A Commoner Life For Nobles

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
6 19723 1

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Vio, a childhood friend of Malakas, sets off to find him again after hearing he has taken to a more commoner lifestyle. His mission: to court and marry his childhood friend. Though now mainly using the name Weedfly, many more steps pop up for the the noble who has a lot to learn about the lifestyle Weedfly has made himself home in.

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei (me): 1704

Kytazy: 1243

The Druggo Bois Enter At Full Force

Brushing out his damp hair, Weedfly was enjoying the breeze after his shower, leaving his guest to his own devices and hoping for the best in the meantime. His skin was dry, and his paint for his chest and face was painted on. He had yet to dress, as it was a quick process of boxers, a top, and some pants, and it was nice to be in the nude when possible. Not that he usually liked it, but it was something to indulge in after a shower during the warmer months.

Out of his earshot though, a pair of twins made their way to his house. One much louder then the other and full of much more devious intent. Light in color from their markings to their hair and skin, they looked more pure then they were.

“Come oooooon, lighten up. No my fault you were late getting up. Maybe Weedy will have some snacks for your grumpy ass.” The more energetic one joked, getting shoved off as he went to wrap his arm around his brother. Already he had enough of him, and the morning has just started.

“I told you to wake me up, I have a paper to do...” The other mumbled, but as they reached the door all problems were dropped as the door was slammed open. Sending nearby wildlife scattering.

“OH WEEEEEEDLE, WE’RE HEEEEERE.” Shouting in, both stood at the door as another unfamiliar face stood and stared at them in shock. Leaving them to check the house number before looking back in at the other. “Uh, Weedfly?”

“I’m coming, my dudes. I need to get dressed!” He shouted out, forgetting about the left alone Vio now left to face his friends.

Enjoying his moments alone to watch the residents slowly awaken, Vio idled in happiness. His thoughts were drifting between wondering what the commoner friends would be like, and how he was supposed to climb these steps Malakas mentioned before. Perhaps he had been rejected this time, but it wasn't a total rejection! Apparently he was nice as a kid, and they didn't mention anything about disliking his appearance so there was no need to change that. If hanging around and getting to know each other was all he needed to do, he had all the time in the world to do just that.

There was a loud bit of background babble he wasn't particularly listening to. Something he came to regret as he nearly jumped out of his skin at a loud slam and shouted inside. They seemed just as surprised as he was however, leaning out and back in to have a second stare off. The distant reply from Mala reminded him that these must be the friends he was expecting. They were.. boisterous, but looked nice enough as he came over to greet the two similar looking guests with a half bow. "Good morning~ you must be Malakas friends, he mentioned you'd be arriving soon. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm his childhood friend Vio."

The pair stared at each other, but the louder of the pair grinned before stepping in before his brother. More than happy to meet a new ‘friend’ that looked to come from Weedfly’s other walk of life.

“Eh, nice to meet cha Vio.” Patting his back a little too rough, the other rolled his eyes and took a spot on the couch. “You can call me Vicodin. And that’s my brother Cocaine. Who sent down one of the nobles to check on lonely Weedfly? Parents worrying about him again?”

If peered over to, the other quiet one gave a wave, looking far from amused but did make himself comfortable on the couch to watch cartoons while Weedfly came out.

“Vic, leave him be. He’s just visiting for his own purposes.” Still shirtless, he had a jar of paint in his hands along with a paint brush, wiggling it around as a sign the pair knew well.

“Man, you and your cleanliness. I want to get to know this new friend of yours though, not going to rope me into chores on my day off~” Teasing Weedfly and only getting a head shake, the quieter male got up and without much in the form of words started working on the back markings. Both keeping an eye on the other incase Vio desired freedom and wasn’t given his want.

“Are we still heading out to shop today? Or are plans changing since one of the nobles came down to visit?” Cocaine ended up asking, getting a hum but no body motions from Weedfly as he debated.

“Well, you wanna go shopping with us Vio? Or did you want to chill here, won’t take too long.” He could turn on the video games and they’d be back within half an hour, only walking down the road for some quick stuff and would wait until one of them had a vehicle for anything more extensive.

“I could keep him company too~” Vicodin offered, but getting the not too common squints, gave a nervous laugh and released Vio from his grasp to go sit on the arm of the couch as he waited for Weedfly to be painted up and ready to go.

More on the frail side thanks to his pampered upbringing, Vio lurched forward slightly at the pat. Impressively enough, he kept his footing however, smiling despite how quickly he tried to move away from the other. It was difficult to keep up with the flow of conversation, so he let it go on until an opportunity for escape presented itself. He didn't feel like being particularly close to either of the two, returning to the spot by the window he was more familiar with.

