A Commoner Life For Nobles

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
6 19723 1

Chapter 6
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Vio, a childhood friend of Malakas, sets off to find him again after hearing he has taken to a more commoner lifestyle. His mission: to court and marry his childhood friend. Though now mainly using the name Weedfly, many more steps pop up for the the noble who has a lot to learn about the lifestyle Weedfly has made himself home in.

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Word Count

Kei (me): 2303

Kytazy: 2073

Dating Steps, Amusement Park Edition

Da~ating steps, da~ating steps, one two three, da~ating steps! Vio had been studying the past few days to brush up on his commoner knowledge. He had managed to find a rather lengthy book titled staircase to heaven that was recommended by a number of surface dwelling human females. He was only a few chapters in, but it already covered the steps he was trying to make in his own adventures courting Weedfly. It made him curious what the rest of the book was about if they were already to the various dates he was trying to seduce him with, but he'd continue following along with the guide.

Speaking of which! He was especially excited for today. Their meeting point would be an amusement park on the perfect summer day! It'd be his first outing into a large crowd of people. Not only that, but there was supposed to be an assortment of foods that weren't good for them. If he had learned anything from hanging out with Weedfly and the twins, it'd be that the worse it was for him, the better it tasted.

Arriving half an hour early, Vio still had his noble habits, but also learned to dress modestly as well. A dark blue beanie covering up his horns along with a matching long sleeved shirt with a rest symbol on the front. Preferring shorts this day, he was expecting a ton of walking, aaand was a little afraid of any pants getting caught in the rides.

Waving at Zorra as she drove off, she had been heading this way to meet up with Anton and had agreed to drop him off. It was quite a walk, and though he was up for it he wanted to save his energy for the amusement park today. This did mean he wasn’t able to smoke on his way like he planned, but he was sure they could find a nice empty area for him to reach his high again when the time came, Vio seemed very understanding about how he desired to stay high in the 2 or 3 weeks he had been coming over.

A sweet bean, it left Weedfly wondering if this was all of Vio’s own accord or if someone in his family was influencing him and he hadn’t noticed. A slight worry of his as his family always seemed so worried about him, and the simple life he had chosen. Shaking his head though, he brushed that off for today.

He had to make sure he did his best, as Vio had gathered up the courage himself to ask Weedfly out to the amusement park that just arrived, and though he acted thick he was pretty knowledgeable when it came to the out of the book date ideas. It was still sweet, and Vio was following his instructions to learn and go through the process so it wasn't like he could be mad.

Arriving towards the entertaining area with gates and a greeter, Weedfly looked around for the slightly shorter male, knowing both of them were quite tall so it would be hard to miss if they were looking for one another. He squinted into the crowd, catching a glimpse of a male with a dark blue hat on, so he wasn’t sure if that was Vio or not as their back was turned to him. Humming, Weedfly brought his fingers to his mouth to let out a loud whistle. Many others turned to him, but he wanted the attention of a certain beanie wearing person to see if was the sweet Vio.

Humming to himself, Vio's attention had been captured by one of the funny looking mascots of the park. They were an incredibly patient employee, dealing with kids that were both as one might say 'little assholes' and those that simply cried on contact. It made him oddly glad to be born into riches, not having to deal the bulk of society if he didn't want to. Watching the hell dweller a little longer, something else sounded out, a sharp whistle that had a few other heads turning.

Much like anyone else, he glanced towards the source, thinking nothing of it, but did a double take at a familiar grey colored warpa with darker hair. "Weedfly!" He shouted out, waving an arm as he ran off towards the other, marble eyes sparkling. There were a number of people to dodge around, but Vio was adapt at dancing through a crowd without bumping shoulders.

Smiling brightly at them, he reached into a pocket, drawing out the tickets to hand over theirs. "That was quite a greeting. I'd ask about teaching me how you managed to whistle so loudly, but I don't think I'd ever have a use for it." Not one for attention, Vio would much rather go up to tap one person for their attention rather than garner it from an entire vicinity, even for a moment.

