A Commoner Life For Nobles

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
6 19723 1

Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Vio, a childhood friend of Malakas, sets off to find him again after hearing he has taken to a more commoner lifestyle. His mission: to court and marry his childhood friend. Though now mainly using the name Weedfly, many more steps pop up for the the noble who has a lot to learn about the lifestyle Weedfly has made himself home in.

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Word Count

Kei (me): 1010

Kytazy: 1001

Ramen May Fill The Void, But Feelings Fills A Hole

Who knew there were such amazing things commoners entertained themselves with on a daily basis! The t.v. was interesting, but actually being able to control a character inside of it was fascinating and new! Video games would have to be labeled as Vio's new favorite pastime, as far as he was concerned. The hours flew by sitting on the couch staring at the screen, that it startled him when he did notice the light in the room had faded to darkness. Thank goodness for the snacks that were gathered on the table, they had done a good job of keeping his hunger at bay, but what a frighteningly amazing creation.

He hadn't believed Weedfly at first when he claimed one could get sucked into such things easily if not careful. It had never felt so fun to be proven wrong before, as hours were taken away from him.

Leaning on the soft but warn arm of the couch, his ridged posture had relaxed as Vio slowly adapted to the new environment. He'd get an earful if his mother ever caught him slouching in her presence, but it was far more comfortable in the long run. "Can we play another round? I greatly enjoyed the one where we threw little flower creatures at each other!" There had been mentions of dinner before they started, but surely just ooone more bag of chips could be sacrificed instead.

Having had a few hours to chill after their shopping trip and then impromptu fashion show from Vio, it was quite a nice day even if he had to sacrifice the comfort of shirtlessness to enjoy it. Vio always seemed on edge when he was naked in any way, though a man being shirtless was pretty common in these areas. If he recalled not so much for nobles, who were as clothed as they could be. Strange, when they were kids, weren't they considered naked all the time?

Even if he had planned for this situation with many snacks to satisfy any lurking hunger, the snacks could only fight off so much hunger within him. Dinner was needed sooner over later, less he started getting grumpy no matter how much he smoked. The snack sacrifices were dwindling, another trip to the corner store would be needed tomorrow for sure, but an issue for tomorrow when they had more pressing ones now. Vio was entertained enough, maybe he could leave him to a single player mode as he cooked. It was a thought he had to think over during their last round, Vio with his eyes glued on the screen as he indulged in the treats as he was as well.

“Maybe after dinner, did you want to keep playin. Or do you want to help with cookin?” Ramen was a simple meal at least, most of it just requiring prep work and then all was well in noodle land.

Hells below, he was left with a hard decision. Vio found himself enthralled by the game, but glancing between it and Weedfly, he suddenly faced the most difficult choice of his young life so far.

Sighing after a minute, he set the controller down and stood to brush himself free of crumbs. "I'll help with cooking, it's the least I can do for barging in on you so suddenly."

Gathering up some of the empty wrappers and bags scattered on the table, even if he was pampered, Vio wasn't spoiled like his brother. He cleaned up after himself and made things tidy without the help of his nanny since she couldn't be everywhere at once. It had even been part of his responsibility to care for her when she came down with a cold last winter.

Tossing away the trash as he moved into the kitchen, he rolled up the long sleeves so they weren't in the way as he assisted. Hmm, he would have to be a little careful not to give into the habit of playing with his notes on his arms. They weren't painted in a specific pattern there, merely two full treble and base scales so he could simply play whatever he pleased. "In case you might worry, I've cooked and chopped with plenty of utensils, including a knife before, so there's no need to worry about that." He reassured Weedfly, incase he was fretting.

Watching Vio go into the debate of either productivity or laziness, he had to say it was quite amusing to watch the debates rattle around in his head before the decisions to help and be a good guest won out. He would have been fine with either decision in honesty, but was being kind and giving Vio the option to spend time with him as he did know what his ‘intentions’ were per say.

“It’ll be good bonding time.” He offered as encouragement, brushing himself off of any leftover crumbs and was off to wash his hands before grabbing out what they needed. Later, they would be sweeped or vacuumed up but as they were eating again it was best not to waste precious time when the area could get dirty again. Not too fancy of a meal, it was loved by commoners and nice ramen wasn’t the cheapest meal at all. Which was strange, but maybe it was the art of how it was made that made it expensive. He had seen more extravagant things, but he wasn’t sure and had no worries when it came to money.

