TOS and Voiding


I. General ARPG rules

II. Artwork rules

III. Resale rules

IV. Voiding characters


I. General ARPG rules

1. You must be at least 13 years old to join the ARPG. If you are found to be under 13 years of age, you will be kicked and you may rejoin once you are 13. Attempting to rejoin before turning 13 will result in a ban.

2. Absolutely no harrassment, bullying, guilt tripping, racism, homophobia, sexism, pedophelia, or ostracization of any kind. Keep this ARPG a positive and safe space! Any form of misconduct will result in a warning from mods, which can eventually lead to a suspension or ban.

3. Violent threats of any kind, both directly or indirectly, are not allowed.

3. Although we are open to suggestions and constructive criticism, they should not feel hostile. Do not push for major changes to the rules and system of the ARPG. We will always give explanations to rejected suggestions unless they feel excessively aggressive or guilt-trippy. Additionally, do not argue with mods over rejected design or prompt submissions.

4. Scamming is absolutely prohibited. This applies to trades involving both ARPG items and characters.

5. While it's fine to make characters similar to the species in the ARPG, those characters cannot participate in the ARPG or be claimed as the closed species. Knowingly creating an off-brand and selling it as one of our closed species falls into the category of scamming and will result in a ban. Creating off-brand designs with malicious intention / as a form as harassment towards the owner and/or mods will also result in a ban.

6. Do not ask questions anywhere but the help desk thread or discord questions channel. Do not answer questions in the help desk unless you are a mod, to avoid misinformation.

7. Do not spam ping mods, or anyone in general.

8. This is a family-friendly ARPG. No NSFW, ever. Prohibited topics for prompt submissions include sexual themes, abuse, self harm, and extreme gore (your character can have these kinds of themes in their lore, but extremely dark themes like these cannot be brought into the ARPG or its art prompts). Swearing is alright as long as its not excessive; however, slurs are prohibited even if you can reclaim them.

Breaking any of the above rules will result in a warning, suspension, or ban depending on the action and past actions. Everything is handled case-by-case and discussed among the owner and mods. Bans are only given when there is sufficient proof and multiple misconducts. 

Suspended users will not be allowed to participate in the ARPG for a set amount of time. A clear date for the end of the suspension will be given. Suspended users can draw their ARPG characters during their suspension, but must wait until its over to submit the art. Missed events cannot be made up.

Banned users will be kicked from the TH world and discord server. Banned users can keep any existing characters but cannot obtain more or attempt to obtain more (this includes entering in F2E raffles). If this does happen, the newly obtained character will be revoked without compensation, and returned to the previous owner or kept for a future official raffle. Depending on the circumstances, the user may or may not be given a few weeks to empty their inventory for artwork / trades.

II. Artwork rules

1. All submitted art (not including character / spirit / staff designs) prompts must be completely drawn by you. You can get help from other people to a reasonable degree. Using AI to design characters or draw art prompts is strictly prohibited and will result in a suspension or ban.

2. Backgrounds, sketches, linework (this includes bases, even if the base is made by you), etc. cannot be reused between prompts.

3. Do not trace or heavily reference others' designs or artwork. Colorpicking existing ARPG characters to make extremely similar characters is not allowed.

4. Do not create characters that are heavily based on other ARPG characters or existing fandom characters.

4. If submitting artwork with sensitive content, spoiler and TW it for the mod. This includes minor gore and common phobias.

5. You may not draw prompts using others' characters unless otherwise specified. 

III. Resale rules

1. Co-owning is not allowed. Only one owner will be listed on the masterlist, and the owner listed is the only user able to use that character in the ARPG.

2. Characters can only be resold if they were purchased with money, and they cannot be sold for more than their worth. The worth of the MYO ticket does not factor into the worth of the character.

3. Items cannot be resold for real currency. Trait-changing items do not add worth to a character unless they were purchased with real currency. Artwork commissioned for wisps or items does not add worth to a character.

4. Vouchers count as reselling; so, non-resalable characters also cannot be vouchered.

IV. Voiding characters

Voided characters cannot be returned to the ARPG without the necessary MYO and trait items. To void a character, contact spectralswan with the form below. You must be the current owner of the character as well as be listed on the masterlist as the current owner. If you are not listed as owner on the masterlist, please go to transaction approvals first.

I have read the information and would like to void this character:


Link to TH profile:

Link to deviantart masterlist entry:

Reason for voiding (optional, ommit this section if you'd like):