A Commoner Life For Nobles

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
6 19723 1

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Vio, a childhood friend of Malakas, sets off to find him again after hearing he has taken to a more commoner lifestyle. His mission: to court and marry his childhood friend. Though now mainly using the name Weedfly, many more steps pop up for the the noble who has a lot to learn about the lifestyle Weedfly has made himself home in.

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Word Count

Kei (me): 2101

Kytazy: 1363

The Snacks May Call, But Don't Answer Temptation

“Vico, I swear to our mother if you don’t stop weaving the basket away from me...” The light colored brothers seemed to be at each other's throats once more, but Weedfly didn’t seem to notice as he was picking up a package of instant ramen and reading the back, before setting it back down and heading towards some of the fresh produce with Vio. He just barely caught Vicodin being tackled to the ground, laughter heard and murmuring that he didn’t catch. Whatever it was, it was just sibling things.

“You staying the night, Vio? Or heading home at dark?” Weedfly asked the other as he grabbed an onion from a large box, looking it over before putting it in his basket. It was already quite full of snacks, mainly different types of chips and some cheaper frozen snacks like pizza bites and microwavable chicken nuggets, but now they were onto food with more sustenance that would be cooked when he was high as balls. Or food he liked to cook when higher than a kite on a breezy mid summer day. “You can stay if ya want, I got space. Bros prob are going to head home after shopping.”

He doubted the brothers would be staying tonight, Coco needing to do a paper for Monday and Vico was telling them about this ‘babe’ he was going to meet. Weedfly already knew how that would end before it started, but the dude could hope to find his partner in his flirty and more modern ways.

He had never seen so much food together in one place! The cramped little halls were packed tightly together with bags, cans, bottles, and boxes. He didn't even know cheese could come in a can before today, this was amazing! As excited as he was, he still had enough manners not to go around touching or picking up everything he saw even if he wanted to.

Eventually, Vio even stopped picking at his clothes, turning and getting distracted by a nearby thud. He wondered if they were a good example of normal commoner playing, but considering Malakas had yet to join in, he had his doubts.

"May I? I'll need to call Nana to let her know I'm safely in your care, but I'd love to." Spending the night in such close quarters already! By themselves no less! Vio couldn't think of a happier situation to court his interest in. "Do the brother's stay in a house like yours? They seem.." Looking back at them on the floor, he couldn't imagine himself ever in such a predicament, no matter how fun it was to watch, "Energetic, to be on their own." Or messy.

“Yeh, of course you can, bro. Just have to set up where you sleep is all.” Picking up lettuce now, he stared blankly at it but put it back down, grabbing a different one before putting it in the basket. He had to just get rice, eggs, and some sandwich stuff and he was done. He wasn’t sure how long the other two would be, and he sure wasn’t about to ask as they fought for dominance on the floor. No one seemed to pay mind to them, stepping around them to get through.

“They can be responsible if they want, their apartment is pretty clean when Coco is on his high. He’s just on his down right now to do an important paper for class.” His eyes drew back to the snack aisle, but he knew better and stayed where he was. No matter how the chips and dips called to him, 6 bags was his limit every trip. If he wanted more he’d have to walk back and get more food once he left and put away what he had gotten already. “We can call when we get back, what did you want for dinner... Or I suppose would be more of a snack, you probably eat mainly nightmares, don't cha?”

Feeling a gentle tug, Weedfly turned and looked around at eyesight, before finally looking down to what appeared to be a young girl. Not even half his height, she stared up at him with her biggest eyes and basket that almost dragged on the ground. She was also a lower tier, but warpas could be higher and just decide not to do anything so maybe it was all part of her young appearance at the moment.

“Excuse me sir, can you get me the carrot stick from the top?” She asked softly, getting a nod as he grabbed a carrot that was about as long as his forearm, making sure it was good before handing it down to her.

“Need a bag for it or anything?”