“Why don’t you open the pork belly and fry it?” He told him, it was a simple task he could help with worse case, already pulling out quite a sharp knife to start chopping the green onions with as the broth was being started by warming a pan with some stock in it. Noodles also had to be boiled, but he liked to do that last minute so it was hot as could be. “Once you’re done with that, you can start getting the bowls down. They’re bright red big boys, hard to miss up there.”

This was very true! Though the time had passed quickly, Vio was enjoying himself too much to recall his previous goal was to be courting Malakas! Right, he needed more information when it came to those sorts of steps however. 'Hanging out' sounded a little too vague for his liking. A plan was much preferred if he could gather clues for insight.

Tonight, he'd go with the flow as he was used to in the noble circles, tomorrow, research would occur! His goal would be met, however long it took! "Leave it to me~"

For once, he was glad to be the ignored second son. He had no desire to be some sort of fool that couldn't even brush their teeth properly without assistance. No offense to his brother who tried their best.

Eager to set himself to the tasks given, Vio wasn't terribly chatty while he cooked. His mind more on making sure nothing got overcooked or fingers nicked by the sharp blade, he occasionally trailed his fingers along his forearms without thinking about it, playing along with the Scales and Arpeggios tune he was fond of. Next up once done was getting the bowls, he grinned at the quite obvious 'big red boys' near the top shelf. Pulling down a pair, they were set carefully on the table as he turned back to smile brightly at the other, "Weedfly, I'm finished with everything! Anything else you want me to do?"

Humming to himself as he made the soup base, Weedfly was at least very good at cooking no matter his state of highness. It was a past time he had come to love, though he was better at baking then he was cooking. Adding in some other sauces into the base and then some spices  to add flavor, it was a nice feeling knowing in the end this would bring someone joy. That someone being himself and Vio once it was done, which he knew wouldn’t take long once he got to the noodle part. Whiiiiich was now.

Adding the noodles to the base as Vio finished and was fetching the bowls, the rest was just piling into the bowls once time came. Which would be a little bit while the noodles cooked and simmered away. Vio however, was done with his tasks, and sadly he had no other things for the other to do.

“Just stand there and look pretty, Vio.” Focused on his tasks at hand, he reached out a hand, feeling the fluffy hair under his fingers as he ruffled but he didn’t look over while he was still cooking.

As the noodles came close to their finish, he added in an egg each for them, waiting for the whiles to cook before it was finally time. The ramen was finally ready to be served. Noodles and soup was added in, the egg carefully slid into the bowl and the yokes seen at the surface. The sliced and fried meat placed in after, with some green onions sprinkled on top for garnish.

“There we are, grab a bowl.”

Patting the ruffled hair down once again as he was treated to head pats, Vio took up a relaxed stance. He knew it was just a phrase, but still found pleasure in hearing Weedfly found him appealing in some sort of way. Not wanting to idle with his scales again however, he wandered around towards the kitchen door arc to peer around with the goal of simple curiosity. His nanny had been informed that he was staying over with one of Blakesley's for the night. The fact that he was actually here though was still a feat he hadn't thought himself capable of before.

Even managing to agree to stay the night, he did wonder how many rooms were available in such a small space. The video games had taken up all of his attention, the only breaks being to quickly wander to the bathroom before returning for more fun. He supposed he'd find out when the time came, there was another question he wished to inquire about.

A perfect time to do so as well, as he took up a bowl that smelled surprisingly nice. Even if it was considered void food, he was excited to sit and start blowing on it. Between gentle breaths, he waited for Weedfly to be settled in too to ask his aching question. "So is there an interesting story behind why you go by Weedfly now? With everything in your closet having the label on it, I'd say you're pretty taken with the new name." It was sooort of admitting he had rifled through the closet more than necessary, but surely it was fine as he was allowed to go through his closet to his heart's desire.

Waiting for Vio to have his pick of food, Weedflys attention was much shorter and his immediate plans were just consuming the food and getting ready for bed. It had gotten quite late between the TV shows and video games, so after dinner it was bes to turn in, in favor of an early rising like he always would have. No matter how late, it was always a morning rising for him as he set up hsi day and then went about it.

“Hmmm?” He made his quizzical sounds, hungry but still seemed to have self control when it came to eating. No noodles being slurped up and broth splashed everywhere, calm, even as his stomach began to bed for more. “Just a name I picked up, it was the name of the band I was in.” Keeping the answer short, he went back to eating another mouthful.

The night was young as he was, but he was pretty sure he wasn’t as young as his age was. Still used to the royal life despite being so far from it for so long, it was ingrained in him despite being among the commoners. One day, the luxury of sleeping in would be his... maybe.