

Sitting on the couch munching away, he was hoping to finish his snacks before he was completely down. After all, he didn’t want to get cheese puffs into his joint. It was like glitter, ever lingering until a really good cleaning session came into place. Granted, for once that other part of him that was usually full of anger and violence was rather calm even as he came down more than usual. Was it familiarity? He did recall the sweet and young Vio, always crying when Zorra bullied him and clinging to their tails so happily even if they were being called mean words. The pair were very adorable, and his mother often spoke of how she regretted not offering to take him back when he was spotted, Weedfly wasn’t sure they would have given Vio up to begin with but it was past thoughts now. Maybe she’d be pleased to hear he was still around when he called her before bed.

Hearing the door open, he turned to look at the other. A new mix of emotions swirling inside of him, some he knew was from that more rough side of himself that was suggesting a few _inappropriate_ possibilities that went ignored. Even if a commoner, he knew both of them had standards, no matter how tempting the temptation before him could be.

“You look cute, you sure you wont get cold as you sleep and wander around the house?” He didn’t expect the clothes to be so... loose fitting on Vio as well. He was taller but Vio was apparently just skin and bones under all those clothes.

"Ahah, weeeeell-" It was true, the clothes didn't hold much warmth. Vio was used to his many layered clothing that kept the chill at bay along with filling out his frail frame. Glancing to the side thoughtfully, he did get a pleasing response. Good, or handsome was the ideal, but anything positive was a step in the right direction until he was apparently allowed to go for 'the big shot'.

This was a grand opportunity to try on more things when he thought about it! "I suppose you're correct, I'll be right back then!" Running back off to shut the door behind him, Vio rifled through the closet some more. A neat and tidy noble, he didn't just toss everything about willy nilly as a mess for later, taking his time trying on the various clothes despite claiming he'd be right back.

In Vio's defense, he normally spent hours on changing clothes regularly. Everything was so easy to pull on and off here he went through a few combinations before figuring out something a little better.

Wandering out once again, this time he was in what might be a few too many layers. A warm, thick pair of dark pants that were nice now, but probably uncomfortable to sleep in, maybe something he dug up that was put away for winter. A short sleeved shirt over a long sleeved turtleneck, with a jacket pulled over top, and something long and feathery around his neck he had found and dawned simply because it reminded him of the beasts they raised back at home. This one didn't seem to be alive however. He had certainly managed to layer himself up better, even if he knew it was a little over the top, this time he was having a bit of fun. "There we go, how about now~?" Leaning one hand on the wall, he struck a beyond embarrassing pose that'd make him the laughing stock of his family. It was a good thing he was good at controlling his own expressions or he'd even be laughing at himself right now.

Watching as Vio thought over his clothing option, he was thankfully finishing up his bag of snacks and off to wash his hands after. Temptations didn’t call to him today, setting to rolling up another blunt to smoke by the window while Vio went through his clothes. Maybe he should direct him to the other closet, full of Cocaine’s and Vicodin’s clothes that would be closer to his size. They were at least of similar height, which would be half the battle for the other. Something to debate on as he inhaled the burning sensation that hushed any inappropriate thoughts that lingered in his mind. Vio was still cute as ever, so at least that hadn't changed over the years they were apart.

Watching the bird peck at the ground, in search of some worms or bugs to consume, Weedfly was entertained enough by life outside the window he barely heard the door open. He was expecting at most one of his long sleeved shirts to be found, with maybe a thicker pair of joggers tossed on after in a plainer color but the same lettering that was all over his wardrobe it was strange for those who didn’t know what ‘weedfly’ originally was.

Turning in the end though, a blank expression turned to laughter, shielding his eyes with his free hand so the image would be erased. Between the mash up of clothes, and the pose, it was too much for him. This was no slice of life anime, though Weedfly suspected he was trying his best to do these ‘commoner’ things.

“Do you need help finding clothes?” He asked in the end, inhaling deeply but blowing it back out the window. He knew he had _matching_ clothes in there that were quite warm and thus never used, but Vio was apparently missing it all and going for some odd choices. He couldn’t say he wasn’t entertained, but he didn’t want to hurt Vio’s feelings on this impromptu fashion show he was having with his closet. “You still look cute though, if also a gay squirrel that came from hibernation.”

This was the perfect feeling of freedom Vio had been searching for. To be doing as he pleased even if it might be seen as unusual or out of the norms. Straightening himself, it was a little more absurd as he returned to his graceful posture in a less than graceful attire. "No, no need, I've sense enough to dress myself properly," waving a dismissive hand, coming out here had been worth it to see such a reaction. This was more like vague but sweet memories he held of Malakas. They seemed oddly apathetic along with this new forgetful nature now.

Performing a deep bow, he at least unraveled the string of fake feathers to hug instead of letting it scratch at his sensitive skin. "I don't know how I feel about such an odd sentence directed at me from someone that calls himself Weedfly now, but I am glad you still find me appealing even in this." Gesturing to the mash of everything he had managed to put together, he scoffed at his own appearance. "If you'll excuse me for one more moment though," waving as he disappeared once more, there was already a set of clothes Vio had pulled out and folded for himself on the bed.

