VII. Events and flash events

I. Events

What are events?

Events are fun, annual Faia-wide celebrations hosted almost monthly (see event schedule)! They are all one week long (with one exception) and always feature a limited time restricted trait set and companion critters (unless they are MYO events). Most are also FTO friendly, so you won't need a character to participate.

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Event types and rewards

1) Festivals and celebrations - These events occur almost monthly, and always feature an activity, a limited time restricted trait set, limited time companion critters, and event quests. They often fluctuate, but an updated list can always be found in the event schedule.

2) MYO events - during MYO events, anyone and everyone can claim a free common MYO ticket (see MYO ticket guide) for the species that is being hosted. There are currently four MYO events (each hosted on the species' launch anniversary): Candle noodles in October, Lumendras in June, Tortuvinas in August, and Ruptours in February.


II. Flash events

What are flash events?

Flash events are unscheduled, surprise events that typically last for 48 hours. They are meant to be quick, thus making the rewards they come with rare and harder to obtain.

Flash events always feature a limited time restricted trait set. Unlike regular events, flash events are not annual and rarely repeat. Limited time items can be obtained from the event's quests, OR they can also be bought from Elmyra's Trading Post.