11.2 Magic Guild

Magic Guild

Leader: Salamandra

Motto: "Magic can be infinite, with so many forms that you can't even imagine. But what fun would it be to know them all?"

Specific positions:

Mage (Minimum level: Bronze): A member who is a scholar of all magic in general.

Sorcerer (Minimum level: Silver): Specialized member of a specific school of magic.

Geomancer (Minimum level: Gold): A member who specializes in magic that comes not from the Drakomis but from the planets of Drakokynesis.

Druid (Minimum level: Gold): A member who specializes in magic that comes not from the Drakomis but from the Nature of Drakokynesis.

Summoner (Minimum level: Gold): Member who specializes in spells that come not from the Drakomis but from the Creatures of Drakokynesis.

Soothsayer (Minimum level: Obsidian): A member who specializes in spells that deal with the afterlife, time and the unknown.

Drakomante (Minimum Level: Obsidian): A member who specializes in the Primordial Dragons and the Drakonic offspring of the Drakomis.

Basic equipment provided:




Jewel that will become Drakomi's familiar

Book of General Spells

What they do: Study, specialize, create and explore the 12 lines of Drakokynesis magic.

The environment: Passionate or curious about magic Drakomis in this guild tend to be curious and interested in the lore and lines of magic. It's not uncommon to have heated arguments between members about the lines and competitions for spell levels within the guild. Plus, of course, a phenomenal mess of scrolls, creatures and magical objects. The Drakomis in this guild tend to be very proud of their specialization and dedication to magic, a very important part of a Drakomi's life