
    The Banshou Agency of Secret Endeavors is a secret military organization focusing on operations involving sabotage, espionage and infiltration. With headquarters located in Century Lake, they often infiltrate the Qi'andu Empire, the oldest enemy nation to Banshou.
    As classic battlefield warfare fell out of grace with the installment of peacekeeping organizations such as the GST, the Banshou Empire has decided to capitalize on covert and psychological warfare as soon as possible, preying on cracks in the Qi'andu Empire, such as paranoia and lack of consistent military establishment. Since the founding of BASE, not only has Banshou managed to deter most advantages Qi'andu has acquired, but has allowed them to gain the upper hand on several occasions as well. Proving to be a wildly successful investment, the Banshou Empire is currently planning on installing bases of operations across other countries, and perhaps not limited to only those they hold authority over, such as Irishou ou Budishou.

base.pngPatch worn by BASE agents, serving as logo for the organization
Traditionally worn on their right shoulder sleeve.

    The Extraofficial Servicers Assisting BASE are a technically independent, but closely related organization dedicated to the aid of BASE agents during field operations. All ESAB agents are undercover operatives of Banshou origin who have successfully infiltrated not only Qi'andu territory, but the traditional citizen life itself. Specialized in cryptography and "cleaning" the dirty work left by BASE agents, they serve not only as aid, but as a failsafe to any of the agency's failures as well.
    ESAB, despite its close ties to BASE, was founded without even the Banshou Empire's knowledge, as they would deem its modus operandi far too risky to be put into effect.esab.png

Logo for ESAB, with patches used as an identification badge for agents.
Traditionally worn on the left inside of coats.