Disclaimer: FFCC doesn't belong to me, but I use this little world for my fan story, my characters and many headcanons!

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FFCC's World

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by TRS


The world of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is a pretty precarious one, as it is fully covered by miasma, a poisonous gas that can kill many living beings in a few minutes when inhaled. People can only survive in a few places in the world: around crystals that repel miasma.

As such, a few villages and towns are scattered over the continent, their exchanges limited because of the difficulty to travel and the distance between them.

But the crystals' power isn't eternal. To keep protecting people from miasma, they need to be replenished once a year with myrrh drops. Those are found only on myrrh trees that grow in specific places around the world, and those places are occupied by monsters. 

Because of that, every village and town sends a group of adventurers who travel in caravans to gather those myrrh drops.

In my fan story, we follow the caravanners from Tipa village on their quest: Délia, Linitaa, Roy, Lylia, Weylin, Luu Kah and Ramsey.

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A few words about the general storyline:

The events unfold over six years. Tipa's caravan leaves the village at each beginning of the year. They come home whenever they have gathered three myrrh drops, the necessary amount to restore their crystal; that usually takes between three to six months depending on where they can find them.

Words about my characters' designs: you'll get to see different versions of them. For Years 1 and 2, I kept the original in-game design. Then they all get some new looks for Years 3 and 4, and then again for Years 5 and 6, so there's three versions of my characters.

Sometimes you can stumble across other outfits in my pics. They are either meant to be for post-game content, or just when the characters are home in Tipa and not traveling.

A few words about my headcanons: (just details for fun; not mandatory to follow the story)

  • Calendar

The first day of the year is the first day of spring. A year is 28 days x 12 months, thus 336 days. The story starts on year 988.

The months are the following, mostly randomly inspired by month names from old calendars:

1. Germa (spring)
2. Flora
3. Pampa
4. Terra (summer)
5. Ardera
6. Vendemia
7. Carmina (autumn)
8. Bruma
9. Frima
10. Glacius (winter)
11. Aqua
12. Ventus

(Spoiler: Year 0 of this calendar is the time when a meteorite crashed on the original unique crystal and miasma began to spread around the world. Officially, the story is set 2000 years after that, but I chose to have it about 1000 years after.)

  • The crystals
Their shield power against miasma slowly weakens over time, which is why they are replenished once a year. It doesn't mean the crystals suddenly stop working after one year has passed, but the safe area is progressively getting tighter, and may get too close to inhabited homes if the crystal's restoration is late. If more months go by without a restoration, then the crystal's power just ends up fading.

Tipa village restores its crystal on a definite date each year, the 1st day of the 10th month (beginning of winter).

If a crystal's power fades for good, the crystal eventually breaks down and disappears (such as in Tida village).

The amount of myrrh required to restore a crystal depends on its size. For instance, Alfitaria has a big crystal, and as such needs a bit more myrrh than Tipa.

  • Caravanners
They usually choose to enroll by themselves. In Tipa village, they go to Roland -the village's elder- for that, and then get to train and practice for battle during the next months, along with older caravanners who can teach them everything they need to know about the journey.

At the start of my story, Weylin has been a caravanner for 4 years already and she's the caravan's captain. Lylia has been a caravanner for 3 years, and Luu Kah and Ramsey for 2 years. Only Linitaa, Roy and Délia are new recruits.

  • Tipa
Tipa is bigger than what we can see in-game, but it's still a village, perched at the top of a cliff overhanging the ocean.

The climate is windy, and pretty warm most of the time, but they do have seasons.

Most of the inhabitants' activity goes into farming and growing food, and there's a few ranchs, but not overly so as it requires a lot of resources. They have some lands and orchards, some of which are outside of the safe area (plants do grow outside despite miasma). When needed, a few villagers go out with a crystal to harvest food; it's never too far from the village though.
The same applies for fishing. There's a water stream in the village, but it's not always enough, and in order not to overfish that place, people can go to other streams or rivers outside. On rare occasions, they can go down to the sea at the bottom of the village.

Other occupations in Tipa are millers, blacksmith, tailor, merchant and alchemist. I wanna add woodcutters and carpenters too, and a few docs. I guess that alchemists can also help for cures, being kind of potion makers if the need comes. A few inhabitants (mostly former caravanners) also possess Cure Rings, which adds more survival chance if diseases hit.

Tipa villagers are a pretty solid community and they work mainly as a barter economy.
Children are usually raised/educated by their own family, but sometimes, depending on the topic, they're also reunited in little groups and an adult or two take the role of teaching them specific stuff during that time. Different adults take turns in doing that.
People don't have family names as the total population is small.

There are four annual festivals in the village:
- The Earth's celebration (1st day of spring)
- The Sun festival (1st day of summer)
- The Rain festival (1st day of autumn)
- The Restoration of the Crystal (1st day of winter)

Wildlife isn't very abundant in Tipa's area because of miasma, but some can live in it. There's birds, fishes, some turtles, a few squirrels, various insects (quite necessary to grow food)... Papaopamus are raised, mostly to drag caravans outside of the village. A few cows and sheeps are raised too. Many different types of plants can grow, as they can live despite miasma.

  • Other villages and towns
All the others places are also bigger than what we officially have, though not in big proportions.
Alfitaria has four crystals instead of one in-game, and has two caravans to get all the myrrh needed.

I have a few more villages on the continent, with names taken from other FF for reference :) (Dali, Winhill, Kalm...)
Since Selkies have been living in Leuda for a few centuries (a desert area), I wanted them to have darker skin than in-game. It looks nice.

They're not villages, but sometimes there are places on the roads where little huts were built for caravanners to rest (in nicer conditions than just on the ground, in tents or in the caravan). In those places, there are also some plantations to help caravanners stock up on food while they travel. That idea comes from the fact that you can see little houses on some worldmap cutscenes, where no one is supposed to live.

  • Dungeons
I also have a few more dungeons (four of them), because of story requirements, and also because it's fun. There's one in a misty forest, one on the side of a mountain with a large view on a valley, one in a cave, one in the middle of plains.
Trivia: for "realistic" reasons, I imagined there's signs placed regularly on the road, especially at crossroads that can lead to dungeons/myrrh trees, where caravans write when they've been there. Myrrh trees need one year to produce myrrh again, so those signs tell the next caravans where not to go. Otherwise they'd go and reach myrrh trees for absolutely nothing, and they don't have that time to waste.

  • World
The map we know in-game isn't the whole world. People have maps on paper but they can guess they don't show all the existing places. That being said they are busy enough surviving in their limited spaces and with their limited resources.

I added some dungeons and villages in my story. Here's my version of the worldmap.
