IV. Earning species currencies

Treasury directory

I. Wisps

What are wisps?

Wisps are the species currency of Faia! The conversion rate is 100 wisps = 100 deviantart points = $1 USD. 

To earn wisps (or any other species items), you must be signed up to the treasury.

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How to earn wisps

1) Art prompts and quests - wisps can be earned by drawing art of others' characters through the gift art event (always open) or even your own characters through quests (coming soon)!

2) Events - events are often hosted for holidays, and prizes typically incude wisps, items, companion critters and more. All events will be announced in bulletins. Some are owner-exclusive and some are FTO friendly!

3) Affinity raids - raids are owner-exclusive events that happen every few months. A full guide can be found here. All participants earn wisps depending on the reward tier reached.

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Where to spend wisps

1) Species shops - take a stroll through Sowara Plaza! Faia's species shops sell MYO tickets, trait changers, companion critters, restricted trait items and more. All shops take wisps as well as deviantart points (as well as USD in some cases). To quickly see which shop sells what, visit the shop directory

2) Priority passes - if you don't want to wait a week for your next expedition to open up, you can purchase priority passes (using wisps or deviantart points) and explore immediately! These are very useful during limited time events.

3) Trading between users - you're always welcome to trade wisps between users (feel free to use the member trading center or channels in the discord server to do so). Just make sure you let us know in transaction approvals so we can update the treasury!


II. Kelp coins


What are kelp coins?

Kelp coins are the premium currency of Faia! The conversion rate is 1 kelp coin = 100 wisps = 100 deviantart points = $1 USD.

To earn kelp coins (or any other species items), you must be signed up to the treasury.

Kelp coins are believed to be the currency used by an ancient Faian civilization (which eventually was wiped out by the Wither). Countless researchers and scholars have dedicated themselves to uncovering as much as possible about this civilization. Their coins were named "kelp coins" because they were often found in kelp-woven pouches, and are collected by many for research or aesthetic purposes.

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How to earn kelp coins

1) Kelp coin art prompts - these unique prompts are always open, and unlike gift art for wisps you are allowed to draw your own character. Each prompt yields 1 kelp coin.

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Where to spend kelp coins

1) Elmyra's trading post - Elmyra is always looking to add more kelp coins to her collection. In return, her shop offers potions (can be used to access rare restricted traits - see guide here) as well as flash event items will the event is live!

2) Affinity workshop - fragment & totem shop - although affinity fragments and totems can be found through expeditions as rare drops, they are also available in the workshop to purchase! Affinity items grant characters an affinity, which is required for raid participation. See the full guide here.