Ignoring the other’s attention he caught, he stared as finally, the person of interest turned and indeed was recognized to be Vio just in more ‘commoner’ clothes. Starting to walk towards Vio before he realized it was him, recognizing those excited eyes and that sweet face anywhere in a crowd. It would help if Vio had a different color hair, but that couldn’t be helped with the lower tiers they were. His white parts of his hair were mostly covered with the hat, leaving just the black parts of his hair revealed. It was a nice look, but he missed the light colors the other wore.

“Had to get cha attention somewhere, lots of people here.”

Fluffing his hair (or more so his hat) as he had come to do as a greeting, it was funny watching the hat slide over Vio’s face. Covering each of his eyes depending on what way he was rubbing and slowly sinking down to cover his forehead more until it was fixed. Earning a chuckle from him before he took his ticket from the other male and started back towards the crowd to get in, walking slowly so the hat and maybe hair could be fixed before they got to the gate.

“Weren’t waiting long, were ya?” He asked, knowing he was early himself but he couldn’t help but worry that the poor noble was left just hovering around earlier than needed.

Glad to be able to be himself whenever he was with Weedfly, Vio leaned his head down even before the hand came up to mess with his head. It was a gesture of affection he had already fully accepted as something the other warpa simply enjoyed. He did have to close his eyes against the assault today or get scratched by the brim of his hat, but everything was fine in the end. While he still thought it was plausible to get his attention by approaching instead, he didn't question the other further on the matter.

Thankfully they walked at a slower pace towards the gates with metal bars rotating the guests on their way. It gave him just enough time to finger comb his hair back into place and dawn the beanie carefully around his horns again. "No, only a few minutes. I wouldn't want to be the one making you wait either considering this was my idea!"

Making sure to stick close to Weedfly all the way through the gates, he tugged gently on the bottom hem of their clothes. An unusual action for the noble, but he was feeling a smidge nervous about his next question. "If it's alright with you, considering just how crowded it is of course. I was wondering. Perhaps. If by chance. You'd think it an appropriate moment to keep hold of each other?" Holding out his hand, it was obvious he was having a hard time asking to walk around hand in hand, but just bold enough to go for it.

“Long as it wasn’t too long, can’t have ya waiting by your lonesome.” It was quite a bright day, sun shining down on the crowd and bustling about as distant screams from rides would be heard. It was a perfect day for thai sort of event, much to Weedfly’s delight.

Waiting for Vio to finish readjusting himself, about to start picking up his pace with larger strides, he was instead pulled back by a gentle tug from the other. One could imagine the large eyes just hoping for that yes, or the nervous look, but Weedly was pretty sure Vio was just hoping for that yes that wasn’t a debate in his head.

“Yeh, sure.” Taking the hand, with a ticket in the other, he started leading them towards the gate ahead. They had many people to push through and wait in line alongside so it wasn’t going to be an automatic entry as he hoped, but Weedfly was excited in his own way for the snacks and games that waited on the other side of the gate.

“What did ya want to do first? I want some cotton candy.” He could smell the sweetness near the entry somewhere, watching the person weave the sugar strings together was like magic, and the taste was artificial but delicious as a treat.

Lighting up at the calm answer, it looked like nothing made the young noble happier than holding his partner's hand. Not even the prospect of a fluffy cloud of a treat topped it, though it did come close. Keeping pace despite his shorter legs, Vio was used to having to keep up with the rest of his family, including his father who had a whole foot on him. Being limited to moving alongside Weedfly did give him a harder time avoiding brushing shoulders as they moved along through the crowded gates, but it was worth the discomfort.

