Frequently asked questions

If your question has not been answered here, please ask in the help desk. Do NOT ask in the world comments.


I. MYOs and designs

II. Currency and species items

III. Activities and events

IV. Transactions

V. Misc.

Use control/command f to find specific categories

Terms and abbreviations

CS = closed species

MYO = make your own

CN = candle noodle, LM = lumendra, TR = tortuvina

TC = trait changer

RTS = restricted trait set, RTI = restricted trait item, RTP = restricted trait potion

Wisps = species currency


I. MYOs and designs

!! If you still have a character MYO ticket please read this bulletin and send it back !!

Q: How do you get a myo ?

A: All info is in this guide.

Q: How many traits do MYO tickets unlock ?

A: MYO tickets unlock all non-restricted traits of their rarity AND BELOW. This means a legendary MYO ticket unlocks all traits on the trait sheet.

Q: Are MYO tickets tradeable ? 

A: Yes! Resellable, tradeable, and giftable.

Q: Do MYO tickets expire ?

A: Nope

Q: Can I make an alternate species form of an existing character ?

A: Yes but they must have a clear reference for the masterlist and a separate TH profile (or a tab that allows them to be added to the species world separately). The non-Faia form will not be able to participate in the ARPG.

Q: Can I make my species character an alternate form ?

A: Similarly yes, they just have to have a separate TH profile (or a tab that allows them to be added to the species world separately) and the alternate form will not be able to participate in the ARPG.

Q: Can I buy customs / character from other people for USD / art / etc. ? 

A: Yes, we don't control any trading

Q: Where can I find my character's traits?

A: On the left sidebar there is a page folder called Species Information. Each species' deviantart masterlist link is listed in their page, and you can find all of their information in their individual masterlist entry

II. Currency and species items

Q: Where do I see my wisps and items ?

A: See the treasury directory.

Q: If I own a restricted trait potion does that mean I can only use one trait from the set or can I use all of them ?

A: You can use one trait from the set for each potion you have. Charms allow you to use any / all traits from the set.

Q: What is the difference between trait changers and specific trait changers ?

A: Trait changers can change any trait from any trait category. However, specific trait changers are limited to specific trait categories, for example flame runes (candle noodle specific trait changer) can only alter flame traits.

Q: How do trait changer rarities work ?

A: The rarity of the trait changer determines what rarity (or below) the new trait can be. Changed traits can only be replaced with another trait from that same trait category. 

Q: How do I earn wisps ?

A: All info is in this guide.

Q: Can I trade ... for USD / non-species characters / art ?

A: Yes, I don't control any trading

III. Activities and events

Q: How often are MYO events hosted ?

A: Brief annual MYO events are hosted for every species! See the event schedule for more information.

Q: Is the exploration cooldown per person or per character?

A: Per person

Q: How many affinites can a character have?

A: One as of now!

IV. Transactions

Q: I'm going to sell my character / myo / item / wisps, is there anything I need to know ?

A: Yes! You must go to transaction approvals for me to update the ML or treasury.

V. Misc.

Q: Is there a discord server ?

A: We do! Invite link

Q: Do I need to be in the discord server to participate in the ARPG ?

A: No, but you will miss some announcements!

Q: Do I need to re-register to the treasury if I came from the old species worlds ?

A: Nope, the treasury stays the same.

Q: How do I become a GA (guest artist) ?

A: All information is located in the applications thread! Applications open every month.