“No thank you!” Off as she came, without another word, Weedfly went toward the eggs so they could grab some stuff from the deli section and head back. Maybe if he finished it would kick the other two into high gear to finish. He needed to get home to smoke again, especially if he was going to have a guest over for the night.

"They're tall, but what's being high or down have to do with it?"

Head tilting at the way Mala switched to a different lettuce, he wondered if there was something special about that one compared to the other. There were still so many commoner secrets he had yet to learn. It was fun hearing a bit about the brothers even while they were mindlessly causing a ruckus everyone was set on ignoring. If this were during one of the gatherings, it'd be such a scandal that no host would be able to cover or brush over it.

"Indeed, I enjoy smaller meals throughout the day, but I can't stomach too much of other food yet." Glancing over as someone else approached, he was surprised to see someone else come tug on Malakas so casually. It was even entertaining watching him look around before eventually looking down to the girl.

Vio waited for them to move on before asking, "Are people always so friendly here?" In his selfish-driven world, no one bothered to help unless it gained them something. It was even more shocking seeing Mala bending down for a common child.

“High is another word for being under the influence of some drugs, my boy. Down is when they’re sober.” Explaining it simply without beating around the bush, Weedfly could already tell he was coming down already. Maybe he should roll a bigger blunt when he got home, it had only been a few hours... His tolerance was a pain as well so maybe better weed or more smoking was needed already.

“That sucks, stuff that’s not nightmares is pretty tasty.” Grabbing a curtain of eggs as Vio was amused or maybe more so still curious of the world around, Weedfly shrugged as he didn’t tend to pay attention either way. Helping someone wasn’t going to take away anything important from him. “Everyone’s just trying to live their lives, kids don't know better and people have better things to do then worry about what a stranger thinks of you. I suppose they’re all a chill bunch.” Rounding back to where the pair were still doing their fights, he gave a whistle to get their attention as they finally laid still.

“Come on dudes, I’m almost done. Did ya even get dinner for yourselves tonight?” Looking at one another, they shook their heads and seemed to have made up no. Helping each other up before off with their basket to get food. Well... at least they were back on task. “Ah well, what did you want for dinner? There’s not much fancy stuff here.”

How interesting. Unaware that that was exactly what Mala had been smoking that morning, Vio wondered if they adapted to the high and down lifestyle as well as debating if Vico was flirtatiously high. He did nod in agreement that the various foods were so much better. "I'm starting to eat more, but taking it too quickly just makes it painful. One day, I'd really like to share a full meal with you Malakas."

This was.. a much more peaceful world. It was busier, louder, and more rambunctious than his own, chaos turning his previous culture on its head, however, he still chose peaceful to describe it compared to his own.

Mala seemed to be the voice of reason behind the two rascals as well. The pair stopping immediately to scamper off and finish their own shopping as soon as it was brought up. It was funny how well behaved they really could be with a little reminder. "Oh hmmmm. I'd like to have ramen! I heard it's the main food of commoners, but Nana always refused to bring it home."

“Slow and steady, my dude. Don’t gorge yourself just cause it tastes good.” Weedfly was standing off to the side as he was looking around to make sure nothing small but important was missed. It was already going to be quite a few bags to carry home, he was starting to wonder if he should accept that backpack of holding one of his friends kept offering him when they caught him carrying groceries home. Part of him didn’t trust the magical item though, unsure of what it may do to his groceries when he wasn’t peering inside.

Looking over as Vio asked for _ramen_ of all things, he stared at him with that confused look he didn’t carry often. The gears turned as they made sure he heard that right before he nodded to show he did indeed hear, but was processing that. If anyone could hear into his mind, old modem dial up noises were sure to be heard.

“It’s a quick meal that fills the void of hunger. Did you want to try the really cheap noodles or the cheap but nice noodles, either way it’s getting dressed up.”

Nodding, he was being responsible and only eating to a certain extent after his first painful experience. He was a patient, tenacious demon if anything.