Humming when they reached the other side, the entrance was blessedly spacious, architects taking beautiful days with lots of people into account for the area. "How about the Marry-Go-Round?" he offered, nodding towards a spinning top in the distance. Thankfully he could see over most people, not short in reality despite what his surroundings made him believe for the first half of his life. "It's a lovely way to start of amusement park and zoo dates, and slow enough to enjoy the cotton candy on~"

Though listening and keeping a firm hand on Vio so neither lost each other, Weedfly was using his height to his advantage and scouring the area for where the sweet smell was coming from. THe cotton floss wizard had to be close, and man did he need a snack about now. Murmurs of Vio offering up the merry go ride was heard, even if he was not particularly listening to his amusement park partner.

“That works, maybe after we eat we can go on the spinning tea cups.” He always had a good time spinning them as fast as he could with the twins, it felt at times they may just fling themselves off with the speed they were going.

Spotting a soft colored cloud sign with a cone, his treasure was spotted. A masked man being the wizard today, with the mask painted with a smile and two beady eyes so he always looked happy. Strange, but Weedfly wasn’t about to complain about the choice of clothes.

It took only a few minutes to order, watching the man do his candy cloud dance with the previous customers before, until it came time for theirs. With their only being one flavor, sugar, Weedfly took it upon himself to order for both of them. Getting Vio a rabbit shaped one in white with pink details, and himself just basic shaped but in the biggest size they came (which was apparently deemed ‘upside down Everest’). With their treats in hand, it was time for the ride.

“How's the bunny?” Weed asked, taking a bit of his mash of colors that were as tasty as he recalled, while heading towards the merry go round.

Tilting his head slightly, Vio needed a moment to ponder which ride the spinning tea cups were before recalling they were one of the ones that were exactly as they sounded. While he hadn't tried any rides before, he did feel better about getting on ones that went around in circles rather than those going up, down, and flinging people into the sky. Those - Seemed terrifying.

"Alright, perhaps a drink after. I forgot to bring my own and aren't keen on trying the water fountains." Vio might be enjoying the commoner lifestyle, but there were some things he'd still rather take luxury in with his allowance. Expensive amusement park water bottles over bathroom water fountains was one of those.

Extremely distractible, it was for the best that he was holding hands with Weedfly, else Vio'd truly get lost in the crowd. He hardly even took note of the contact until the other held out a white and pink rabbit in front of him. "Oh my!"  It was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen. Taking it in his free hand, he glanced between it and Weedfly, wondering if he truly had to eat it.

"It's-"  yelping in surprise, he felt something smack the back of his knee, causing him to stumble on their way to the merry-go-round. It wasn't enough force to make him hit the pavement, but it had caught him off guard. Giggling with all the energy and possibly sugar a young toddler could handle, someone's small ran ahead with a stuffed animal larger than them. The likely culprit who only came up to his kneecaps. "Ahah, sorry, it's so cute, part of me doesn't want to try it!"

"Same, forgot my water at home." A shame really, but he had become distracted by Juniper and left it on the counter. It would be there when it got back and needed a big and long sip, taking some solace in the fact it would come of use that day and not go to waste in the convenience department.

Feeling Vio topple a bit, Weed looked down at Vio ag first and then to the small. So full of sugar happiness in an exciting environment that was probably new to the young one as well, all forgiven as Weed pulled Vio a little closer to keep safe.

"It's fiiiiine, lil Vio. It's just made of sugar." He himself was munching away on his own sugar cloud, moist looking bites missing from the tornado of sweetness that was bigger than his head and somehow held in its upright position by a single stick.

It was a good thing they brought a snack too, as the line for the merry go round was quite long. Full of young lovers on their first dates, little kids and their parents, elderly, and a few their age, it seemed to be all around popular. By the time they got to the front though, Qeedfly had consumed his cotton candy and threw out the stick. A slight stick residue was left but washed away temporarily with hand sanitizer, a hand washing would be needed after the rude though.

"What did cha want to ride on?"

Warming up a bit at the tug, Vio looked up to Weedfly quizzically. Even if he was, he didn't think he was terribly accident prone, but found himself flustered and happy. "I suppose so, it's still a pity," continuing to eye the rabbit a moment longer, he leaned it down to start at the top, stealing some of its ear. Which was delicious, if he might say so himself!

