Event schedule

Event schedule

Frost Season: December - February

Bloom Season: March - May

Bay Season: June - August

Harvest Season: September - November

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1. January


2. February

Ruptour anniversary MYO event. 2/14 - 2/20

Activities: free ruptour MYO event

3. March

Bloom festival. 3/1 - 3/14

Bloom Season is finally here, and Faians across the realm are excited to celebrate! The return of Faia's vibrant flora marks the end of the hard times. Hibernating critters are emerging from their burrows, and everyone is rushing out towards the meadows to collect flowers.

The Bloom Festival celebrates the arrival of Bloom season through various flora and plant themed activities. Decorations of all kinds are distributed throughout every community, and villages from different islands will even send each other free shipments of flowers! The culmination of the Bloom Festival leaves every Faian village vibrant and littered with flower petals.

Activities: limited time items and pets, raffle, restricted trait set

4. April

Cometfall. 4/1 - 4/14

Although comets fall year round on Kal, the frequency significantly increases during the week of Cometfall. At first, Faians of Kal saw it as an enormous inconvenience. Anything the comets hit had a chance of being damaged, and many buildings have been rebuilt time and time again.

However, over the years, their experience with comet damage made Kalean builders some of the best in Faia. With a combination of magic and pure skill, their buildings became strong enough to withstand even the most vicious of comet showers. Their attitude towards the week of Cometfall changed as well. They no longer saw it as a problem, but as proof of their evolution. During the week, youngsters will collect as many comet shards as possible to turn in for rewards. Cometfall has now become a popular annual event in Kal, celebrating Kalean strength. 

Activities: scavenger hunt, limited time items and pets, raffle, restricted trait set

5. May


6. June

Lumendra anniversary MYO event. 6/1 - 6/7

Activities: free lumendra MYO event

7. July


8. August

Tortuvina anniversary MYO event. 8/1 - 8/7

Activities: free tortuvina MYO event

Rite of the Reef. 8/12 - 8/25

Lylluna Reef is considered to be the heart of Faia. The islands are rich in resources and magic, and have long since been the driving force of the Lightbringers' success. In the Rite of the Reef, Faians from all over the realm visit to pay their respects. Most come with their lantern prepared, but some choose to craft it with the materials they find in the reef or even purchase one that catches their fancy. Each night of the Rite, Faians gather by the shores and light their lantern, then release it into the current. The lantern symbolizes the progress that the Lightbringers have made and the land thats left to explore. It is said that if your lantern ever returns to you, you are destined to do great things.

Activities: limited time items and pets, raffle, restricted trait set

9. September


10. October

Eeriels' Ballade. 10/18 - 10/31

Each year, the eeriels pass through the Lylluna reef as part of their migratory journey. Their arrival never fails to arouse excitement, especially within Yfalos. With sprawling territory throughout the center ring of the Lylluna Reef depths, the aquatic candle noodle clan Yfalos rarely makes contact with the rest of the Reef. They only open their gates once a year during the eeriel migration, which they call the Eeriels' Ballade.

 Yfalos' legends indicate that eeriels have a link to the underworld and the spirits living there. With enough love, trust, and music (which the eeriels seem to love) it is possible to befriend an eeriel and even see a lost loved one. Feeling it unethical to keep the eeriels to themselves, the clan tolerates outsiders during the Ballade. It doesn't take long before the eeriels move on from the Lylluna reef and continue their migration to avoid the frost. Many take this opportunity to visit Yfalos and its majestic underwater sanctuary.

Activities: limited time items and pets, raffle, restricted trait set

Candle noodle anniversary MYO event. 10/31 - 11/6

Activities: free candle noodle MYO event

11. November

The Celestial Cornucopia. 11/16 - 11/29

Frost season is approaching, and it won't be long before the fog completely covers the night sky. As the last harvests of the year roll in, each village prepares their own midnight feast to cherish the beauty of the Great Nebula as well as the final days of a successful harvest season. A massive bonfire is lit in each village, many villages even using magic to change the fire's appearance. One of the most famous bonfires in Faian history is Aylsera's second bonfire, with a towering phoenix that slowly changed color throughout the night. Rare and luxurious foods are brought out (many that have likely been saved for months), and each village's annual feast somehow always outdoes the last.

The Celestial Cornucopia is one of the most jovial events of the year, as it gives creatures across the realm the opportunity to be completely relaxed and carefree for a night. Telescopes and blankets are set out for stargazers, typically away from the bonfire for a clearer view of the sky. Everyone silently watches as the Great Nebula slowly drifts away as fog takes over.

Activities: advent calendar, limited time items and pets, raffle, restricted trait set

12. December

Frost festival. 12/12 - 12/25

With the arrival of Frost season, a shimmering fog and blanket of frost cover the land. Although it is a difficult season for Faians, the reflective nature of the fog helps destroy any remaining bits of wither within explored areas. The frost also gives farming soil the necessary minerals to ensure another year of successful harvests. 

The Frost Festival was created as a way to boost morale during a time of hardship. There are many traditions that come with the festival, the most popular being exchanging gifts. This tradition is completely optional, but the majority of Faians participate anyways. The Frost Festival lasts an entire week, and on the final night each village hosts their own firework show. During especially foggy nights, the fireworks seem to multiply in the sky as their light is reflected back and forth. 

Activities: secret santa, limited time items and pets, raffle, restricted trait set