The Hunters' Guild

"No limits to our acts, only our contracts."

Founded by and formed of bounty hunters and mercenaries, serving whoever pays most.

    Hunters (allegedly) hold no allegiance for no land, family nor government, only currency. However, they are regularly hired by governments and local militias, often with the job of erradicating villages, especially those where hybrids may live. In fact, many hunters have cheaper contracts for the simple reason of hunting being gratifying enough, although some more unfortunate folk may simply have turned to the business in desperate times of financial hardship. Those hunters often expect it to be a temporary gig so they may retake their previous course in life, but the Hunter's Guild proves to be far harder to leave than to enter.

    Hunters in general often employ the motif of sharp teeth in their outfits in one way or another as a tradition, though it's one mostly kept alive by coercion rather than passion itself, especially around newer hunters, who are often mockingly questioned "where's your teeth?" when they don't follow this long time custom.
    This tradition was likely originated by the hunters of old who removed the teeth off of prey (often while still alive, much to their sadistic pleasure) and worn them like jewelry. Following a ban on such behaviour due to stricter regulation on how the Guild's targets were to be not only eradicated, but completely erased from history as well, hunters began to fashion less literal "teeth" into their outfits as they do now.


Hunter's Guild Official Coat of Arms
Within the shield, a set of antlers with a hound skull like figure
above it are depicted, as the predator reigning over the prey.
Outside, the pair of mythical dragons represent competition within
the Guild, while the two lions symbolize how, even while each by its
own, hunters remain united over their bond of a common Guild.