A much slower eater, he still had half of his sugary wonder to go, part of that due to not being able to focus on one thing in particular as he looked around. Before he knew it, the long line of visitors had disappeared to leave them at the front. A musical parade of animals and the occasional decorated bench in front of him. He hadn't thought to think ahead about which to ride on while looking literally everywhere else. "Oh, um... That one! The tiger!"

Still holding onto Weedfly until they got to the large cat, he climbed up on the platform to hurry them over before someone else could snag the majestic beast. Unfortunately they were all smooth and unfurred. His happened to be stuck in the highest position, but it still wasn't a problem for him to climb up and over. It was a lot easier to mount than some of the beasts he raised. Being one of the lengthier animals he looked down at Weedfly for once, even if it wasn't very far, curious if it was meant for two.

Attempting to let go of Vio’s had so he could scurry off to whatever animal companion he desired to sit on, for once it was Vio who has a firm grasp on him as he let himself get dragged along while everyone else formed a line to get on the smoother and simple ride that entertained people for... some reason he wasn’t sure of. To be honest, Weed found it fun when high or drunk, but he was actually coming down quite fast and his wandering off to find a suitable tree smoke should be sooner over later. Not now though, as Vio seemed to be having so much fun.

Let go, Weedfly held onto the bar near the tiger, already knowing it wasn’t quite a two person seat unless you were a child. He also didn’t try to move to take one of the other animals, content in his standing spot near Vio.

“Surprised you got up there, guess I’m used to young you still.” So young and small, Vio wasn’t a runt but he was on the smaller side back when he knew him. He grew to be quite tall though, which was probably good when it came to wandering his house at least, at 6’9” there were many things hidden on the top shelf.

Grinning over at Weedfly, they didn't get on the tiger as well, but he did like having them so close instead of on another ride. "Little did you know, I'm no longer a child," Looking quite proud of himself, he sat up straighter, "In case you might have forgotten, I even hit adulthood last year!" There was also the fact that he knew perfectly well how to mount a living horse, much less a plastic tiger.

As the ride started up, it was interesting at first. Vio did like being up higher to see the rest of the nearby park while they went round and round, however, a couple circles in and he was already finding himself bored of the ride. There was no excitement, or exhilaration factor making the whole thing an enjoyable experience. Why in the world was this a must for dates?? Goodness, he couldn't imagine how bored Weedfly must be simply standing there.

The movements slow enough, Vio tossed his legs over on the other's side, smiling despite his disappointment simply because he was used to faking his emotions. In this case, it might be comical with his next words, "Are we allowed to simply hop off and leave? This is rather dull."

Enjoying the scenery at least, Weedfly seemed content at least as he held onto the bar. It helped that small children around him seemed to have fun, making it more fun for him at least as they went round and round. His mind did wander off, only coming back around when the ride started to slow and Vio spoke again.

“We have to wait for the ride to stop if you want to be safe, lots of spinny bits that will happily crush legs.” Which wasn't long of a wait at all. The ride stopped and Weed grabbed Vio’s hand to lead to the exit. Already knowing a better ride for the pair. He thought it was fun at least.

“Let’s try the spinning teacups, it has something to do at least.” As long as you didn’t look around aimlessly, it was fun. Otherwise you were bound to barf up whatever was in you. Vio seemed bored so maybe the pair of them spinning each other round and round would entertain him enough to get some laughs. Then they could go to the bigger rides, where screams could be heard from the fun the people were having.

Hopping down as his hand was grabbed, Vio was expecting to be let go of like how Rail would assist him in dismounting. Of course it was a pleasant surprise to continue the gesture as he was the one led off this time. He did look back for a moment to eye the carousel, wondering if it could really be considered dangerous if underestimated. With the playful music box symphony carrying through with fake, glittery jewels, he had his doubts, but trusted Weedfly's know-how about this place more than his own.

