II. MYO tickets & submission

What are MYO tickets?

MYO tickets allow you to create your own candle noodle, lumendra, or tortuvina (depending on the ticket type) with traits of the ticket rarity & below. Please keep your MYO ticket visible at all times, if it cannot be traced during processing it will be voided.

How to obtain a MYO ticket

1) MYO events - there will be at least one myo event per year! MYO events allow you to claim a common myo for free.

2) Trading between users (you must notify a mod here) - feel free to use the official trading hub or the trading channel in the discord server.

3) Species shops - MYO tickets can be bought in species shops for wisps (species currency) or deviantart points. Calista's Artifacts sells candle noodle MYOs (and trait changers), the SharkMart sells lumendra MYOs (and trait changers), and the Harpy's Haul sells tortuvina MYOs (and trait changers).

Things to keep in mind when creating your design!

1) Key characteristics - key characteristics for each of the species can be found under their species guide pages - each species' trait sheet and general info sheet can be found here.

2) Traits - each MYO ticket is assigned a rarity. Depending on the rarity, you will be able to use all traits of that rarity and below. ex: if you have a rare MYO, you may use any rare, unusual or common traits. Each species' trait sheet and general info sheet can be found here.

3) Restricted traits - if you would like your character to have restricted traits, make sure you own the appropriate restricted trait item. See all restricted traits here and a detailed guide on restricted traitshere.

4) MYO tickets do NOT expire, however we encourage you to use them before you forget!

MYO submission process

1) Character creation - read the section above before creating your design and uploading to Toyhouse!

2) Submission form - as all three of our species are closed species, you must submit your myo to design submissions for review. Please fill out everything, do not skip steps! Because MYO tickets are inventory items, you must know your treasury ID.

We will let you know if there is anything that needs to be fixed. If not, your character is official and you can use them to participate in owner-exclusive events!