Things... admittedly weren't going as well as he had hoped. Having dealt with the small jabs and cuts of envious or less accepting nobles, he didn't feel welcomed by the others. A persistent demon, however, he didn't show the bit of hurt at being labeled as 'one of those nobles' right off the bat by both of the friends. "I'd love to come shopping if you don't mind. Are we going to one of those shopping centers?"

“We’re heading to the corner store for small stuff, they’re pretty normal in the college areas. Can even grab a snack while we’re there.” Feeling the brush taken away, he waited for the jar to be sealed again and thanked Cocaine for helping, leaving the other to stand and wait as his brother had taken the spot he had before.

Cocaine was looking over the other though, humming as he took a step forward to very obviously compare height to the other. For what reason? Cocaine was keeping to himself for the moment as he eventually stepped away.

“How long have you been in the area Vio, have you got any normal clothes? Not that you’re aren’t... fine. They just...” Not sure how to be nice and also point out the obvious, Vicodin was more than happy to assist with the latter.

“The fancy clothes look hot and all, but aren’t the norm around here. If you live close by you should go get changed if you don’t want to draw attention to yourself.”

Peeking his head out, Weedfly had forgotten about that, humming as he already knew that answer and knew his clothes would be too big. They could make a stop at a clothing shop, but that was farther than they planned to walk to begin with.

Not exactly on edge, the other's movements were strange, but as long as they didn't reach out to him again, Vio simply eyed them with a cat's curiosity. Without a word however, they soon stepped away and together with their pair, took him aback once more.

Uhm... hm.. he wasn't exactly sure how to take this. The crude compliment was definitely most of what was catching him off guard at the moment. But... a corner store was even more exciting than a shopping center, he definitely wanted to go. However... he hadn't accounted that even his attire didn't 'fit in'. He had specifically picked out his most modest outfit, looking down, but thoughtful as he gave himself a once over.

There had been little to no people up when he was making his way over, so he hadn't noticed the few odd looks he might have gotten. Attention was the last thing he wanted to draw too. It was his top taboo if he didn't want to draw the ire of his family heads.

"I... live rather far away, I set out early in the morning." Sighing, he had tried so hard to both look nice, and normal. "This is the most modest thing in my wardrobe as well, if it isn't suitable for outdoor activities, I'm afraid I don't even have anything else."

“It’s alright Vio.” Weedfly told him, fluffing his hair again to try and make the male at ease. “It was a good attempt, just too classy for the area still.” Hearing someone or something going through something, he looked to Cocaine who was rifling through the spare closet usually used for guest’s spare clothes. It was quite small and not that obvious to anyone else, and Weed had in fairness forgot all about it himself until someone else used it or noticed it.

“What are you doing making all that noise? I’m supposed to be the noisy one, don't you know.” Vicodin complained, though also leaned over from the couch arm to see what his brother was up to.

“Sorry to take away one of your traits, I don’t want to go shopping for clothes right now.” Tossing out some clothes, Weedfly was the more coordinated one to catch smaller objects, such as a cat themed ball cap, along with a striped shirt, a pair of jeans with some rips near the knee, and a sleeveless hoodie jacket. The only item not tossed out was a few pairs of shoes that still looked in good condition, shoes from their growth spurts that soon grew too small to be worn. “Well, go try it on Vio.”

It was strange how nice it was having his name called so much in one day. He might be just another noble to the friends for now, but to Mala, he was Vio. Though still not used to the physical contact, or Mala being so close after being painted. At least the second time wasn't nearly as jarring as the first, managing a glance up at the other. If he wasn't sure about this sudden decision to court Malakas before... that small patter in his chest was certainly telling him he was now.

Even the two brothers' odd personalities were something he hoped would grow more accustomed to him. The peculiar sight of clothes flying was quite the strange occurrence to him still. Even earning blinks when told to go try on the attire. "Pardon?" It took him a moment to process what had happened, but once it did, he lit up like a Christmas tree.

More than eager to take the clothing, he thanked Cocaine and Mala before he was off to where he had seen his gracious host take their shower. It was all well and dandy, before he realized he needed Nana's assistance for both putting on and taking off the complicated layers because of their unique folds out of reach. Cracking open the door thanks to his disheveled appearance, he peered out for help, "Sorry but, would it be possible to call someone from my household over to help change out of my attire..?"