On their way through the crowd, he wasn't keen on another stumble, sticking close to his date. If he recalled correctly, this next ride had a recommendation of 'putting your all' into it, as the caption stated. It did look quite enjoyable in the pictures, but so had the merry go round. Thankfully the line wasn't nearly as long as the last. Much to his dismay however, they were stopped at the very front with a gate clicking into place as the first pick next round.

Not ideal, but before the ride could start, Vio turned to gently lean against the shaky metal gate, looking up at Weedfly with a grin. "No spoilers~" He explained without prompting, hearing the screes, but not looking back at what in the world had people kya-ing so happily.

Weaving them through the crowd was easier, now that they were inside and heading to a less ‘all age friendly’ sort of ride. To Weedfly at least, he did stand above most warpa’s and beings that chose a human-like height, though some still towered over him. Once to the front, when Vio turned to lean on the fencing, he did quirk a brow at the other. Their reasoning was... solid enough? Or at least solid enough he wasn’t going to question it verbally at Vio.

As the ride ended, screams of enjoyment heard very close by now as the noise of the contraption was mostly covered up but still heard for the slower turners, it was then their turn. People had to wobble off first, stumbling about as they headed to the gate but seemed to be grinning and smiling as some made their way back into the line to have another round of spinning themselves until their heads could take no more.

“Alrighty, Vio. Go pick one of the tea cups.” He let Vio go, letting him go so he could scramble for his favorite one as he followed leisurely behind.

Pleased not to be questioned, part of Vio was happy just to look up at Weedfly idly. He'd be lying if he said that the shrieks didn't make him a little nervous, but he also knew the rides weren't dangerous with the proper safety procedures followed. Wait, were they even told to do anything in particular on this ride? It did seem simple enough, especially once everyone was cleared off and they were finally let in.

Ah well, from what he recalled speed was key and being the first to pick, he was privy to one of the warm colored cups with small cat-like designs across the rim. His bias towards fluffy things had no effect on his choice whatsoever, despite the eye-catching, hot pink gem décor making the rest of it stand out like he normally avoided. Nope, not at all.

"It's perfect, hurry, hurry in~" Keeping the little door open for Weedfly, Vio was mildly skeptical of a ride with no seatbelts. Even if gravity was supposed to do the work, he didn't think he was so light as to be pushed around by its force.

Watching as Vio went right for a rather odd choice among them all, one of the ‘smaller’ teacups for groups of children, Weedfly did say he could pick any one. They of course still fit, but it did look off with the pair climbing into the teacup and making themself comfortable. The person in charge of the ride was explaining, but Weedfly had been on this ride many times before and just grabbed the disk that was in the center and summed up the idea of it to Vio.

“Just spin this thing when we start movin, you go really fast and it’s fun.” Demonstrating while it wasn’t really working, the teacup did spin a little but it was quite hard. “Usually I have the twins with me, but I'm sure we can get good speed.”

As Weedfly finished, the music started playing and Weedfly started them off with a big spin that sent them twirling as Vio joined in. They laughed and enjoyed the more interactive ride, round and round until the outside world beyond the teacup was just blurs of different colors.

Even though the ride was only a few minutes, it was a enjoyable one that didn’t seem too long or short. As the pair laughed, Weedly could only hope their trip would drag out too long and become too tiresome. Though, part of him recalled he didn’t really smoke before and could feel himself wearing down fast. His doubts were rising, but he could only continue hoping.

Catching a glimpse of the ferris wheel as they spun, he was going to suggest they head towards that once their fun was done, or maybe at the end of their fun day after a few more snacks and festival games that were scattered. It would be a relaxing end, though an idea did pop into his head due to all the romantic movies with cliche moments. It would be quite an ordeal if they got stuck at the top, and a shame as well. As quickly as the thought came though, it was gone, drowned out with Vio’s laughter as he put his all into spinning with Weedfly.