That look got recognized right away however, one Vio wore often today, utter confusion. Perhaps he should have just said he'd eat whatever Malakas wanted to make? At least there were options that came along with the apparently odd choice. "Is it alright to go with the nice ones? Aren't, oh, what was it again... bargains supposed to be popular among common life?" He hadn't read much on that subject in particular.

Looking over the items, he wandered a little further from Mala, growing more curious the longer they stayed. Stuck to them like glue before, they kept within a ten foot radius, but he was obviously getting more comfortable being separated if they went on to the ramen first.

“I don't bother with em, parents buy all my stuff so I don't worry too much.” It was a bit irresponsible on his part, relying on his family to buy him through life, but he lived a more modest life then anyone else in his family, and what he asked for for daily life rarely hit close to anyone else so he felt less bad about having to ‘spend daddy’s credit card’ as many would call it.

This did mean they needed to get a few more items, like spring onions, sliced pork, maybe cabbage or spinach, mushrooms, and maybe some boiled garlic. Thinking it over, he didn’t notice at first that Vio had wandered off, starting to move away from where he was previously standing and wandering into the tall aisles that hid him well. He was set on a mission now, one that would give the twins just enough time to get what they needed and meet up again before they left. He was also just in a rush, wanting to get home before he completely came down from his high flying times, and before any other snacks could also tempt them with their crinkly bags and tasty innards. He just assumed Vio would stay close by, as that was what he had done so far no matter how often he said he could wander farther off to explore if he desired.

How interesting. It was rather nice to see Mala hadn't completely given up his royal benefits. Proper care of oneself was important in Vio's eyes since being hurt or sickly only burdened others.

Humming to himself, he jumped at a sudden noise further down the aisle. Glancing back, Malakas still looked to be lost in thought over their ramen plans, he wouldn't be long.

"Are you alright?" he questioned, an elder looking man seemingly distressed over a pile of toppled fruits. Nodding, they fretted about making a mess for the kind employees since he was having trouble with his back. Assuring them it was no problem, Vio followed Mala's example, kneeling down to gather the fruits back to their precarious shelving, setting the few that had been bruised away from the others. "If anyone asks, simply tell them you saw a strange young lizard in a kitty hat accidentally bump into it~"

Waving the old demon over with a new piece of candy in his hand, Vio looked back to the now empty aisle. Aha, weeeell, he couldn't say this was out of the realm of possibilities. Thankfully, he was feeling better than ever about the store full of kinder people that did indeed prefer to mind their own business.

Wandering off in the opposite way, he saw this as a great opportunity to explore the store! Hopefully he could find his way back to that Deli thing to ask for a sample of their cheese, it looked delicious.

Grabbing what was left of his shopping list, Weedfly was, if anything, also a quite forgetful type in his day to day life. Already forgetting he had come shopping with an extra body and was eyeing the snacks once more before he started heading to the front. Oblivious to the company he once had, aside from the brothers who could handle themselves if left alone. He passed by a few other aisles, grabbing sandwich stuff that would tide him over when he was too lazy to head out for fast food. He could hear Vicodin and Cocaine making a game out of their shopping, normal background noise in his life.

There were of course some detours, including one where he spotted one of the other college kids in his class and chatted with them as he waited to see would the light colored bros catch up, but alas, neither seemed closed to done and he wanted to had a sit down and munch on some chips. He could always wait outside, giving him ample time to snack and think over the thoughts in his head that mostly pertained to schoolwork.

Something else was nagging at him though, as if trying to remind him about something oh so important that was forgotten. What though, was drawing up empty. Worst case, he’d return later if it was important enough to get.

With the checkout going smoothly, he saw Cocaine rushing by, waving as he passed and nothing more was thought of it. At least, Cocaine had a better head on his shoulders then the high fly that often lost things not literally tied to him. Passing an aisle to rush back to his brother, he stopped as he saw the cat eared hat and back peddled to look into the aisle. Staring at Vio who was looking over something he wasn’t getting.