The pants didn't matter as much to him, choosing a simple black pair of sweats to roll up until he wouldn't trip over the ends. Still going with a bit of layering, he found a sleeveless stretchy material to wear under a regular long sleeved shirt so he wasn't feeling too breezy with the roomy clothing. It was an acceptable amount of coverage that didn't look too sloppy even if he didn't fit the outer layer. The long sleeve had a nice warm fade of red to yellow that matched his eyes as well, but Vio was most pleased with simply being able to find something of Weedfly's to dress properly in. Returning to the other, he didn't stick by the door, now truly finished with trying on everything, "Alright, your real opinion this time if you please~"

Even as Vio returned to the ‘proper’ stature, Weedfly was left snickering until he returned to his window life. The smoke drifted out the window and he enjoyed this soaring feeling once more. It did stoke the fires of his appetite, but that would be solved easily with some snacks or a small meal to tide him over until dinner time. It wasn’t often he had an ‘official’ lunch, but snacks were usually had around the noon time and held him off nicely until dinner and then the nightmare hunt. The only time he’d remain sober was when out and about in search of the nightmares that tasted less nice but were his main food, and then he would return to smoke himself silly before passing out for the night.

“As long as you’re having fun, man. Can be cute in anything if it’s a good time.” Waving off Vio once more, he returned to his window, watching as some strange hell squirrels fought with one of his ground posted bird feeders for the sustenance it held for them.

Many would chase them off, but all the creatures of the wild just wanted to eat, and he had enough food to feed all the creatures that would stop by at all hours. Even the night time canines most avoided and chased off were fed meat scraps, slowly being tamed by the tall man who saw them as harmless as long as they were appeased. Maybe not the best of views, but he saw no harm in them in his neck of the woods.

With the door opened once more, and his attention called to, Weed finished up the last of his blunt and smooched the cherry between his fingers so he could dispose of the roach into a can that sat by the window. It too was empty, but that was because it was emptied daily before bed. It was after all inside, it was best to make sure his dwelling stayed clean.

“Bit plain, looks nice though, lil dude.” Ruffling his hair, the rest of the day was to be a chill one, if Vio knew that or not was another story. Video games, snacking, smoking, and TV, that was all his day was going to consist of until it was dinner time and then bed time soon after. His eyes did focus on some of the fading lettering, an older sweatshirt it seemed where the ‘WEEDFLY’ lettering was peeling away. Reaching out a hand to feel along Vio’s chest where it was, he hummed and supposed it was time to get new ones for the truly cold areas he sometimes visited.

Starting to get used to the gesture, Vio leaned his head down as the hand came up for the third time he believed. While a bit flustering at first, he was coming to like the action more, even if he had to reach back up to smooth his hair into place each time. Eyeing them a second, he hesitated, but decided to correct the ending this time, "I prefer you using Vio instead of things like 'lil dude' if that's alright?" Despite not liking attention, he wasn't a terribly shy person. He merely thought it was a shame he hadn't gotten the chance to hear Weedfly call his name in a while.

Being at ease around another noble, currently living the commoner life or no, he stared up with confusion at the other. They weren't messing up his hair anymore, nor were they looking directly at him as far as he could tell. Distracted enough to follow the gaze, he hadn't picked out a stained shirt? Sure, it was a bit faded with their name on it, but it was difficult to find something without WEEDFLY labeled across. The hand and hum were what made him jump. Glad the treble-clef across his chest only responded to direct contact. Else he'd have a nice string of notes to go along with his sudden rising temperature as he pushed Weedfly's hand away.

"Wh-What in the world do you think you're doing??" he demanded, sounding more surprised than angry at what most got a slap in the face for in his proper little world.

Giving him the blank stares, he wasn’t sure how to explain his ending sentences as just add ons. Flavoring? He wasn’t sure now that his brain was more fuzzy and more district words were fading from his vocabulary. His brow knitted a bit as he thought it over, but returned to the default by the end.

“Can try, I guess, no promises.” Part of him felt odd though just using names, though he wasn’t sure why. His terms could refer to anyone, it was nice that way when an indirect sentence. Maybe shorter sentences would appease him, only time would tell.

Examining the sweatshirt in his own way, he blinked when pushed away by a blushing Vio who he forgot wasn’t used to this close contact thing. Maybe with time, but having been around other nobles part of him doubted it as he often left back for the royal life more than he stayed among commoners.

“Letters are peeling, was thinkin about it.” Raising an eyebrow at him, he wasn’t about to linger on it though, off to plop on the couch and pat the spot near him. “It’s chill time, come sit.” For now it was TV and snacks, the chips piled into the center of the table to be opened and eaten. But later, video games would definitely be played. That was a later thought though, but as long as the day was a relaxing sort, it should be fiiiiiine. How much later? Even that was a debate, it was after all mid day, they had quite the amount of time to kill in the meantime.