Watching the other flee off with the clothes, the trio was left in the livingroom to wait. Weedfly finally pulling on a tank top with a cannabis leaf printed on it, with ‘WEEDFLY’ inside of the leaf. He wasn’t fully ‘dressed’ as he still wanted to grab a hoodie from his closet, but it could wait.

“He’s an interesting one... How long has it been since you saw him?” Cocaine mused as he sat on the back of the couch, making himself as comfortable as he could while also being a safe distance from his too playful brother.

“About 15 years, were kids last we saw.”

“Oh wah, childhood love that has returned to find you. Who knew Weedfly had it in him.” Though all of them did laugh, oh did they know...

As the door creaked open and a request to help was asked for, Weedfly was the closest and offered to help. Though declined, part of him wasn’t sure why it _COULDN’T_ be him to help, but it left him confused.

“Oh hell yeah! I’m down for this.” Starting to stand up, Vicodin was pushed back onto the couch by his brother and flailed for a moment, enough time for Cocaine to head in to see what was needed. “Oh, come on! Having all the damn fun today....”

With the door closed, Cocaine stared at Vio quizzically, before being shown some parts that needed unlacing and undoing. A tedious task he set to, until finally all the layers were taken away. Murmurs beyond the door were heard as Weedfly and Vicodin made small talk, mixed with the TV playing. He was about to ask if Vio needed anything else when his eyes caught sight of something else, a musical note on the other’s back...

Though he knew better, he was too curious and reaching out his hands just gently touched one that was near the other’s spine, it was indeed the other’s war paint, but he wasn’t sure what else he expected.

Glad for the more docile Cocaine's assistance, it did put him more at ease that rambunctiousness was a trait he only sometimes stole from his brother. Breathing a sign of relief when they were finished, leaving him stripped down to his undergarments. The commoner clothes were so simple in comparison, he placed the hate on and was about to simply let Cocaine stay or go as they pleased until he felt a finger poke against his side.

Having a special bottle of ink enchanted by his nanny, the note rang out according to its placement on the pair of scales drawn on his body. It was a gift that she prepared for him every year. While he did find it fun to play with the tunes and notes while bathing, it wasn't meant for anyone else. Getting an uncharacteristically loud "KYAH!" out of Vio, he opened the door in just his boxers and hot for the briefest of moments to quite literally, kick Cocaine out and slam the door behind them. A "Sorry!" coming after, he did feel bad for giving them a rough boot, but he was a little frazzled by the contact. Hoping for understanding, he took to hurriedly pulling on the commoner clothing, forgetting the hat needed to come off for a moment. But soon, he was dressed up in the loosest, most itchiest clothes he had ever had the privilege to try on.

He very much would only peer around the corner as he came out however, feeling bad towards the brother he had given the boot. "I finished changing..."

Only getting a few moments to enjoy the musical paint, not expecting it to make sounds too! Cocaine was then suddenly pushed out the door and left staring at the door for a moment before blinking and returning to his spot on the couch.

“What did you do dude...” Vicodin asked, the other two staring at the door that was slammed behind him.

“I... touched his notes...” Getting laughter from his brother, Weedfly was left more curious over anything but continued idle conversations with the two until they started wrestling.

Though Cocaine seemed like the calmer one, both were quite full of energy if given the chance to be so. They were more similar than many though, which wasn’t too surprising as they were twins and even took the humanoid form of twin brothers. Though they argued like no tomorrow, they were rather close at the same time.

As the door finally cracked open, even the wrestling twins stopped to see how Vio looked in normal clothes. Though none of them were satisfied as he stayed hidden behind the door.

“Well, come out and show us then. Do they fit?” More curious to see if they had a similar enough build over anything, Cocaine just wanted to get on with life and get some food for the day before night hit.

As Vio finally gave in and came out for the outfit to be seen, Vicodin giving a wolf whistle before being rightfully playfully smothered with a pillow by his brother. Weedfly was amused by the brothers, but smiled at Vio as he still seemed so nervous and grateful over something.

“You look nice, Vio. You ready to head out?”

Gosh, they were quite the rowdy bunch. Vio couldn't say much though, the silly actions and positions of the brothers making it easier for him to laugh like he meant it. Still calm with his own demeanor, they were surprisingly easy to warm up to, even if they didn't seem to get off on the right foot.

Wandering closer than he had before on his own, he couldn't help but smile back at Malakas. The friends were odd to him, and threw themselves over his lines of expectations at times, but they weren't bad people. He found himself looking forward to becoming acquainted with them as his first commoner friends.

"I'm happy to hear that~ I am indeed."

Although, he hoped this itching sensation went during their walk.