Global Trade Society

The Global Trade Society is a worldwide organization built entirely on the principles of commerce and preserving such.

   The GTS, despite being adored by a great deal of the public due to the great amount of propaganda announcing them as peacekeepers, keep such "peace" solely for the maintenance of commercial relationships and increase of statal profits, using methods such as suppressing rebelling groups through massacres and using of indoctrination to maintain any potential rebels in line.

   They are also responsible for regulating the global standard currency (Reyal) and the prices of commodities, but unbeknownst to even most merchants, they also "regulate" the market, preserving monopolies and oligarchies provided bribes are regularly paid for their sabotage services.

   Formerly known as the Saphra Colonization Pact, they were initially founded to prevent territorial conflicts between colonies and settlers, and also regulate the travel of exports and such goods. With the downfall of the Age of Colonies, they rebranded themselves as the Global Trade Society, quickly ensuring their authority over the world's new business model.


Sign for the global standard currency, the Reyal. It also is commonly used to represent the GTS in general.


The Global Trade Society's official logo.