11.8 Medicine

Medicine Guild

Leader: Lentiaesc

Motto: "Never forget, every life is precious, no matter to whom''

Specific positions:

Healer (Minimum level: Bronze): A member who has learned how to heal others.

Alchemist (Minimum level: Gold): A member who specializes in producing medicines, potions and other objects that can aid recovery.

Herbalist (Minimum level: Gold): Member specializing in the recovery of drakomis by 100% natural means of Drakokynesis.

Egg Caretaker (Minimum Level: Gold): Members who specialize in the childhood of Drakomis from the egg stage to adulthood.

Surgeon (Minimum level: Diamond): A member who specializes in direct medical operations on the bodies of high-risk Drakomis.

Psychics (Minimum Level: Diamond): Members who specialize in the minds of the Drakomis and their peculiarities.

Master Mystic (Minimum Level: Obsidian): Member specialized in healing advanced magical ailments.

Basic equipment provided:

Books about Medicine in Drakokynesis

Empty bottles

Base plants for making potions

What they do: Drakomis who are passionate about caring for the physical and mental well-being of others. They like to study and improve themselves to ensure that they are the best at removing illnesses from others. They tend to be very altruistic and dedicated, intelligent and studious.