“Vio, why aren’t you with Weedle? He’s about to leave.” Sounding confused, he would have thought the noble would stay close to Weedfly, just so he didn’t happen to get lost in the great unknown.

Having a nice chat with the person behind the deli, this really was a more educational trip than he had thought. They already taught him all about the different size of slices, and which were most popular on sandwiches or with what types of meat. He didn't know so much work could go into such a simple thing as a sandwich, this was prized information to him. The employee looked incredibly pleased themselves that they had the attention of a demon interested in what most considered a dull conversation too.

It couldn't last, as Vio excused himself at a proper time, but promised to come again when he had his wallet with him. He hadn't thought he'd be in need of anything, a small regret. Figuring he might as well tour the small lanes as he searched for Malakas or the brothers, it was surprising to him how they didn't run into one another in such a small store.

Thankfully the quieter of the two ran into him first, Vio perking up on sight of them to jog on over. "Weedle?" Ah, yes, that was one of the things they had called when barging into the house. "I've been looking for him, we lost track of each other. He's... leaving already?" Tilting his head slightly, he at least thought the other would search for him as well before heading out. "Which way is the exit? I can find my way out."

“Weedfly, uh, I mean, Malakas?” Not entirely sure what Weedfly’s real name was off the top of his head, he guessed right at least after hearing it all day from Vio. Though Cocaine still was confused by the fact they were separated so easily in such a small store, had Vio just wandered off when Weedfly wasn’t looking? “Just follow this main section towards the registers, then the door. He must have forgotten, he does that a lot when he’s starting to sober up.”

The other brother zoomed and skid to a stop next to Cocaine, earning some glares but the bag of rice was set in the cart before Vicodin was off again towards some snacks. All of them loved the bags of goodies that would tide them over and prolong them for eating real food. “Here, I’ll walk you up real quick. He’s pretty slow moving but can’t have you getting lost and kidnapped cause no one watched cha.”

It was at least as easy as Cocaine described, leading him to the door and waving as he was off. Weedfly was seen munching away happily on a bag of cheese puffed snacks, still debating what was this important thing he was forgetting. It’d come to him just... when...

Jumping slightly at the sudden appearance of Vico, the young noble blinked and they were off again in a rush. He wondered if the brother next to him would be that energetic when on their high too. It was a little hard to believe.

Taking Cocaine up on his offer though, he waved back with a word of thanks. They were quite the silly, yet interesting pair. Letting someone else pass by him first, Vio held the door open before looking around to see Malakas already digging into one of the bags from the store. "Ma- er... Weedfly?" unknowingly, much as it was odd to Cocaine, it was odd for Vio to use a different name. "I apologize, I hope it wasn't too troublesome waiting."

Water under the bridge, most of the noble's concerned lied in how bothersome he was to others. He'd be more devastated if someone were to call him a burden on them than any harm an insult could do.

Waving Vio off, Cocaine was back off to find his brother. They had other things to do that weren’t wondering what Weedfly and his childhood friend were up to. No matter how interesting they seemed to be. They had their own meals to get, and snacks to debate and maybe get, so once Vio was going in the direction of Weedfly it he was off.

Weedfly still seemed in the debate, at least until he heard his name. Opening his eyes to stop snacking, it finally came to him what he forgot. The poor shorter one looked so sad,

_He forgot Vio, that was it._ Giving a smile though, he patted the spot next to him since it should more so be him asking for forgiveness. Not that he was about to argue, all forgiveness was find in his eyes.

“It’s fine, little dude. Let’s head back with the goodies. Maybe you can find some sleep clothes in my closet and the random one. No use wearing outside clothes when we’re going to be inside rest of the day.” For now though, a small sit on the bench outside as Weedfly snacked was nice, of course offering some to Vio but it was a relaxing time before the walk back. And a small fashion show to appease the visiting noble.