VI. Activities


I. Quests and art prompts

II. Adventurer's Guild

III. Affinities


I. Quests and art prompts


Both quests and art prompts involve drawing species characters to earn rewards (see guide on species currency). There are a couple different types of prompts:

1) Gift art - drawing gift art of other peoples' characters is always an option to earn wisps. Gift art is the most flexible type of art prompt, because the size of the art you draw is completely up to you (although rewards will vary based on complexity)

2) Kelp coin prompts - these unique prompts are always open, and unlike gift art for wisps you are allowed to draw your own character. Each prompt yields 1 kelp coin.

3) Quests - coming soon!

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How do I participate?

You can participate simply by drawing! Many prompts are designed to be fun or to develop your character's personality and backstory. Although we don't recommend pumping out pieces / farming, art prompts are the best way to earn wisps (and the only way for kelp coins).

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1) Gift art - wisps

2) Kelp coin prompts - kelp coins

II. Adventurer's Guild


The Adventurer's Guild is where almost all of Faia's expedition parties meet and set out from. There are two types of expeditions you can join:

1) Standard locations - these 11 locations are always open. Rewards and requirements for each vary.

2) Special locations - special locations are only open during events (both regular and flash, see guide on events). Rewards vary depending on the event, but will always include the event's limited time restricted trait items and/or companion critters.

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How do I participate?

To join an expedition, you will need to own a Faian (candle noodle, lumendra, or tortuvina) character and be registered to the treasury.  Expeditions are free of charge, and all you have to do is fill out the form given on the thread. However, there is always a universal one-week cooldown period from your last expedition (regardless of the character used). This means you may only join one expedition per week, unless you use a priority pass

Priority passes can be used to skip the one-week cooldown period! They can sometimes be found in the wild or received as a reward, but most are bought directly from the guild. They do not expire, and you may use a priority pass to bypass the cooldown whenever you'd like. However, your next free expedition still comes a week after your last expedition, which in this case is whenever you used your priority pass.

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1) Standard locations - affinity totems, affinity fragments, MYO tickets, companion critters, trait changers

2) Special locations - restricted trait items, limited time companion critters, misc. depending on the event

III. Affinities


Affinities are the magical houses of Faia. Your character's affinity can be activated through affinity totems (or fragments, which can be pieced together in the workshop) and activated in the workshop. There are four affinites: arcane, beast, divine and fae. 

Affinity totems can be obtained through the following methods:

1) Expeditions - both affinity totems and affinity fragments can be found in standard locations as rare drops. Specific affinity items can be found in specific locations, read carefully!

2) Affinity workshop - in addition to activating affinities and piecing together fragments, you can also just purchase affinity items in the workshop! Each month three fragments of each affinity are available for purchase, as well as two random totems. Note that the workshop does not accept wisps as payment!

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Mage's Academy

Once your character has activated their affinity, they are eligible to enroll in the Mage's Academy! The Mage's Academy is a series of art prompts that increase your character's affinity power (with each rank) and allow them to obtain their staff and greater affinity spirit. A more in depth guide can be found here.

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Once your character has activated their affinity, they are eligible to participate in raids!

Raids are similar to community boss fight. A raid boss will be announced, and those with eligible characters may contribute to raise the community's cumulative power. Depending on the final cumulative power and reward tier reached, upon defeating the raid boss all participants receive rewards such as  restricted trait items, pets, wisps, and even the raid boss themself as a character! The raid boss always has a full restricted trait set.

To join (you may only join with one character), simply draw your character participating in the raid and comment in the thread with your character in IC, your character's affinity ID, a link to your artwork and your treasury ID. Everyone always earns rewards.

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Raid rewards

Rewards include: the raid boss as a character, restricted trait items, wisps

Raids work similar to a raffle. For every 1 point of power your character contributes, you receive one "raffle ticket". Everyone's tickets are put into a random generator. The first user drawn receives the raid boss as the character (tier I prize), the next few (amount depends on reward tier reached) receive restricted trait items and wisps

To increase your chances of performing better (and winning better rewards) in raids, you can do the following:

1) Train - to maximize the amount of "raffle tickets" (power contribution) you are able to get during raids, you can increase your character's power through affinity training prompts to a maximum of 5.

2) Affinity strengths and weaknesses - keep in mind the raid boss also has an affinity! Arcane > fae > beast > divine > arcane. Keep these affinity advantages in mind when choosing which character to join with.

3) Remember, everyone wins in the end - the most important part is to raise cumulative power. This is because as cumulative power raises, the reward tier also advances. Higher reward tiers mean better rewards for everyone!

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Affinity advantages

Depending on the affinity of the raid boss, using certain affinities can give you an edge.

Arcane is strong against Fae and weak to Divine.

Beast is strong against Divine and weak to Fae.

Fae is strong against Beast and weak to Arcane.

Divine is strong against Arcane and weak Beast.

Arcane > Fae > Beast > Divine > Arcane